Abbildungen der Seite

Fouché and Fontanes turned upon each other a bewildered look. Boïste was set at liberty; but it cost him the expense of the sheets that replaced the seditious page through the whole edition. And Boïste thought himself happy to get off so cheaply, now that he began to perceive that his tribute to the Emperor's coinage was considered so equivocal a compliment.

ECONOMICAL NATIONAL FORCE. MR FREDERICK HILL, inspector of prisons, has published a small pamphlet, addressed to the question of national defence.* He treats the subject with that prac-important that the members of the force should in tical sense and regard for the economical and moral good of the country which presided over the post-office reform of his distinguished brother. While regarding the late outcry about national defence as uncalled for, and perhaps dangerous, we may go so far as to admit that, in the event of any need for additional force being experienced, Mr Hill's plan will be entitled to respectful consideration. More than this, a force such as he proposes might be substituted with advantage for a certain amount of the present standing army.

Mr Hill remarks very justly, that 'many circumstances tend to keep an army in a comparatively low moral condition, and thereby to act injuriously upon public morals. The early removal from parental influence-the recklessness frequently induced by the feeling that, in a moment of anger or partial intoxication, an engagement has been entered into fatal to the person's happiness, and which it is impossible to shake off-the forced association with the rude, the violent, and the vicious-the idleness of the barrack life, with its temptations to drinking and gambling, alternating with the mad excitement, great bodily fatigue, and exposure to cold, hunger, and sickness, attendant on most kinds of warfare-the thirst for plunder, excited by the opportunities for military license, and the practice of giving prizemoney-the improvidence arising from the irregular gains of a soldier, and the constant feeling of the great uncertainty of his life-the habits of licentiousness caused by the difficulties in entering into the marriage stateand the little regard for character generally felt by those who are for ever moving from place to place-these, and other causes, must act with baneful effect on the moral character of the soldiers themselves, and, through them, on the people generally.'

After illustrating this position by a variety of facts, Mr Hill goes on to discommend the raising of a soldiery by conscription, as unjust to classes and individuals, and an absurdity in itself, in as far as it disregards the special qualities requisite for the vocation of a soldier. He then asks if a body could not be formed 'consisting of men prepared by nature for warlike encounter, and trained by art to military service?-ready to resist aggression of all kinds, whether of domestic or of foreign enemies, and yet with the interests and feelings of citizens and yeomen?-of men with homes, families, and friends?-of men who have something dear to them to fight for, and which would be perilled alike by the anarchy of an ignorant mob, the tyranny of a military despotism, or the successful invasion of a foreign foe?'

He thinks such a force might be raised. He suggests it should consist of 100,000 men, under the name of the National Reserved Force, 'to be formed of men chosen from volunteers for the service, and residing, under ordinary circumstances, at their own homes, in different parts of the country.' These men he would have

*Economical Defence of the Country from Internal Tumult and Foreign Aggression. Ridgway. London: 1848.

regularly drilled, and ready to act, when called upon, either as a police force to suppress internal tumults, or as an army to defend the country from attack. The men to receive a small annual stipend, and in addition to be paid for their time when on duty; also to have a claim to an annuity when sixty years of age, if they have spent twenty in the service. In the selection of 'the men, great regard to be had to the moral character of the applicant, and to his being strictly sober; and, other things equal, a preference to be given to those who possess some amount of property. Indeed it is so general be owners either of a house, a piece of land, a stock of furniture, money in a bank, shares in a public company, or some other kind of property, so that they may have a strong interest in the preservation of order that if the proposed remuneration (together with the other inducements which are likely to exist) be not found sufficient to cause persons of this class to enter the force, it would be advisable to increase it.' Parade and drill at stated times, but so as to interfere as little as possible with the ordinary avocations of the men; every member to be obliged to reside within a certain distance of his place of muster, but to be enabled to exchange from one division of the force to another when the interests of his trade or calling render it necessary. Mr Hill roughly estimates the annual expense of this force at L.900,000; and remarks that if the new force were found to justify a reduction of the army by 25,000 or 30,000 men, it would produce a saving.

