Abbildungen der Seite

increased, yet it has come to the knowledge of your committee that there are many persons who, although they admit that they see the glory of the Spirit beaming through the letter of the Word as brought to light by the doctrines of the New Church, do not, from some unexplained cause, join the recognised Church. Still the writings of Swedenborg as of a teacher of holy things, if not wholly appreciated, are not generally looked upon with that disrespect and contempt as was the case some years ago.

"The means referred to in last year's report, of promoting social intercourse amongst the members and friends of the church, have been continued during the past year, and the experience fully warrants, in the opinion of your committee, a continuance of such social meetings of the members and friends.

"During the year one adult and five children have been introduced into the church by baptism, and one adult and two children have been removed to the spiritual world.

"In concluding their retrospect of the past year, your committee cannot but hope that they have had a single eye to use in this their work of conducting the affairs of the New Church in South Australia; for what would it profit us, as professing the doctrines of the New Church, in our endeavours to spread her influence, if our actions do not unite her truths with the good of life? and no advantage could be possibly imparted to others by a reception of these truths, if the corresponding fruits are not thereby produced in themaccording to the words of our Lord, 'For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?' "E. SPILLER, Secretary.


January 15, 1862."


Lund, 9th May, 1862. Rev. and Dear Sir, I have long desired to communicate with you and ask your help in a matter connected with my endeavour to do something for the New Church in Sweden. The matter to which I allude is that relating to the original editions of some of Swedenborg's works, which, as you know, I sent to London in the hope of deriving from their sale, at higher prices than I paid for them, some pecuniary benefit to the New Church here. That en

deavour has but partially succeeded, the most valuable of them still remaining unsold in the Swedenborg House, where they were deposited. Now, I think it were better to sell them at what price they will fetch than to have them lying where they are, as money is much wanted here for the publishing of the works in Swedish. My object is also to beg your kind help in this matter by announcing in the Repository that the books are on sale, that they may be disposed of, if not before, at the meeting of the Conference in August. In the Lord's sight the true church is not separated by countries, but benefited by every increase, however distant the places on earth where it progresses. A very zealous Swedish New Churchman, who has at his own expense published a most useful work, entitled "The New Salem," is now issuing a monthly paper for children and servants, and another for parents and teachers, both very cheap indeed; and he wants good articles for translating, for which we would require the Children's Magazine.

Your affectionate friend and sister in the Lord, FREDER. EHRENBORG.

Rev. W. Bruce.

A list is subjoined of the works referred to in the above letter, and which may be purchased of Mr. Alvey at the Swedenborg House. One of the two copies of the Arcana was Swedenborg's own, and has a few notes in his hand-writing in the margin. Perhaps the Swedenborg Society may think it desirable to secure this copy for depositing in their library.

A proposal of Madame Ehrenborg's was, to sell the books by auction during the time of the sitting of Conference. We doubt whether this would be profitable, or even practicable. The same object would be attained by another plan which we would recommend. Let those who desire to possess any of the works, or who are desirous by the purchase of any of them to aid the cause in Sweden, send an offer to the Agent of the Swedenborg Society, who will either accept or, if doubtful, submit the offer to Madame Ehrenborg herself.

1 set of Arcana Calestia, 8 vols, whole bound; 1 set of ditto, 8 vols, halfcalf; 1 set of Apocalypsis Explicata, 4 vols, half-calf; 3 copies of Apocalypsis Revelata; 2 copies of Vera Christiana Religio; 3 copies of Index Initialis

(Beyer); 2 copies of De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Cœlesti; De Cœlo et Inferno; 1 copy of Doctrina Nova Hierosolyma de Domino, de Scriptura Sacra, Vitæ, de Fide, de Ultimo Judicio et Babylonia Destructa; Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio; Continuatio de Mundo Spirituali; 1 copy of De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia; 1 copy of De Amore Conju giali; 1 copy of De Cultu et Amore Dei; 1 copy of De Telluribus in Universo, et de Uultimo Judicio, et de Babylonia Destructa, et de Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Colesti; 1 copy of De Último Judicio, et de Cœlo et Inferno; 1 copy of Clavis Hieroglyphica; 1 copy of De Commercio Anime et Corporis; 1 copy of Summaria Expositio.


Tübingen, July 12th, 1862. My dear Friend,-You no doubt wish to have some news respecting the Right Rev. E. de Djunkowskoy.

In the first place, M. Le Boys des Guays recently sent him a complete set of Swedenborg's works in French, with many other French works on New Church subjects which he has published, for which the prelate has expressed his thanks in a letter, of which the following is a translation:-" Respected brother and friend, I give you now the title of brother, because the perusal of Swedenborg, prayer, and reflection, have led me to the conclusion, that in the doctrines of the New Jerusalem I find more truth, more occasion of glorifying God, of being useful to my neighbour, and of the sanctifying of my soul than anywhere else. In thanking you, therefore, for the works which I have just received, I must add, that I shall use them, not for my persuasion, which is fixed, but in order to propagate the Divine Truths of the Heavenly City which has descended upon earth. My Memoirs, therefore, whilst containing the narrative of twentythree years' travels and observations, will contain a complete apology of Swedenborg, adapted to the wants of the age," &c.

