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And when the appointed hour came, he left us : use the words of the just and beautiful eulogium f Dr. Hawes, at his funeral, as "one who had pased through life-without a cloud upon his sun, ra spot upon his character."

I move that these Resolutions now presented, be ntered upon the Records of this Court.

Fudge Ellsworth said:

"Gentlemen of the Bar:-I most cheerfully grant he motion. It is wholly unnecessary to say that I nost heartily concur in the sentiments of these resoutions. They express nothing too much in eulogy of that respected man, whom we all reverenced,— n whom we all placed the most unbounded confidence. His abilities and his judicial knowledge, were of the highest order. When I came into active life in this county, in 1813, there was already no superior guide, no one whom I could more freely and safely consult in relation to any question before the Court. He would have done honor to any judicial station that could have been assigned him in the State. He was a most amiable man, eminently distinguished for his taste, and of the strictest integrity, -an integrity founded in deep religious sentiment. The pervading religious element of his character, made his last days truly happy. We cannot doubt, gentlemen, that one so eminently distinguished for his virtues on earth, is received to enjoy in the next world, the society of the truly great and good who have gone before him.

"I rejoice that these resolutions are to stand upon the records as a perpetual memorial of our departed friend."

At the suggestion of Judge Welles, the Court was adjourned as an additional token of respect.


The importance attached to the human teeth and customs concerning them in various countries.

The human teeth are made subservient. in a great degree, not only to objects of practical utility and benefit, but also in contributing to the charms of beauty. "In every age and country, even among the rudest and most barbarous nations, these useful and beautiful organs have attracted attention, and been regarded as being of great importance for the purpose of giving symmetry and beauty to the face."

The first and most important function of the teeth, is the mastication of food: an object at once indispensible to an easy, quick, and healthy digestion; and it will be noticed that in brutes, death soon follows the loss of these organs. They are also highly essential in the modulation of the voice, and a correct articulation of words or language.— Of minor, though interesting importance, these organs are also indices of good taste and refinement, and the degree to which attention is paid to the graces. Lord Chesterfield says: "That fine and clean teeth are among the first recommendations to be met with in the common intercourse of society." Lavater remarks: "As are the teeth of man, so is his taste." I find in a favorite author the following beautiful extract taken from the French Dictionary of Medical Science.

"The teeth are the finest ornament of the human countenance. Their regularity and whiteness coustitute its chief attraction. Observe that lady smile, whose mouth discloses the perfection of their arrangement. You never think of noticing the ex. tent of the diameter of her mouth. All your attention is fixed upon the beauty of her teeth and the gracious smiles that so generously expose them.These ornaments are equally attractive in both sexes. They distinguish the elegant from the slovenly gentleman, and by softening the features, diffuse amiability over the whole countenance.—

Even the face of the black African, when he smil ingly shows his sparkling teeth, ceases to frighten the timid beauty. Fine teeth are more especially necessary to woman, for it is her destiny, first to gratify our eyes, before she touches our souls and captivates our hearts." I think I need offer no apology for thus placing the teeth pre-eminent among all the other attractions of the face; for let a lady be endowed with the rarest charms which nature ever bestows upon her most favored ones, and if the moment she opens her mouth, she discloses bad teeth, covered with tartar, or blackened by caries, and at the same time exhales a contaminated breath arising therefrom; she will at once cease to be thought beautiful, and her charms will fail to fascinate or please. But on the contrary, if she be devoid of even all the charms of beauty so common to her sex, and her teeth be regular, clean, and white, she will often hear the consoling compliment whispered around her: "what beautiful teeth she has."

Lavater, the great physiognomist, considered the teeth as indices to the qualities of the mind and body, but in this he erred, as a slight observation will convince us.

The following extracts from the book of inspiration, will show us in what estimation these organs were held by the ancients. Jacob says in blessing Judah: "His teeth shall be white with milk." In Solomon's description of the Church of God, when comparing it to a beautiful woman, he uses the following words: "Her teeth are like a flock of sheep, that are even shorn which come up from the wash. ing." The Hebrews it seems, considered the loss of these organs as both grievous and disgraceful.David uses the following words: "Thou hast broken out the teeth of the ungodly," and in praying against the wicked judges: "Break out their teeth, O God, in their mouth."

It is said that the Bramins have finer teeth than any other people in the world, owing to the extreme delicate attentions which they pay to the cleanliness of these organs. "Every morning when they rise, they rub them for upwards of an hour with a twig of a racemiferous fig tree, at the same time addressing their prayers to the sun, and calling down the blessings of heaven on themselves and their families." As this practice is prescribed in their most ancient books of law and divinity, we imagine it coeval with the date of their religion and government. It exhibits a curious proof of the regard which this polished and scientific people had for the purity and beauty of the mouth, when so simple a practice is inculcated as a law, and rendered indispensible as a religious duty.

We note some curious and singular customs among many of the inhabitants of India, and the islands of the Pacific, showing the importance attached to the teeth by these people. It is said that the inhabitants of Tonquin and Siam, the females of the Marian islands, and the unmarried ladies of Java, dye their teeth black. Many of the women of Sumatra have their teeth filed down to their gums; others again, either have them filed down to points, or the enamel extremities filed off, in order that they may the more easily be dyed black which color is regarded as being very ornamental. The great men of these islands color their upper teeth black, and encase the lower ones in gold, which is said to make a beautiful contrast by candle-light. The inhabitants of some of the other East India islands, gild their two front teeth, and dye the others black? The natives of Malacca grind horizontal grooves across the surface of their upper incisors, and the Abyssinian negroes file their teeth to points, and this increases the savageness of their aspect.

