Abbildungen der Seite

Reads their report, 46. Communi- |
cates letters from Joseph Jones to
James Madison, 116. Paper by, on
the relations of the Governor and
Council of Mass., after the death of
Queen Anne, 327-362. Paper by, on
the Genesis of the Monroe Doctrine,

Franklin Fund, 73, 77.
Fraser, Alexander C., LL.D., 23.
Frémont, Gen. John C, 444.

Fuller, Sarah Margaret (Countess Os-
soli), Memoirs of, 369.

Fulton, James, Jr., letter from, to J. Q.
Adams, 462.


Gallatin, Hon. Albert, 145, 393, 419.
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, D C.L., 53.
Garfield, James A., Pres. of the United
States, assassination of, 184, 185.
General Fund, 32, 41. Income of, 38.
Genet, Edmond C., 142, 143.
Gérard, Balthazar, 185.

Gerry, Elbridge, LL.D., letter from, to
Fulwar Skipwith, 90.

Gibbes, Robert W., M.D., 273.
Giddings, Hon. Joshua R., 442, 447.
Gilman, David Coit, LL.D., 28, 321.
Letter on the death of Herbert B.
Adams, 198.

Glasgow University, commemoration at,
28, 224.

Godkin, Edwin L., D.C.L., 188 n.
Goodell, Abner C., A.M., 63. Remarks
by, on Daniel Webster's quotations,

Goodwin, James J., 479.

Gordon, Rev. George A., D.D., 29.
Gough, John B., his oratory, 504.
Gouverneur, Samuel L., letter from

James Monroe to, 410.

Gover, William, deposition of, 303.
Grant, Robert, Ph.D., 263.
Gray, Hon. Horace, LL.D., 29.
Gray, John C., LL.D., 28.
Grayson, Hon. William, 124.
Green, Hon. Samuel A., LL.D., 1, 2, 25,
29, 46, 69, 72, 74, 80, 264, 493. An-
nounces the death of William M.
Evarts, 1. Submits his Annual Re-
port as Librarian, 42. Re-elected a
Vice-President, 51, and Librarian, ib.
Communicates a paper on President
Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg, 92.
Remarks by, in communicating two
narratives of the expedition of Sir
William Phips against Canada, 281.
Communicates a letter in reference to
Boydell's engraving of West's picture
of Penn's treaty with the Indians,

365. Presents for Miss L. N. Perkins
and Miss F. J. Brewer a manuscript
volume of Samuel Sewall, Jr., 521.
Greenleaf, Simon, LL.D., 210, 215, 220.
Greenough, William W., A.B., 28.
Grey, Charles, Earl, 422.
Grinnan, A. G., 117.

Grosart, Rev. Alexander B., 4, 10.
Gross, Charles, Ph.D., elected a Resi-
dent Member, 69.

Guiteau, Charles J., 185.


Hadley, Arthur T., LL.D., 321.
Hale, Rev. Edward E., D.D., 80, 239,
323, 364, 371, 493. Committee ap-
pointed to attend the celebration of
his birthday, 493.

Hale, Hon. John P., 483.
Hall, Rev. Edward H., 28, 493.
Hall, G. Stanley, LL.D., 29, 323.
Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 268.
Hamilton, Hon. Alexander, 118, 119, 120,
122, 134, 140, 143, 146, 148.
Hampton, Gen. Wade, 265 et seq.
Hardwick, Mass., 240, 241, 242, 248, 253.
Harper, William R., LL.D., 321.
Harris, Henry, 32.

Harrison, Benjamin, Pres. of the United
States, 124, 125.

Harrison, Frederic, M.A., 187. Elected
a Corresponding Member, 2, 28.
Harrison, J. B., 162.

Harrison, William H., Pres. of the
United States, 473.

Hart, Albert B., Ph.D., 88, 95, 105, 239,
323, 478. Plans a co-operative His-
tory of the United States, 366. Vote
in regard to it, 367. Committee ap-
pointed to confer with him, 493.
Hassam, John T., A.M., 29, 478.
Havre, France, Charles Sumner's first
impressions of, 213.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 370.

Hayes, Rutherford B., LL.D., Pres. of
the United States, 2, 237.

Haynes, Henry W., A.M., 1, 24, 198,
264, 493. Re-elected Corresponding
Secretary, 51.

