COPYRIGHT, 1913, 1914, BT THE BANKS LAW PUBLISHING COMPANY NOTICE The price of this volume is fixed by statute (§ 226, Judicial Code, 36 REPRINTED IN-TAIWAN JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS.1 EDWARD DOUGLASS WHITE, CHIEF JUSTICE. JAMES C. McREYNOLDS, ATTORNEY GENERAL. JOHN MONTGOMERY WRIGHT, MARSHAL. 1 For allotment of THE CHIEF JUSTICE and Associate Justices among the several circuits see next page. 2 On July 28, 1913, President Wilson nominated Mr. John William Davis of West Virginia as Solicitor General. He was confirmed by the Senate July 28, 1913, and qualified August 30, 1913. His commission was filed on the opening day of October Term, 1913. 3 Died October 13, 1913, see p. v, post. 4 On October 20, 1913, by order of the court, Mr. James D. Maher of the District of Columbia and Deputy Clerk of the court since November 1, 1907, was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States to succeed James Hall McKenney, deceased. On October 27, 1913, by order of the court, Henry C. McKenney of the District of Columbia was appointed Deputy Clerk. |