In ludia we are told that beautiful teeth former

ly constituted the chief attraction among a lady's charme. Catullus, in describing the beauty of

Panthea, alludes to her white, even, and well ar ranged teeth, and compares them to a sparkling necklace of the most brilliant pearls. Ovid also seems to have thought white teeth very attractive; for in addressing a beautiful lady, he remarks: "I can perceive your attention to the graces by the whiteness of your teeth." It is said, the inhabit. ants of Prince William's Sound, make an incision in the upper-lip parallel with the mouth, the sides of which when peeled, present the appearance of lips, and in this artificial mouth, they wear a shell cut to resemble teeth. The natives of the Sandwich Islands, in order to propitiate their god Eatooa-offer up to him their front teeth, thus indicating the estimation in which they hold them.In some parts of Spain, it is said that discolored teeth, are considered, as adding to, rather than detracting from, the beauty of the countenance.

I have thus in my first three papers, presented as I think, interesting, though unimportant matters, to the general reader; we shall now come to treat of practical considerations.

A. N.

Hon. John M. Niles on Prohibition. Mr Niles said that with the exception of a few remarks at the late County Convention, he had made but one Temperance speech in his life, and that was more than twenty years ago; this was not a cause in which he had labored; his mission bad been in a different field; yet he had watched this movement and sympathized with it; but must have the frankness to say that he had doubted the success of a prohibitory law, yet had thrown no obstacles in the way, believing it right that the friends of the measure should have the opportunity of trying the experiment. It had been tried, and he was happy to say that the result had satisfied him, as he had no doubt it had hundreds of others, entertaining similar sentiments of its efficacy and saving virtues.

He had not come here to discourse on the evils of intemperance; he had not prepared himself with facts, statistics, or nicely arranged incidents of woe and wretchedness, the fruits of this prevailing vice, to address to the feelings of the audience. What he had to say he should address to their understandings and reason. The evils of intemperance required no words from him; they have their own tongue which speaks more eloquently than any language he could command. If the time for such topics has not passed, they have become of secondary imporance, as the great and absorbing question now is in respect to the remedy for evils which nearly all ad


He might allude to a phase of this evil more revolting perhaps than most others, which he had witnessed and of which many present may have heard he alluded to drinking and drunkenness in high places, among those clothed with honor and power. He had seen laws passed for a sober people to obey, by legislators, some of whom were not very sober themselves. But he would forbear to speak of scenes he had witnessed at the national capitol which reflected so little credit on our country.

On this topic, the evils of intemperance, it was sufficient to say, that public sentiment had advanc ed, and that drunkenness was no longer regarded as an evil habit, but as a crime, and justly so regarded, as no man has a right to make a beast of himself, or set such an example to others.

While dronkenness is a crime in itself, it is an incentive to other crimes. Strong potations quite oommonly preceed and follow crime; the first excites a recklessness in wrong, and the last calms and hardens the conscience in guilt. Of the latter class,

there is a notable example in the Sacred Volume. The chief minister of the king of Persia, from mere jealousy and malice towards one man, conceived the atrocious and diabolical scheme of sacrificing all of his countrymen, of destroying a whole people. This wicked conspiracy was neary consummated; a decree was obtained from the king-probably signed when he was drunk, as it appears he did not know what it contained-fixing the day for the destruction of all the Jews in the Empire; the decree, with the orders for its execution was dispatched to the proper officials throughout all the Empire; the Jews were overwhelmed with terror, and the inhabitants of the country were filled with alarm and consternation at so horrible a plot of wholesale assassination and murder. In the midst of this scene of alarm and terror, what do we learn of the guilty author? Why we are told, that at this very time when the whole nation was filled with terror and alarm, "that the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the people of Shushan were perplexed." Drunkenness was resorted to, to drown the guilt of this horrid crime.

And in our own day and in our own country other conspirators may have followed this example.The Nebraska inquity has some analogy to this case, It did not aim at destroying the whole people of a country; but it sought to curse the country with slavery, which is next to its destruction and near akin to the crime of Haman. When this wicked plot was consummated, when corruption had done its work and the bill had passed both Houses of Congress-it was not necessary to wait for the signature of the President as no veto was feared,-it is more than probable that Douglass and Atchison, the two chief conspirators in this iniquity "sat down to drink" over their victory. He did not assert this as a fact, as he had no knowledge that it was so; but he knew the men, and he knew that when unprincipled men. in bigh station or low, accomplish a great scheme of iniquity they usually end as did the King and Haman, in “sitting down to drink," whilst the people whom they had betrayed are astonished and "perplexed."

Drunkenness when not the parent is commonly the handmaid of crime.

The temperance movement has now reached its third and last phase-here the great battle is to be fought, and I trust won. It is now a question of social and moral reform to be carried out by legislation. It has become, and could not be otherwise, a political question; it has entered into the politics of most of the States in the Union, and in some, is exerting a controlling influence. We must now prepare to meet this question, as other measures of reform are met, at the ballot box.

For the evils of intemperance there have been three remedies proposed and much discussed. The first is moral suasion, or the efficacy of public sentiment. This is no doubt the most fit and important agency in the work. It has been long tried and been found efficacious; it has accomplished much and prepared the way, for the last remedy, legal enactment, to complete the work. But whilst it has been found that public sentiment could do much, it has also been demonstrated, that it could not eradicate the evil. Public sentiment cannot reach those traders in intoxicating liquors, who regard their gains as of more importance than their own reputation, or the morals of the community. Nor can public sentiment reach a certain class who are below its influence; nor another class, not so low, but who, from confirmed habits are the victims of an appetite for strong drink, too potent to be restrained by any moral influence.

Moral suasion, in every way and form, has been

fully tried; it has fulfilled its mission; it has accomplished much; it has elevated the standard of public opinion, reformed the general habits of society; yet, much of the evil remains, which can only be removed by public sentiment taking the form and power of Law. The opponents of prohibition, ask us why we abandon moral suasion and public sentiment, and resort to law. We answer; we do not abandon them; our whole reliance, is on public sentiment; and we only wish to make that more efficient by giving it the form of law. In ac. vocating prohibition our reliance is on public sentiment; as that alone can enact the restraining law, or enforce it, when passed. And is there anything new or unusual in this? Are not all social and moral evils suppressed by public sentiment, through the form of law? Would these men be willing to rely on moral suasion to restrain riots, or to suppress thefts and robbery? If public sentiment alone is not sufficient to restrain other disorders, how can it be supposed to be sufficient to suppress an evil so inveterate as intemperance?

