Abbildungen der Seite

It may be well to mention that a copy of Copley's picture was made, in 1837 or 1838, by Chester Harding, in Boston, for Mr. John W. Rogers, a merchant in Salem and Boston, who obtained a reluctant loan of it for this purpose from Mrs. Eliot. It is quite probable that this copy is yet in the possession of some member of the family of Mr. Rogers residing in Boston or its neighborhood. A daughter of this gentleman, Miss Elizabeth Rogers, made a copy from Harding's portrait, and this is now in the possession of Mr. J. Amory Codman, of Boston. See also p. 605 of this volume.

We will add that what appears to be a modern copy of our picture is in the possession of the American Antiquarian Society. It came to that institution among some of the effects of the late Dr. Bentley, of Salem, who was a great collector of relics. No inscription is upon the canvas, but on the back of the frame there is copied the words, " Martyrio Coronatus, 4th Feb. MDLV.," as on our picture. Also, a brief history of the martyr, in the handwriting of Dr. Bentley, is pasted on the back of the picture. Dr. Bentley died in December, 1819.

out doubt, of that in Holland's book. It is one of sixteen heads on a single folio sheet, each head enclosed in a square of less than two inches by two and a half inches in size. It is not well executed, and is unsatisfactory as a copy. On pp. 162 and 163 is a sketch of the life of the martyr, the writer referring, at the foot, to the "Heröologiâ Anglicâ," as one of his authorities. The work of Freher is interesting, and contains 1312 portraits, arranged as described above.

In a Life of John Rogers, by Joseph Lemuel Chester, London, 1861, the author has introduced, as a frontispiece, a steel-engraved copy of Holland's portrait, somewhat reduced in size.





"A Friend," donation from, to the
Society, 28, 354, 364, 442, 444.

Abbot, Abiel, D.D., donation from,

Abbot, Abigail (Abbot), 390.
Abbot, Benjamin, 390.

Abbot, Benjamin, LL.D., 279, 390.
Abbot, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Mer-
rill), 390.

Abell, Henry J., donation from, 179.
Abenaki Language, Vocabulary of the,

Académie de l'Industrie, l', donation
from, 295.

Academy of Arts and Sciences. See
"American Academy."
Academy of Letters, Sciences, and
Arts of the Valle Tiberina Toscana,
Ackerman, R., his "History of the
Public Schools of England," 173 n.
"Acknowledgment of Donations,"
cited, 1 n.

Acknowledgment of Donations, see Do-
nations to the Society.

Act of Confederation in 1778, the pen
used in signing it by Congress, 174,

174 n.
Act of Incorporation of the Society,

the, 575 n., 590. A vote to print a
number of copies of, 512, 512 n.
Acts and Resolves of the Massachusetts
Legislature, cited, 466 n.
LL.D., one of the twenty-six Mem-
bers in the heliotype frontispiece,

Nominated a Resident Mem-
ber, 185. Elected, 188. Present at
meetings of the Society, 213, 216,
219, 220, 222, 227, 234, 236, 237, 238,
239, 241, 249, 253, 256, 261, 263, 271,
286, 294, 309, 314, 318, 328, 335, 338,
340, 345, 349, 350, 352, 370, 374, 411,
419, 422, 429, 430, 434, 441, 450, 452,


457, 469, 483, 513, 529, 537, 548, 551,
552, 585, 599, 604, 606, 607. To take
charge of the Gallatin correspon-
dence relating to the North-East
Boundary question, 215. For further
action, see North-East Boundary.
Of committee to procure certain
missing books, 219. Donations
from, 217, 218, 234, 257, 428, 430, 431,
435, 458, 475, 508, 542. Of Scrutin-
izing Committee, 221, 271, 308, 342,
447. Subject of a lecture given by,
226 n.
Of committee on lectures,
227, 291. Of committee to examine
the Treasurer's accounts, 234, 310,
313, 314, 341. Of committee to con-
sider the subject of articles deposited
in the Library, 237, 238, 239. Chosen
Recording Secretary pro tempore,
241, 334. Of Publishing Commit-
tee to prepare Vol. IX. of the third
series of the Collections, 249.
committee to consider the extension
of the accommodations of the Li-
brary, 270. Of committee to con-
sider obtaining certain information
from the French archives, 271. Of
committee to make arrangements
for the celebration of the first half-
century of the incorporation of the
Society, 292 One of the subscribers
to the portrait of Governor Gore,
312 n. Of committee to act in the
matter of the scientific works to be
printed by Congress, 337. Of com-
mittee on the Index to the third de-
cade, 338. Reads letter from the
Hon. J. Hawley to President John
Adams, 338. Of Publishing Com-
mittee for Vol. X. of the third series
of Collections, 340. To co-oper-
ate with the New York Historical
Society in their memorial to be pre-
sented to Congress, 350. Of com-
mittee to procure a copy of the
"American Archives," 418. Report

of the committee, 420. To take
charge of Mr. Pulsifer's letter, 423.
Of committee to consider the pre-
servation of the manuscripts, 429.
Report of the committee on manu-
scripts, 431-434. Of committee to
prepare a memorial for the United
States Congress, 550. A delegate
to the semi-centennial celebration of
the New York Historical Society,