'Without stopping,' says Mr Hill, 'to inquire whether men selected on the proposed plan could not, if it were thought important, be readily made to equal ordinary soldiers, even in the minutest detail-without examining this point, it must be remarked that again and again has the proud general of a well-disciplined army found himself wofully mistaken, and compelled to yield to men who, though less erect in their bearing, were animated by a high moral feeling, a strong love of country, and a determination to defend their homes and liberties. Witness the disgraceful defeat of the Austrian and Burgundian armies in the war which gave Switzerland her freedom, and in which the power of infantry was first taught to the well-trained and iron-clad warriors of Europe by a few mountain herdsmen. Witness also the defeat of the chivalry of the first two Edwards in their attack on Scotland, ending in their utter rout at the glorious battle of Bannockburn. Witness again the disgraceful defeat of our troops in the American war; and the discomfiture of the Austrian and Prussian troops in their unjustifiable attack on France in the early period of the French Revolution, and before France had exhausted herself and weakened the attachment of her people by her atrocious invasion of other states, and her fearful conscriptions. Look also at the noble struggle of Toussaint L'Ouverture and his negro associates, and the triumph of Dessalines and his army, formed out of men who had lately been groaning in slavery, over Bonaparte's disciplined troops. And we now see how the countless hordes of Russian soldiers are kept at bay, year after year, by a few brave Circassians.

'A consideration of these and other similar deeds

must, I think, convince almost every one that men with ordinary spirit and energy, who stand on their own soil, who know every yard of the country, who have the sympathy and support of the people, and who, in their homes, their property, and their liberties, have something worth fighting for, will, with a very moderate amount of training, present an irresistible front to any invading army-a front, indeed, the very idea

of which would prevent any but an army of madmen from setting foot upon the coast; and shows, I think, that such a force has inherent advantages which can never be wholly possessed by troops collected even in the manner in which the English army is raised; and far less by foreign mercenaries or conscripts, animated by no pure or noble motive, and in many cases serving against their will.'

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The objection, that soldiering should be a trade by itself, is met by the allegation that, in reality, it cannot in peace be a trade, since it is then a life of more than semi-vacuity and idleness; a state of things not merely tending to immorality, but to violent discontent, and sometimes even mutiny. The gain,' he adds, 'to public morality, by a decrease of drunkenness and prostitution, with their train of misery and crime, which would result from a large diminution of the number of ordinary soldiers, would be great; while the security for our liberties would be increased by the power of the army being in a great measure transferred to men of superior education and morality, linked to society by the thousand ties produced by a family, the possession of property, and the exercise of an industrious calling.' By some, the employing of an armed force of any kind, even for defence, may be objected to; but all experience proves that peace-officers with staves are powerless in suppressing tumultuary masses armed with muskets and other dangerous weapons, as was exemplified in a striking manner on the occasion of the late riots in Glasgow. While there exist miscreants sufficiently daring to unite in forcibly defying the law, we fear that soldiering of some sort must be considered a lamentable necessity. Mr Hill's plan may be said to reduce this evil within the narrowest possible bounds. His soldiers are to be only armed and trained civilians, ready at a moment's notice to assume a military character; and we should suppose they are to have about them as little of the pomp and buffoonery of warlike array as the most sober-minded could desire.


AMONG all savage nations and tribes, the observance of
certain superstitious forms and ceremonies are inter-
woven in almost every important event, whether civil,
social, or political; yet in none, perhaps, are these ob-
servances more strictly kept up than in everything
relating to the practice of the healing art.

to the true cause-the healing properties of the plants
that grow beneath his tread. To those, too, whose very
vocation would seem in a great degree to lie in a know-
ledge of the powers of the vegetable world, the medical
practitioners not only of Europe, but even those of the
large Atlantic cities of North America, of the very
land in which these plants are indigenous, they are
generally as little known as they were to the distin-
guished philosopher above named.
We shall cease,
however, to be much surprised at this fact, when we
consider for a moment the unvarying system of teach-
ing adopted at medical universities. Hear certain lec-
tures, read certain books for a given time, answer cer-
tain questions which these books will teach you have
passed your examination-you are a qualified phy-

To the medical philosopher there are few fields fraught with so rich a harvest of discovery as the investigation of the properties of many of the plants peculiar to the fertile districts of North and South America, in relieving and permanently curing many of the most severe diseases to which the human frame is incident. The ground for these investigations is already broken to some extent by the medicine-men of the different tribes, whose rude experience and modes of practice, which they are ever most willing to exhibit and describe, would be of great value in directing many apparently intricate or obscure applications, the modus operandi of which the light of science might afterwards illustrate and explain.