The second remedy, which has been tried under various forms and modifications, is the license system; or laws designed so to regulate and restrain the liquor traffic as to diminish its evils.

Such laws have existed in all christian countries for centuries; and this fact proves that from an early comparatively rude state of society, the traffic in liquor has been regarded as having a direct tendency to social evils and disorders. Such laws have existed in this state from the foundation of the colony and have ever been found inoperative for good. It is doubtful whether they have not increased, rather than diminished the evils of the traffic. While the restraining provisions have been disregarded with impunity, the license has given a legal sanction to the traffic, and thus saved it from the discredit which public sentiment would otherwise have cast upon it.

The license system has been a failure and could not be otherwise as it rested on a false principle.It is a compromise system-a compromise with evil. Compromises with drunkenness are like compromises with slavery; no good has or can come from them. In all compromises between sin and righteousness, sin will triumph.

These compromises with intemperance and slavery are like Jeroboam's compromises with idolatry. That wicked King sought to change the religion of his country; to draw the people off from the religion of their fathers, from the worship of the true God at Jerusalem; but did not dare to attempt to introduce the worship of Baal. He therefore proposed a compromise religion and constructed two calves very much like the calves of Baal yet with some points of resemblance to the cherubim, the Jewish emblem of the Divinity. He set one of those calves up at Bethel and the other at Dan, to withdraw the people from the true worship at Jerusalem. This compromise ended like most other compromises, with evil; the Baal worship prevailed, and during the reign of this wicked king nearly the whole people of Israel become idolators. Our compromising license laws, are like Jeroboam's calves; they have led the people into sin, into the worship of Balim. It is true. idolatry was put down and these golden calves of Jerobo am were removed from their high places on the Statute Book.

The third remedy for the evils of intemperance is the system of prohibiting the liquor traffic. This strikes at the root of the root, of the evil, and to this point public sentiment has for some years been tending. Here is whese we now stand; and the people of Connecticut are now called on to decide

whether they will sustain the principle of prohibi


This being the foundation of the present struggle, it may may be well to examine it with some care and see if it is sound.

Has the legislature power to pass such a law? is it right and just? will it be efficient and accomplish the object?

As to the power, little need be said, especially in a popular meeting like this. Our constitution grants general powers of legislation and the only restriction on them, is the bill of rights and the constitution of the United States. Some have claimed that that provision which says, that "private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation therefor," is violated by the seizure clause in the law. But there is no foundation in this idea. That provision is applicable only to cases where private property lawfully held and possessed, is taken and appropriated by the public to some public But this law does not authorize the taking of property lawfully held and possessed; but the taking of property unlawfully held and possessed; the seizing of property which has been forfeited; nor can it be appropriated to public use until it has been condemned as forfeited by a judgment of court. This is only the common case of the forfeiture of property, as part of the punishment for an offence; like the laws against smuggling and many others. There is no force in this objection, and this is the only one I have heard urged under our constitution.



From the Boston Transcript.

Ignorance of Learned Scholars. Dear Transcript :-As you occasionally allude to errors committed by English writers when they speak of the United States, allow me to refer to a few which I recently met with in my geographical reading. In the "Encyclopædia of Geography," a ponderous 8vo. of 1600 pages, edited by Hugh Murry, F. R. S. E., assisted by Professors Wallace and Jameson of the University of Edinburgh, and Professor Hooker of the University of Glasgow, and Mr. Swainson, F. R. S., and F. L. S., and published in Edinburgh, occur the following state


"The United States territory is separated from Canada by the St. Lawrence River." (p. 1327.) "New England, now the most flourishing of the States," &c. (p. 1337.)

"The President continues in office four years, and may be re-elected. But this has not taken place with any except Washington." (p. 1538.)

"The general aspect of the Eastern States is that of an unbounded forest." (p. 1340.)

"The rivers running across the Eastern States have been united at different points, and it is expected that a continued interior line from North to South, will be ultimately formed." (The writer is speaking of canals. (p. 1342.)

"Dr. Franklin once, on a journey, judged it wise to bear upon his person a label, expressing his name, his business, whence he came and whither he was going." (p. 1343)

"There are twenty-five colleges and seventy-four academies, under the patronage of the general legis lature, and a national university has been planned." (p. 1344.)

"Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, of the State of New England, and, until lately, of the whole Union, is built on a peninsula." "East Boston, where all the business is carried on, consists of a number of narrow streets and alleys, &c." (p. 1346.)

"New Hampshire, stretching south from Massachu setts, occupies a very great part of the surface of New England."—and in this State, "nothing is more common than to see a grandmother at forty. and the mother and daughter are often suckling children at the same time !!!" (p. 1347.)

I could send you many other statements from the same work, equally wide of accuracy, but the above samples may suffice. "Ex pede Herculem.',

Sleep-Dreams-Mental Decay.

The following passages are from a brief review in a London paper, of Sir Benjamin Brodie's Psychological Inquiries:

Dreams are next discussed, as also the problem, "What is sleep?" which our author declares insoluble. The sense of weariness appears confined to those functions over which the will has power; all involuntary actions are continued through our resting as well as waking hours. Sleep "accumu lates the nervous force, which is gradually exhausted" during the day. But these are words only; for who can define or explain the "nervous force?" Darwin's axiom, "that the essential part of sleep is the suspension of volition," still holds good, and is accepted as satisfactory. Talking and moving in sleep, though apparently phenomena irreconcilable with this theory, are not so in reality; for there are degrees of sleep, and these things only occur where the slumber is imperfect. It may be urged, again, that the mere absence of volition would not produce that insensibility to sight and sound which is the characteristic of the sleeper. But few persons are aware how much the will is concerned in the reception of impressions on the senses. One who is absorbed in reading or writing will not hear words addressed to him in the ordinary tone, though their physical effect on the ear be the same as usual.

