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thoroughly sifted by some wholly unbiassed person, it must be vain to hope for any permanent mitigation of the terror that now prevails.'

P. S. Since the above was put in type, several companies have made statements which have allayed popular fears, and sent stock up in market: the exposition, though perhaps not altogether what could be wished, is an example worthy of imitation.


Ir is hardly fair to introduce the hero of our tale as belonging to the above-mentioned class, without in the first instance ascertaining whereabouts the announcement will place him in the estimation of our readers. We fear that with some who would not for worlds be classed under the same denomination-young ladies, for instance he will be put down at once as an unfor tunate being, afraid to take a peep at his own face in the glass, or venture a glance at his own shadow as it intrusively escorts him along the wall. Then, again, there are others who perhaps know the world a little better, and they will pronounce him one who deems himself privileged to say all manner of disagreeable things under the aspect of candour; while haply there are some who, not thinking too much of themselves, not knowing too much of the world, will find some corner of the heart warming up at the phrase; some gentle recollection of a quiet old aunt, or old bachelor uncle, living long ago, and far away, in generous contentment; always ready to do a good turn, or think a good thought, without making a fuss about it.

If such be the idea at last conjured up, we need not fear to proceed on our introduction, though far from engaging that the present instance will in any degree equal the example we have recalled, or even that such 'plain people' exist at all in the world we have now. Indeed when first we knew Arthur Murray-and that is not very long ago-he was the last person amongst our acquaintance to whom we should have thought of assigning the character; much more readily would we have supposed him sitting for the reverse of the picture; a young, and, as yet, untried lawyer, with more brains than briefs; dandified, elegant, exquisite, somewhat given to satire and paradox; ready to play on each word; to make the worse appear the better reason, and the better seem the worse. No one who then knew him could either, in praise or in censure, have called him a 'plain person;' and most assuredly he would not have admitted the impeachment himself. And yet there was something in the way in which he went to pack up his trunk for the journey he was now about to make with a country client whom he had obliged on some professional matter, and who in return invited him down to his place during vacation, 'to have a shot at the snipe;' something hopeful in the tone with which he repeated his friend's instructions- Be ready by two o'clock, and we can travel together: just put up two or three shirts, with your shooting-jacket, and your powder and shot; you will want nothing else, for we are all plain people down there;' and something in the manner in which he laid aside his dress-coat, and selected in its stead a garment beyond chance of injury from packing or use, which might lead us to fancy that some trace of character, such as we have glanced at, survived even amidst his later acquirements.

In perfect ignorance of the locality he was to visit, and the people he was to meet, beyond the intimation conveyed in the foregoing rather ambiguous phrase, Arthur soon found himself trying to draw an augury from the discourse of his companion; and then inwardly repeating, Plain people-if all the rest are like him,' as he vainly endeavoured to give an agreeable turn to the self-sufficient remark, or dogmatical opinion, following closely on the heels of each other, and always prefaced or concluded by a phrase which seemed to have

attained the virtue of an axiom, to cut short all discussion, silence all argument—‘I am only a plain man, but that is my view,' all others being of course indirect and inconclusive, unworthy the attention of any clear unbiassed mind. And Arthur at last could hardly refrain from laughing, as subject after subject was thus arbitrarily nipped in the bud, and as the ignorance or prejudice of his companion took the tone of superiority, and asserted the triumph of natural candour over professional training and finesse.

He had not travelled many miles of his way when, half repenting of his undertaking, he arrived at least at one conclusion-that the plain man by his side was a tyrant at home, and that even his own independence would be a doubtful matter while he ventured to remain; he was accordingly quite prepared to see the household still as mice on his arrival, or ready to fly to the ends of the earth at the first sight of their master. He was rather agreeably surprised, therefore, to find himself received in a comfortable dwelling, where the furniture, well-used and well-kept, seemed coeval with the house, and the house itself with the trees that surrounded it, and the quaint garden in front; and to find its mistress aptly representing the whole. Orderly and motherly, she exactly realised his ideas, and silenced all his misgivings by her fearless cordiality towards himself, and her glad welcome to her husband.