Of committee to consider the
matter communicated by the Trus-
tees of the will of the Hon. S. Apple-
ton, 598. Report of the committee
on the Appleton fund, 599, 600, 601.
Amount subscribed by, for the Li-
brary and new Catalogue, 603 n. His
Memoir of John Quincy Adams,
395-410. His "Life and Letters of
John Adams," 338. His "Life and
Works of John Adams," 481.

Adams, Daniel, donations from, 68, 72,

Adams, David Phineas, editor of the

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Adams, Henry, "Documents relating
to New England Federalism," edited
by, 165.

Adams, Hugh, D.D., 150.
Adams, Rev. Hugh, 461.
ADAMS, JASPER, D.D., donations from,

20, 23, 89, 116. Letter from, 60.
from Hon. Joseph Hawley, 338. His
commissions to France, 395–397.
His service at the Court of George
the Third, 399. Letters to, concern-
ing occurrences in 1775, 443. Let-
ters to Philip Mazzei, 480, 481.
Letters from, to President Willard,
490. His "Life and Letters" cited,
338. "Life and Works of" cited,
481 n.

Present at meetings of the Society,
50, 86, 88, 123, 132, 137, 139, 141,
177, 192, 220, 239, 241, 253, 256, 258,
291, 297, 318-321, 324, 326, 353, 356,
374, 377. Donations from, 64, 85,
137, 176, 188, 215, 239, 241, 255, 288,
320, 373. Chosen President pro
tempore, 120, 319. Of committee to
consider the production of a com-
prehensive United States History,
132. Report of the committee, 134.
His belief in a Federalist plot, 165.
To take charge of the matter of lost
books or manuscripts, 180. Report
of the committee on the Benson

Manuscript, 190. Subject of a lec-
ture given by, 226 n. Invited to
give the discourse at the celebration
on the twenty-ninth of May, 243.
Correspondence concerning, 243 n.,
244 n. To receive a vote of thanks
for his oration on the 29th of May,
1843, 254. Extract from his Diary re-
lating to the celebration on the 29th
of May, 1843, 254 n. Agrees to fur-
nish a copy of his Discourse for the
press, 255. List of delegates who
assembled to listen to his Discourse,
255 n., 256 n. To be a delegate to
the meeting of the National Insti-
tute, 267. A delegate to the New
York Historical Society, 296. Letter
from, 308. Of committee to consider
the subject of a national name, 310.
Report and form of answer to the
communication from the New York
Historical Society, concerning a na-
tional name, 315, 315 n.-317 n. Pre-
sents the reports of the Commissioner
of Patents, 316, 317. Presents the re-
ports of Mr. Ellsworth and a copy of
the Patent Laws, 316, 317. A com-
mittee appointed to assist him in the
memoir of Mr. William Tudor, 318.
Is prevented from giving a lecture on
the history of patents, 326. A copy
of the memorial prepared for Con-
gress, forwarded to, 339, 350. His
death, 385, 389. Memoir of, 385,
385 n.,
395-410. His name, 395.
His boyhood and voyages, 395–397.
His commission at the age of thir-
teen, 398. His studies, 399, 400.
His commission from the United
States to the States-General of Hol-
land, 401. His marriage, 402. Be-
comes a United States Senator, 402.
Further commissions, 402. Commis-
sion to Russia, 403-405. Removes
to Paris, 405. Takes a position in
the United States Congress, 405,
406. Elected President of the United
States, 406. Elected a member of
the twenty-second Congress, 407.
His study of Scripture and litera-
ture, 408, 409. Letter from Pres-
ident Quincy in relation to the
memoir of, 556, 557, 557 n. "Me-
moirs of," cited, 254 n. His poem of
"Dermot McMorrogh," 409. His
translation of " Oberon," 409. His
poem based on the lines, "Man
wants but little," &c., 409.
Adams, Hon. Josiah, donations from,
31, 266, 435. Letter from, in re-
lation to the papers of the late Rev.
Dr. Hemenway, 306.

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