Abbildungen der Seite



vessels, ixs. cartayne' small tymber, spakes,2 and punshene, A.D. 1583.
x8. viij sekes, ij pokes, with other hustilment, xiijs. iiijd.
hustilment in the low garners, vs. a paire of cart whels, a
copp,3 with other hustilment in the barnes, viijs. in the
ostry, cart geare and hustilment, ijs. ij kynne, iijli. vj
swyne, xxvs. in old hay, xvjs. in wood and coles, iiijli. in
dong, iiijs. in malt, forty qwarters, xxxijli. in wheit and
ry, xij bushels, xxiiijs. tow qwarters of benes, xxvjs. viijd.
in haver, v8. tow squar tables, vs. at William Fawcet, a
squar table, iiijs. one lead seaston, xls. one acre of wheit,
ij acres and half of barly, iiijli. in wheit, malt, flesh,
monye, and other expences at funerall, vli. the lease of
Rolton, cxxli. xl yeredes of sameron,5 xxs. duckes and
henes, iiijs. iiijd. ij stone of lyne, viijs. a kylnseiv, ijs. one
lease of Burne close, iiijli. a lease of Swilinge yng and
one close beyond Bondgayt, liijs. iiijd. one lease of iij rodes
of land, vjs. viijd. the lease of Bushop yng wheirin she
dwels, one close called Helsey hill close, one close called
Walter close, and one acre of medow of Speltridges,1o xxli.

(In margin, 278. 12. 8, summa omnium bonorum.)


DETES AWING UNTO THE SAID TESTATOR.- -In primis, Marmaduke Mydleton, viijs. iiijd. Item, Hugh Ripley," vl. Elizabeth Bell, xxxvijs. viijd. Marmaduke Day, xviijs. 8d. Thomas Golthwayt, viijs. viijd. Thomas Shippard, vjs. vjd. Robert Richmond, xs. xd. Jame Kettelwell, vjs. vjd. William Doo, xiijs. iiijd. Jenet Cook of Clifton, xxs. Ellin Sympson, xiijs. iiijd. Jo. Rigg, ijs. William Redman, vs. Tho. (blank) rent, iiijs. Rawf Porter rent, iiijs. vjd. Roberte Clark, iijs. Barbary

(1) Certain.

(2) Wheel-spokes. See p. 374, n. 2.

(3) The fore part of a wagon that hangs over the shaft horse.
(4) Generally means an inn or guest-house.

(5) Cloth between flaxen and hempen.

(6) Now Swilmire Ings, watered by a little beck called the Swilly, near Trinity Church.

(7) Several fields near Hell Wath, on the Skell below Studley, near Bishopton.

(8) By Ailcey Hill, p. 281, n.

(9) A field by the Harrogate road, about half a mile from Ripon.

(10) Now 'Speltriggs,' near Walter close. Spelt was a hardy kind of wheat, succeeding well in exposed situations.

(11) Merchant, the last Wakeman and first Mayor of Ripon. There is a monument to him in the minster, with a bust and a long and quaint inscription.

A.D. 1583. Ripley, xs. Peter Dowgill, x8. Isabell Allyson, xvjs. for cles, xiiijs. iiijd.

A.D. 1418.



15. 12. 8, summa debitorum.

DEBITA QUI (sic) DEFUNCTUS DEBET.- -Item, to Rauf Watson, vjs. viijd. to uxor Beane, xxxiijs. iiijd. for plowing, xs.

[blocks in formation]

This fine folio MS. of the Psalter and Hymnal, with Collects, Calendar, etc., according to the York use, has recently been presented to the Ripon Chapter Library by the Marquis of Ripon. It has an appendix containing the services for the three feasts of St. Wilfrid, as used within the church and parish of Ripon. The Paschal Table begins from the year 1418. On the fly-leaf is written the name Kendale, Jane.' In the Calendar are the following notes:


(May 22) Nativitas Annæ filiæ Christoferi Kendall inter horam x et xj ante nonam, anno regni regis Henrici vij xviii, litera Dominicali A (id est, 1502). '

(May 28) Isto die Johanna 2 filia Roberti Rede, militis,

(1) In later hand.