Dreams are inexplicable: Lord Brougham suggested that they took place only in the momentary state of transition from sleep to waking. But facts coutradict this theory, since persons will mutter to themselves, and utter inarticulate sounds, indicative of dreaming, at intervals of several minutes. The common puzzle as to how dreams, apparently long, can pass in a moment of time, presents no difficul ty to the pyschologist. Life is not measured by hours and days, but by the number of new impressions received; and the limit to these is in the world without us, not in the constitution of our minds. To a child, whose imagination is constantly excited by new objects, twelve months seem a much longer period than to a man. As we advance in life, time flies faster. The butterfly, living for a single season, may really enjoy a longer existence than the tortoise, whose years exceed a century.Even between the busy and the idle among human beings there exists a similar difference, though less strongly marked.

It has been usually held that large heads are more powerful thinking machines than small ones; and, as a general rule, experience justifies the conclusion. But Newton, Byron, and others, were exceptions to it; and it is quite certain that a large brain may be accompanied with the most dense stupidity.

Many remarks scattered through this little treatise are worth the recollection of all ages and classes. "The failure of the mind in old age," says Sir Benjamin, "is often less the result of natural decay than' of disuse." Ambition has ceased to operate; contentment brings indolence; indolence, decay of mental power, ennui and sometimes death. Men have been known to die, literally speaking, of disease induced by intellectual vacancy. On the other hand, the amount of possible mental labor is far less than many persons imagine. If professional men are enabled to work twelve or fifteen hours daily, that is because most of their business has become, from habit, a mere matter of routine. From four to six hours is, probably, the utmost daily period for which real exertion of the mind can be carried on.

A Sheep Speculation.

A very verdant youth ou the shady side of thirty traveled out of sight of home for purposes unknown and stopped at a hotel to procure refreshments. The usual loungers of the bar-room, together with a couple of drovers bound for the eastern market with a choice collection of sheep, were in that happy good humor said to be produced by a satisfactory dinner, going in for anything to prolong the cheer.

A tip of the eye from one to the other as he entered indicated that they considered this awkward specimen "game," and "mine host" glanced inquisitively at his rough exterior, as though taking an inventory and balancing accounts for dinner.The innocent object, seemingly unconscious, stared at everything with dull satisfaction. and answered the queries addressed to him with a stuttering, foreign accent, highly amusing. His dinner being

ready he addressed himself to the "cold bite" not át all disturbed by the choice bits of conversation coming up from the bar room below, such a "raw Dutchman-fresh from Baden Baden-devilish fine fun," &c., mingled with uproarious laughter, which suddenly ceased on his return.

'Sheep, eh!' he said addressing drover No. one. 'Yes, sheep; wouldn't you like to purchase some four or five hundred to stock your farm with? ha! ha!'

'H-h-how du sell 'um ?' asked the Dutchman. 'Seeing it's you,' said drover No. two, taking him by the button-hole and speaking with mock seriousness, "seeing its you, neighbor, you may have all you can pay for at two dollars per head."

'P-p-pick?' suggested the Dutchman.' 'Yes, have your pick, and take all you can pay for at two dollars per head.'

'Well, I g-g guess I will look at 'em ;' so off went the drovers and Dutchman, followed by all in the bar room, even 'mine host' himself, to see the fun.

'You hear the b-bargain, g-gentlemen,' said this juvenile piece of rusticity.

Yes, yes, we hear the bargain, have all you can pay for at two dollars per head. Come hand out your money and pick your sheep.'

Dutchman rather leisurely opened his capacious wallet, and surprised the bystanders by presenting in all twenty dollars, and proceeded to select his sheep. Here the drovers discovered that he knew what was mutton, and had probably learned to distinguish wool from another article called hair.

Hold on, man!' said drover No. one, 'you've got your number, here's ten!'

'Well, but m-may be I-I-I might find enough t-t-tu pay for a few more.' So he threw over in all one hundred and twenty-five, then straightening up

'H-h here's your money, sir, I 'spose II could p-pay for more, but I guess I-I've got all the g-g-g good 'uns!'

The drovers found little satisfaction in the roars of laughter that greeted this announcement, and they cursed the Dutchman most heartily, who proved to be a Yankee after all.-Moore's Rural New Yorker.

A Conundrumical Loafer.

The following, the best story we have seen in an age, is from the Philadelphia Mercury :

A fellow in a complete suit of faded corduroy, and very dirty withal, tumbled off the steps of St. Andrew's Church, just as the watchman arrived at the spot, and making two or three revolutions on the pavement, stopped face upward before the officer and propounded the following query:

I say, watchy, are you pretty sharp at conundrums? Why am I like a backsliding Christian? That's a pretty tough one, you think? Well, don't puzzle. It's because I fell away from the church, and am likely to be picked up by the Evil One at last.'

The watchman, without thanking him for the infernal compliment, picked him up. On the route down Chestnut street, the captive addressed the captor again:

Watchy, I'll try you with another. Why am I like the Emperor of Hayti?'

'Because you are a sassy scoundrel'

'No; because I am attended by a blackguard.' 'And because you are as big a blackguard yourself as could be picked up in a year's travel.'

Nothing more was said till they came in front of Col. Wood's Museum, when the corduroy man once more addressed the man of the mace and rattle.

'Don't get out of heart, watchy. Better luck next time. Why are the Kentucky Giant and myself like the god of marriage?'

'Because you are humbugs.'

Bah! no Because we are high men.' (Hymen.) 'Do you call yourself a high man?'

'Yes, I do. I'm pretty high I think; if ten smallers of whiskey can make me so. Besides, I'm a trump; an ace of trumps, and you know that's always high.'

'Ay; in the game of All Fours.'