As he openly made similar declarations here, it need not at all surprise us that many persons have been excited against him, not only amongst the Catholics, but also amongst the Lutherans and the infidels. Even before he came here in October, 1861, he had disengaged himself from some arbitrary and pernicious

statutes of the Romish Church; because, as he said, they were only commandments of men, and contrary to Divine order. This was still more the case afterwards, and formed an additional reason why, after returning hither from Florence, he neither introduced himself as a priest or prelate, nor visited any one of the priests or professors of theology, although he continued to observe such ecclesiastical ordinances as he considered to be not contrary to conscience, or injurious to health. Nevertheless, as he received so many letters addressed to him with all his titles, it soon became known that he was a Catholic prelate. And now gossips' tales and perversion of facts were spread abroad. He was calum. niated and subjected to suspicion. On the other hand, he was visited by persons of high station in Stuttgard, and received repeated invitations from them, which he occasionally accepted. But even these visits, as well as the most innocent doings and sayings, were interpreted or perverted in the most arbitrary and unprincipled way. It was vain to attempt to defend him against these calumnies; the more so, as they were, perhaps, a consequence of his having been formerly confounded with another "Père Etienne," although this confusion had once given occasion even to the Pope, after having clearly seen his mistake, to express his deep regret. For he was known under the name of the Right Rev. P. Etienne; and some days ago I myself read an honourable mention of him under this name in a recently published description of a voyage to Iceland. It is not impossible that' similar false reports may be sent to Rome, to prevent the payment of the pension promised to him; and although they know him better there, it may have the result that what is due to him for the past will be wholly or in part retained. În general we see in these experiences again, how great a want there is in the old churches of justice and of charity, and even of logic; and in vain we show them in what measure they neglect and violate the most common dictates of conscience and good sense. I therefore think it necessary to apprise you of these things, that we may by no means listen or attend to such calumnies, but remember the Lord's saying "Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the

kingdom of heaven;" (Matt. v. 20.) "Judge not, that ye be not judged;" (Matt. vii. 1.) "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John vii. 14.) In general we must follow the rule of justice: "Audiatur et altera pars!" and as to observed infirmities, imitate the Lord's example, of whom it is said "A bruised reed shall He not break, and the smoking flax shall He not quench: He shall bring forth judgment unto truth." (Isa. xlii. 3.) "He that is not against us, is on our part." (Mark ix. 40.) "He that is not against us, is for us." (Luke ix. 50.) Wherefore "give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away;" (Matt. v. 42.) which, as we know, is to be understood spiritually, viz., "that if he desires to be instructed, he should be instructed." (Ap. Exp. 556, p. 268.) As it might be objected that we are preoccupied and partial, it may be not unnecessary also to quote authorities of a different point of view, as for instance those in the here-enclosed documents, in which the present Solicitor-General, Sir Roundell Palmer, said of him-"He is a man of superior education and abilities, and of high honour and integrity.

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Implicit credence may, I am satisfied, be given to any statement which he may make," &c.; and his brother, William Palmer, M.A. (21st of March, 1861):-"I certify that I have known the Right Rev. Dr. Stephen Djunkowskoy since the summer of 1844; that he was by birth a Russian of good family;


that he is a person in every way worthy of confidence, and capable of being useful to society," &c. The Right Rev. James Gillis, Bishop, Vicar Apostolic at Edinburgh, said (14th of March, 1861):-"I certify that I have had the pleasure of knowing the Right Rev. Dr. Stephen de Djunkowskoy since the month of August, 1860. . . . I consider him in every way most worthy," &c.

I hope the Swedenborg Society is now in possession of my last parcel, containing copies of the Summaria Expositio Sensus Interni, and of the other Latin originals which were requested. I continue to publish, at the same time, the 3rd vol. of the Index Biblicus and a reprint of the Latin original De Cœlo et Inferno, of which now two-thirds are printed.

Next week I expect here M. Le Boys des Guays and M. A. Harlé, whom I hope to meet afterwards at Paris, to proceed in company with them to London, to be there, if the Lord pleases, on the 12th of August.

I remain, my dear Sir, with kindest regards to all friends, very sincerely yours, EMANUEL TAFEL.

Dr. Tafel having transmitted copies of the certificates from which he has made extracts in his letter, we think it may be satisfactory to give them entire :—


"6, Portland-place, London,

"February 8th, 1861. "This is to certify that I am acquainted with the Rev. Dr. Stephen Djunkowskoy, having known him well when in England, in 1844; and although we have not personally met since that time, I have frequently heard of him in the interval, from a member of my own family, who has continued on terms of intimacy with him. I consider myself, under these circumstances, well able to speak of his character and position.