(2) This lady is stated in Foss's 'Lives of the Judges' and in the Messrs. Cooper's Athena Cantabrigienses to have been the wife of John Caryll, Sergeant-at-Law. The Kendales were a family of some note in Ripon and the neighbourhood. Hugh Kendale of Markington married Alice, one of the daughters and coheiresses of Nicholas Gylyott of the same place, who survived him, and who died in 1451, leaving two sons, John and Christopher. The former appears as John Kendale of Markington, gentleman, from 1457 to 1469, when he died, leaving a widow, Emma, and two daughters, Margaret and Jane. His widow lived many years after him, and her will was proved in 1505. Christopher was one of the Minster chaplains in 1452, and his will was proved in 1498. He was appointed chapter commissary in 1467, and collated to the chantry of St. Thomas the Martyr in 1488, when he resigned the subtreasurership. A John Kendale was chaplain at Skelton in 1470, and died in 1477-8. The Christopher Kendall whose name appears in the above notes from the Calendar was probably a son of John and Emma. The family burial-place was St. Mary's Chapel (p. 227), all traces of which have disappeared. The chantry of the Assumption in the Minster was founded by Robert Kendale and William Fulford.

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justiciarii,' nupsit Christoferum Kendale, apud All Halowys in
London Wall, anno xvii° Henrici septimi (i.e. 1501).2

(June 14) Nativitas Johannis filii Christoferi Kendale, inter
horam secundam et terciam in aurora, anno regni regis Henrici
vij xix1o, litera Dominicali F anno bisextili.

On the back of a hand which points to the day is a word which looks like 'venis.'

(1) Lord Chief Justice, and one of the executors named in the will of
Henry VII.
(2) In later hand.

A.D. 1501-3.


P. 14, line 8, for wille read willæ (i.e. villæ).

P. 21, line 10. The water was brought from St. Wilfrid's well in the church-
yard in wooden 'cans,' as appears from the account-rolls.
Pp. 60, line 27; 114, line 37. 'Bye mill' appears to be the same as 'town
mill.' So the village well at North Kelsey, in Lincolnshire, is still called
the Bye well. Bywell is a place-name, and the Danish suffix 'by,' so
common in Lincolnshire and wherever the Danes settled, is well known.
P. 72, etc. Gyrthrods (see Index, under 'Gyrth' and 'Rods'). It appears
(p. 315) that these were staves with banners, carried before the feretory
at Rogation-tide by the Girthmen.

P. 94, line 33, for Bronipton read Brompton.

P. 100, line 10. Gresman, probably a cottager, as in Scotland (see 'Jamie-
son's Dictionary,' s. v. Grassman). Gresmen probably paid (at least,
originally) some fine towards the gersuma, or income of the lord of
the manor. My friend, Mr. E. Peacock, has referred me to a lease, from
the abbot and convent of Peterborough, of the manor of Scotter to Sir
William Tyrwhitt, 29 Henry VIII. (Bodl. Charters, Northamptonsh.),
mentioning 'fynys or gressonmys for lands.'

Pp. 108, Note; 261, Note. Annesgate. In the fabric-rolls the forms Anns-
gate and Annotisgate occur.

P. 118, last line, for Canton read Cauton.
Pp. 130-132, Marg., for 1468 read 1467.
P. 132, Marg. (middle), insert A.D. 1468.

P. 135, Marg., for 1468 read 1467.

P. 133, Note. Mazer. See also 'Prompt. Parv.' p. 328.

P. 142, line 7, for M. read magister.

P. 147, line 24, transfer 'bridges' to margin.

P. 151, line 11, for funem read finem.

P. 179, line 6, di. garnish, etc. Insert note: 'Half a set of pewter vessels.'
P. 183, Note 4, insert some.

P. 205, Note, read seal.

P. 225, Note 3, line 1, after Abp. insert William; also in p. 236, Note, line 15.
P. 263, end of Note 2, for suchlike read such like.

[ocr errors]

P. 265, Note 3. Wriothesley's Diary,' recently published by the Camden
Society, contains curious contemporary notices of the exposure of this
fraud. See pp. 75, 90.

A.D. 1538.

P. 334, Note. In some of the account-rolls (15th cent.) of Ripon, we
have: Et in denariis solutis parcario Archiepiscopi Ebor. pro palmis
et edera præparandis erga diem Dominicam in festo Ramispalmarum, ijs.
Et in denariis solutis pro dictis palmis lucrandis, cum cariagio earundem,

P. 370, Note 6. The word 'myour' occurs in the inventory of Richard de
Ravenser, Archdeacon of Lincoln, printed in the Lincoln volume of the
Archæological Institute, with this note:-'A myoure, micatorium; To
mye brede, micare.' Catholicon Maternæ Linguæ, MS. in Lord Monson's
library, dated 1483. Grated bread was very much used in mediæval
cookery. See the Forme of Cury, Warner's Antiquitates Culinaria, etc.,
p. 322.

