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Fox was rather too harfhly delineated.-Was it not too feverely faid, that he had not the leaft notion of, or regard for, the public good or the conftitution, but defpifed those cares as the objects of narrow minds, or the pretences of interested ones?" We hope this will not apply to any living character, of confequence to our national welfare!Of Mr. Pitt's advantageous portrait, as here oppofed to that of Mr. Henry Fox, we need fay nothing, having already exhibited it to our readers at full length. See the note above referred


The ingenious letter-writer follows up Lord Chesterfield's exhibition with his own more ample portraiture of thofe two celebrated characters; and he appears to have been well acquainted with the originals, or, at leaft, fufficiently informed, with refpect both to their private views and their public conduct. His investigations, accordingly, feem to have more depth than is ufual with the ordinary run of our political fpeculations; and we prefume to add, that his details perfectly accord with our own recollection of what passed in the times of which he here takes an accurate review.

Having gone very circumftantially through the characters of the PITT and the Fox of former days, and contrafted them in the moft ftriking light, he modeftly obferves, addreffing himself to his correfpondent, I do not pretend that mine is the hand to paint them in the ftrength of colouring, with which fuch eminent perfons ought to be finished. I can only fketch in crayons. You, Sir, will be able, if you chufe to retouch your Two PAIR OF PORTRAITS, to exhibit to the world, bold yet just representation. I now país to the two fons of thofe exalted perfons.'-Accordingly, he enters on a curious, entertaining, and perhaps not unuseful difplay of the character and conduct, public and private, of the PITT and the Fox of the prefent day. The fons,' he obferves, ftand in the fame relation to each other, as their fathers did at the breaking out of the French war in 1756. We fhall fee them, befides, in the fame relation to their country, both high in office; both competitors; and of course adverfe to each other. How much they retain of their refpective fathers, and what they have added, will be matter of curiofity; but it will be fomething more than curiofity. Two fuch portraits, given at length, will inform the people of England what they are to expect, fhould Mr. Pitt be permitted to continue in that high station which he has filled for five years paft; or, on the other hand, fhould Mr. Fox, in a time of public calamity, rife once more to power. If he does, noftrâ miferia magnus es!'

The conclufion of the foregoing paragraph will fufficiently intimate to our readers in what degree Mr. Horne Tooke's correfpondent ftands affected to the colours of " blue and buff."-He proceeds in his investigation of the political manoeuvres and changes of the times; which he traces down to the prefent day; interfperfing his details, anecdotes, and remarks, with fhrewd glances at feveral characters, beside thofe already mentioned; particularly that of Mr. Sheridan, on whom he is pointedly fevere. He also takes occafion to difcufs the two celebrated India bills, and totally condemns that of Mr. Fox, as highly inimical to the privileges of the great chartered company, as well as to our general, national, and conftitutional



rights. Toward his conclufion, he takes leave of his correfpondent in the following terms: I have now, Mr. Tooke, fubmitted to your confideration the hints that occurred to me towards the completion of your Two PAIR OF PORTRAITS. There is abundant matter' [indeed there is!] for the enlargement of your plan.-I flatter myself, that in the mifcellaneous manner of this epiftle, I have touched fome points worthy of your notice. To spread

your canvass wider is a duty which you owe your country; and let me add, that as new actors are every day producing themselves on the great theatre of national bufinefs, it will be a further fervice to mankind if you will give their portraits as faft as they rife.'

Mr. Tooke will certainly do well to avail himself of the affistance of fo able a coadjutor,-if he has any thoughts of carrying on the bufinefs of literary portrait-painting.

Art. 29.
A Letter from a Country Gentleman, to a Member of Par-
liament, on the prefent State of Public Affairs. 8vo. pp. 75. 2s.
Walter, Piccadilly.


It is impoffible for an impartial and difcerning reader, to peruse this letter, without yielding to its very fenfible author, a high degree of approbation. His remarks on the paffing fcene of things in this country,' and on the views of the contending parties who figure on the great political theatre, are ferious, folid, and acute; and his characters of the diftinguished perfons mentioned in the note below, are drawn not only with the utmoft force and freedom of expreffion, but, we are afraid, with too much truth of colouring. We repeat, that we are afraid, because (we are forry to add) the whole tenor of his obfervations ftrongly militates againft the principles and conduct of the leaders of that party, lately diftinguifhed by the name of THE PRINCE'S FRIENDS; but who, in the estimation of this writer, are not, in reality, entitled to that denomination.-As to the political merits of this well-written tract, we enter not into the question; but we cannot refuse our tribute of praise to the author of a very mafterly compofition.