All is just as it should be, thought Arthur: The good man has been only showing off a little to bring down my conceit;' and he laughed at the conceit himself, remembering that he had attempted to show off in the beginning; when his conclusions were again upset by the entrance of a lady, whom Mr Wilson at once introduced as his sister, adding the somewhat unnecessary information, A regular old maid.' Plain enough, again thought Arthur, though, for his own sake, as well as the lady's, he would just as soon it had not been so plainly expressed. He read at a glance that the individual in question included him in the annoyance such a remark was likely to inflict; but he also read in the silence with which it was received, and the imbittered expres sion which now seemed habitually to rest on features that once must have been pretty, that there was nothing unusual in the impeachment, and that the plainness of speech which had already so often disconcerted himself, had also perhaps, without intentional unkindness, in a sort of rough jocularity, torn away all the little illusions which might still have prolonged her attractions, or at least made the inevitable transition more easy.

And then came the children; but here Arthur was again at fault, as during the whole of the next day, when a down-pour of rain prevented his leaving the house, he had to endure their noisy companionship, and try to appreciate the advantages of a plain education, as exhibited with pride by the father of the family. I give them practical habits, and train them, like myself, to look straight at their object, speaking out their minds at all times freely and plainly, without fear or reserve;' and then walking off with perfect compla cency, his guest had an opportunity of witnessing the result of this one-sided lesson in polite speeches such as these: That's a lie for you, Emmy;' and 'I hate you, Johnny;' while screams, and scratches, and bloody noses, continually formed a running accompaniment to the words; their aunt flying hopelessly from the room with her hands to her ears; their mother flying in from her household duties with horror in her face; and then the indignant narrative, and the equally indignant retort, ending in the punishment of the entire lot.


Miss Emmy, don't you play on that piano?' said Arthur after some time, good-naturedly hoping to cause diversion, and relieve the eldest girl from her sulky sobbing in the corner. No answer at first; but when the question was repeated, there was the father's ownself in the reply-No, indeed; I do not waste my time with such nonsense.'

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Then who is it for? Who plays on it now?'

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Yes, and then you must behave yourself, Miss Emmy; Sydney wouldn't let you or any one else play the tyrant,' muttered Johnny from the other corner, where he had been imprisoned at discretion. To avert the storm which was plainly gathering again, Arthur called Johnny over to him, and showing him the book he had been reading, asked if he would like to hear a story.

'No,' replied the still surly boy; 'Papa says them stories are all lies;' and back he stalked to his durance again, leaving Arthur to consider whether the plain people he knew long ago owed any of their excellence to having cultivated a little of the ornament, as well as the sweet charities of life; and how far it is possible to prevent the weeds and the briers from springing up in our hearts, if some little attention be not given to the flowers.

He had fallen deep into this reverie, and, for aught we know, might have arranged an able speech on the subject of national education, when his attention was aroused by a conversation between Mrs Wilson and Miss Milicent, who, taking advantage of the enforced tranquillity, had established themselves at work, unnoticed by him as he abstractedly gazed out of the window. Now, however, a name, from which some prospect of relief had already dawned, struck upon his ear as Miss Milicent exclaimed, 'So, Sydney is to be here to-night; and plain as ever, I suppose: that sort of face never grows either better or worse.'

Another specimen of the genus, thought Arthur to himself; but when, with a slightly-reproachful tone, and a glance to her sister-in-law indicating the presence of a stranger, Mrs Wilson replied, 'I cannot think so; the expression is ever-varying, and yet always so good and so true, that in looking at the features, you forget the face,' he at once felt his levity checked; and mentally applying the words of the speaker to herself, felt how redeeming, even to the homeliest features, was the kindly expression worn by hers at the moment.

Just then Mr Wilson coming in, announced that he had ordered John to take over the tax-cart to meet Sydney at the coach; and Mrs Wilson confirmed the favourable impression she had made all along by gently suggesting that the coach was late, the evenings cold, and it would be much better to send out the chaise; but her husband, in his own peremptory way, cut her short, meeting the objection with his favourite phrase, Pooh, pooh; Sydney knows very well we are only plain people, and that I am an enemy to overrefinement and self-indulgence in young people: the sooner they are broken in to rough realities the better -eh, Mr Murray ?-instead of being allowed to think, as they do now-a- -days, that the world is made for themselves.'

