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tion about eighteen millions, or better than fifty pounds a man. But calling itno more than fifty, and fuppofing only two hundred thoufand of them difcharged, the faving by the peace must be ten millions a year, not to fpeak of the acceffion of wealth, from the great numbers of them now employed in agriculture, manufactures, and commercial navigation, and which may be reafonably estimated at half that fum; fo that the certain difference in our favour, in point of wealth only, by a peace, cannot be rated at lefs than fifteen millions fterling per annum.

As to the lofs of men by the war, that of the feamen and marines alone has been calculated, as follows. The number of failors

and marines employ

ed this war were

Killed in en

gagements and by accidents Dead of difeafes and mifling Sailors now remaining, part of whom are discharged







The widows left, fuppofing only a fourth part of the men married, muft be about 33805; and if each married man left only one child, the number of orphans must be 67610.

Thofe countries,. no doubt, if that were any comfort, which were


the immediate theatre of the war, or lay in the way of the troops employed in it, fuffered much more. On the 17th of October laft a terrible fire happened at Archangel, in Ruffia, which confumed the tar ware-houfes, containing 300,coo barrels, befides reducing other building to ashes.

A large quantity of filver money, of the coin of Edward I. and II. has lately been discovered among the rocks in Ramfhaw moor in Northumberland.

On the examination of a fervant maid, lately committed for robbing her miftrefs, it appeared, that the worked hard all day, and at night, when the family went to bed, walked the streets in her miftrefs's belt cloaths as a common prostitute and about four in the morning let herself in, went to bed, and rofe at the ufual time to her work.

About four in the morn15th. ing, a meteor was seen to the northward o of Reading, of an uncommon length and quick ferpentine motion; it feemed to defcend towards the earth, and before it difappeared, it was fo luminous, that the fmalleft object on the ground it fhone on could be diftinguifhed as well as at noon-day.

A printfeller in the Strand was tried on a bill of indictment, preferred against him by the Reformation Society at Westminster, for felling obfcene prints, and was by the bench of juftices fined 5 1. and to give fecurity for his good behaviour for three years.

A man was found in Fleet Ditch ftanding upright and frozen to death. He had, it feems, unfortunately miftaken his way in the night, and flipt into the mud; and

being in liquor, could not difentangle himself.

Several human bones of a very gigantic fize, were lately dug up in the chancel of the church of Ewelm, near the duchefs of Suffolk's tomb.

Ended the feffions at the 17th. Old Bailey, at which, one for murder, two for a highway robbery, one for fheep-ftealing, one for ftealing a gelding, one for ftealing a filver tankard, one for burglary, and one for houfe-breaking, received fentence of death; (of which number, the murderer and three others were foon after, executed); one to be tranfported for fourteen, and fifteen for feven years; three to be whipped, and three branded.

Among the leffer criminals was John Cox for ftealing 6 lb. of fugar off the keys; but it appearing that at the time he committed the fact he was in great diftress, with a wife and five children all down in the fmall pox, and was before of good character, the jury not only recommended him to mercy, but fet on foot a liberal collection for him and his family.


Was celebrated at court, as her majefty's birth-day, in order to give people in trade the better opportunity of benefiting by the great expence ufual on thefe occafions.

Lord vifcount Townshend has opened a charity-fchool, at his own expence, at Raynham, in Norfolk, near Raynham-caftle, his lordfhip's feat, for cloathing and educating thirty boys and twenty girls, the latter to be brought up to spinning.

Several young crows 26th.

were taken out of a neft in [E] 2

a wood

a wood near Newbiker in Cumberland; and in a garden of a gentleman near Worcester, a linnet's neft was discovered, in which the hen was found fitting on five eggs; circumftances very uncommon during fo rigorous a feafon. A printed paper was dif25th. perfed in the taverns, coffeehouses, &c. complaining of the managers of the theatres refufing admittance at the end of the third act of a play for half price: and at Drury-lane theatre, in the evening, upon drawing up of the curtain, the two actors, who began the play, were interrupted. Upon this Mr. Garrick came on the ftage, and attempted to speak; but an uproar immediately began; and the ladies withdrawing, the benches were torn up, the glafs luftres were broke and thrown upon the ftage, and a total confufion enfued, which prevented the play from going on; and about nine the houfe was cleared, the money being returned. The damage was, however, repaired by next night, when the managers thought proper to fubmit, and promise not to employ one of the actors, who refufed to afk pardon on his knees for fomething the audience alledged against him, while he lay under their difpleasure. 27th.

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Died at Liege, John Theodore of Bavaria, bifhop of that fee, and brother to the late emperor Charles VII and the late elector of Cologne. He was born Sept. 3. 1703; elected bishop of Ratifbon in July 1719, of Freyfingen in 1727, of Liege in Jan. 1745, and created a cardinal, Jan. 17, 1746; fo that by his death three bishopricks are vacant. The revenues of Liege may be raised,

without oppreffing the people, to 300,000 l. fterling. The election is in the chapter, confisting of fixty canons,

They write from Pontypool in Yorkshire, that the live flock of many farmers in that country has been preferved by grinding gofs or furz, which grows in plenty upon most heaths, and giving it to hories and horned cattle, for whom it is faid to be excellent food.

The great froft, which fet in the latter end of last 29th. month, and of which we accordingly took proper notice in our laft volume, began to break by a gentle thaw, which, notwithstanding, being accompanied by very heavy rains, did great damage in all the low grounds throughout the greatest part of England.