Cancerous affections in stages of extreme malignity; the long train of obscure glandular diseases of more or less severity; the multiform denotements of severe scrofulous affections; ulcerations of chronic duration; cutaneous maladies of various and loathsome origin and extent; tumours of indolent and malignant character; rheumatism; epilepsy; spasmodic diseases; lumbago; torpid action of the bowels or liver; incipient consumption, and the various inflammatory affections of internal organs; the bite of venomous reptiles; tetanus; and a host of less grave forms of disease, I have seen subdued and cured by these humble pharmacopolists.

I will proceed now to relate a case. In a wigwam in which I was for a time domiciled, a fine Indian lad of eleven years of age, in gathering berries, was bitten on the back of the hand by a mocassin snake, which he had provoked; but which he at length succeeded in capturing, and bringing home in triumph. The squaw, the only person except myself present, immediately bound the arm tightly just above the elbowExtensive means of observation, and some length of joint with a strong cord; upon the wound on the hand residence among various tribes of North American she applied a succession of plantain leaves (the Alisma Indians, particularly one called the Pottowatomie na-plantago), wetted with oil and milk; she then prepared tion, which, at the time I speak of, were a wandering a strong decoction of the Lobelia inflata, which she people on the great prairie lands of the state of Illinois, now called the Wisconsin Territory, gave me ample opportunity of observing many of their superstitious orgies, as well as their medical treatment in curing many violent and severe diseases. When I say that my only object in being among these rude people of the forest was that of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the virtues of the vegetable substances used among them as medicinal agents, being myself a physician, and having, too, the sanction of the chief of the tribe to dwell with them, it may be supposed that my opportunities of observation were unusually great. How I have profited by it, many of my patients suffering under some of the most severe diseases incident to humanity might testify; but on this head I must not enlarge.

Unknown to the classification and arrangement of the great Linnæus or succeeding botanists, many plants of surpassing power in these wild regions bloom, flourish, and decay, whose virtues are confined to the knowledge of the Medicine-man (as the doctor is called) of the tribe, and who, in the wild superstition in which he has been educated, ascribes the remarkable cures he performs more to the influence of his savage orgies than

gave the boy to drink freely, and placed him in a warm bed. She then strewed some salt upon the ground, burnt a hank of flax in her hand, muttered a form of prayer to the Great Spirit Manitou, and then repeated at intervals to her patient copious draughts of the decoction, notwithstanding the severe vomiting it occasioned. This treatment was kept up throughout the night, the plantain leaves being repeatedly changed for fresher ones. The following day the same treatment was followed with less vigour; and in the evening, a poultice, made of the green leaves of the Geranium maculatum, was applied to the wound, and the patient placed in a warm water bath prepared with the balsam of the pinetree. On taking him out, he was pronounced to be well; and so in truth he was, excepting some degree of debility occasioned by the treatment. To my own knowledge, he was in good health five years after this event. Now, in contrast with this rude yet successful treatment by savage skill, let us place that of the regular faculty of the city of New York in a similar case. Dr Wainwright of that city was bitten on the forefinger by a rattlesnake; he was aware of the danger, and in a situation to have the immediate aid of several eminent physicians; but in vain: the life of this amiable and

talented gentleman was sacrificed for want of that in the neck, much as the European surgeon would, he knowledge of the curative properties of plants growing takes from his pocket an oval instrument, made of thin almost at their very doors. The death of Dr Wain-iron, about the size of a large tablespoon, and shaped wright occurred last December, and the circumstances somewhat like a trowel, which he heats to a red heat attending it were noticed in the London 'Times.' When in the lighted charcoal, and with a sudden and light it is borne in mind that the bite of the rattlesnake is far touch sears the open cancer, already in a state of ulceless dangerous than that of the mocassin, the value of ration, observing to touch the edges, and what he the two modes of practice will stand in still stronger pointed out to me as the roots of the cancer, but contrast. which were, in truth, the deep sinuses occasioned by the progress of irregular ulceration. At the touch of the iron, the woman shivered, and slightly shrank back, but uttered neither moan nor cry. Immediately after this, the proper plants, in a green state, previously soaked in the blood of the calf, were spread all over the cancer; the earth was then laid on the plants about the thickness of an inch or a little more, having been made into a clayish paste by mixing the blood with it. Thus much for the treatment. For the prognosis, or probable result, three small peas had for a few days previously been placed in earth and water, until they were just on the point of germinating; being carefully removed, they were pressed down into the covering of the diseased breast, and the earth gently smoothed over them by the fingers. Suitable bandages, made of cloth and the inner layers of the white birch bark, were applied; and to insure the earth keeping in its place, a pair of stays (or garment of their precise form) was tightly secured round the chest. The woman was then delivered to her friends, and placed in a recumbent position upon a species of palanquin; orders were given as to her diet, which was strictly antiphlogistic, and she was then conveyed home, with a caution to remain in the same position until the visit of the medicine-man, to take place on the third day after.