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Arthur bowed in silent answer to this appeal; there were some rough realities going on again at the far end of the room, which seemed to him to render any other comment unnecessary.

The evening turned out cold, squally, and showery; Mrs Wilson had been many times at the window to watch the sky; and when at last the curtains were drawn, turned to stir up the fire, saying to herself with a sigh, A bad night for Sydney; I wish so much the chaise had been sent.' And again, as Arthur watched the unpretending kindness of her little preparations, and looked at her good-natured countenance lighted up by the kindling blaze of the fire, and the still kindlier feelings within, he no longer wondered that her husband, even in his plainest moods, found nothing unpleasant to say to her. He felt his own captious feelings passing away, and found himself involuntarily recur

ring to the words he had overheard, 'It is not the features, but the face.'

He was just about to make some inquiries as to the person to whom the sentiment had been applied'What, who was Sydney?'-when the sound of wheels announced that the object of his curiosity had arrived. The children had been allowed to sit up, and apparently appreciating the indulgence, were quieter than usual; but once more, violent and demonstrative as ever when occasion came, they joined in a general rush to the door, leaving Arthur in solitary possession of the fireside. A noisy welcome Sydney got; shouts of recognition from each separate voice, screams and struggles, as one pushed the other out of the way, for a while drowned every minor sound, until at last a clear, gay, ringing voice rose above the clamour, as if, pitched beyond its ordinary tone, it was determined to make itself heard. Arthur, who in the now deserted room had been listening with some curiosity, felt a slight twitch of disappointment as the clear treble met his ear he had somehow all along anticipated somewhat of companionship in Sydney-some pleasant associate to take Mr Wilson's place in their shooting expeditions -some relief from the dull truisms to which he was weary of being sole auditor; so now exclaiming pettishly, Why, Sydney must be only a child, a mere boy after all,' he threw aside his book, and standing up before the fire, felt ready to take his departure on the instant.

But with a sudden misgiving he listened again: the voice, lower and sweeter now, though still remonstrating, went on to say, 'Stay, Willy; stay a moment until we get off this dripping cloak; no indeed, Johnny, you shall not drag me in while I'm such a figure; I must get rid of all those spatters in mercy to aunt's new carpet, to say nothing of my own appearance before the strange gentleman you tell me is within.'

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And again the blithe laugh sounded through the half-open door, as the speaker seemingly resisted all Johnny's rough attentions. We said that Arthur listened with a sudden misgiving: with a sudden though involuntary movement, too, he raised his hand to his coloured cravat, glanced downwards at his shootingjacket, all unchanged since the vain preparations of the morning; but before the wish was half-formed that he had been more particular in his inquiries, less careless in his attire, or, above all, that the family had for once adhered to their own fashion of plain speaking, the door was flung open, and in came a young lady, grasped on all sides by the children, shouting Here is Cousin Sydney' at the top of their voices, and quite superseding the necessity of a more formal introduction, when the elders of the party followed quietly into the room.

And so Cousin Sydney' was a girl after all! When the first shock had subsided, that instead of the ally and companion he had made up his mind to expect, presented to his view only a quiet little girl with a countenance cold and repulsive, according neither with Mrs Wilson's kindly remark, nor yet with the musical laugh in the hall which first roused his suspicions, he felt utterly disappointed, and hardly bestowed a second glance on the unpretending figure that had been introduced with such acclamation: pale and cold she looked, her dark dress fastening high round her throat, dark eyes and hair both making her paleness more conspicuous, without one other colour to relieve the darkness -the shadeless white: no waving ringlets, no sparkling smile, no airy step, personified the Euphrosyne so rapidly conjured up in his fancy by that laugh; no gentle word, no cordial tone realised Mrs Wilson's description; but passing him by with a scarce perceptible curtsy, and a very perceptible shiver, she turned eagerly to the fire, while he, muttering to himself, Another of the plain people, and decidedly the worst,' turned with an air equally chilling back again to his book.