Henderson, Hon. John, U. S. Senator
from Mississippi, death of, 94.
Henry IV., King of France, assassina-
tion of, 185.
Henry, Patrick, 121, 133, 503.
Henry, Hon. William Wirt, LL.D., 28.
"Heraldic Journal," 97.
Heraldry in America, paper on, by
William S. Appleton, 163-166.
Higginson, Henry L., LL.D., elected a
Resident Member, 493.

Higginson, Thomas W., LL.D., 26, 73,
257, 262, 323, 493. Remarks by, on
the death of Horace E. Scudder, 494.
Hill, Clement Hugh, A.M., 27.
Hillard, Hon. George S., LL.D., 219 n.,


Hoadly, Charles J., LL.D., 28.
Hoar, Hon. Ebenezer Rockwood, LL.D.,

Hoar, Hon. George F., LL.D., 70, 320.
Remarks by, on the recovery of the
manuscript of Bradford's History of
Plymouth, 78-81. Remarks by, on
possible changes in the course of his-
tory, 230-238.

Hoar, John, 94.

Hobbes, Thomas, 502.

Hobhouse, John Cam (Lord Broughton),


Holidays, National, paper on, by W. R.
Thayer, 506-513.

Holmes, Hon. Oliver Wendell, LL.D.,

Holy Alliance, see paper on Genesis of
the Monroe Doctrine, passim.
Honorary Members, paper by the Presi
dent on the election of, 51-54.
Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, D.D., 3, 14.
Howard, John Clark, M.D., 26, 45.
Howard, Gen. Oliver O., 265 et seq.
Hoyt, Albert H., A.M., 240 n., 253.
Hubbard, Hon. Samuel, LL.D, 202.
Hudson, Hon. Charles, A.M., 62.
Hughes, Christopher, 419.
Humbert, King of Italy, assassination of,
184, 185.

Hunnewell, James F., A.M., 27, 29, 45,

Hunter, Hon. John, 95.

Hutchinson, Thomas, Gov. of Mass., 329,


India, under the Viceroyalty of Lord
Dufferin, 498.

Indians, Boydell's engraving of West's
picture of Penn's treaty with the,


Ingersoll, Hon. Charles J., 441.
Ireland, 191, 192.


157-160, 231, 232, 233, 445, 475.
Letters from James Monroe to, 375,
409, 411, 503, 525.

Jefferson Papers, 27, 31.

| Jenks, Rev. Henry F., 25, 29, 69, 88, 180,
320. Appointed on the Committee to
publish a selection from the Trumbull
Papers, 25. His report as Cabinet-
Keeper, 44. Re-elected Cabinet-
Keeper, 51. Memoir of Lucius R.
Paige by, 240-254,

Johnson, Kev. Samuel, 13 n.
Johnson, Samuel, LL.D., 86, 196.
Joliet, Louis, 91.

Jones, Joseph, letters from, to James
Madison, 116-161. Moderation of his
political opinions, 118. On the re-
moval of officers under the United
States government, 132. On a va-
cancy in the office of President, 137.
On the establishment of a sinking
fund, 140. On the appointment of
John Jay as minister to England, 145.
On the ratification of Jay's Treaty,
147. On the resignation of Edmund
Randolph, 150. On the treaty-making
power, 155. On the Presidential elec-
tion of 1796, 157-159. On a division

of the State of Virginia, 161.


Kelly, Hon. William, U. S. Senator from
Alabama, death of, 94.

Kerr, Hon. Joseph, 95.


Lafayette, Gilbert Motier, Marquis de,


Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. de Prat de,

Lamson, Frederick, 45.

La Salle, René R. Cavalier, Sieur de, 91.
Latham, Williams. A.M., 32.
Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 498.
Lawrence, Hon. Abbott, LL.D., 171.
Lawrence, Abbott, A.M., 33.

Lawrence, Rt. Rev. William, D.D., 29,
30, 80.

Lawrence Fund, 33, 41. Income of, 33,

Lea, J. Henry, 45.

Jackson, Gen. Andrew, Pres. of the Leavitt, Rev. Joshua, and Stanton, Henry

United States, 216, 442, 461.

James, William, LL.D., 503.

Jameson, J. Franklin, LL.D., 199.
Jay, Hon. John, 145.

Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. of the United
States, 118, 119, 120, 121, 153, 156,

B, letter from J. Q. Adams to, 468.
Lecky, Rt. Hon. William E. H., LL.D.,


Lee, Charles, 151, 152.
Lee, Henry, A.M., 171, 478.
Lee, Richard Henry, 121, 124.