I will now proceed to detail the treatment of a severe case of cancer, occupying the whole surface of the breast in an Indian female. This woman belonged to a wandering tribe of Indians, whose nomadic habits had heretofore prevented the necessary confinement and attention to diet to effect the cure. The medicine-man, whose pupil at the time I was, having appointed his day for general consultation, and being aware, as in more civilised conditions of life, of the vast importance of assuming a great degree of consequence, had not failed to throw around himself the utmost gravity and mystery of manner on the days devoted to the public reception of the sick. These days are always during the time of the full-moon; and the one previous to reception the medicine - man observes strictly as a day of abstinence, refraining from all food except bread, water, and vegetables. Receptions usually take place in the open air, under the shade of large oak-trees; but in severe weather his own wigwam is chosen. Having divested himself of his ordinary hunting or farming dress, he robes himself in an external garment made of the skins of various kinds of snakes sewed together. This dress is girted tight at the neck, and spreads loosely around him, reaching to his feet, and rattling, at every motion of his body, with more noise than some of the venomous reptiles make when alive and about to dart on their prey. The ground having been marked in a circular form with a spade, flax, pine-tree gum, and various aromatic herbs, are burnt in an iron pot, and thrown around. The medicineman, whose face is previously painted with red and blue streaks, sits at a table, on which is placed various roots, herbs, and plants. In the centre of the table is a large basin, made of the bark of the birch-tree, containing the blood of a new-born calf that has never cropped the herbage. Among some tribes, and formerly with this, the blood of a new-born babe, slaughtered for the purpose, was used on this occasion; but from the progress of humanity consequent upon their frequent intercourse with Europeans, the blood of a calf has been substituted, and found to be equally efficacious.

On the present occasion, there was placed on the table another vessel, containing a large quantity of clayey earth, of a yellowish red colour, dug at six feet depth from the surface of the ground. This earth had been previously most carefully pulverised, and passed through a fine sieve, every particle of stone and shell, or other extraneous substance, having been thoroughly excluded. An iron pan, containing a little charcoal, made from the wood of the yellow elm-tree (Ulmus flavius), in a state of bright ignition, was placed upon the ground.

The patient was brought in, carried in the arms of four men, her relations, and accompanied by a multitude of neighbours and spectators, to whom these exhibitions are ever open. She was seated on a low cork stool within the circle on the ground, and facing the medicine-man. During a form of prayer or invocation commenced by the operator, and joined in by all present, beseeching the Great Spirit Manitou to give courage to the patient, skill to the doctor, and success to the cure, the eyes of the female were bandaged with cloth, and her breast uncovered. The most perfect silence now prevails; every voice is hushed; and the medicine-man proceeds to his examination of the case. He puts no question as to the origin of the disease, or what applications have been used; but after examining the state of the glands in the axilla (arm-pit), and those

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At the moment the medicine-man commenced his treatment with the application of the heated iron, and during its continuance, until her arrival at the door of her own home, the following words were chanted, in a slow mournful measure, by all who accompanied her. The translation has been furnished by a friend versed in the language of the tribe :

'Fertile earth and growing grain,
Ease this woman of her pain;
Fire to purge thy pains away,
Earth to cleanse and purify;
Sow the seeds in hope to grow,
By thy blessing, Manitou.
Sow the seeds,' &c.

The prognosis by the peas is much relied on. In truth, divination is peculiar to all savage tribes; and though frequently deceived, they still adhere with strong tenacity to the ancient superstitious observances of their forefathers. If the three, or two out of the three peas continue the process of germination, so that the earth is slightly broken in their attempt to reach its surface, the result is predicted as highly favourable: if one only, not so favourable; still the woman will recover, but slowly; and the prognosis would be doubtful as to the recurrence of the disease in after-life. Should none of them germinate, which often happens from accidental causes-such as changing the position of the earth by the necessary movements of the bodythen an unfavourable conclusion is looked for, and the patient and her friends are apprised that the Great Spirit Manitou needs her presence in the huntinggrounds of her forefathers, and bids her prepare for death.

