Abbildungen der Seite

Note 2, page 197, col. 1.

Mona, the dark Island.

Ynys Dowyll, the dark island.


Note 3, page 197, col. 1.


The palace of Gwynedd, or North Wales. Rhodri Mawr, about the year 873, fixed the seat of government here, which had formerly been at Dyganwy, but latterly at Caer Seiont in Arvon, near the present town of Caer«It is strange,» says Warrington, «that he should desert a country where every mountain was a natural fortress, and in times of such difficulty and danger, should make choice of a residence so exposed and defenceless.>> But this very danger may have been his motive. The Danes, who could make no impression upon England against the great Alfred, had turned their arms upon Wales; Mona was the part most open to their ravages, and it may have been an act as well of policy as of courage in the king to fix his abode there. He fell there, at length, in battle against the Saxons. A barn now stands upon the site of the lace, in which there are stones, that by their better workmanship, appear to have belonged to the original building.

Note 4, page 197, col. 2.

Richly would the king Gift the red hand that rid him of that fear.


and chaunt the pater noster. The crier shall strike the pillar above the king's head. Next him shall be the judge of the palace, and next to him the musician, to whom the right of the seat belongs. The smith of the palace shall be at the bottom before the knees of the priest. The master of the palace shall sit in the lower hall with his left hand towards the door, with the serving men whom he shall chuse, and the rest shall be at the other side of the door, and at his other hand the musician of the household. The master of the horse shall sit at the pillar opposite the king, and the master of the hounds at the pillar opposite the priest of the household.— Laws of Hoel Dha'.


Note 8, page 199, col. 1.

Keiriog-and Berwyn's after-strife.

The king gather'd another armie of chosen men, through all his dominions, as England, Normandy, Anjow, Gascoine, and Gwyen, sending for succours from Flanders and Brytain, and then returned towards North Wales, minding utterlie to destroy all that had life in the land; and coming to Croes Oswalt, called Oswald's-tree, incamped there. On the contrarie side, Prince Owen and his brother Cadwallader, with all the power of North Wales; and the Lord Rees, with the power of South Wales; and Owen Cyveilioc and the sonnes of Madoc ap Meredyth, with the power of Powyss, and the two sonnes of Madoc ap Ednerth, with the people betwixt Wye and Seavern, gathered themselves togither and their country. But the king understanding that they came to Corwen in Edeyrneon, purposing to defend were nigh, being wonderfull desirous of battel, came to the river Ceireoc, and caused the woods to be hewn

It was the manner of those days, that the murtherer only, and he that gave the death's wound, should fly, which was called in Welsh Llawrudd, which is a red hand, because he had blouded his hands. The accessories and abettors to the murtherers were never heark-down. Whereupon a number of the Welshmen underened after.-Gwydir History.

Note 5, page 197, col. 2.

David King Owen's son-my father's sonHe wed the Saxon-the Plantagenet!

standing the passage, unknown to their captains met with the king's ward, where were placed the picked men of all the armie, and there began a hote skirmish, where diverse worthie men were slaine on either side; but in

This marriage was in fact one of the means whereby the end the king wanne the passage, and came to the Henry succeeded for a time in breaking the independ-mountain of Berwyn, where he laid in campe certaine

ent spirit of the Welsh. David immediately sent a thousand men to serve under his brother-in-law and liege lord in Normandy, and shortly after attended the parliament at Oxford upon his summons.

Note 6, page 198, col. 1.

He is the headstrong slave Of passions unsubdued.

days, and so both the armies stood in awe of each other; for the king kept the open plains, and was afraid to be intrapped in straits; but the Welshmen watched for the advantage of the place, and kept the king so straitlie, that neither forage nor victuall might come to his camp, neither durstanie souldiour stir abroad. And to augment their miseries there fell such raine, that the king's men could scant stand upon their feete upon those slipperie

Caradoc represents Davydd as a prince greatly dis-hilles. In the end, the king was compelled to return liked on account of his cruelty and untractable spirit, killing and putting out the eyes of those who were not subservient to his will, after the manner of the English! -Cambrian Biography.