That's the game I was playing when you came

across me,'

You were playing low, I think for you were flat on your back. But I'll play the deuce with you, and that will be low enough, if you don't get along with out any more talk,'

You are not as bright, old fellow, as I thought

you were; but here's one I guess that you can chaw Why are you like sugar candy?'

'I can't exactly say,' replied the watchman, a lit tle flattered by the saccharine comparison.

'Well, it's because I'd like to lick you, if I had a chance,' said the prisoner at the very moment he was thrust into the cage.

This morning, when the conundrum-maker answered to the name of Simon Pearce, the watchman's evidence was heard, and a commitment for vagrancy was speedily made out."

"Can I say a word or two?' asked Simon. 'Certainly,' answered the Mayor.

'Why,' said the incorrigible offender, why is a small bob tail brown horse with a blaze face, like Gov. Bigler?'

Take him away,' said his honor, and the last conundrum remains without solution, to exercise the guessing faculties of our readers.

A Sagacious Teacher.

The Johnstown (Pa.) Tribune has a "letter found by a chambermaid," supposed to have been penned by a young Miss at boarding-school in a neighboring State. One part of it is too good to lose:

I must tell you about an affair of Emma Hall's, that happened last Saturday. A young man who had been paying some attention to her, had agreed to come and pass off as her cousin, aud take her out carriage riding, under the pretense that he was taking her to his father's, a few miles in the country. But his father does not live within a hundred miles of this.

Well, he came according to appointment, introduced himself as Emma's cousin, and asked to take her home with him to spend the afternoon. Miss Waldron said she had not the slightest objection, asked how far it was, and in what direction, and told Emma to get ready to go. But when Emma was dressed and ready to start, Miss Waldron also came down ready dressed, and said that, as their carriage was large enough for three, she would go along with them part of the way, and stop at a friend's, who lived a short distance from the uncle that Emma was going to see, and they might stop for her as they came back in the evening. Of course, they could do no better than to tell her they would be glad to have her go with them, although they would have a dull time with her along. But they thought they could make up for it by having a nice, social ride after Miss Waldron stopped at her friend's.

So, off they started in fine spirits, and when they had gone three or four miles they began to expect that every house they came to would be the one that Miss Waldron would stop at. But she didn't stop at any. Finally, when they had gone some five or six miles, Miss Waldron said she must have passed the house by some mistake, for they had certainly traveled twice as far as it was from town. But, since they had passed it, she would not trouble them to turn back with her, but would go on with Emma to her uncle's and stop just a minute at her friend's as they came back. There was what you might call 'a fix,' and Emma and her beau could do nothing but drive on. So, on they drove, and on they drove; but driving on didn't drive their troub les away. At last, when they had gone eight or ten miles, he said that the road must have been changed in some way, for he had undoubtedly gone astray, and as they had gone so far, and it was drawing late, they would not have time to find the right way.

So they came back to town, and when Miss Waldron got out of the carriage, she told Em's beau that, when he ascertained how the road had been changed, she would be very happy to go along with Emma any Saturday to spend an afternoon at her uncle's. Since that, we have seen nothing of Em's cousin; but it will be a long time before she hears the last of her visit to her uncle's.

"Douglas, dear," said his wife "appealing to him in a small, feminine dispute, "do you think I am generally bad-tempered?"

"No my dear," says he, "I think you are particularly so."

We should manage our fortunes as we do our health-enjoy it when good, be patient when bad, and never apply violent remedies except in an extreme necessity-La Rochefoucauld.

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A Startling Cry.

A friend of ours, connected with a morning paper, was returning to the bosom of his family, this morning, about one o'clock, and on his way thither was obliged to pass through Elliot street, where a considerable number of our Irish population reside. Our friend had nearly reached the corner of Carver street when he was startled by bearing a wild, shrill cry, as though the sufferer was in pressing need of help. Our friend is a philanthropist, and delights to do good. He has often rushed into strange honses without invitation upon the slightest evidence that a married couple were quarrelling, but then he has as often left the premises much quicker than he entered. At any rate, our friend stopped suddenly, and waited for a repetition of the cry which should assure him that his services were Deeded. He did not wait long. A louder and sbriller yell awoke the echoes of the night, and then the sound died away in broken sobs. Another moment, and a dozen voices caught up the cry, and there was one grand scream, as though the utterers were shaking with horror. Our friend buttoned up his coat, pulled his hat closely over his eyes, and congratulated himself on the gloribus prospect of being able to prevent a murder being committed, visions of witness fees were pictured to his imagination-first the coroner's inquest, (in case he was anable to save the victim) then the preliminary examination at the Police Court-and then the trialall that would bring in a round sum.

Elated at the thought, our friend dashed up a parrow alley, and entered a house from whence the yells proceeded. There was but one room in the building lighted, and towards that room our friend directed his steps, carefully grasping the weak banDisters and feeling his way through the darkness like a ship approaching shoal water with the lead going. Just as he reached the door where he supposed the murder was being committed, the same wild cries that he had heard when in the street cace more urged him on, and without losing a moments time he dashed open the door and rushed into the apartment.

Then he paused with astonishment. In the middle of the room was a pine table on which a coffin was lying, enclosing the corpse of an Irish female who had died the night before. Upon another table, in the same room, were black bottles, tin cups, glasses, a huge stone jug, and a paper of brown sugar to sweeten the whiskey for those who preferred not to drink it raw. Our friend saw that he had made a slight mistake. He would have turned and fled, but already had half a dozen stalwart Irishmen noticed his entrance and cut off his retreat. Thinking that he must be a friend to the family, the company urged the intruder towards the table, and, in spite of his protestations that he never drank li quor, he was obliged to quaff a glass of vile whiskey before he was released to pursue his way home, with bitter thoughts of how much he had made by going to an Irish wake.—Boston Telegraph.

"Thpit on it Captain."

A good story has been told of a lisping officer in the United States Army, having been victimized by a brother officer, (who was noted for his cool delib eration and strong nerve,) and his getting square with him in the following manner: The cool joker, a captain, was always quizzing the lisping officer, a Tentenant, for his nervousness.