But the ice began to thaw, and involuntarily he

found himself attending while the sweet voice spoke again, in answer to Mrs Wilson's inquiries, regrets, and apologies about her journey, and the weather, and the conveyance; sweeter and kinder it seemed to grow, as each word tried to satisfy them all. Indeed, aunt, you need not say a word; I never travelled more comfortably-trusty old John took such excellent care of me, and I was so delighted to drive in the tax-cart: it was bringing back merry old holiday times again. John said I sprang to the seat lighter than ever; but I could not return him the compliment, for since this time last year he is grown twice as stout again, and afforded me as much shelter as if I sat beside a castle wall.' And for the first time since his arrival, Arthur heard the pleasant tones of domestic harmony, as young and old, without a dissenting voice, chimed in with her merry laugh at burly old John.

He looked up from his book; there were no surly faces; no one was exulting over another; no one was provoked; and, wonder of wonders, two of the children peaceably occupied the same chair, keeping each other steady with encircling arms, that they might be all the nearer to Cousin Sydney, and not miss one syllable of her 'stories of the road.' Had a good fairy alighted amongst them, and suddenly transformed them with a sprinkling of honey-dew, Arthur would as soon have expected pearls and diamonds-as the story runs-to fall from their lips, as the courteous words and pleasant laughter that now broke on his ear; and wondering and inquisitive as to the nature of the charm, he found himself looking and listening as Sydney went on.

'Half-smothered in cloaks, which John would wrap round me, who should I meet when we were half-way but Mr Miller, your rector. How he knew me is a mystery, for there was nothing to be seen but my eyes.' In spite of himself, Arthur could not help thinking they were likely to be remembered; and, whether his look said so or not, at this point the speaker seemed slightly disconcerted, and the eyes and the cheek certainly brightened a little, as she laughingly proceeded

'He-Mr Miller-thought I had not defences enough, and wanted to wrap his greatcoat round my feet: but when I declined it, in compassion to his own wants, what do you think he said? It was just such a reason as you would give yourself, dear uncle-" It did not matter for him, but young ladies were made of different stuff.""

Mr Wilson laughed, and yet coloured a little. Perhaps some memory of the morning's discussion about the chaise rose up to remind him that, however similar in expression, he was very far behind Mr Miller in consideration; and he was honestly about to make some confession of the kind, when Mrs Wilson came to his relief by exclaiming, Dear Mr Miller, always considerate; deeds, not words with him: most probably, Sydney, in his humble estimation of himself he quite intended a compliment when he said you were of different stuff: that he intended a kindness we may all be sure.' And Arthur, as again he looked up, could not help feeling some slight curiosity as to whether his glance had a second time anything to do with the brightened colour that flitted so suddenly over her face.

But, strange to say, Sydney had never noticed the young lawyer's glances at all. Unaccustomed to admiration or attention, she neither expected nor sought for it, and was now entirely occupied with her long-parted relations, and with all the little changes that had occurred since they met; and Arthur soon discovered, in this forgetfulness of self, in the warm sympathy she felt for others, and the kindly construction she put on all they said or did, the secret of their improvement under her influence, and her hold upon their hearts. Perfectly unpretending herself, even plain in appearance and attire, there was still an appropriateness in every word and movement that made one feel as if no alteration could improve. She should be altogether different, or exactly such as she was; and perhaps there never

existed a more favourable contrast than-her travelling garb laid aside-her neat gingham dress, just circled round the neck with its snowy linen collar, her dark hair always so smoothly braided, and her fresh happy face, presented, to the fluttering curls, the faded finery, and the still more faded pretensions of Miss Wilson, who always pitied her for her plainness, and yet whose beauty had never been to herself such a treasure as Sydney's unconsciousness of its want.