I should have mentioned, that after the third day, the medicine-man attends the patient at her own wigwam at such times as he considers necessary, and the subsequent treatment is with the decoctions made from the plants useful in the case, together with medicines given internally. In many cases, if not in all, I am assured that the searing of the diseased surface with the heated iron has been attended with most injurious results, increasing the inflammatory disposition, destroying the vitality of the parts essential to the healing

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UNDER this title a small pamphlet or circular was lately handed to us by a correspondent. Consisting of an address to workmen on the subject of economising means, it embraces the history of an operative who, with no remarkable advantages, and without change of position, was able to attain a state of independence. In order to bring it under general notice, we give it a place in our pages.

'Englishmen have much to be thankful for, inasmuch as there is probably no country on the face of the globe where sober, industrious young mechanics and labourers can so soon raise themselves to ease, comparative independence, and comfort, as in England. Many instances in real life might be given in proof thereof; yet our present purpose may be best answered by presenting the case of one who, having lost his father and mother in childhood, has been indebted to the kind-hearted for the school learning he has acquired. During his apprenticeship he gained little beyond habits of industry. In the seven years of his apprenticeship, his master fell from a respectable station to one of abject poverty, owing to his taking the one glass, then the two, three, four, and onwards; till, by steps almost imperceptible, his business and family were neglected, whilst he joined his associates at the alehouse. But let us not dwell on this sad picture. On completing his twenty-first year, our orphan boy engaged in a situation where he received 15s. per week wages; 8s. of which he appropriated to food and lodging, and 2s. to clothing and a few useful books to rub up his schoolday learning. Warned by the example of his late master, he shunned the alehouse, and his steady conduct soon gained him the confidence of his employer, who, at the end of the first year, raised his wages to 21s. per week. At the end of the second year he found himself possessed of upwards of L.40; 5s. per week had been regularly deposited in the bank for savings during the first year, which amounted to L.13; and in the second year 11s. per week, which was L.28, 12s. more. We need not follow him, step by step, in his steady but onward course. He has now been nineteen years in his present situation; for the last ten, he has been the foreman, with a salary of 30s. per week. Twelve years ago he married a virtuous young woman, and has now six fine children. The house he lives in is his own; a good garden is attached to it, and a fruitful and lovely spot it is; it serves as an excellent training-ground for his children, whose very amusements in it are turned to good account. The mother brought no fortune with her except herself. She had, indeed, lived as servant some years in a respectable family, where she had high wages; but all she could spare was devoted to the support of an infirm mother, who, on her marriage, was received into her husband's house, where the evening of her life is rendered happy. How is it, you ask, that a man at forty years of age, who has had nothing to depend upon but his own labourwho has a wife and six children, and an infirm mother-inlaw to support-can have bought a piece of ground, built a house upon it, and can have it well furnished, and, after all, has upwards of L.200 out on interest? for he has been a servant all along, and is a servant still. Well, let us see if we can find out how it is. In the first place (and which, after all, is the main point), he spends nothing at the alehouse; the money which too many worse than waste there, he saves.

'At the age of twenty-three, we found he had in the bank of savings L.40.

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In addition to his house and garden. "These calculations have been made in consequence of the writer having been informed that there are at the present time from 300 to 400 workmen employed by one company in Hull, many of whom are earning great wages, and spending no inconsiderable portion of them in a manner which their best friends regret. It is with a view of directing their close attention to the great good that they might do for themselves, by proper forethought, that these remarks are penned. There is nothing in this calculation which 80 out of every 100, who earn from 25s. to 30s. per week, might not effect, if they were wise enough to pursue the same plan. Mind that your houses be comfortable, wellfurnished, supplied with useful books-above all, the Bible, and read a portion of it every day, with prayer that it may be blessed to you and yours. Contrast, for a moment, the condition of those who thus rightly employ the means placed within their power of providing comfortably for themselves and families, with those who squander in thoughtless waste, first the few shillings, then the many pounds, in procuring that which yields no comfort, brings no health, affords no solace for declining years; then judge for yourselves which course you will pursue.'

