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it may

wind may be high, or not blow at all; be east, west, north, or south, or in any point of the compass, or any point not in the compass, just as you please. This makes him a mighty agreeable companion, as well as a mighty good kind

of man.

6. No man is half so happy in his friendship. Almost every one he names is a friend of his, and every friend a mighty good kind of man. I had the honor of walking lately with one of those good creatures, and I believe, he pulled off his hat to every third person we met, with a "how do you do, my dear sir?" though I found he hardly knew the names of five of these intimate acquaintances.

7. I was highly entertained with the greeting between my companion, and another mighty good kind of man, whom we met in the Strand. You would have thought they were brothers, and had not seen one another for many years, by their mutual expressions of joy at meeting. They talked together, not with a design of opposing, but through eagerness to approve what each other said. I caught them frequently crying "yes," together, and, "very true," "you ar very right, my dear sir;" and at last, having exhausted their favorite topic of news and of the weather, they concluded with each begging to have the vast pleasure of an agreeable evening with the other very soon; but parted without naming either time or place.

8. I must own that a good man, and a man of sense, certainly should have every thing that this kind of man has; yet, if he possesses no more, much is wanting to finish and complete his character. Many are deceived by French paste; it has the luster and brilliancy of a real diamond; but the want of hardness, the essential property of this valuable jewel. discovers the counterfeit, and shows it to be of no intrinsic value whatever.

9. If the head and the heart are left out in a man's character, you will vainly look for true worth and merit. But it often happens that these mighty good kind of men are wolves in sheep's clothing; that their want of parts is sup plied by an abundance of cunning, and the outward behavior and deportment calculated to entrap the short-sighted and


QUESTIONS.-1. What can you say of the qualities of the individual alluded to? 2. In whose company is he generally found? 3. Does he readily assent to all that is said, whether true or false? 4. Is such a per

son generally hyocritical in his conduct? 5. What is meant by 'wolves in sheep's clothing,' last verse?

With what inflection is the last pause but one in a sentence generally read? Can you refer to an example in this lesson? What antithetic terms, first line, second verse? On what principle is himself emphatic, second verse? (Les. VIII. Note VIII.)


SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Eulogy, a speech in praise of a person. 2. Perpetuate, to cause to endure; to preserve forever. 3. Emulous, desirous of equaling, or excelling. 4. Martial, warlike. 5. Adroitness, dexterity; ease of movement. 6. Subterraneous, being under the earth. 7. Transitory, quickly passing; vanishing.

Death of Hamilton.—NOTT.

1. A SHORT time since, and he who is the occasion of our sorrows, was the ornament of his country. He stood on an eminence, and glory covered him. From that eminence he has fallen-suddenly, for ever fallen. His intercourse with the living world is now ended; and those who would hereafter find him must seek him in the grave. There, cold and lifeless, is the heart which just now was the seat of friendship. There, dim and sightless is the eye, whose radiant and enlivening orb beamed with intelligence: and there, closed for ever are those lips, on whose persuasive accents we have so often, and so lately, hung with transport.

2. From the darkness, which rests upon his tomb, there proceeds, methinks, a light in which it is clearly seen that those gaudy objects which men pursue are only phantoms. In this light how dimly shines the splendor of victoryhow humbly appears the majesty of grandeur! The bubble, which seemed to have so much solidity, is burst, and we again see that all below the sun is vanity.

3. True, the funeral eulogy has been pronounced. The sad and solemn procession has moved. The badge of mourning has already been decreed, and presently the sculptured marble will lift up its front, proud to perpetuate the name of Hamilton, and rehearse to the passing traveler his virtues. Just tributes of respect! And to the living, useful. But to him, moldering in his narrow and humble habitation, what are they? How vain! how unavailing! 4. Approach and behold, while I lift from his sepulcher its covering. Ye admirers of his greatness, ye, emulous of his talents and his fame, approach, and behold him now.

How pale! how silent! No martial bands admire the adroitness of his movements. No fascinated throng weep, and melt, and tremble at his eloquence!-Amazing change! A shroud! a coffin! a narrow subterraneous cabin! This is all that now remains of Hamilton! And is this all that remains of him? During a life so transitory, what lasting monument then can our fondest hopes erect?

5. My brethren! we stand on the borders of an awful gulf, which is swallowing up all things human. And is there, amidst this universal wreck, nothing stable, nothing abiding, nothing immortal, on which poor, frail, dying man can fasten?

6. Ask the hero, ask the statesman, whose wisdom you have been accustomed to revere, and he will tell you. He will tell you, did I say? He has already told you, from his death-bed, and his illumined spirit will whisper from the heavens, with well-known eloquence, the solemn admonition; "Mortals! hastening to the tomb, and once the companions of my pilgrimage, take warning, and avoid my errors. Cultivate the virtues I have recommended. Choose the Savior I have chosen. Live disinterestedly. Live for immortality. And would you rescue any thing from final dissolution, layit up in God."

