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empties into the Tenneffee at the lower end of the Mufcle fhoals, The mouth of this creek is the center of a piece of ground, the dia meter of which is five miles, ceded by the fouthern Indians at the treaty of Hopwell, on Keowee, to the United States, for the establifhment of trading posts.

This country furnishes many valuable articles of export, fuch as fine waggon and faddle horfes, beef, cattle, ginfeng, deer skins and furs, cotton, hemp, and flax, which may be transported by land alfo iron, lumber, pork, and flour, which might be exported in -great quantities, if the navigation of the Miffiffippi were opened; but there are few of the inhabitants who understand commerce, or are poffeffed of proper capitals; of course it is badly managed: land jobbing engroffes too much of the attention of the inhabitants. The degraded state of commerce has rendered neceffary a general -attention to home manufactures; and it is to be hoped that the eyes of the people will foon be opened to their true intereft, and agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, each receive proper at :tention.


The inhabitants of this district have not been inattentive to the interefts of fcience. An academy and feveral grammar fchools have been established; and a fociety, who ftile themselves, "A Society for promoting Ufeful Knowledge:" it is of modern date, but much good is expected from it. A tafte for literature is increasing among them.

The government is fimilar to that established by Congress in the territory of the United States, north-weft of the Ohio. The governor is the executive, and, in his abfence, the fecretary, and the governor and three judges the legiflative power in the district.

The public revenue amounts to about five or fix thousand pounds, raifed chiefly by a tax on flaves, lands, and horses,


The Indian tribes, within and in the vicinity of this district, are the Cherokees and Chicafaws. The Cherokees have been a warlike and numeus nation; but by continual wars, in which it has been their deftiny to be engaged with the northern Indian tribes, they were reduced, at the commencement of the last war, to about two


thousand fighting men; fince which they have been reduced more than one half, and have become weak and pufillanimous.

The Chicafaws, of all the Indian tribes within the limits of the United States, merit the most from the Americans, having at all times maintained a brotherly attachment to them: they glory in faying, that they never fhed the blood of an Anglo-American. There is fo great an affinity between the Chicafaw and Choctaw languages, that the common people can converfe together, each speaking in his own dialect. They are a perfonable people, and have an opennefs in their countenances and behaviour, uncommon among favages. These nations fay, they are the remnant of a great nation that once lived far to the west, which was destroyed by the Spaniards, for whom they still retain an hereditary hatred. Would it not be the policy of Congress to treat with thefe nations? and might not a reciprocal friendship be mutually ferviceable to the Union and the Indians?





THIS State is fituated between 32° and 35° north latitude, and 4a

and 9 weft longitude from Philadelphia. Its length is two hundred miles, and its breadth one hundred and twenty-five. It is bounded on the north by North-Carolina, on the eaft by the Atlantic ocean, on the fouth-west and fouth by Savannah river, and a branch of its head waters called Tugulo river, which faid rivers divide it from the State of Georgia.*


The climate of this State is different in different parts: along the fea coaft, bilious difcafes, and fevers of various kinds, are prevalent

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*The boundary line dividing the two States of South-Carolina and Georgia was long the fubject of controverfy; the former claiming the lands lying between the NorthCarolina line, and a line to run due weft from the mouth of Tugulo and Keowee river; the latter contended that the fource of Keowee river was to be confidered as the head of Savannah river.

For the purpofe of fettling this controverfy, commiffioners were appointed in April 1787, by the contending States, vefted with full powers to determine the controverted boundary, which they fixed as follows:

"The most northern branch or ftream of the river Savannah, from the fea or mouth of fuch stream, to the fork or confluence of the rivers now called Tugulo and Keowee, and from thence the most northern branch or ftream of the faid river Tugulo, till it interfects the northern boundary line of South-Carolina, if the faid branch of Tugulo extend fo far north, referving all the islands in the faid rivers Savannah and Tugulo to Georgia; but if the faid branch or fiream of Tugulo does not extend to the north boundary line of South-Carolina, then a weft line to the Miffiffippi to be drawn from the head fpring or fource of the faid branch of Tugulo river, which extends to the highest northern latitude, fhall for ever hereafter form the feparation, limit and boundary between the States of South-Carolina and Georgia,"

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between July and October. The probability of dying is much greater between the 20th of June and the 20th of October, than in the other eight months in the year.