With equal unconsciousness she had gradually become an object of special interest to Arthur, whose first impressions were quite obliterated, and who found her a far more effectual ally, a far more congenial companion, than the imaginary one she had so suddenly set aside. Indeed a very slight shower made him now pronounce the day unfit for shooting, while a still slighter gleam of sunshine made it quite suitable for a social walk: and almost pleasanter still was it to sit within doors and watch the working of Sydney's innocent spells: the pencil and the needle, the story and the song, superseding boisterous quarrels and mischievous words between the children; while enlisting on the better side the habits of truth in which they had been trained, and the discernment on which they had learned to pride themselves, her example showed them how much happier it was to dwell on the good qualities of their associates than on their failings; that by placing things in a favourable light, they wore quite a different aspect; and that the power lay within themselves, far more than they suspected, of bringing matters to their own standard, whether it was a high or a low one.

Many days had not passed when the house hardly seemed the same. It was no wonder that Sydney went straight to the mother's heart; but even Mr Wilson seemed to lay aside his bigotry to his own opinions; his rough manners and maxims seeming to be unconsciously tempered in the presence of her natural gentleness and grace.

You will spoil those young ones, Sydney,' said he one day with a half-indulgent smile, as he found them all clustered round the table, engrossed in some occupation trifling in itself, but invaluable in its effects. 'You are undoing all my work, creating artificial wants, and making them dependent on others for amusement.'

'Oh no, uncle; indeed we are only trying to amuse ourselves. When we ask for help, send us away. But come and join us, and you will see how successful we have been without any foreign aid.' And playfully squeezing him in between Emmy and herself, she led him, half in spite of himself, to enjoy that dearest pleasure to a father's heart-fellowship in the gladness of his children; creating gladness in himself, even though he had to draw upon sources long despised and neglected-the quick invention, the play of fancy-which alone could enable him to keep pace with the gay circle he had joined.

On Arthur the effect was different, though almost as powerful. To him Sydney still remained one of the plain people;' but then she soon became the connecting link between his own fastidious notions and the habits he had learned to despise-wisest, virtuousest, discreetest, best.' His satirical tendencies fell asleep for want of aught to arouse them; his ambiguous speeches lost their point before her literal interpretation; and his habit of mystifying, or, as it is vulgarly called, 'quizzing,' disappeared beneath the searching, wondering gaze of her clear dark eyes; until at length he felt himself becoming as matter-of-fact as their fre quent guest Mr Miller, and would have relinquished the applauses he confidently expected to follow his next display of eloquence for the tearful smile with which Sydney reiterated a cottager's praises of the sermon, summing them up in one sentence, 'Ah, dear! he puts it before a poor body so plain!'

And so Arthur had just arrived at that state of feeling which we scarce venture to whisper to ourselves, much less like to let others discover, when one day, in reference to some holiday party, Miss Wilson, in Sydney's

absence, commented with some flippancy on her anxiety to go, adding, 'I wonder what pleasure she finds in going into society, plain-looking and plainly dressed as she always is!'

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ness, or make her mistrust her own attractions any more. The tale of affection returned and avowed was in those smiling eyes: the secret of her sudden beauty lay in her gladdened heart; no need to speak more plainly-he knew it all; and even in his first disappointment, there arose a feeling of gratitude for the candour that had sought to spare his feelings at the expense of her own.

He profited by the little lesson; for he not only told Sydney plainly all that had been in his heart when he appeared to depreciate her merits, but from that time forth he never shrank from the honest avowal of his sentiments for the sake of some questionable advantage to himself. He has long been what is called a plain sort of man;' but he has become an eminent man too, and he dates his first advance in his profession from the time that his clients discovered he had the courage always to tell them the plain truth, while the circumstances under which he had acquired the habit prevented his ever making it unnecessarily painful.