Lefevre, Rt. Hon. G. S., 187.
Lexington, Mass., 58, 61, 62.
Librarian. See Green, Samuel A.
Library of the Society, 25, 42, 46, 69,
105, 180, 264, 324, 365, 493.
Lincoln, Abraham, Pres. of the United
States, paper by Samuel A. Green, on
his speech at Gettysburg, 92-94. As-
sassination of, 181, 185. Mentioned,
437, 502.
Lincoln, Hon. Levi (H. U. 1772), 231-
233. Letters to, from Robert Smith
and Cæsar A. Rodney, 231; from
James Madison, 232.

Lincoln, Hon. Levi (H. U. 1802), 233,
236. Letter from, to the Speaker of
the House of Representatives of Mass.,

Lincoln, Hon. Solomon, letter from J. Q.
Adams to, 438.

Lindsay, Capt.

128, 129.

Livermore, George, A.M., 31.
Livermore, Thomas L., A.M., 28.
Liverpool, Robert B. Jenkinson, Earl of,


Livingston, Hon. Edward, 155.
Lloyd, Thomas, 365.

Lodge, Hon. Henry Cabot, LL.D., 30.
Logan, James, 365.

Logan, Gen. John A., 266, 272, 273.
Logan, William, 365.

Long, Hon. John D., LL.D., Gov. of
Mass., 528.

Longfellow, Henry W., LL.D., 251, 494,
495, 496.

Longfellow, Rev. Samuel, his Life of his
brother, 496.

Lord, Arthur, A.M., 42, 80. Appointed

on the Committee to examine the
Treasurer's accounts, 2. Appointed
on the Committee to publish a selec-
tion from the Trumbull Papers, 25.
Lord, Hon. Nathaniel J., A.M., 526.
Lord, Hon. Otis P., LL.D., 527.
Lothrop, Rev. Samuel K., D.D., 26.
Lothrop, Thornton K., LL.B., 24, 28,
168. Re-elected a member of the
Council, 51. Memoir of Augustus
Lowell, by, 169-179.

Lowell, A. Lawrence, LL.B., 95. Ap-
pointed on the Committee to nominate
officers, 2.

Lowell, Augustus, A.M., 28. Memoir
of, by Thornton K. Lothrop, 169-179.
His ancestry, 169. His birth, 170.
His early business life, 171. His
interest in the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 173. Trustee of the
Lowell Institute, 175. His business
sagacity, 178. His death, 179.
Lowell, Edward J., A.M., 76.
Lowell, Francis C., A.M., 171.

[blocks in formation]

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron,

McCarthy, Justin, 502.

McCleary, Major Andrew, 256.
McCleary, Lieut. David, 256.

McCleary, Samuel Foster, the elder, 256.
McCleary, Samuel F., A.M., death of,
69. Tribute to, by the President,
72-75; by Charles C. Smith, 75-78.
Memoir of, assigned to James M.
Bugbee, 78, 180. Memoir of, by
Mr. Bugbee, 255-263. His ancestry,
255. His parentage, 256. His birth,
257. His early education, ib. Be-
comes City Clerk of Boston, 258.
Changes in the community, 259. His
personal character, 260. His retire-
ment from office, 261. His other
services, 262. His death, 263.
McCleary, Rev. Samuel F., Jr., 263.
McGuire, Frederick B., 116, 117.
McGuire, James C., 116.
McKenzie, Rev. Alexander, D.D., 28, 30,
253. Remarks by, on the interest of
Jonathan Edwards in spiders, 23. Re-
appointed on the Committee to pub-
lish the Proceedings, 69.
McKinley, William, Pres. of the United
States, remarks by the President on
the assassination of, 183-187.
Mackintosh, Sir James, 422.
McMaster, John B., Litt.D., elected a
Corresponding Member, 493.
Madison, James, Pres. of the United
States, 374, 375, 376.
Letters to,

from Joseph Jones, of Virginia, 116-
161. His character, 118, 119. His
relations with Jefferson, 120. Letter
from, to Levi Lincoln, 232.
Madison, Mrs. James, 116.

Mann, Hon. Horace, LL.D., 168.
March, Rev. Daniel, D.D., 58.
Margry, Pierre, 91.

