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"Afterwards, at Moncontour, when we suffered a like disastrous defeat at the hands of the Duke of Anjou, he did behave himself most valorously during the fight, killing of so many of the enemy with his own hand as would almost seem incredible to tell of, and in the retreat so conducting of himself as to bring upon him the commendation of Count Ludowick of Nassau, to whose ability and generalship we who survived the day were indebted for our safety. Of the six years I sojourned in France, endeavouring to perfect myself in the military art, I was kept in constant admiration of his great bravery, for he was of so valiant a spirit he could not rest a doing of nothing. He was blunt in his language, and plain in his apparel, and despised all who were not che profession of arms; and he was ready to underta any man's quarrel, so that there did appear to in no injustice nor dishonour in it. He was free and hearty in his manners upon general occasions; yet have I come upon him when he hath been in so melancholy a mood he seemed not fit society for any. Mayhap this was on account of his mother pressing of him to return to England to accomplish the marriage which she was so intent about; but I liking not to appear inquisitive did make no enquiry, therefore know I not exactly whether this was it or no.

"I met with him again in the force under Sir John Norris, sent by the queen to assist the States

of Holland against the power of Spain. This was a body five thousand strong in foot, and one thousand in horse, and they did great service in the Netherlands. Of these none distinguished themselves more nobly than did Colonel Harquebus; and upon one occasion, in the right famous battle of Rimenant, in the which we gave a complete overthrow to the Spanish army under the command of Don John of Austria and the Prince of Parma, he seemed to excel all his former efforts. Before the battle we were joined by a Scottish force under Sir Robert Stuart, who gave us excellent assistance; but it did so happen that coming into the field after a weary march on a sultry day, we straightway took off our armour and our doublets to be the more at our ease, and, doubtless to the wonderful astonishment of the Spaniards, fought them in our shirts and drawers. Now it be out of all questioning that the success of that day was owing to the ardour with which the enemy were attacked by the English and Scottish volunteers, for nothing could exceed their determined courage and great discipline. At one time, led away by the heat of the conflict, I had got completely surrounded by divers of the Spaniards, by whom, though I was doing of my best, I must soon have been cut down, had not Colonel Harquebus, seeing of my danger, dashed in among them with so absolute a furiousness, that I was rescued in a presently,

and just in the very nick of time to save me from their bloodthirsty weapons.

"Now the volunteers that did assist the suffering Huguenots, and those that entered into the service of the States, though they were what you have called mercenary soldiers, and spoke so ill of because of their leaving their own country to share in the conflicts of another, were as honourable men as can be met with any where; and my friend that I have described to you at some length was a fair specimen of the class. For mine own part I think it no disparagement of a man, but rather shewing of his sense, let him be of what profession he may, if that there shall be abroad better opportunities for the studying of it than at home, he seeketh to advance his knowledge by attending of a foreign school."

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"I deny it not," replied Master Francis, "yet would I rather that all men should seek improving of themselves in such studies as give no provocation to anger, than be earnest in the acquiring of such skill as can only be used for the slaughtering of their fellow-creatures "



Every truly philanthropic mind would say amen to your wish," observed Sir Walter. whilst different governments have different religions, the people of one will in some way be prejudiced against the inhabitants of the other, and if such prejudice lead not to a war between them, it

shall continue it with greater fierceness than can any other thing. There are a many hot-headed zealots who seem to think of their Creator as but another Mars, who delighteth only in sanguinary fields; and think the fittest service they can render him is the slaughtering of as many as they can of such as worship him not after the exact fashion as themselves. St. Bernard hath justly said, Frustra sperant qui sic de misericordia Dei sibi blandiuntur,'-they hope in vain who in this sort flatter themselves with God's mercy."

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"But what became of Colonel Harquebus?' enquired the secretary, after there had been a pause of some few minutes, for he had listened with some interest to Sir Walter's account of him.

"By the last intelligence, he was fighting with his customary valour against the Spaniards, who had come to assist the Leaguers in Bretagne," replied Sir Walter. "Yet I marvel somewhat he hath not returned to England before this, for his mother hath been dead these ten years, and the lady she was so eager for him to wed, hath long since been married to another; so that there can be now no hindrance to his coming back; but possibly the stirring life he hath led abroad for the last twenty years he hath grown so accustomed to, that he could not put up with the quietness he should meet with at home."

"Methinks 'tis marvellous strange there should

be such a fondness in one man to seek the lives of his fellows," observed Master Francis. "He must needs be but of a poor spirit who will not do battle with the enemies of his country when they are intent upon her disadvantage; but of the sort of satisfaction that is to be enjoyed by constant strife wherever it is to be met with, I know not, nor wish to know. I think that be most worth the respecting is one that th ever his weapon ready, but is loath to draw save upon warrantable grounds; and employet his leisure to gain such knowledge as may be most useful to mankind, whereof he shall essay to make it profitable by the writing of books and the like."

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"If all were to write books there should presently be no readers,” replied his patron, "nor can all have that inclination for study that will lead to the writing of books; nor can all books be of advantage to the reader when he hath such in his hand. However it doth oft happen that what is stupidly writ shall find admirers; or, as St. Jerome hath it, 'Nullus est imperitus scriptor, qui lectorem non inveniat,'—there be no book so dull but it shall meet with a suitable dull reader. You should quarrel with no man for having his taste or disposition unlike your own; for if it were not for the infinite diversity of likings which are to be met with in the world, all mankind would be everlastingly set by the ears because of the insufficiency of what they

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