Art 30. The prefent National Embarrament confidered; containing a Sketch of the Political Situation of the Heir Apparent, and of the legal Claims of the Parliament now affembled at Westminfter. 8vo. pp. 68. Is. 6d. Hookham, &c.

The author, who appears, from his manner of treating the subject, to be a lawyer, with his head full of Westminster-hall quibbles, and intricate problems, fets out with flating,

I. That the King's prefent fituation, that is to fay, his political fituation, has not been confidered in the propereft light.

II. The legal claims of the Heir Apparent have been misreprefented.

III. The legal fituation and claims of the parliament, at the prefent juncture, have alfo been mif- ftated.

The Dukes of Norfolk, Portland, and Northumberland; the houses of Devonshire and Ruffel; the Lords Thurlow, Loughborough, and North; Mr. Pitt, Mr. Fox, Mr. Burke, Mr. Sheridan, Mrs. Fitzherbert, and his Royal Highnefs THE PRINCE OF WALES.


For the author's manner of reafoning on thefe knotty points, we must refer to the pamphlet: in which are many fhrewd remarks, and fubtle conclufions, new, fingular, and perplexing enough to fet the whole nation together by the ears.

Art. 31. Authentic Specimens of all the Addreffes that have been, and all that will be, prefented to the Right Honourable William Pitt, and the virtuous and uncorrupted Majorities in both Houíes of Parliament, &c. 8vo. pp. 102. 2s. 6d. Ridgway.

This pamphlet confifts chiefly of fecret inftructions for manufactured addreffes, with a few fpecimens, in pretended cabinet converfations between Mr. Pitt, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Wilberforce, Bishop of Lincoln, &c. The author writes well; but he is too fevere on the above-mentioned characters, and too liberal of his fneers at other individuals.

Time alone can fhew whether there be any juftice in his opinions of Mr. Pitt and his coadjutors, and their measures.

We fufpect that the author of this pamphlet is the fame genius who at once entertained and offended us by the Royal Recollections. See Rev. for Nov. laft, p. 468. G. 2.

Art. 32. A Collection of Addreffes and Letters, that have been fent, or may be fent to the Right Hon. Chancellor of the

Exchequer, &c. 8vo. 25. Stalker.

Through the medium of various ill fabricated letters to Mr. Pitt, this author execrates that minifter and his measures, and rejoices at his fuppofed downfall. Do

Art. 33. A Letter written by his R. H the P. of Wales, in Anfwer to Mr. Pitt's Letter, which contained the Limitations, &c. 8vo. 6d. Ridgway.

For reafons best known to himself, the editor of this pamphlet has fuppreffed Mr. Pitt's letter; while, in his preface, he loudly declaims in favour of the Prince, and of his anfwer. If, as a compofition, the royal reply deferves praife, how much belongs to his Highnels, as the compofer of it, we cannot determine :-Suffice it to fay, that this copy appears to be incorrect in many places. D

Art. 34.

An authentic Cofy of Mr. Pitt's Letter to his R. H. the P. of Wales, with his Anfwer. 8vo. 6d. Stockdale. This copy feems to be drawn from the fame fource with the foregoing, as it has the fame apparent errors and imperfections. The advertisement of it taught us to expect fome conftitutional remarks,' by the Editor, but for delicate reafons,' he has poftponed them till the next edition.


Art. 35. Authentic Copies of Mr. Pitt's Letter to his R. H. the P. of Wales, and of his R. H.'s Reply. 4to. 6d. Becket, &c. This edition of thefe celebrated letters differs, in feveral inftances, from each of the preceding; and, as far as we can judge, they are here given in a really authentic and accurate ftate. Do Art. 36. An Addrefs to his R. H. the Prince of Wales, on the Report of his Intention to refufe the Regency. By a Member of Parliament, &c. To which are added Mr. Pitt's Letter to the Prince, and his R. H.'s Anfwer. 8vo. 19. 6d. Kearsley. After affecting to condemn, in the ftrongest terms, the Minifter's views and measures, with refpect to the much controverted reftric

tions, the author concludes with advifing his R. H. to accept the proffered terms, rather than leave all the power in the hands of Mr. Pitt. But there is an appearance of littleness and infidious cunning in the arguments of this pretended M. P. fuch as, we troft, could never have influenced the mind of his Royal Highness had they been offered to his confideration.

With refpect to the copies of the Prince's and Mr. P.'s letters, here annexed, they are not more correct than the first two, above noticed.

Art. 37. Strictures on the Prince of Wales's Letter to Mr. Pitt. In a Letter addreffed to his Royal Highnefs. By Candour. 8vo. pp. 28. Is. Stalker, &c.