WHAT IS EDUCATION?-ANSWERED. THE inquiry as to what education really is-whether it be verbal teaching or practical training-has been satisfactorily answered, as follows, by Mr David Stow, honorary secretary of the Free Normal Seminary, Glasgow, in a small work recently published on the subject of National Education:

What the education is that will best enable a man to educate himself, ought surely to be the sovereign question. Is it instruction, or is it training? Is it the amount of elementary knowledge communicated, or is it the exercise of mind required by which the pupil may educate himself? Till lately, the term used to define education was INSTRUCTION. Give religious instruction, it was, and is still said, and this will be sufficient. Teach the poor to read the Bible, and forthwith you will make them holy, happy, and good citizens-good parents-obedient children-kind and compassionate-honourable in their dealings-and crime will diminish. Hundreds of thousands have received such an education.-Are such the results? We trow not. Have we hit upon the right kind of education, or the proper mode of communication? Will all the instruction it is possible to give produce the results which are so fondly anticipated? Will all the telling, or teaching, or instruction in the world, enable a person to make a shoe, construct a machine, ride, write, or paint, without training-that is, without doing? Will the knowledge of religious truth make a good man without the practice of it? The boy may repeat most correctly, and even understand in a general way, the precepts, "Avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath," "Render not evil for evil," "Be courteous;" but see him at play among his companions, neither better, nor perhaps worse, than himself, unsuperintended, and his conduct unreviewed, by parent or schoolmaster, and what do these Scriptural injunctions avail him when engaged in a quarrel? Reason is dormant, passion reigns for the time, and the repeated exercise of such propensities strengthens the disposition, and eventually forms evil habits. The father cannot be with his child to train him, whatever his business or profession may be, during the day, and a healthy boy will not be tied to the apron-strings of his mother-out he will go, and out he gets to the streets, to be with such companions as he can pick up.

'In education, as hitherto conducted in school, even under the most highly-intellectual system, we have had instruction, and not training. Schools are not so constructed as to enable the child to be superintended-the master has not the opportunity of training, except under the unnatural restraint of a covered school-room; and it is imagined, or at least stated, that children are morally trained without their being placed in circumstances where their moral dispositions and habits may be developed and cultivated; as if it were possible to train a bird to fly in a cage, or a race-horse to run in a stable.

Man is not all head-all feeling—or all animal energy, He is a compound being, and must be trained as such; and the varied powers of mind and of body, although distinct, so act and react upon each other, that it is difficult to say where the influence of the one begins and that of the other ends. The intellectual, to a certain extent, influences the physical, and vice versa; while the moral influences both, and is influenced by both in return. The most influential and successful mode of cultivating the child is, therefore, when his whole powers are daily and simultaneously exercised; and no injury can arise to his varied powers of body and mind, provided they be fed, and not stuffedtrained, and not merely instructed.

'How do we purpose morally, physically, and intellectually to elevate the mass of our population, among whom there is not, on the part of parents, either the opportunity or the intelligence to accomplish this object? If done at all, it must be almost exclusively performed by the school trainer. It is not now done by the schoolmaster, and cannot be accomplished by the parent. Therefore our youth are growing up untrained in a moral, and even in an intellectual point of view, although it is announced that "the schoolmaster is abroad." In reality, we have much said, and little done. The truth is forced upon our attention, that teaching is not training.'

"The Sabbath school was, and still is, too weak and powerless to contend with the sympathy of numbers; there being, even when best conducted, only the teaching of one day set against the training of an opposite tendency during the other six days of the week. In the Sabbath school there was the teaching of the master, without sympathy set against the sympathy and training of the streets, and frequently even of the family. Need we wonder, then, that the one day's teaching or instruction was (and still continues to be) overborne and counteracted by the six days' training?'

In other words, the conviction at which Mr Stow appears to have arrived is this-that no mere teaching, no learning of lessons or catechisms, no mere putting on the memory a large variety of psalms or other exercises, is education. Besides technical instruction, training is indispensable. Good habits require to be enforced and confirmed by practical acts-by doing that which is right, as well as merely knowing what is to be done. For saying as much, educationists have for many years suffered abuse. It is gratifying to find a person in Mr Stow's position vindicating so sound a principle in education.


