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§81. Written and Unwritten Constitutions.
82. The Construction of Constitutions.
83. The Essentials of a Written Constitution.
84. Administrative Law.
§ 85. Nature of Crime and the Criminal Law in General.
86. How the Criminal Law is Prescribed.
87. Classification of Crimes.
88. Particular Crimes.
a. In General.
b. The Common-Law Felonies.
c. Common-Law Misdemeanors.
$89. Criminal Intent.
b. Motive.
c. General Intent - Intent Presumed from Act.
d. Specific Intent.
e. Constructive Intent.
f. Intent in Cases of Negligence.
g. Ignorance or Mistake of Law.
h. Ignorance or Mistake of Fact.
i. Accident or Misfortune.
j. Justification or Excuse.
k. Provocation.
90. Criminal Incapacity.
b. Infants.
c. Insane Persons.
d. Drunken Persons.
e. Corporations.
91. Attempts and Solicitation.
92. Parties in Crime.
93. Modes of Punishment.
A. Definition and Nature of Tort in General.
§ 94. Definition and Distinctions.
b. Tort and Contract.
95. The Elements of a Tort - In General.
96. The Wrongful Act or Omission.
97. The Loss or Damage.
98. The Mental Element in Torts.
99. How Liability for Tort May Attach.
100. Proximate and Remote Cause.
B. Variations in the Normal Right to Sue.
§ 101. In General.
102. Variations Based on Privilege of Actor, or General Exemption.
b. Public Acts.
c. Private Acts.
103. Variations Based on Status.
c. Insane and Drunken Persons, Convicts, Aliens, and Married
d. Private and Public Corporations.
104. Variations Based on Conduct of Person Injured.
C. Particular Torts.
§105. Classification of Torts.
106. Assault and Battery.
107. False Imprisonment.
108. Injuries in Family and Personal Relations.
109. Seduction.
110. Defamation - Slander and Libel.
111. Deceit.
112. Slander of Title or Property.
113. Malicious Prosecution.
114. Malicious Abuse of Process.
115. Fraudulent Competition.
121. Violation of Easements.
122. Infringement.
123. Nuisance.
124. Negligence.
125. Action for Death by Wrongful Act or Omission.
A. General Principles.
§ 126. Definition and Essential Elements.
127. The Agreement - Offer and Acceptance.
128. Classification of Contracts.
129. Necessity for Writing - Statute of Frauds.
130. Consideration.
131. Parties.
132. Reality of Consent - Mistake, Fraud, etc.
133. Illegal Agreements.
134. Operation of Contract.
b. Assignment of Contracts.
c. Joint and Several Contracts.
135. Interpretation of Contracts.
a. Rules Relating to Evidence.
b. Rules Relating to Construction.
136. Discharge of Contract.
a. Discharge of Contract by Agreement.
b. Discharge of Contract by Performance.
c. Discharge of Contract by Breach.
d. Discharge of Contract by Impossibility of Performance.
e. Discharge of Contract by Operation of Law.
137. Remedies on Breach of Contract.
138. Quasi-Contract.
B. Particular Contracts.
$139. Sales.
140. Bailments.
141. Negotiable Instruments.
142. Suretyship and Guaranty.
143. Insurance.
148. Rights and Liabilities of Principal and Agent Inter Se.
149. Rights and Liabilities as to Third Persons in Contract.
150. Liability as to Third Persons in Tort.
151. Termination of the Relation.
A. Domestic Relations - Husband and Wife.
§ 152. Marriage.
b. Impediments to Marriage.
c. The Contract of Marriage.
153. Persons of Spouses as Affected by Coverture.
b. Cohabitation and Intercourse.
c. Obedience - Domicile - Chastisement - Restraint.
d. Services - Support and Protection.
e. Torts of Married Women.
f. Torts as Between Husband and Wife.
g. Torts Against Married Women.
h. Enticing, Harboring, or Alienation of Affection.
i. Criminal Conversation.
b. Wife's Personal Property in Possession.
c. Wife's Choses in Action.
d. Wife's Equity to a Settlement.
e. Wife's Chattels Real.
f. Wife's Estates of Inheritance.
g. Wife's Estates for Life.
h. Property Acquired by Wife as Sole Trader.
i. Wife's Equitable Separate Estate.
j. Wife's Statutory Separate Estate.
k. Rights of Wife in Husband's Property.
1. Estates by the Entirety.
Community Property
155. Contracts, Conveyances, etc., and Quasi-Contractual Obligations.
a. Contracts of Married Women.
b. Conveyances, Sales, and Gifts by Wife.
c. Contracts by Wife as Husband's Agent.
d. Husband's Liability for Necessaries Furnished Wife.
e. Husband's Liability for Wife's Funeral Expenses.
f. Husband's Liability for Wife's Debts.
156. Antenuptial and Post-Nuptial Settlements.
157. Separation Agreements.
158. Divorce or Judicial Separation.
B. Same Parent and Child.
§ 159. Legitimacy of Children.
160. Status of Illegitimate Children.
161. Adoption of Children.
162. Duties and Liabilities of Parents.
a. Duty to Maintain Child.
b. Duty to Educate Child.
c. Allowance in Equity Out of Child's Estate.
d. Duty to Protect Child.
e. Contracts by Child as Parent's Agent.
f. Parent's Liability for Child's Torts.
g. Parent's Liability for Child's Crimes.
163. Rights of Parents and of Children.
b. Parent's Right to Correct Child.
c. Custody of Children.
d. Parent's Right to Child's Services and Earnings.
B. Same
Parent and Child - Continued.
§ 163. Rights of Parents and of Children - Continued.
e. Emancipation of Child.
f. Action by Parent for Injuries to Child.
g. Action by Parent for Seduction of Daughter.
h. Action by Parent for Abducting, Enticing, or Harboring Child.
i. Parent's Rights in Child's Property.
j. Gifts, Conveyances, and Contracts Between Parent and Child.
k. Duty of Child to Support Parent.
1. Domicile of Child.
C. Same-Guardian and Ward.
§ 164. In General.
165. Selection and Appointment of Guardian.
166. Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of Guardians.
167. Termination of Guardianship.
D. Master and Servant.
§ 168. In General.
169. Creation of the Relation.
170. Termination of the Relation.
171. Remedies for Breach of Contract.
172. Rights, Duties, and Liabilities Inter Se.
173. Master's Liability for Injuries to Servant.
174. Rights of Master and of Servant as Against Third Persons,
175. Master's and Servant's Liability to Third Persons.
E. Infants.
§ 176. Who Are Infants.
177. Contracts of Infants.
b. Liability for Necessaries.
c. Ratification and Avoidance.
178. Capacity to Hold Office.
179. Crimes and Torts of Infants.
180. Torts Against Infants.
181. Infants as Parties to Actions.
F. Insane Persons.
§ 182. Insanity Defined.
183. Guardianship.
184. Contracts of Insane Persons.
185. Crimes and Torts of Insane Persons.
G. Drunken Persons.
§186. Contracts of Drunken Persons.
187. Crimes and Torts of Drunken Persons.
H. Aliens.
$ 188. In General.
A. Corporeal and Incorporeal Hereditaments.
§ 189. Corporeal Hereditaments.
190. Incorporeal Hereditaments at Common Law.
b. Advowsons and Tithes.
g. Rents.
191. Incorporeal Hereditaments in the United States - Profits à Pren-
dre, Rents, and Easements.