Arthur's first impulse was to utter an indignant dis- And that, too, was Arthur's first thought; and then sent; the next moment old habits suggested a more he looked at Sydney, and then he understood it all qualified reply, and hesitatingly he had just commenced, exactly as she meant he should-knew what had reSydney is decidedly plain, but'- He would have stored the momentarily-disturbed brightness to her face added, one never thinks of that;' when, before the-knew that nothing now could cloud its serene happiwords had found utterance, a light step at his elbow made him turn to see Sydney herself crossing the room. For half a second she paused, and when their eyes met, there was something of mournful surprise in her look, something beyond what the mere words could have called up; and though chased away in an instant by a mirthful glance at his own fallen countenance, it awakened a hope, almost as instantaneous, that it was because the words had been spoken by him. But before he could finish the sentence or rally his thoughts, she was gone and with some effort restraining his anger towards Miss Wilson, whom he could hardly consider the innocent cause of his dilemma, he left the sentence as it was, determined to take the first opportunity of explaining its intention, and thus bring back sunshine to a face that he had never seen clouded before. Cruel man-cruel words! how often he reproached himself throughout the rest of that day; how often he vowed to speak out his feelings more plainly in future; how often he recurred to that troubled glance, wondering if it had ended in tears, or if it would be turned into anger when he met her again! Vainly he watched and waited through the afternoon hours: whether angry or busy, Sydney did not make her appearance until, when all were assembled in readiness to set out, she entered the room, dressed simply as usual, but never more becomingly, in plain white muslin, with a scarlet geranium in her hair. Arthur approached her, with a look halfpenitent, half-admiring, to offer a beautiful rose which he had managed to provide for the occasion. With an ingenuous blush, undoubtedly arising from recent recollections, Sydney frankly accepted it; but he rashly, not contented with this concession, would remove the geranium from her hair, and place the rose in its stead, had not Sydney, evidently thinking this was going too far, retreated a step, throwing her arm above her head to defend the ornament she had placed there.

There was so much of natural grace in the movement; the soft rounded arm formed so fair a frame to the blushing, smiling face, and the expression of that face was so arch, yet so conscious, that even her uncle, for once uttering a flattering truth, exclaimed, Really, Sydney, you are growing downright pretty at last!'

Oh yes!' added Arthur manfully; you are very pretty now; but you would look prettier still, I assure you, with my rose in your hair!'

BERNARD PALISSY. THIS ingenious man began life as a poor boy, and his earliest recollections were those of turning a potter's wheel. From turning a wheel he was promoted to the making of pottery. His native village was Saintes, in France; and he lived about three hundred years ago. At that period the art of making earthenware was in a rude state in France, but enamelling was much advanced; and young Palissy thought he would try to find out how the finish of enamelling could be applied to pottery.

First he set about instructing himself in reading, and had improved himself in these respects, he was greatly at every spare moment he devoted to study. But when he a loss for money. This, however, he earned by his trade, and by drawing plans, for which he had a taste. This money was spent in experiments. While still a very young man, and without any proper means of supporting a family, he married. This was worse than an imprudence; he did not only himself, but others a serious harm. In the midst of great difficulties he carried on his experiments; and these absorbed the means which should have maintained his family. The slightest improvement he succeeded in making in the process was sufficient to inspire him with the hope that he was at last about to reach the goal; and this hope nerved him to fresh endurance. In vain did he endeavour to inspire others with similar confidence. Every day bitter complaints burst from his wife, and frequently did his children join in their mother's supplications, and with tearful eyes and clasped hands implore of him to resume his former occupation, and give them bread. Palissy met the reproaches and prayers of his wife, and the tears of his children, with inflexible as insensible as the earth which he was moulding. But was he really thus indifferent? No; there were moments when despair was at his heart! Nevertheless,' we quote his own words, 'the hope that I cherished made me work on with so manly a courage, that often I forced a laugh when I was inwardly sad enough.'

Strange to him was the smile, untinctured with the slightest shade of reproach, with which Sydney received a compliment so diametrically opposite to his speech of the morning; but for that passing glance, he might have concluded she had not heard it but her face always spoke every feeling as it rose-and so, though perhaps slightly disappointed in not having an oppor-resolve and the most imperturbable composure, apparently tunity of testing the proverbial consequences of a certain class of quarrels, he was fain to believe the offence overlooked in unlimited reliance on his word, whatever it might declare, and in the pleasure of finding the unfavourable opinion so readily retracted. But Sydney's next sentence sent his thoughts in a different channelI believe I never much cared about my looks until to-day, when a doubt arose to be almost instantly satisfied again. I am quite content with them now,' added she, laughing, and blushing still more brightly; and in spite of your acknowledged good taste, Mr Murray, shall even stay as I am, the more especially-and for the first time in her life Sydney spoke the truth with an effort as it was Mr Miller brought me this geranium to-day, and he will expect to see it here.'