Note 7, page 198, col. 2.

The guests were seated at the festal board. The order of the royal hall was established by law. The men to whom the right of a seat in the hall belongs are fourteen, of whom four shall sit in the lower, and ten in the upper part of the hall. The king is the first, he shall sit at the pillar, and next him the chancellor; and after him the guest, and then the heir apparent, and then the master of the hawks. The foot-bearer shall sit by the dish opposite the king, and the meadmaker at the pillar behind him. The priest of the household shall be at another pillar, who shall bless the meat,

home without his purpose, and that with great loss of men and munition, besides his charges. Therefore in a great choler he caused the pledges eies, whom he had received long before that, to be put out; which were Rees and Cawdwalhon the sonnes of Owen, and Cynwric and Meredith the sonnes of Rees, and other.Powell.

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in another an arrow without feathers.-Gibson's Camden.

Note 10, page 199, col. 1.
Though I knew

The rebel's worth.

There is a good testimony to Hoel's military talents in the old history of Cambria, by Powell. « At this time Cadel, Meredyth, and Rees, the sons of Gruffyth ap Rees, ap Theodor, did lead their powers against the castle of Gwys; which, after they saw they could not win, they sent for Howel the sonne of Owen, prince of North Wales, to their succour, who for his prowesse in the field, and his discretion in consultation, was counted the flowre of chivalrie; whose presence also was thought only sufficient to overthrow anie hold.»

Note 11, page 199, col. 1.

I hate the Saxon.

Of this name Saxon, which the Welsh still use, Higden gives an odd etymology. « Men of that cowntree ben more lyghter and stronger on the see than other scommers or theeves of the see, and pursue theyr enemyes full harde, both by water and by londe, and ben called Saxones, of Saxum, that is, a stone, for they ben as hard as stones, and uneasy to fare with.»-Polycronycon, 1. 26.

Note 12, page 199, col. 1.

Seest thou never

Those eyeless spectres by thy bridal-bed? Henry in his attempt upon Wales, 1165, « did justice on the sons of Rhys, and also on the sons and daughters of other noblemen that were his accomplices, very rigorously; causing the eyes of the young striplings to be pecked out of their heads, and their noses to be cut off or slit; and the eares of the young gentlewomen to be stuffed. But yet I find in other authors that in this journey King Henry did not greatly prevail against his enemies, but rather lost many of his men of war, both horsemen and footmen; for by his severe proceeding against them, he rather made them more eager to seek revenge, than quieted them in any tumult, »>-Holinshed. Among these unhappy hostages were some sons of Owen Gwynedh.

Note 13, page 199, col. 1.

The page who chafed his feet.

The foot-bearer shall hold the feet of the king in his lap from the time when he reclines' at the board till he goes to rest, and he shall chafe them with a towel; and during all that time he shall watch that no hurt happen to the king. He shall eat of the same dish from which the king takes his meat, having his back turned toward the fire. He shall light the first candle before the king at his meal.»-Laws of Hoel Dha'.

Note 14, page 199, col. 2.

The officer proclaimed the sovereign will. The crier to command silence was one of the royal household; first he performed this service by his voice, then by striking with the rod of his office the pillars above the king's head. A fine was due to him for every disturbance in the court.

Note 15, page 199, col. 2.

The chief of Bards
Then raised the ancient lay.

The lines which follow represent the Bardic system, as laid down in the Triads of Bardism.

12. There are three Circles of Existence; the Circle of Infinity, where there is nothing but God, of living or dead, and none but God can traverse it; the Circle of Inchoation, where all things are by nature derived from Death,-this Circle hath been traversed by man; and the Circle of Happiness, where all things spring from Life,—this man shall traverse in Heaven.