Why,' said he one day in the presence of his company, nervousness is all nonsense-I tell you, Gestenant, no brave man will be nervous.'

'Well,' inquired the lisping friend, 'how would you do, thpose a thell with an inch futhee thould trop itthelf in a walled angle in which you had ta tea thelter from a company of tharp thooters, and where it wath thertain that if you put out your the you'd get peppered?'

How,' said the captain, winking at the circle, why, take it cool, and spit on the fusee.'

The party broke up and all retired for the night tept the pan. The next morning a number of ders were assembled and talking in clusters, Phen along came the lisping lieutenant; lazily openhis eyes, he remarked

'I want to try an experiment thith morning, and e how extheedingly cool you can be.' Sying which, he walked deliberately up to the a burning on the hearth, and placing in its hottest atre a powder canister, instantly retreated. There but one mode of egress from the quarters, and

that was upon the parade ground, the road being built up for defence; the occupant took one glance at the canister, comprehended his situation, and in a moment dashed at the door, but it was fastened on the outside.

'Charley, let me out if you love me!' shouted the captain.

Thpit on the canister!' shouted he in returu. Not a moment was to be lost: he had at first snatched up a blanket to cover his egress but now dropping it, he raised the window, and out he bounded, sans culottes, sans everything but a short under garment; and thus, with his hair almost upon end, he dashed upon a full parade ground. The shouts which hailed him brought out the whole barracks to see what was the matter, and the dignified captain pulled a tall sergeant in front of him to hide himself.

[blocks in formation]

A Methodist clergyman, who has been laboring in the vicinity of Marietta, Ohio, was, not loug since preaching to his people on the miraculous power of the Apostles over the demoniac spirits of their day. As he was pursuing his theme, the audience was suddenly started by a voice from some one in the congregation, demanding in a half querulous, half authoritative tone, "Why don't preachers do such things now-a-days?" In an instant, every eye in the house was turned upon the individual who had the effrontery thus to invade the sacredness of their sanctuary.

The speaker paused for a moment, and fixed his penetrating gaze full upon the face of the question


There was an interval of intense silence, broken at last by the speaker in resuming his subject. He had not proceeded far with his remarks, before he was again interrupted by the same impertinent inquirer. Again he paused for a time, and again resumed his subject. Not content with a silent rebuke, our redoubtable questioner demanded again, "Why don't the preachers do such things now-a days?" and curling his lips with a sneer of self complacency, drew himself up pompously in his


Our reverend friend-who, by the way, is a young man of great muscular power-calmly left the desk and walked deliberately to the pew, where the in. ferrogator sat, and fastening one hand firmly upon the collar of his coat. the other on the waistband of his "unmentionables," lifted him square out of the seat, and bore him down the aisle to the entrance. Pausing for a moment there, he turned his eyes up. on his audience, and in a clear, full voice, said, "and they cast out the devil;" and suiting the action to the word, out went the knight of the mush tub a la leap frog fashion, into the street.

The good pastor quietly returned to his desk, and completed his discourse. After closing the services, as he was passing out of the church, the outcast distiller, with an officer of the law, escorted our clerical friend to the office of a magistrate, to answer for an assault upon the person of said distil ler. After hearing the case, the magistrate dismissed the clergyman; and after roundly reprimanding the complainant, fined him for molesting the servi ces of the sanctuary.

Since that day, we believe he has never for a mo ment doubted the power of Methodist preachers to cast out devils, at least within the limits of the Ohio Conference.-Binghamton Standard,

THE GEOMETRY OF PROVIDENCE-The following striking passage occurs in one of Victor Hugo's late discourses:

"Justice is a theorem ; punishment is as exact as Euclid crime has its angles of reflection; and we men tremble when we perceive in the obscurity of human destiny the lues and figures of that enor mous geometry which the crowd calls chance, and the thinking men call Providence."

1 We heap suppers upou dinners, and dinners upon suppers, without intermission. It costs us more to be miserable than would make us perfectly happy、

ANIMATED CLOCKS.-In China the inhabitants of the provinces turn their cats to a most useful purpose, if we may believe, the following story, which is related by M. Hue, in his Travels in China:

"One day, when we went to pay a visit to some families of Chinese Christian peasants, we inet near a farm, a young lad, who was taking a buffalo to graze along our path. We asked him, carelessly, as we passed, whether it was yet noon. The child raised his head to look at the sun, but it was hidden behind thick clouds, and he could read no answer there. The sky is so cloudy,' said he, but wait a moment;' and with these words he ran towards the farm, and came back a few minutes afterwards with a cat in his arms. Look here,' said he; it is not noon yet; and he showed us the cat's eyes, by pushing up the lids with his hands. We looked at the child with surprise, but he was evidently in earnest; and the cat, though astonished, and not much pleased at the experiment made up on her eyes, behaved with most exemplary complaisance. Very well,' said we, thank you;' and he then let go the cat, who made her escape pretty quickly. and we continued our route. To say the truth, we had not at all understood the proceeding; but we did not wish to question the little pagau, lest he should find out that we were Europeans by birth.

As soon as ever we reached the farm, however, we made haste to ask our christians whether they could tell the clock by looking into a cat's eyes. They seemed surprised at the question; but as there was no danger in confessing to them our ignorance of the properties of the cat's eyes, related what had just taken place. That was all that was necessary; our complaisant neophytes immediately gave chase to all the cats in the neighborhood. They brought us three or four, and explained in what manner they might be made use of for watches. They pointed out that the pupil of their eyes went on constantly growing narrower until twelve o'clock when they became like a fine line, as thin as a hair, drawn perpendicularly across the eye, and that after twelve the dilation recommenced. When we had attentively examined the eyes of all the cats at our disposal, we concluded that it was past noon, as all the eyes perfectly agreed upon the point. We have had some hesitation in speaking of this Chinese discovery, as it may, doubtless, tend to injure the interests of the clock-making trade, and interfere with the sale of watches; but all consider. ations must give way to the spirit of progress. All important discoveries tend in the first instance to insure private interests; and we hope, neverthe. less, that watches will continue to be made, because, among the number of persons who may wish to know the hour. there will, most likely, be some who will not give themselves the trouble to run after the cat, or who may fear some danger to their own eyes from too close examination of her's."