Marshall, John, LL.D., 93, 152, 220.
Letter from, to Fulwar Skipwith, 89.
Marshall, Hon. Thomas F., 441.
Martens, F. F., LL.D., 321.
Martial Law and the Emancipation of
Slaves, paper on, by Charles F. Adams,

Massachusetts, paper by Worthington
C. Ford, on the relations between
the Governor and Council of, on the
death of Queen Anne, 327-362.
Massachusetts Historical Trust Fund,
31, 41. Income of, 31, 39, 41, 264.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
173, 174.

Masson, David, LL.D., 53.

Mather, Rev. Cotton, D.D., 83, 84, 319.
Mather, Rev. Increase, D.D., 282, 320,

Matthews, Hon. Stanley, 237.
Meetings of the Society, 1, 25, 69, 105,
180, 264, 324, 365, 493. Annual Meet-
ing, 25. Stated meetings to be omitted
during the summer, 105.

Merriman, Mrs. Helen Bigelow, 31.
Metcalf, William, 22.

Middleton, Hon. Henry, 378, 412.
Mills, Hon. Elijah H., 233.
Mills, Hon. John, 234.

Minot, Hon. William, LL.D., 32.
Minot, William, Jr., LL.B., 32.
Missouri Question, 445, 475.
Mommsen, Theodor, 53.
Monroe, Hon. George H., 24.
Monroe, James, Pres. of the United States,
119, 122, 126, 142, 146, 149, 373, 374 et
seq. Letters from, to Thomas Jefferson,
375, 409, 411; to John Quincy Adams,
380, 381, 384 n., 393 n., 409; to S. L.
Gouverneur, 410; to, from Richard
Rush, 420. Changes proposed by, in
a dispatch from J. Q. Adams, 378, 387.
Moody, Rev. Samuel, York, 17, 18.
Moore, John Bassett, LL.D., 28.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 80.

Morley, Rt. Hon. John, LL.D., 1, 28, 81.
Mormon Church, 85.

Morse, Col. Charles F., 269.
Morton, Hon. Marcus, LL.D., Gov. of
Mass., 217.


Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, at-
tempted assassination of, 184, 185.
Nesselrode, Charles Robert, Comte de,
399. Letters from, to Baron Tuyll,
402; to, from Baron Tuyll, 400, 401.
Newbury Historical Society, 487.

New England Historical and Genealogi-
cal Register, 97, 164, 240.

New England Historic Genealogical
Society, 64, 97, 491.

"New England Magazine," 207, 210.
New England Society of New York,


Newland, Hon. David, 453.
New York "Independent," cited, 4.
Norcross, Grenville H., LL.B., 88.
"North American Review," 181 n., 208.
Northampton, Mass., 5, 7, 14.
Northrop, Cyrus, LL.D., 321.
Northumberland, Algernon
Percy, Duke of, 62.
Norton, Charles Eliot, LL.D., 105, 162,
325. Remarks by, on the life and
work of William W. Story, 368–371.
Nourse, Hon. Henry S., A.M., 30. Re-
marks by, on the burning of Colum-
bia, S. C., 274-278.
Noxon, Dr. Robert, 480.


Oliver, Fitch Edward, M.D., 73, 76.
Oliver, Gen. John M., 273.

Olney, Hon. Richard, LL.D., 28, 533.
Oratory, The Decline of, as a Factor in
History, paper by Josiah P. Quincy
on, 501-506.

Orsini, Felice, 184, 185.

Otis, Hon. Harrison Gray, 255, 257.
Oxford, University of, 115.


Page, Nathaniel, 241.
Page, Walter G., 45.
Paige, Rev. Lucius R., D.D., 180. Me-
moir of, by Henry F. Jenks, 240–254.
His birth, 240. His ancestry, 241.
Enters the Universalist ministry, 243.
His character as a preacher, 244. As
a pastor and a theologian, 245. Re-
tires from the ministry, 246. Pub-
lishes his History of Cambridge, ib.
His Commentary on the New Testa-
ment, 247. His interest in Tufts
College, ib. His connection with the
Masonic body, 248. His connection
with this Society, 249. His home life,
250. His old age, 251. His death,
252. Tributes to, 253. His published
works, 254.
Paige, Timothy, 242.
Paine, Nathaniel, A.M., elected a Resi-
dent Member, 2, 28. Communicates
a letter from James Craik to Andrew
Craigie, 362.

Paine, Thomas, 158, 160.

Palfrey, Hon. John G., LL.D., 162.
Palfrey, Miss Sara H., 45.
Palfrey, Col. William, 45.

Park, Rev. Edwards A., D.D., 4, 12, 23, 28.
Parker, Hon. Francis E., LL.B., 73, 257.
Parker, Rev. Theodore, 93.
Parkman, Francis, LL.D., 92.