The workmen, employed in pulling down St. Nicholas church in Bristol, have difcovered feveral bodies buried in the walls; one feemed a young perfon, wrapped in muflin, part of which remained ftill fresh.

By a letter from Edinburgh of the 15th infant, there is advice, that fome days before the river, commonly called the North-water, near Brechin, all of a fudden dried up, and continued fo, from fix in the morning till twelve at noon, when the water again returned, and began to flow, as ufual.

The total returns of the effective numbers of officers, men, fervants, women and horfes, the British troops confift of, on their march through Holland for England, are 687 officers, 16,445 men, 506 fervants, 1,666 women, and 7.391 horfes.

The convention with the Statesgeneral, relating to their paffage


through Holland, is in fubftance as follows :

"The faid troops fhall march from Wreeden to Williamstadt in fixteen divifions; their march fhall laft a fortnight, three days of which fhall be days of halting. All the infantry, with their baggage, fhall, if poffible, be embarked on the Waal at Nimeguen; but if this cannot be done, they fhall take the fame rout as the cavalry. The commander of each regiment fhall pay at every lodging for what fhall have been furnifhed to the regiment for every private foldier fhall be paid 3d. Dutch money a day, for lodging, fire and candle; for each ration confifting of 8 lb. of oats, 15 lb. of hay, and 6 lb. of ftraw, 12 d. Each officer, with out diftinction of rank, fhall pay 12 d. a day for his own lodging, not including his fervants and horfes, with refpect to which he may agree with his landlord. The price of meat fhall be regulated by the "magiftrates of the places through which the troops pafs. For truffes of ftraw, of 10 lb. the trufs, fhall be paid at the rate of fix florins the hundred; and for roo faggots, or an equivalent in turf, five florins; a pound of candles fall be 6d; all provifions for the mouth in general fhall be rated by the magiftrates; a cart for a load of 765 er 800 lb. weight, drawn by a fingle horfe, and provided with a carman, shall coft, for a day, two florins and a half; one with two horfes five florins; a faddle horfe 3od. a guide zod.the tolls, or road taxes, fhall be the fame as for the troops of the republic."

We must add, that, to the honour of the troops, both men and

officers, there was not a fingle complaint of irregularity whatfoever, from the time of their entrance upon the territory of the ftates, to their embarkation at Williamftadt.

They write from Lidkoping, in Weft Gothland, on the lake of Waner, that on the 25th ult. at about a quarter before eight in the morning, they had a shock of an earthquake there, accompanied with fubterraneous noifes, which paffed from fouth to north, and lafted for the space of two minutes, but happily did no damage either to perfons or buildings.

They write from Ruffia, that the earl of Buckinghamshire and count Mercy were the only foreign ambaffadors who had the honour of fupping at the emprefs's own table, on the 4th of December last, her majefty's name day, a feparate table being provided for the reft; and that, at the fame time, a note was diftributed, importing, that the title of Imperial being annexed to the crown of Ruffia, her majefty could hold no correfpondence with thofe powers who fhould withhold from her that title. This claim has given great umbrage to the minifters of France and Spain, as they imagine the precedency of their ambaffadors at foreign courts may be affected by it. 9:0


An impoftor, under the character of grandfen to the chevalier de St. George, having lately prefented himfelf to the divan at Cogftantinople, defiring circumciffon; the minifters of the Porte, fufpecting his pretenfions, put him under reft, and upon enquiry detected h's deceit. But what his punithment will be is not yet declared, be is

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2,275 barrels
8 kegs





Tanned leather


Timber, &c.







331 hhds.
12 cafks
215 bundles
1043 loofe

3,110 barrels
1,119 ditto
14 hhds.
19 barrels
2,693 fides
32 barrels
41 barrels
103,293 feet
4 barrels
Ico boxes
20 bushels

751 barrels
11 ditto

Died lately. Mary Toft, the famous rabbit woman, of Godalman, in Surry.

Reverend Mr. Crook, rector of
Brinkworth, Wilts, aged near 100.
Nicholas Schraen, a farmer in
Flanders, aged 101.
He held his
own plough 1761.

Mrs. Halford, at Wiptash, Warwickshire, aged 110.


The tide rofe higher at ift. Portsmouth than was ever known. The inhabitants at the Point were obliged to go in boats from houfe to houfe.

John Murcott, butler to the right honourable lord Dacre, was found barbarously murdered in his bed in his lordhip's houfe in Hill-ftreet, with a knife in his hand, and other means ufed to make it believed he had murdered himself; but that being altogether improbable, the fervants were all carried before fir John Fielding, when it appearing that Daniel Blake, a footman in the family, had, fince the murder, purchafed many neceffaries, of which he was known to have been a little before in the greatest want, without being able to give any fatisfactory account how he came by the money, he thought proper to own the murder; the perpetrator of which might otherwife have remained undiscovered, as there was no direct proof against him, more 2 barrels than against the rest of the fervants, 1 cafk and his countenance did not be6 calks tray the least concioufnefs Hams 5 barrels guilt. Two labourers wives, near Bridgewater, were lately delivered each of three children.

Candles, myrtle wax







Bees wax

1,648 lb.

14 boxes 388 bufhels



360 I hhd. I bundle


The account he gave himfelf of this murder, after several strict examinations, was, that having occa

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