"He is a Russian by birth, a man of superior education and abilities, and of high honour and integrity. Having embraced the tenets of the Roman Catholic church (in which he has taken Holy Orders, and has been employed as a missionary to Iceland, and other parts in the North and Arctic Seas), he has on that account become expatriated, and, as I now understand, is desirous of being naturalized in England.

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Implicit credence may, I am satisfied, be given to any statement which he may make, concerning the objects and purposes which he has in view, or otherwise to satisfy the regulations under which certificates of naturalization are given by the Secretary of State. (Signed)


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and Orkney; and it is for this reason that he is anxious to obtain a certificate of naturalisation, of which I consider him in every way most worthy.



Bishop, Vic. Ap. Edinburgh."

"6, Portland-place, W., 21st March, 1861. "I certify that I have known the Right Rev. Dr. Stephen Djunkowskoy since the summer of 1844; that he was by birth a Russian of good family; but in consequence of the existing laws of the Russian Empire, was unable to return with safety to his own country, after having become a Roman Catholic.

"He is now desirous of being naturalised as a British subject, for the reasons stated in his own application; and I have known him with sufficient intimacy all along to be able to certify that he is a person in every way worthy of confidence, and capable of being useful to society in the character of a British subject.

"Late Fellow of Magdalen College,


Departed this life on the 14th of May, Mr. John Rawson, of Heywood, aged 58 years. The deceased was one of those who became connected with the church in the early period of life. He commenced his attendance during his apprenticeship, and bad thus been connected with the society at Heywood for the period of forty years. During the greatest portion of this time he had taken an active part in the management of its affairs. He was the last remaining member who undertook the responsibility connected with the erection of the temple, which he lived to see clear of debt. He continued a member of the committee, and was also one of the deacons at the time of his death. In his progress through life, our departed friend was exposed to much earthly affliction. Industrious in his business, and temperate in his habits, he acquired in the early period of his life a small property, which he invested in a manner which involved him in disappointment and loss. The circumstances in which he thus became unhappily involved, were

on many accounts extremely painful and
seriously afflictive, while in their entire
course they extended over several years.
They exercised, however, a marked and
beneficial influence on his spiritual life,
leading to patience and Christian meek-
ness and forbearance, and chastening
and intensifying the domestic affections
by which he was ever distinguished.
His last illness was attended with ex-
treme bodily suffering, which was borne
with great fortitude and resignation.
He constantly expressed his deep con-
fidence in the mercy of his Heavenly
Father, his strong faith in the doctrines
he had received, and his assurant hope
in the future. His end was peaceful
and happy.
R. S.

Departed this life, on the 23rd May, Mrs. Agnes S. Isbister, the wife of Mr. Thomas Isbister, of Edinburgh. Mrs. Isbister had been a member of the New Church society here for many years, having been connected therewith before her marriage. During the period of her membership, she gave pleasing and satisfactory proof of her effort and desire to lead a life in accordance with the requirements of the doctrines of the church. Mrs. Isbister was of an amiable, kind, and quiet disposition; taking pleasure in doing good quietly and unostentatiously. Her chief ornament was the manifestation of her religion in her every-day life. Her removal from the church on earth is a removal to a higher and more extensive field of usefulness; our beloved brother's and our loss is her great gain. C. G.

Died at Heywood, May 29th, Miss Martha Aspinal, in the 41st year of her age. The deceased was brought up from her infancy in connection with the Sunday-school of the New Church. She had been for many years the subject of severe bodily affliction, which separated her from the outward services of the church, but not from its inner life. Her affections were ever warmly directed towards its ordinances, and she always manifested the greatest pleasure in reading and conversation on spiritual subjects. She sustained with the most exemplary patience her long and very painful affliction, and departed in the fervent hope of a higher inheritance. R. S.

CAVE & SEVER, Printers by Steam Power, Hunt's Bank, Manchester.

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The Ministers and Representatives who have again been engaged in their annual Session with deliberation for the good of the Lord's Church amongst us, and have sought, by the Divine aid, to adopt the wisest counsels for its establishment and extension, now turn once more to you to offer their affectionate advice and admonitions.

We are aware, beloved brethren, that you feel along with us that the reception of truths so glorious as those now given to mankind in the dispensation of the New Jerusalem, not only yields delight and stimulates to thanksgiving, but involves duty and also responsibility. The Divine Operation will not effect what the Lord designs, unless man's coöperation be also fully afforded. And we would therefore remind you, and pray that we may ever bear well in mind ourselves, the duty of reading diligently those New Church works in which the truths of the Word are unfolded to strengthen and enrich the souls of men. He who reads little will have a weak faith. "Reading makes a full man," said Bacon; and in spiritual things the reading of the Holy Word and of the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem, in a spirit at once devout and practical, does indeed give fulness and strength. A faith is feeble which has few knowledges; a faith is fortified which has many. Hence the Lord, through His illuminated servant Swedenborg, has given to mankind heavenly instruction in abundance. How important it is that we should use it! Through this instruction a light is thrown over all the previously veiled subjects of the eternal world. The laws, the

[Enl. Series.-No. 105, vol. ix.]


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