HOW THE LAWYERS DIFFER.-The following an ecdote of a legal gentleman in Missouri, was pub lished some years ago, in a newspaper in that State : "Being once opposed to Mr. S a brother lawyer, then lately a member of Congress, remarked as follows to the Jury, upon some point of disagree, ment between them;

"Here my brother S. and I differ materially.Now, this, after all, is very natural. Men seldom see things in the same light, and they may disagree in the principles of law, and that too, very honest ly; while at the same time, neither, perhaps, can conceive any earthly reason why they should. And this is merely because they look at different sides of the subject, and do not view it iu all its bearings. "Now, let us suppose for the sake of illustration, that a mau should come into this room, and boldly assert that my brother S.'s head (here he laid his hand very familiarly upon the large chuckle head of his opponent.) is a squash, I, ou the other hand, should maintain, and perhaps with equal confidence, that it was a head. Now there would be a difference of opinion. We might argue till doomsday, and never agree. You often see men arguing upon subjects just as empty and trifling as this! But & third person coming in. looking at the neck and shoulders that support it, would say at once that had reason on my side; for if it was not a bead, it at least occupied the place of one-it stood where. a head ought to be!

"All this was uttered in the gravest and most solemu manner imaginable, and the effect was irresistibly ludicrous,"


SEEDS AND STATISTICS.-Congress begins to bestow special care upon the agricultural interests of the country. In the general appropriation bill we find an item of forty thousand and seventy-eight dollars to reimburse the Patent Office fund for the amount heretofore paid out for seeds and the collection of agricultural statistics. It will be remembered that the clerk in charge of the Agricultural Bureau made a visit last year to Europe to replenish the stock of seeds for distribution. Seeds we understand, have been distributed with great liberality to every part of the country.-National Intelligencer

LICE ON CATTLE.-If not now, the time is near at hand when vermin will trouble our cattle. The extra keeping of six quarts of oats per day, will not keep the flesh good when the skin is covered with these destructive insects. I will give my method for killing the lice, which may be beneficial to the readers of the Farmer. Sprinkle your stable floor with charcoal dust, (which is easily procured at any blacksmith's shop,) put four quarts under the fore feet of every creature, and if the lice are very plenty, sprinkle some on their backs, then apply the card faithfully, and in a few days you will find you bave conquered the enemy.

Canaan, Vt., 1855.

REMARKS.-Excellent suggestions, for several reasons. The charcoal will not tan the living hide, as some people do with ashes and ley, nor poison the animal as others do with unguentum. If the charcoal does not kill the vermin, it will prove an excellent absorbent in the manure heap. Let this little fact be remembered and practised upon, and no one need to be troubled with vermin on their cattle or poultry. "Insects do not breathe through their mouths, but through little holes, called spiracles. generally nine in number, along each side of the body." Now, if the skin and hair are oiled or greased, and carefully rubbed all over the animal, the insects cannot move about without coming in contact with it; these minute breathing holes become filled, and they die. When the remedy is properly applied, we have never known it to fail. It requires but a very little oil, but the application may be necessary two or three times.New England Farmer.

SHEEP. Lawrence Smith, of Middlefield, has been testing the respective merits of the Merino and Oxfordshire sheep, and finds that the latter are at the same time the most productive and the least expensive; they are also very prolific, usually giv ing birth to twins, and Mr. Smith has discovered that while the receipts on ten Merinos amounted to $32, the profits on nine Oxfordshires was $60 90. He also states that the lambs of the latter species often attain the weight of 100 lbs. on nothing but the milk afforded by the dam, and says that he has had a seven month lamb in his flock weighing 104 lbs.-Springfield Republican.

GRAPE VINES.-A gentleman who has made him. self conversant with the culture of the grape informs us that the severity of the past winter has destroyed nearly all the young wood of the past season as well as that of the year previous. Some vines in a protected situation, trimmed by him yesterday, were found in that condition. He thinks that even in the city the grape crop will be twothirds less than that of the previous season.-Philadelphia Ledger.

HEALTH OF CATTLE.-Mix occasionally one part of salt with flour, five or six parts of wood ashes, and give the mixture to different kinds of stock, summer and winter. It promotes their appetites and tends to keep them in a healthy condition. It is said to be good against botts in horses, murrain in cattle, and rot in sheep. Horse-radish root is valuable for cattle. It creates an appetite, is good for various diseases. Some give it to any animal that is unwell. It is good for oxen troubled with the heat. If animals will not eat it voluntarily, cut it up fine and mix it with potatoes or meal.

Feed all animals regularly. They not only look for their food at the usual time, but the stomach indicates the want at the stated period. Therefore feed morning, noon and evening, as near the same time as possible.

Guard against the wide and injurious extremes of satiating with excess and starving with want

Food should be of a suitable quality, and proportioned to the growth and fattening of animals, to their production in young and milk, and to their labor or exercise. Animals that labor need far more food, and that which is far more nutritious, than those that are idle.

In a dry time see that the animals have a good supply of water. When the fountains are low, they drink the drainings of fountains, streams, and passages of water, which are unwholesome.

If barns and stables are very tight and warm, ventilate in mild weather, even in winter.

GUANO FOR INSECTS.-A correspondent of the Horticulturist says: "Some time last summer, while budding some young peaches, I found that ants had taken posession of some ten feet in one row. They very earnestly resisted my attempts to innoculate the tree, inflicting many unpleasant wounds on my hands and arms. In order to disperse the warlike little nation, I sprinkled near a pint of fine guano along the little ridges. This threw them into immediate consternation. I noticed little collections of winged ants huddled close together, and seeming to be quiet, while those withont wings ran about in great agitation. The following day not a single insect could be found where the day previous they appeared to be innumerable."