13. Animated Beings have three States of Existence: that of Inchoation in the Great Deep, or Lowest point of Existence; that of Liberty in the State of Humanity; and that of Love, which is Happiness in Heaven.

14. All animated Beings are subject to three Necessities: Beginning in the Great Deep; Progression in the Circle of Inchoation; and Plenitude in the Circle of Happiness. Without these things nothing can possibly exist but God.

« 15. Three things are necessary in the circle of Inchoation; the least of all animation, and thence Beginning; the matterials of all things, and thence Increase, which cannot take place in any other state; the formation of all things out of the dead mass, and thence Discriminate Individuality.

« 16. Three things cannot but exist towards all animated Beings from the nature of Divine Justice: Cosufferance in the Circle of Inchoation, because without

that none could attain to the perfect knowledge of any thing; Co-participation in the Divine love; and Co-ultimity from the nature of God's Power, and its attri butes of Justice and Mercy.

« 17. There are three necessary occasions of Inchoation: to collect the materials and properties of every nature; to collect the knowledge of every thing; and to collect power towards subduing the Adverse and the Devastative, and for the divestation of Evil. Without this traversing every mode of animated existence, no state of animation, or of any thing in nature, can attain to Plenitude.»>

Note 16, page 199, col. 2.

Till evil shall be known,
And being known as evil, cease to be.

« By the knowledge of three things will all Evil and Death be diminished and subdued; their nature, their cause, and their operation. This knowledge will be obtained in the Circle of Happiness.»-Triads of bardism, Tr. 35.

Note 17, page 199, col. 2.
Death, the Enlarger.

Angau, the Welsh word for Death, signifies Enlarge


Note 18, page 199,
col. 2.
The eternal newness of eternal joy.

Nefoedd, the Welsh word for Heaven, signifies Renovation.

«The three Excellencies of changing the mode of Existence in the Circle of Happiness: Acquisition of Knowledge; beautiful Variety; and Repose, from not

Accubuerit is the word in Wotton's version. It is evident that being able to endure uniform Infinity and uninterrupted

the king must have lain at his meal, after the Roman fashion, or this pedifer could not have chafed his feet.


<<Three things none but God can do: endure the

Eternities of the Circle of Infinity; participate of every state of Existence without changing; and reform and renovate every thing without the loss of it.

The three Plenitudes of Happiness: Participation of every nature, with a plenitude of One predominant; conformity to every cast of genius and character, possessing superior excellence in One; the Love of all Beings and Existences, but chiefly concentered in One object, which is God: and in the predominant One of each of these will the Plenitude of Happiness consist.»> -Triads of Bardism, 40, 38, 45.

Note 19, page 199, col. 2.

he struck the harp

To Owen's praise.

« I will extol the generous Hero, descended from the race of Roderic, the bulwark of his country, a Prince eminent for his good qualities, the glory of Britain: Owen, the brave and expert in arms, that neither hoardeth nor coveteth riches.

« Three fleets arrived, vessels of the main, three powerful fleets of the first rate, furiously to attack him on the sudden : one from Iwerddon, the other full of well-armed Lochlynians, making a grand appearance on the floods; the third from the transmarine Normans, which was attended with an immense though successless toil.

<< The dragons of Mona's sons were so brave in action, that there was a great tumult on their furious attack; and before the prince himself there was vast confusion, havoc, conflict, honourable death, bloody battle, horrible consternation, and upon Tal Mavra, a thousand banners: there was an outrageous carnage, and the rage of spears and hasty signs of violent indignation. Blood raised the tide of the Menai, and the crimson of human gore stained the brine. There were glittering cuirasses, and the agony of gashing wounds, and the mangled warriors prostrate before the chief, distinguished by his crimson lance. Loegria was put into confusion; the contest and confusion was great, and the glory of our Prince's wide-wasting sword shall be celebrated in an hundred languages to give him his merited praise.»-Panegyric upon Owen Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales, by GWALCHMAI the son of Melir, in the year 1157. EVANS's Specimens of Welsh Poetry.