P. 373, Note 8. See 'Ancient Mining Implements of Cornwall, by R. N.
Worth,' in Archeological Journal, xxxi. 53, for description and cuts of
iron-shod shovels of the 16th century.

P. 379, Note 1. Also a harrow. See the account of 'an iron trayle, blazing
with fire and beset with burning spikes,' wherewith the sides of one
Stuteville were harrowed as he dreamt.-Walbr. Mem. Fountains,
p. 168, note.

P. 381, line 14, kylnseiv. Perhaps kiln sein-'j sene empt. pro calce et
zabulo, vd.' Fab. Roll, 1424-5, in which the MS. is certainly not 'seue,'
but 'sene,' perhaps a sieve of netted cords. Seine (also French) is a
kind of fishing-net.

The wills of the following Ripon people are printed in the volumes of
Testamenta Eboracensia :-

Stowe, John, 1390, vol. i. p. 137.

Mustardmaker, Alice, 1397, i. 221.

Cawod, William (canon of York and Ripon), 1419, i. 395.

Stowe, William, 1430, ii. 12.

Dene, John de (canon of Ripon), 1435, ii. 43.

Fulford, Ellen, 1453, ii. 164.

Pigot, Ralph, of Clotherholme, 1466, iii. 156.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1403, iv. 213.

1404, i. 331.

Poteman, William (prebendary of Nunwick), 1492–3, iv. 78.

Markenfield, Sir Thomas, 1497, iv. 124.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

108 n., 261 n., 383

Aicie, Marg., 29

Ailcey Hill, 381 n.

Ainderby Myers, 357 n.

Aismunderby-see Asmunderby
Aire, river, 173 n.

Alan, John, 220, 302

Alanson, Rob., 329; Tho., ib.
Alchfrid, king, 338

Aldborough family, 200 n.

Aldburgh, 199, 220, 322; Ric., 200, 244
Aldfield, 225--see Oldfield

North House, 141, 343

Ale, cup of, in marriage contract, 162
pots, 86 n.

Alexander IV., pope, 218 n.
Alexandria, 277, 367 n.
Aleyn, Hen., 236; Ra., 359
Alice, a servant, 106

Alienation of manors, 349 n., 354 n.
Allarium, 182 n.

Allayne, Hen., 236; Hugh, 377; Ra.,

Allector, 113 n.

Allhallows, London Wall, 383

Alloys called electrum, 180 n.

Allyson, Isab., 382

Almery, 294 n.

Alms-chest, 108 n.

Almucia, 305 n.

Alne, Will., 63

Alumshire, Agn., 121- -see Halomshyre
Alverton, 344-see Northallerton
Amber, 180 n.

- beads, 286 n.

Amfractura, 309 n.

Amice, 306 n.

Amictus, 305 n.

Amys, 305 n.

Ananias, a would-be, 92 n.
Anderson, John, 188 n.

Andrew, St., altar, 153, 180; chantry,
180, 243

Androson, John, 58, 143; Marg., 143,

179; Nich., 143

Anne, St., hospital, 108 n., 277 n.

Annesgate see Agnesgate

Annotisgate, 383

Antony, St., painting of, 286
Apostoli, 237

Appleby, Eliz., 15, 16; Will., ib.
Appryware, 377

Archæologia, 177 n., 234 n.

Archæological Institute, 133; Journal
of, 384

Archbishops :-

Bainbridge, Chr., 258 n., 316 n.
Booth, Laur., 239, 240, 244, 250 n.;

Will., 29 n., 68 n., 84 n., 199 n.,
209, 211, 212 n., 225 n., 229 n.,
230, 236 n., 250 n., 255 n., 384
Bowet, Hen., 223, 246 n.
Gray, Walt., 218 n.
Greenfield, 50 n.

Holgate, Rob., 353 n.

Kemp, John, 90 n., 230, 234, 246 n.
Lee, Edw., 349 n

Melton, Will., 156 n.

Nevill, Alex., 21 n.


Geo., 153 n., 156, 209 n., 214, 215,
234 n.

Rotherham, Tho., 199 n., 261 n., 269,
272, 285, 339

Savage, Tho., 90 n., 254, 259 n., 208
n., 355


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