To which we add the following from an unknown source: "We had a very fine melon patch which was well nigh destroyed by the striped bug. The vines had commenced running, and in two or three days the bugs had stripped nearly every leaf. As a desperate remedy we applied a handful of guano on the top of the hill as far as the vines had run, taking care that it did not fall on the leaf. In twenty-four hours not a bug was to be seen; the vines had assumed a healthy and vigorous growth, and are now loaded with fruit. The experiment was not one vine only, but hundreds.-Country Gentleman.

WHITE MAPLE SUGAR.-A Vermont farmer says the following is a method of clarifying sugar: Filter all your sap before boiling, through a hopper box of sand, which, he is satisfied, will take out, not only all the stains derived from leaves, tubs, crumbs of bark, but all other coloring matter that can prevent the sugar from being white.

ROTATION OF CROPS IN THE GARDEN.-It is the custom of many, who have small vegetable gar dens, to plant the same crops in the same spots year after year. This may be done and good crops may be obtained, if the land is deeply trenched and thoroughly manured every year. But without these precautions crops will almost certainly degenerate. The onions very likely will become maggoty and rot, and the peas fail to fill out well, and the cabbages show small heads. Though wề manure abundantly and work the soil two spits deep, we find it of great advantage to change the locality of the crops every year, with few exceptions. Asparagus cannot very well be changed, and onions seem to do better upon the same spot year after year.-American Agriculturist.

CULTURE OF CRANBERRY VINES.-The Bell variety or Egg shape is mostly cultivated in New England, and usually bear good crops as they grow wildbut when transplanted and cultivated, the berries are large and abundant, and bear large crops often after two or three years, from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty bushels per acre-are hardy, and can be cultivated in any part of the United States.

The soil best adapted, is such as will keep moist through the dry season. They have been raised on land high enough to produce corn and potatoes, with a wet substratum under the soil, or a clay and loam. They will not succeed well on dry, sandy, or land liable to bake or become hard in dry weather-but they will produce an abundant crop on poor swampy land that will not produce any other valuable crop, or any wet land after being drained. Dry ground should be plowed and barrowed smooth; in a swamp where a plow will not work, the turf or bog may be peeled off or burnt to get the Ayeeds and grass out. They may be set in the fall or spring, as early as the ground will admit, until the middle of May. Moss, tan, or anything to retain the moisture would be beneficial around the plant after transplanting; a little sand around the plant in the fall and spring will tend to keep the weeds out.

Planted in drills as you plant strawberry, cabbage, and other plants, one and a half to two feet apart. At two feet apart each way, it will take 10 000 plants to the acre. Hoe them slightly at first until the roots become clinched, and afterwards no other cultivation is needed, unless to keep out weeds and grass. The plants may be expected to run together and cover the whole ground in two or three years. They can be gathered with a cranberry rake made for the purpose, to be procured at the agricultural stores.

HOW TO WAKE UP THE SLEEPERS.-The following curious incident is given in the North Bridgewater Gazette:-A clergyman who officiates not a thousand miles from here, noticing the drowsy state into which some of his congregation had fallen, stopped in the middle of his sermon on Sabbath afternoon last. and after a few words in explanation of his course, gave out a hymn for the choir to sing. It may well be supposed that every one present was wide awake by the time the last peal of the organ died away, and after a recapitulation of what had gone before, the minister proceeded with his discourse.

After reading such accounts as the following from Balaklava, who will think it strange that disease has swept so many thousands of the English army into the grave?

A circumstance occurred in Balaklava to-day, (25th January,) which I will state, for the calm consideration of the public at home, without one single word of comment. The Charity, an iron screw steamer, is at present in harbor for the reception of sick British soldiers, who are under he charge of a British officer. That officer went on board to-day, and made an application to the officer in charge of the Government stoves for two or three to put on board ship to warm the men. Three of my men,' he said, 'died last night from choleraic symptoms, brought on in their present state from the extreme cold of the ship; and I fear more will follow them from the same cause.' 'Oh!' said the guardian of the stoves, 'you must make your requisition in due form; send it up to head quarters, and get it signed properly, and returned, and then I will let you have the stoves.' 'But my men may die meantime.' 'I can't help that; I must have the requisition.' 'It is my firm belief that there are men now in a dangerous state whom another night will certainly kill. I really can do nothing; I must have a requisition, properly signed, before I can give one of these stoves.' For God's sake, then, lend me some; I'll be responsible for their safety." 'I really can do nothing of the kind.' 'But consider, this requisition will take time to be filled up and signed, and meantime these poor fellows will go.' I cannot help that.' 'I'll be responsible for anything you do.' 'Oh, no, that can't be done! Will a requisition signed by the P. M. O. of this place be of any use?' 'No.' 'Will it answer, if he takes on himself the responsibility?' 'Certainly not.' The surgeon went off in sorrow and disgust. Such are the 'rules' of the service in the bands of incapable and callous men.

SILENT INFLUENCE.-It is the bubbling spring that flows gently, the little rivulet that glides through the meadows, and which runs along day and night, by the farm-house, that is useful, rather than the swollen flood, or the warring cataract. Niagara excites our wonder, and we stand amazed at the power and greatness of God, as he 'pours it from his hollow hand.' But one Niagara is enough for the continent, or world, while the same world requires thousands and tens of thousands of silver fountains and gently flowing rivulets, that water every farm and meadow, and every garden; and. that shall flow on every day and every night, with their gentle, quiet beauty. So with the acts of our lives. It is not by great deeds, like those of the martyrs, that good is to be done; it is by the daily quiet virtues of life-the Christian semper, the meek forbearance, the spirit of forgiveness, in the hus band, the wife, the father, the brother, the sister, the friend, the neighbor, that good is to be done. Rev. Albert Barnes.

Where twenty persons have stomachs, but one has brains; henee brewers grow rich, while print ers remain poor.

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