CANDOUR Confiders his Royal Highness's letter to Mr. Pitt as imprudent and impolitic, with refpect to the writing, and unprincely, in regard to its publication. The writer's expoftulation with his Highness on this subject, is earnest, but decent, and fenfible.

Art. 38. The Question folved: or the Right of the Prince of Wales, to be fole, unlimited, and immediate Regent, demonftrated, from the Nature of the Conftitution, and the Law of the Land. 8vo. pp. 56. 1s. 6d. Edinburgh. Printed for Elliot and Kay, London.

What are political demonftrations? In mathematics, demonftration generally determines the propofition; but here is a queftion demonftrated at Edinburgh, which at Westminster has been refolved in a way diametrically oppofite! but fuch differences must always be expected, when demonftrations are put to the vote.

Art. 39. 1. A Letter from an Irish Gentleman in London, to the People of Ireland, on the Limitation of the Regency. 8vo. pp. 38. 15. Debrett.

Art. 40. II. A fecond Letter, from the Same to the Same. 8vo. pp. 62. 1s. 6d. Debrett.

The writer, apprehending that the lords and commons of Ireland will be called on to adopt the refolutions of the British parliament, relative to the appointment of a Regency, endeavours to animate them with a fpirit of oppofition to the reftrictions; contending, that the P. of W. ought to be invefted with the full prerogatives of the crown, with all its attributes and authorities.-He writes with fpirit and plaufibility, if he does not argue conclufively and his clothes are blue and buff of the deepeft dye. It fhould feem that our good fifter, Hibernia, hath taken the hint, and followed the author's advice.

Art. 41. Copy of a Declaration of Articles fubfcribed by the Members of Administration, and now propofed for Subfcription to the Counties and Bodies Corporate of Great Britain. 8vo. pp. 27. 1s. Debrett.

An ironical attack on Mr. Pitt, and his administration. The irony of this little fquib is not contemptible; and where a man of parts is eagerly exercifing his wit in the use of this pleafant figure, candour and liberality of fentiment are feldom, much attended to. REV. Feb. 1789.


Art. 42. A Letter to the most infolent Man alive. 4to. pp. 31. Is. 6d. Kearsley.

The minifter is the character aimed at in this party pafquinade; the lively author of which poffeffes abilities that ought to be more liberally employed. The "infolence" in the title-page, is a fair fpecimen of the whole.

Art. 43. A Copy of the Speech which it is now faid will be delivered by his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, to both Houses of Parliament, on his first Appearance in the House of Lords as Regent. pp. 10. 4to. 6d. Walter in Piccadilly.

Well imagined, and very well written; though the author could have had no expectation that any thing like it would have been. adopted for he makes the Prince defert the party to which, it is generally fuppofed, he has long adhered. Among other unexpected things, the regent, here, declares his refolution to continue the prefent ministry.

Art. 44. Letters to a Prince, from a Man of Kent. 8vo. pp. 59. Is. 6d. Richardfon.

The man of Kent offers much good counsel to the P. of Wales, on the fuppofition of his fpeedily entering on the office of regent. He addrefles his R. H. with great earnestnefs and freedom, but with no impropriety of language. He is a warm friend to Mr. Pitt, whom he confiders as the most popular man in the kingdom.' After obferving this, it is fcarcely neceffary for us to add, that he ftrongly recommends the detention of fo able and fortunate a minifter.-Abtracted, however, from the immediate political aim of the letters, it would be injuftice to difmifs them without acknowleging their merit, as containing an ufeful compendium of excellent moral and prudential advice to a young prince; on which ground, we think they cannot be too much commended.

Art. 45. A Vindication of the Proceedings of the Lords and Commons, upon the Regency: in which the Right is explained according to the Conftitution, as deduced from the Time of the Saxons down to the prefent. With Proofs that the late Protests are founded in Error: and that an Addrefs to any Perfon to accept the Regency would have defeated the End intended to be obtained; be an Infringement of the Rights of the People; an Offence to Majefty; and an Indignity in the Lords and Commons. By M. Dawes, Efq. of the Inner Temple. 8vo. pp. 45. 1s. Whieldon. 1789.

The copious title fufficiently explains the fubject, and the author's purpofe. He dedicates his work to Mr. Pitt, to whom he pays fome handfome compliments, founded on his apprehenfion that the minifter's conduct on the prefent event in politics, hath been uniform, and confiftent with our conftitution, the law of the realm, and the ufage of our country: which' [he adds] entitles you to the thanks of all good and unprejudiced fubjects.' Mr. D. has taken confiderable pains, and manifefted good judgment, in the execution of his defign, in this vindication of the late parliamentary proceedings on the-regency butinefs.

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