'And you are quite right, dear Sydney,' replied Mrs

Derided, treated as a madman, suspected of being now a coiner and now a sorcerer, he was proof against all. At length a new combination made him believe himself on the very point of succeeding, when a potter engaged in his service suddenly demanded his discharge and his wages. sacrifice part of his wardrobe to pay him; then, impatient Palissy, having neither money nor credit, was obliged to of the interruption, returned to his furnace, which he had constructed in his cellar-returned to it to find that it wanted fresh fuel, of which his stock was exhausted. What was to be done? Upon the baking of this new essay his last hope depends. He rushes out to the garden, tears

away the trelliswork, breaks it up, and the furnace is again heated. But the heat is not to the proper degree of intensity, and in desperation Palissy throws into the furnace his furniture, the doors, the windows, nay, even the flooring of his house. Vain are the tears, the intreaties of his family; wood is wanting for the furnace, and everything combustible that he can lay hold of is remorselessly sacrificed. But now one prolonged cry of joy echoes through the cellar; and when the wife of Palissy, startled by the unwonted sound, hastens to her husband, she finds him standing, as if in a stupor, with his eyes fixed on the brilliant colours of a vase which he held in both hands. Success had crowned his efforts.

the exception of the entradoes of the arches, which are composed of a blue sort of brick, the whole structure is built of beautiful stone, if not as durable, at least equal in richness and brilliancy to Darlydale. The viaduct has an inclination from end to end of ten feet, and connects that part of the Shrewsbury and Chester Railway between Rhos-y-Medre and Chirk. Viewed from beneath, the vast structure presents a noble and truly grand appearance, and its bold proportions, with its height, cannot fail to call forth admiration from the most indifferent beholder. The viaduct has been erected by Messrs Makin, Mackenzie, and Brassy, contractors, at a cost of upwards of L.100,000, being upwards of L.30,000 more than the Stockport viaduct. The cost of the timber required to form scaffolding, &c. for its erection was L.15,000, and between 300 and 400 masons alone were employed during the whole time of construction.-Liverpool Mercury.


Rapidly now did his circumstances change. His success, so dearly bought as it had been, was followed by still greater advances in the art, and he was now at the head of his profession. Wealth flowed in, and his fame spread far and wide. He had several patrons at court, amongst whom was the Constable de Montmorency, who employed him to execute for him some rustic pieces, as they were called, In Singapore, with the exception of children and bedconsisting of figures of animals in earthenware. He resided ridden adults, it would be impossible to suffer from starat the Tuileries, opposite the Seine, and was surnamed vation: privations are the lot of all; but it must be said for Bernard of the Tuileries. Nor was he content with the this our tropical region, that an all-kind Providence seems fame of a mere artist, but turned his attention to almost to have opened her stores most lavishly for the use of every branch of natural history and philosophy, and is said man; he needs neither to toil nor spin, and yet, like the by Fontenelle to have made as much proficiency as genius lilies of the field, he can be fed and clothed. Every cleared without learning could make. He was the first person who spot that is allowed to run into jungle furnishes leaves of formed a collection of specimens of natural history, and various kinds that can be used in curries or in stews. The gave lectures upon them, to which the public were adcommon Ubi kayu gives a delicious arrowroot, and this mitted on payment of half-a-crown, which he engaged to plant is found as a weed, and used as a fence; in all parts, return fourfold should anything he taught be proved false. the clady (Arum esculentum) that springs up indigenous to He wrote several treatises on a variety of topics, full of our marshes and ditches, though possessed of a poisonous original and striking thought. He was the first who fluid in its leaves and epidermis of the root, yet furnishes taught the true theory of springs, and who ventured to in the latter, when boiled, a wholesome food for man, and assert that fossil-shells were real sea-shells deposited by fattening nourishment for pigs in its leaves. The sea and the waters of the ocean. He also was the first to perceive rivers teem with fish, and the beaches with molluscs and and recommend the use of marl and lime in agriculture. edible sea-weeds. If any part of a ditch is dug, in three His ardour and strength of character were not less conspi- or six months it will be filled with fish, and daily from it cuous in his attachment to the religion he professed. He you will see superannuated women and young children was a Protestant, and became exposed to persecution drawing out small yet tasty fish to season their dry rice or during the time of the League. In 1584 he was appre-insipid clady.—Journal of the Indian Archipelago. hended and committed to the Bastile. The weak King Henry III., who rather favoured him, having told him that if he did not abjure his religion for the prevailing one, he should be constrained to leave him in the hands of his enemies, the intrepid Palissy replied, Your majesty has often condescended to say that you pity me; for my part I pity you for uttering the unkingly words, "I shall be constrained;" but I tell you, in more royal language, that neither the Guises, nor your whole people, nor yourself, shall constrain me, a poor potter, to deny my conscience.'