The Essex Herald' publishes the following letter from the Rev. G. Wilkins to a farmer, who wrote to him inquiring how the wireworm had been exterminated in the reverend gentleman's land. It contains much sound, though, we daresay, unpalatable doctrine to the owners of smooth lawns and trim-bedded gardens: Some ten years since, when I came to my living, and commenced cultivating the little land I hold, it was, I may say, full of wireworms. Nothing could have been worse, for my crops were in some places ruined by them entirely. What, then, did I do? I adopted a plan which I recommended and published in periodicals many years since-namely, encouraging moles and partridges on my lands. Instead of permitting a mole to be caught, I bought all I could, and turned them down alive; and soon my fields, one after another, were full of mole-hills, to the amusement of all my neighbours, who at first set me down for half a lunatic; but now several adopt my plan, and are strenuous advocates of it. My fields became exactly like a honeycomb; and this continued even among my standing and growing and ripening crops; not a mole was molested, but I still bought more. This summer I had fourteen brought, which I turned down; but they were not wanted: I have nothing for them to catall that moles live upon is destroyed-and so, poor things,

they must starve, or emigrate to some distant lands, and thus get bowstringed by savage men, whom they aim to serve. Adopt my plan, and it will be sure to answer. If you have a nest of partridges, also encourage them: all the summer they live on insects, on wireworms, &c.; and consider how many millions a covey will destroy in a single summer. Again, always remember that moles feed upon insects, and of which the wireworm is the chief; if you doubt this, open a mole, and peep into his stomach. Again, do not fear that moles injure your crops, either in a field or in a garden: it is a low and vulgar error to suppose that they root up young corn; they never go anywhere until the wireworms have first destroyed the plants, and then, innocent things, they are punished for others' faults! If you do not like to see their hills, knock them about with a hoe, as I did; it is a healthful amusement, and they will do your lands good. Do not despise my plan because the farmers will not adopt it in your neighbourhood: farmers adopt nothing till driven to it, and nothing that is new and good.'


The attention of dairyists has of late been pretty much called to the advantages of glass as a non-conductor of electricity, in the preservation of milk in glass pans. It was only a short time since that we were shown a glass bottle full of milk that had been preserved in India and China, and when drawn, after eighteen months' preservation, was not only found to be perfectly sweet, but to contain, in a solid and cohesive state, a small quantity of excellent butter; while the milk preserved in a tin case during the same voyage had gone to acid. It now appears that glass milk-pans produce almost equally remarkable results; and from an analysis we have seen of the cream which was thrown up on some of Harris's Compressed Register, it appears that the difference is in favour of the glass, as compared with the wooden or wedgeware pan, by at least ten per cent.-Scottish Farmer.

[blocks in formation]

My everlasting Pyramid, and look round
From its great throne on oceans without bound;
Time shoreless, shifting sands, and realms as yet
Growing to being. Of all here who met-

Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab-who hath stood?
All, all have drifted onward by my base,
And here I hold amidst their surge my place!
Before me things were not, or such as could

Endure like me, eternal. The broad Nile,
Young as the day it leaped to life, and made
Life wheresoe'er it moved-the godlike sky,
Star-written book unfathomable-the pile
Of mountain-walls around-these shall not fade.
They were-and are-and shall be !-So shall I!
M. S. J.


A CORRESPONDENT obligingly forwards the following note:-' As an Essex man, I hope to be forgiven for mentioning that a slight error has been committed in a recent article in the Journal in reference to the life of John Ray. Braintree is stated to be a village in Suffolk, whereas it is one of the chief towns of the northern

division of Essex, possessing an endowed grammar school, at which John Ray was educated. Black Notley is the adjoining village to Braintree, and the churchyard in which John Ray lies buried is about three miles distant from that town. The Essex folk are proud of John Ray. His tomb is within a pleasant walk of Braintree, and is occasionally visited by botanists. I have even known pilgrimages to be made thither, on which occasions ferns, mosses, and wild flowers, gathered by the way, have been duly and reverently laid upon his grave. John was evidently fond of Essex; and were he alive, I hardly think he would be pleased with the notion of transporting his remains to Suffolk.'

Published by W. & R. CHAMBERS, High Street, Edinburgh. Also sold by D. CHAMBERS, 98 Miller Street, Glasgow; W. S. ORE, 147 Strand, London; and J. M'GLASHAN, 21 D'Olier Street, Dublin.-Printed by W. and R. CHAMBERS, Edinburgh.


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