Abbildungen der Seite

of a new administration as first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer. Lord Thurlow was appointed high chancellor: lord Howe first lord of the admiralty: lord Gower president of the council: the duke of Rutland privy seal: the marquis of Carmarthen and lord Sidney secretaries: the earl of Salisbury chamberlain and the duke of Chandois steward of the household: the duke of Richmond master of the ordnance: W. W. Grenville paymaster: H. Dundas treasurer of the navy and lord Mulgrave secretary at war.

In the month of june the earl of Northington succeeded the earl of Temple in the government of Ireland.

(1784.) In january, sir G. Yonge was made secretary at war, and in april W. W. Grenville and lord Mulgrave were made joint paymasters.— In august earl Courtown was made treasurer of the household: and in november earl Gower was made privy seal, and earl Camden president of the council..

Early in this year the duke of Rutland succeeded the earl of Northington as lord lieutenant.

(1786.) In september the earl of Hawkesbury was appointed president of the committee of trade and plantation, now re-established.

(1787.) In november the marquis of Buckingham succeeded the duke of Rutland as lord lieutenant of Ireland.

(1788.) In july the earl of Chatham was made first lord of the admiralty.

(1789.) In june Mr. W. W. Grenville succeeded lord Sydney as secretary of state.

(1790.) In september the duke of Montrose was appointed master of the horse.

(1791.) In march Mr. Steele and Mr. Ryder were made paymasters;


and in june Mr. Henry Dundas was made secretary in the room of lord Carmarthen, now duke of Leeds.

(1793.) In january lord Loughborough was appointed chancellor in the room of lord Thurlow, who resigned the seals in the preceding year.

(1794.) This year some material changes were made in the state appointments. In july the duke of Portland was made secretary, in the room of Mr. W. W. Windham, who was made secretary at war. Earl Fitzwilliam was made president of the council, and earl Spencer privy seal. On the appointment of earl Fitzwilliam to the government of Ireland, in december, the earl of Mansfield was made president of the council, the earl of Chatham privy seal, and earl Spencer first lord of the admiralty.

(1795.) Lord Camden was appointed to the government of Ireland in march, in consequence of the misunderstanding between earl Fitzwilliam and the ministry.

(1796.) In september the earl of Chatham succeeded the earl of Mansfield as president of the council.

(1798.) In february the earl of Westmoreland was appointed privy seal.'

(1801.) A question which came before the council in consequence of the union with Ireland brought on a general change in the ministry, -In march Mr. Henry Addington was placed at the head of a new administration as first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer: the lords Hawkesbury and Hobart were made secretaries: lord Eldon chancellor: earl St. Vincent first lord of the admiralty: Mr. Charles Yorke secretary at war: Mr. Steele and lord Glenbervie joint paymasters.—In june the earl of Chatham was appointed master of the ordnance: and in july the duke of Portland was appointed president of the council, and lord Pelham secretary of state.

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"ARTICLE 1. THE French republic is one and indivisible.

"Its European territory is distributed into departmental and communal districts (arrondissemens.)

"2. Every man of the age of twenty-one years complete, born and resident in France, who has caused his name to be inscribed upon the civic list of his communal district, and who has dwelt from that period for a year within the territory of the republic, is a French citizen.

66 3. A foreigner becomes a French citizen when, after having attained the age of twenty-one years complete, and after having declared his intention of settling in France, has resided in it ten years without interruption.

66 4. The character of French citizen may be lost

"By naturalization in a foreign country;

"By the acceptance of functions, or of pensions offered by a foreign government;

"By affiliation with any foreign corporation, which would infer distinction of birth; by condemnation to corporal or ignominious punishments.

66 5. The exercise of the rights of French citizen is suspended by a man's being an insolvent debtor, or a direct heir keeping up, with an onerous title, the succession of a bankrupt, in whole or in part;

"By a man's acting as a hired domestic, attached either to the person or the business of an individual;

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"By a man's being in a state of judicial interdiction, accusation, or contumacy.

"6. In order to exercise the rights of citizenship in a communal district, a person must have fixed in it his domicile or place of abode by a year's residence, and at the same time he must not have lost it by a year's absence.

66 7. The citizens of every communal district are to point out, by their votes, those they conceive most proper to manage the public affairs. The number so pointed out forms a list of men worthy of confidence, amounting to a tenth of the number of citizens having a right to vote. Out of this list are to be chosen the public functionaries of the district.

8. The





"8. The citizens, comprehended in the communal lists of a department, shall likewise point out a tenth part of their own number. Hence is formed a second list, called departmental, from which are to be chosen the public functionaries of the department.

$6 9. The citizens whose names stand on the departmental list, shall likewise name a tenth of their own number. Thus there is a third list formed, which comprehends the citizens of the department eligible to public national functions.

66 10. The citizens having a right to assist in the formation of any of the lists mentioned in the three preceding articles, are be called upon every three years to supply the place of those upon the fists who may have died, or who are absent for any other cause than that of exercising a public employment.

66 11. They at the same time may erase from the list those whom they think unfit to appear any longer upon it, and appoint as their successors other citizens in whom they have greater confidence.



No person can be erased from any of the lists, but by the votes of an absolute majority of the citizens having a right to vote on its formation."

13. A person is hot to be erased from one list of eligible persons, solely because he is, at a given period, member of another list, inferior or superior.

14. Inscription on a list of persons eligible, is not necessary but for those public offices, for which this condition is expressly required by the constitution of the law. All the lists of eligible persons shall be formed in the course of the year nine.

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Ini tarbiz Lats Of the Conservative Senate.

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The conservative senate is composed of eighty members, irremovable, and for life, who shall be forty years of age at Teast. "For the formation of the senate, there shall at first be named sixty members. This number shall be increased to sixty-two in the course of the year eight; to sixty-four in the course of the year nine: and thus be gradually increased to eighty, by the addition of two members during each of the ten first years.

"16. The appointment to the situation of senator is made by the senate itself, which chooses one out of three candidates presented; the first by the legislative body, the second by the tribunate, and the third by the chief consul."

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"The senate, may choose one of two candidates, in case that one of them is proposed by two of the presenting bodies. The senate must admit a person who is proposed, on the same occasion, by all the three authorities.

"17. The chief consul quitting his station, either on the expiration of his functions, or in consequence of resignation, becomes a senator by immediate right, and of necessity.

"The two consuls, during the month which follows the expiration of their functions, may take a place in the senate, and are not obliged to av avail themselves of this right.

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They do not possess this right at all when they quit their consular functions by resignation.

18. A senator is for ever ineligible to any other public function.

19. All the lists made up in the departments in virtue of the ninth article, are to be addressed to the senate. They compose the national list.

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66 20. Out of this list the senate chooses the legislators, tribunes, consuls, judges of cessation,

and commissioners of accounts.'

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66 21 It is to maintain or to annul all the resolutions referred to it as unconstitutional by the tribunate

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