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Thus was the same zeal and indomitable firmness which marked his career as an artist carried by Palissy into his devotedness to his higher interests as a Christian. Of his religion and his trade he was wont to say, 'I have no other property than heaven and earth.' He died in the Bastile in 1589, at the age of ninety.


One of the most daring and stupendous efforts of skill and art to which the railway has given rise, is the great viaduct now in course of completion across the Valley of the Dec, in the Vale of Llangollen, the dimensions of which surpass anything of the kind in the world. It is upwards of 150 feet above the level of the river-being 30 feet higher than the Stockport viaduct, and 34 feet higher than the Menai Bridge. It is supported by 19 arches of 90 feet span, and its length is upwards of 1530 feet, or nearly one-third of a mile. The outline of the structure is perhaps one of the most handsome that could have been conceived, both as regards its chaste style and attractive finish, and its general appearance is considerably enhanced by the roundness of the arches, which are enriched by massive coins, and the curvilinear batter of the piers. This style of architecture imparts a grace and beauty to the structure without impairing its strength. The greatest attention seems to have been paid to the abutments-the only part of the erection, in reality, where any decorative display could be made. In the middle of both, on each side, there are beautifullyexecuted niches in the Corinthian order, in addition to some highly finished masonry. The piers are neatly wrought at the angles, and at the base of nearly each there is a bedding of upwards of 460 square feet of masonry. With


slowly extending his coils, raising his head, and steadOn approaching an almost dry drain, I saw a snake fastly gazing on what I saw to be an eel of about a foot in length. The eel was directly opposed to the snake, and glance seemed to meet glance, when the snake, having caught it about an inch behind the head, and carried it gained the requisite proximity, darted on the cel and off; but the captor was soon himself the captive, for with a blow on his head I secured both.—Journal of the Indian Archipelago.


There are in knowledge these two excellencies: first, that it offers to every man, the most selfish and the most exalted, his peculiar inducement to good. It says to the former, Serve mankind, and you serve yourself;' to the latter, In choosing the best means to secure your own happiness, you will have the sublime inducement of promoting the happiness of mankind. The second excellence of knowledge is, that even the selfish man, when he has once begun to love virtue from little motives, loses the motive as he increases the love, and at last worships the Deity, where before he only coveted gold upon its altar.Bulwer.


If industry is no more than habit, it is at least an excellent one. If you ask me which is the real hereditary sin of human nature, do you imagine I shall answer pride, or luxury, or ambition, or egotism? No; I shall say indoIndeed all good principles must stagnate without mental lence. Who conquers indolence, will conquer all the rest. activity.-Zimmerman.


There is nothing makes a man suspect much, more than to know little; and therefore men should remedy sus picion by procuring to know more, and not to keep their suspicions in smother.-Lord Bacon.

Published by W. & R. CHAMBERS, High Street, Edinburgh. Also

sold by D. CHAMBERS, 98 Miller Street, Glasgow; W. 8. OER, 147 Strand, London; and J. M'GLASHAN, 21 D'Olier Street, Dublin.-Printed by W, and R. CHAMBERS, Edinburgh.

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