Parkman, George, M.D., letter from
J. Q. Adams to, 455.
Payne, William, 329, 347.
Peabody, George, 31, 532.

Peabody Education Fund, 2, 532.
Peabody Fund, 31, 41. Income of, 31,
40, 41.

Perkins, Miss Louisa N., 521.
Perry, Jairus W., 527.
Phelps vs. Bowles, 529.

Phi Beta Kappa Society, proposed
changes in the constitution of, 204
et seq.

Phillips, Hon. John, A.M., first Mayor of
Boston, 255, 257.

Phillips, John C., A.B., 57, 105.

Phillips, Wendell, LL.B., 255, 502, 505.
Phips, Sir William, narratives of his ex-
pedition against Canada, 281-319. His
commission, 297. Instructions to, ib.
Pickering Papers, 73, 76.

Pierce, Hon. Edward L., LL.D., 201.
Pinckney, Gen. Charles C., 157.
Pinckney, Charles C., John Marshall,
and Elbridge Gerry, letter from, to
Fulwar Skipwith, 89.
Pinckney, Thomas, 144.
Pinckney, Mrs. 276, 277.


Polignac, Auguste, J. A. M., Prince de,
382, 430.

Poore, Ben. Perley, letter from Jared
Sparks to, 91.

Porter, Rev. Edward G., 28, 105. Memoir
of, by Morton Dexter, 55–68. His an-
cestry, 55. His birth and education,
56. Travels in Europe, 57. Settled
over a church in Lexington, 58. His
death, 59. His character, ib. His
rank in his profession, 60. His inter-
est in historical work, 61 et seq. His
various activities, 64. List of his pub-
lications, 65-68.
Porter, John, 55.
Porter, Royal L., 55.

Porter, Mrs. Royal L. (afterward Mrs.
Nathan Carruth), 56.

Portsmouth, N. H., paper by James De
Normandie on Jonathan Edwards's
visit to, 16-20.

Pozzo di Borgo, Charles André, Comte,
429, 433.

Prescott, Hon. William, LL.D., 202.
Presidency of the United States, succes-
sion to, in case of vacancy, 137.
President. See Adams, Charles F.

Prince Society, 64, 97, 105, 108, 109-111,
489, 491.

Princeton College, 3, 16.
Proceedings of the Society, cited, 33-35,
52, 71, 183, 246, 326. Serials published,
54, 168, 239, 323, 479. New volume
published, 168.


Quincy, Hon. Josiah, LL.D., Pres. of
Harvard College, 255, 257. Letter
from, to J. Q. Adams, 459.
Quincy, Josiah P., A.M., paper by, on
Dreams as Factors in History, 81-88.
Paper by, on the Decline of Oratory
as a Factor in History, 501-506.


Ranck, George W., death of, 180, 182.
Rand, Benjamin, LL.D., 218, 219.
Randal, Q. D., letter from, to J. Q. Ad-
ams, 463.

Randolph, Beverly, 124, 125, 126.
Randolph, Edmund, Gov. of Virginia,
124, 125, 131, 132, 133, 150, 154.
Randolph, Edward, Toppan's Memoir
of, 109-111.

Ravaillac, François, 185.
Ravenga, -,427, 428.
Rawson, Edward, 487.

Ray, Caleb, deposition of, 301.
Recording Secretary. See Young, Ed-
ward J.

Removals from office by the President
of the United States, 132.
Rendle, William, 478.
Rhodes, James F., LL.D., 27, 95, 239,
320, 367, 479, 493. Re-elected a mem-
ber of the Council, 51. Paper by, on
the death of Herbert B. Adams, 198-
200. Paper by, on Who burned Co-
lumbia? 264-274.

Richard Frothingham Fund, 32, 41. In-
come of, 32, 38, 41.
Ridgway, Miss Ann E., 522.
Ridgway, Miss Henrietta B., 324, 522.
Ridgway, Samuel S., 522.
Robert C. Winthrop Fund, 33, 41. In-
come of, 33, 41.

Robertson, Hon. John, 439.
Rodney, Hon. Cæsar A., letter from, to
Levi Lincoln, 231.

Rogers, William B., LL.D., 173, 174.
Root, Hon. Elihu, 531.
Ropes, John C., LL.D., 28.
Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose,
Earl of, 189.

Rouen, France, Charles Sumner's first
impressions of, 215.

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