One cause of these diseases is, a low marfhy country, which is overflowed for the fake of cultivating rice. The exhalations from these stagnated waters, from the rivers and from the neighbouring ocean, and the profuse perspiration of vegetables of all kinds, which cover the ground, fill the air with moisture: this moisture falls in frequent rains and copious dews. From actual obfervation it has been found that the average annual fall of rain for ten years was fortytwo inches, without regarding the moisture that fell in fogs and dews. The great heat of the day relaxes the body, and the agree able coolness of the evening invites to an expofure to thefe heavy dews.

The difagreeable effects of this climate, experience has proved, might in a great measure be avoided by those inhabitants, whofe circumstances will admit of their removal from the neighbourhood of the rice swamps to healthier fituations, during the months of July, Au-' guft, September, and October; and in the worst fituations, by temperance and care. Violent exercife on horfeback, but chiefly, expofure to the meridian rays of the fun, fudden fhowers of rain, and the night air, are too frequently the caufes of fevers and other disorders. Would the sportsmen deny themselves, during the fall months, their favourite amufements of hunting and fishing, or confine themselves to a very few hours, in the morning or evening; would the induftri ous planter visit his fields only at the fame hours; or would the poorer clafs of people pay due attention to their manner of living, and obferve the precautions recommended to them by men of knowledge and experience, much ficknefs and many diftrefling events might be prevented. The upper country, fituated in the medium between extreme heat and cold, is as healthful as any part of the United States.

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The whole State, to the diftance of eighty miles from the sea, is level, and almoft without a ftone. In this distance, by a gradual afcent from the fea coaft, the land rifes about one hundred and ninety feet. Here, if you proceed in a W. N. W. courfe from Charlefton, commences a curioufly uneven country, prefenting a prof pect fomething like that of a high fwelling fea, formed by a



The air is

prodigious number of small fand hills. Some little herbage, and s few small pines grow, even on this foil. The inhabitants are but few, and have but a scanty subsistence on corn and sweet potatoes, which grow here tolerably well. This curious country continues for fixty miles, till you arrive at a place called the Ridge, one hundred and forty miles from Charleston. This ridge is a remarkable tract of high ground, as you approach it from the fea, but level as you advance north-west from its fummit. It is a fine high, healthy belt of land, well watered, and of a good foil, and extends from the Savannah to Broad river, in about 6° 30′ weft longitude from Philadel phia. Beyond this ridge commences a country exactly resembling the northern States. Here hills and dales, with all their verdure and variegated beauty, prefent themselves to the eye. Wheat fields, which are rare in the low country, begin to be common. Here Hea ven has bestowed its blessing with a most bounteous hand. much more temperate and healthful than nearer the fea. The hills are covered with valuable woods; the vallies watered with beautiful rivers, and the fertility of the foil is equal to every vegetable production. This, by way of diftinction, is called the Upper Country, where are different modes and different articles of cultivation; where the manners of the people, and even their language, have a different tone. The land ftill rifes by a gradual afcent; each fucceeding hill overlooks that which immediately precedes it, till, having advanced two hundred and twenty miles in a north-west direction from Charlefton, the elevation of the land above the fea coaft is found to be eight hundred feet. Here a mountainous country commences with the Tryon and Hogback mountains; the elevation of which, above their bafe, is three thousand eight hundred and forty feet, and above the fea coaft four thousand fix hundred and forty. From the top of thefe mountains there is an extensive view of this State, North-Carolina, and Georgia: and as no object intervenes to obftruct the view, a man with telescopic eyes might difcern veffels at fea. The mountains weft and north-weft rife much higher than these, and form a ridge which divides the waters of Tenneffee and Santee rivers.

This State is watered by four large navigable rivers, befides a great number of smaller ones, which are paffable in boats. The river Savannah washes it in its whole length from fouth-east to north-west. The Edifto rifes in two branches from a remarkable ridge in the inte rior part of the State. These branches unite below Orangeburgh, which flands on the North Fork, and form Edifto river, which, having


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