Note 20, page 200, col. 1.


Dinas Vawr, the Great Palace, the residence of the Princes of Deheubarth,,or South Wales. This also was erected by Rhodri Mawr.

Note 21, page 200, col. 1.

Hoel seized the throne.

I have taken some liberties here with the history. Hoel kept possession of the throne nearly two years; he then went to Ireland to claim the property of his mother Pyvog, the daughter of an Irish chieftain; in the mean time David seized the government. Hoel raised all the force he could to recover the crown, but after a severe conflict was wounded and defeated. He returned to Ireland with the remains of his army, which probably consisted chiefly of Irishmen, and there died of his wounds.-Cambrian Biography.

1 Ireland.

Note 22, page 201, col. 1.

hast thou known the consummated crime,

And heard Cynetha's fate?

The history of Cynetha and his brothers is very honestly related in the Pentarchia.

Cadwallonis erat primevus jure Cynetha;

Proh pudor! hunc oculis patruus privavit Oenus
Testiculisque simul, fundum dum raptat avitum.
Houel ab irato suspensus rege Johanne,

Et Leolinus, eum privarunt lumine fratres.

This curious summary of Welsh history still remains unprinted.

Note 23, page 202, col. 2.

As thy fair uplands lessened on the view.

« Two of the names of Britain were derived from its hills: Clas Merddin, the high lands in the sea, and Clas Meiddin, the hilly lands or fields.»-E. WILLIAMS's Poems.

Note 24, page 202, col. 2.
Seen, low lying, in the haze of morn.
What sailors call cape Fly-away.

Note 25, page 204, col. 1.
Saint Cyric.

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spiritu, regi mente. Quæ utraque diffusa per membra omnia, æternæ molis vigorem exerceant. Sicut ergo in corporibus nostris commertia sunt spiritalia, ita in profundis Oceani nares quasdam mundi constitutas, per quas emissi anhelitus, vel reducti, modo efflent maria quomodo revocent.»-Solinus, cap. 36.

<< I suppose the waters,» says Pietro Martire, « to be driven about the globe of the earth by the incessant moving and impulsion of the heavens, and not to be swallowed up and cast out again by the breathing of Demogorgon, as some have imagined, because they see the seas by increase and decrease, to flow and reflow.» Dec. 3, c. 6.

Note 30, page 204, col. 1.

gentle airs which breathed,

Or seemed to breathe, fresh fragrance from the shore.

<< Our first notice of the approach of land was the fragrant and aromatic smell of the continent of South America, or of the islands in its vicinity, which we sensibly perceived as a squall came from that quarter.»>MKINNEN'S Tour through the British West Indies. Dogs always are sensible when land is near, before it can be seen.

Note 31, page 205, col. 1.

Low nets of interwoven reeds.

Straits as a miracle. « As they sailed from Algesiras, a fish came flying through the air, and fell upon the deck of the Infantes Galley, with which they had some fresh food that day; and because I, who write this history, have never heard or seen of any like thing, I here recount it, because it appears to me a thing marvellous, and in my judgement out of the course of nature.»— GOMES EANNES.

«At Barbadoes the negroes, after the example of the Charaibs, take the flying fish very successfully in the dark; they spread their nets before a light, and disturb the water at a small distance; the fish, rising eagerly, fly towards the light, and are intercepted by the nets.» -M KINNEN.-These flying fishes, says the writer of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage, are like men professing two trades, and thrive at neither.

Note 33, page 205, col. 1.

Language cannot paint
Their splendid tints!

Atkins, with some feeling describes the Dolphin as a glorious coloured fish. A laboured description of its beauty would not have conveyed so lively sense of admiration. He adds, quite naturally, that it is of dry taste, but makes good broth.-Voyage to Guinea in his Majesty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth.

Herbert has given this fish a very extraordinary character, upon the authority of the ancients.