QUESTIONS.-1. What allusion is made to the death of Hamilton, first verse? 2. What is meant by the light represented as proceeding from his tomb? 3. What effect had it? 4. Where does the speaker say we stand? 5. What is meant by the awful gulf' ? 6. How will you answer the question, close of the fifth verse? 7. Who is represented as uttering the quotation, last verse? 8. What instruction does it give?

What inflection do the exclamations take, third and fourth verses? Is brethren, fifth verse, a dissyllable, or trisyllable?


Spell and Define.-1. Excursions, rambles; wanderings. 2. Brawling, roaring; literally, quarreling. 3. Reaches, distances from one bank of a river to the other; extensions. 4. Luxuriant, rank of growth; abundant. 5. Sanguine, literally, full of blood; here means, confident; ardent. 6. Utility, usefulness. 7. Primeval, first; original. 8. Pervaded, extended through all parts. 9. Penetrated, entered; pierced. 10. Choristers, leaders of bands of singers; here means, the birds.

Forest Scenery.-PAULDING.

1. By degrees, as custom reconciled me more and more to fasting, and long rambles, I extended my excursions farthe

from home, and sometimes remained out all day without tasting food. or resting myself except for a few minutes upon the trunk of some decayed old tree or moss-covered rock. The country, though in a great degree in its native state of wildness, was full of romantic beauties.

2. The Mohawk is one of the most charming of rivers, sometimes brawling among ragged rocks, or darting swiftly through long, narrow reaches, and here and there, as at the Little Falls, and again at the Cohoes, darting down high, perpendicular rocks, in sheets of milk-white foam. But its general character is that of repose and quiet.

3. It is no where so broad but that rural objects, and rural sounds may be seen and heard distinctly from one side to the other. In many places the banks on either hand are composed of rich meadows, or flats. as they were denominated by the early Dutch settlers, so nearly on a level with the surface of the water, as to be almost identified with it at a distance, were it not for the rich fringe of water willows, that skirt it on either side, and mark the lines of separation.

4. In these rich pastures may now be seen the lowing herds, half-hidden in the luxuriant grass, and a little farther on, out of the reach of the spring freshets, the comfortable farm houses of many a sanguine country squire, who dreams of boundless wealth from the Grand Canal, and, in his admiration of the works of man, forgets the far greater beauty, grandeur, and utility of the works of his Maker. But I am to describe the scenery as it was in the days of my boyhood, when like Nimrod I was a mighty hunter.

5. At the time of which I speak, all that was to be seen was of the handy work of nature, except the little setrlement, over which presided the patriarch Veeder. We were the advance guard of civilization, and a few steps beyond us was the region of primeval forests, composed of elms and maples, oaks and pines, that seemed as if their seeds had been sown at the time of the deluge, and that they had been growing ever since. I have still a distinct recollection-I might almost say perception, of the gloom and damps which pervaded these chilling shades, where the summer sun never penetrated, and in whose recesses the very light was of a greenish hue.

6. Here, especially among the little streams, many of which are now dried up by the opening of the earth to the sun-beams, every rock and piece of moldering wood was

wrapped in a carpet of green moss, fostered into more than velvet luxuriance by the everlasting damps, that, unlike the dews of heaven, fell all the day as well as all the night. Here and there a flower reared its pale head among the rankness of the sunless vegetation, but it was without fragrance, and almost without life, for it withered as soon as plucked from the stem.

7. I do not remember ever to have heard a singing bird in these forests, except just on the outer skirts, fronting the south, where occasionally a robin chirped, or a thrush sung its evening chant. These tiny choristers seem almost actuated by the vanity of human beings; for I have observed they appear to take peculiar delight in the neighborhood of the habitations of men, where they have listeners to their music. They do not like to sing where there is no one to hear them.

8. The very insects of the wing seemed almost to have abandoned the gloomy solitude, to sport in the sunshine among the flowers. Neither butterfly nor grasshopper

abided there, and the honey bee never came to array himself in his yellow garments. He is the companion of the white man, and seems content to be his slave, to toil for him all summer, only that he may be allowed the enjoyment of the refuse of his own labors in the winter.

9. To plunge into the recesses of these woods, was like descending into a cave under ground. There was the coolness, the dampness, and the obscurity of twilight. Yet custom made me love these solitudes. and many are the days I have spent among them, with my dog and gun, and no other guide but the sun in heaven, and the moss on the north side of the trees.

QUESTIONS.-1. How is the Mohawk described? 2. How the adjacent country at the time of its first settlement? 3. What is said of its present aspect? 4. What of its forests before the country was settled? 5. What of their appearance? 6. What of the birds and insects? 7. To what was an entrance into those woods like? 8. How does the description of the country given, compare with its present condition? 9. By what means was the writer enabled to know where he was, when traveling in these woods?

What inflection should be made at the commas, first verse, and what Rule for the same? Should the second verse be read with uniform rapidity? How should objects, sounds, distinctly, meadows, willows, third verse, be pronounced? How should the termination of each word be marked, in order to articulate distinctly? (Les. I. 6. 4th.)

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