« And for as much as I have made mention of their houses, it shall not be greatly from my purpose to describe in what manner they are builded: they are made « The dolphin is no bigger than a salmon, it glitters round, like bells or round pavilions. Their frame is in the ocean with a variety of beautiful colours; has raysed of exceeding high trees, set close together, and few scales; from its swiftness and spirit metonymically fast rampaired in the ground, so standing aslope, and sirnamed the Prince and Arrow of the sea; celebrated bending inward, that the toppes of the trees joyne to- by many learned Pens in sundry Epithets; Philanthrogether, and bear one against another, having also within poi, for affecting men, and Monogamoi, for their turtle the house certain strong and short proppes or posts, constancy; generated they be of sperme, nourisht like which susteyne the trees from falling. They cover them men, imbrace, join, and go to months great. In fawith the leaves of date trees and other trees strongly ciem versi dulces celebrant hymenæos Delphines, sicompact and hardened, wherewith they make them close miles hominis complexibus hærent: A careful husband from winde and weather. At the short posts, or over his gravid associate, detesting incest, abhorring proppes, within the house, they tie ropes of the cotton of bigamy, tenderly affecting Parents, whom, when 300 gossampine trees, or other ropes made of certain long years old, they feed and defend against hungry fishes; and rough roots, much like unto the shrubbe called and, when dead, (to avoid the Shark and like marine Spartum, whereof in old time they used to make bands Tyrants) carry them ashore, and there (if Aristotle, for vines, and gables and ropes for shippes. These they lyan, and Pliny, erre not) inhume and bedew their tie overthwart the house from post to post; on these Sepulchres; they were glad of our company, as it were they lay as it were certain mattresses made of the cot-affecting the sight and society of men, many hundred ton of gossampine trees, which grow plentifully in these islandes. This cotton the Spanyards call Algodon, and the Italians Bombasine, and thus they sleepe in hanging


Note 32, page 205, col. 1.

Will ye believe

The wonders of the ocean? how its shoals
Sprung from the wave.

I have somewhere seen an anecdote of a sailor's mother, who believed all the strange lies which he told her for his amusement, but never could be persuaded to believe there could be in existence such a thing as a flying fish. A Spanish author, who wrote before the voyage of Columbus, describes these fish as having been seen on the coast of Flanders. ་་ Hay alli unos pescados que vuelan sobre el agua; algunos dellos atravesaban volando por encima de las galeras, e aun algunos dellos caian dentro.>>> Coronica de D. Pero Nino.

miles in an eager and unwearied pursuit, frisking about
us; and as a Poet observed,

Und que dans saltus, multaque aspergine rorant,
Emurguntque it rum, redeuntque sub a quora rursus,
Inque chori ludunt speciem lascivaque jactant
Corpore, et acceptum patulis mare naribus efflant.
HERBERT'S Travels.

Note 34, page 206, col. 1.

The Stranger's House.

<< There is in every village of the Susquehannah Indians, a vacant dwelling called the Stranger's House. When a traveller arrives within hearing of a village, he stops and halloos, for it is deemed uncivil to enter abruptly. Two old men lead him to the house, and then go round to the inhabitants, telling them a stranger is arrived fatigued and hungry. They send them all they can spare, bring tobacco after they are refreshed, and then ask questions whence they come and whither they

A still earlier author mentions such a sight in the go.»-FRANKLIN.

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<< The war-pole is a small peeled tree painted red, the top and boughs cut off short. It is fixed in the ground opposite the door of the dead warrior, and all his implements of war are hung on the short boughs of it till they rot. »-ADAIR.

This author, who knew the manners of the North American Indians well, though he formed a most wild theory to account for them, describes the rites of mouraing. «The widow, through the long term of her weeds, is compelled to refrain from all public company and diversions, at the penalty of an adultress, and likewise to go with flowing hair, without the privilege of oil to anoint it. The nearest kinsmen of the deceased husband keep a very watchful eye over her conduct in this respect. The place of interment is also calculated to wake the widow's grief, for he is entombed in the house under her bed; and if he was a war-leader, she is obliged, for the first moon, to sit in the day-time under his mourning war-pole, which is decked with all his martial trophies, and must be heard to cry with bewailing notes. But none of them are fond of that month's supposed religious duty, it chills, or sweats and wastes them so exceedingly, for they are allowed no shade or shelter.»>

Note 37, page 207, col. 1.

Battlements-which shone

Like silver in the sunshine.

So dazzlingly white were the houses at Zempoalla, that one of the Spaniards galloped back to Cortes to tell him the walls were of silver.-BERNAL DIAZ, 30.

Torquemada also says, that the temple and palace courts at Mexico were so highly polished, that they actually shone like burnished gold or silver in the sun. >> -T. 1, p. 251.

I have described Aztlan like the cities which the Spaniards found in New Spain. How large and how magnificent they were may be learnt from the True History of the Conquest of Mexico, by Bernal Diaz. This delightful work has been rendered into English by Mr Keating, and if the reader has not seen it, he may thank me for recommending it to his notice.

Gomera's description of Zempoallan will show, that cities as splendid in their appearance as Aztlan did exist among the native Americans.

«They descried Zempoallan, which stoode a myle distant from them, all beset with fayre Orchardes and Gardens, verye plesaunte to beholde: they used alwayes to water them with sluices when they pleased. There proceeded out of the Towne many persons to behold and receyve so strange a people unto them.


came with smiling countenance, and presented unto them divers kinde of floures and sundry fruites which none of our menne had heretofore seene. These people came without feare among the ordinance; with this pompe, triumphe, and joy, they were received into the Citie, which seemed a beautiful Garden: for the trees were so greene and high that scarcely the houses appeared.

<< Sixe horsemen, which hadde gone before the army to discover, returned backe as Cortes was entering into the Citie, saying, that they had seene a great house and court, and that the walles were garnished with silver. Cortes commanded them to proceed on, willing them not to shew any token of wonder of any thing that they should see. All the streetes were replenished with people, whiche stoode gapping and wondering at the horses and straungers. And passing through a great market place, they saw, on their right hand a great walled house made of lyme and stone, with loupe holes and towers, whited with playster that shined like silver, being so well burnished and the sunne glistering upon it, and that was the thing that the Spaniards thought had beene walles of silver. I doe believe that with the imagination and great desire which they had of golde and silver, all that shined they deemed to be of the same metall.»-Conquest of the Weast India.

Cortes himself says of Cholulla, that he counted above four hundred temple towers in that city; and the city of Iztapalapa, he says, contained from 12,000 to 15,000 inhabitants.-Carta de Relacion, 16, 20. Note 38, page 207, col. I.

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Each held a Lurning censer in his hand. Tendilli, says the old translator of Gomara, according to their usance, did his reverence to the Captaine, burning frankincense, and little strawes touched in bloud of his own bodie. And at Chiauiztlan, the Lord tokea little chafyng-dishe in his hande, and cast into it a certaine gum, whyche savoured in sweete smel much like unto frankincense; and with a censer he smoked Cortes, with the ceremonye they use in theyr salutations to theyr Gods and nobilitic. So also the Tlascallan Embassadors burnt copal before Cortes, having thrice made obeicence, and they touched the ground with their hands, and kissed the earth,

The nexte day in the morning, the Spaniards came to Chololla, and there came out near ten thousand Indians to receyve him, with their Captaines in good order. Many of them presented unto him bread, foules, and roses and every Captayne, as he approached, welcomed Cortes, and then stood aside, that the rest, in order, mighte come unto him; and when he came entering into the citie, all the other citizens receyved him, marvelling to see such men and horses.

After all this came out all the religious menne, as, Priests and Ministers to the idols, who were many and straunge to behold, and all were clothed in white, like unto surplices, and hemmed with common threede; some brought instruments of musicke like unto Cor

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