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See how heathenishly the caitiff stares upon my true friend Master Francis. Hang me! if he don't look as if he meant him some hurt. O' my life!"if I knew for certain he had such traitorous thoughts in him I would not rest a moment ere I had clove him to the chine."

"I have seen many such. observed the old gunner.

He be a priest,”

"He shall be just as like to be the devil," added the boatswain gruffly.

"Priest or devil it matters not!" exclaimed Harry Daring, seemingly somewhat moved. "His looks be those of a murderous villain. And see how he hideth his face! Mayhap he hath a hidden dagger with him, and shall be intent upon springing upon my friend and killing him outright before he can be saved of any. By Gog and Magog !—I will have at him ere he hath time to do it."

"Not so fast, messmate!" cried Simon Mainsail, holding him by the arm as he was hastening away. "Seek not to do a man damage unless you have better warrant for it than his looks. He be a villain Spaniard, therefore would I as soon see him killed as look at him, but he be now under the protection of our commander, who could not help but be exceeding angered were you to run aboard of him. I like not you should get yourself among breakers. Beside, he be but a scurvy papist priest, and it be in no way in the nature of

such craft to seek danger there shall be no chance of their getting out of. I will venture to say he meaneth no harm, but should he, it be quite certain he dare not act any."

"Let him go hang!" muttered Tom Grower. Harry Daring was prevailed upon to ren in where he was; but not without much pressing and almost forcible stopping of him by his companions. In the meantime the Spaniards seemed more and more pleased with their reception, for Sir Walter Raleigh did allow of their bartering for linen, a thing of which they stood much in need.

"And is Don Antonio de Berrio still governor of this island?" enquired Sir Walter of one better dressed than the others who stood by him.

"Ay, Señor," replied he.

“Perchance you may be able to tell me his residence, for I have a great desire to pay my respects to him before I make for Virginia," added Raleigh.

"Doubtless the Señor Gobernador shall be found at the new city he hath called Santo Josef de Oruño," answered the Spaniard.

"Can I have any guide or direction as to finding it?" asked the other.

"The padre is going there, Señor Capitaine," replied the Spaniard.

"What padre?"

"Padre Bartolomé."

"Have you left him on shore? Can I see him? I should hold it in everlasting estimation if he would be my guide to your excellent governor." "There is the padre, señor."

r Walter looked in the direction pointed out, and, for the first time, observed the Jesuit. He was now in deep abstractedness, with his eyes fixed upon a crucifix which was suspended from his neck by a rosary of large beads. He might be nigh upon forty years of age, yet a face of so mild a character, and of so pious an aspect, seemed the gazer never to have met before. Mayhap he was younger, for was there a freshness in his countenance that persons of the age that hath been stated, seldom have; and the flesh looked of such transparency as may rarely be met with save in those of younger years. Be that how it may, it is certain none could look on him without being possessed in his favour as he stood up close upon the mast, his saint-like head, perfectly uncovered, bent a little back, shewing of a most comely neck, and his arms raised holding, as if with both of his hands, the crucifix before his face, while his lips delicately rounded and exceeding rich in colour, were parted but a little, as if in the very act of breathing of some internal prayer. Sir Walter looked on with some wonder and much admiration, Master Francis also was surprised, because he could not help fancying he had seen the face before, yet

was he in a huge puzzlement to know where-the group about the gun, despite of their prejudices, were awed into respect; and others of the crew appeared to regard him with a like feeling, whilst the Spaniards all of a sudden began a crossing of themselves and saying of their prayers with as perfect a zeal as ever was beheld even amongst Catholics. "Salvé, Padre Bartolomé !" exclaimed r Walter with much reverence as, after a lon pause which seemed not like to have an end, te approached the ecclesiastic.

"Benedicite, my son!" replied a voice, the softest and richest he had ever heard. Still the eyes were not moved from the crucifix.

"You speak English then, father," said Raleigh, and not without some astonishment.

"Thou hast heard," answered the priest without the moving of a muscle.

"I would gladly have speech with you, reverend sir, if you could for a few minutes favour me with your attention."

"At the concluding of my devotions, which are now nigh unto the finishing, I shall be at thy service."

Sir Walter Raleigh waited with an exemplary patience, employing of himself in more closely examining the appearance of the Padre Bartolomé ; but upon the very closest scrutiny he detected nothing which could in the slightest degree shake the

favourable impression the first sight of him had created.

"Is there aught a poor son of the church can do to serve thee?" enquired the priest at last in such mild accents, and with so benevolent a look, that the other was charmed with him.

"Being in these parts," said Sir Walter, " methinks I should be wanting in proper courtesy were I not to seek to pay my respects to your illustrious governor, Don Antonio de Berrio, to whom I have heard you are bound. If it is not asking too much at your hands, reverend sir, I should esteem it of you mightily, would you be my guide and messenger unto him. I am about to sail for my colony in our new territory of Virginia, but I should be loth to go till I had seen one whose excellent merit hath been so much bruited abroad.'

The ecclesiastic kept his dark eyes fixed upon the speaker with an attentiveness that made him feel he was before one who could look through the eyes into the heart; but he was not of a sort to shrink from such an ordeal.

"It giveth me pleasure to know I can be of use to thee, my son," replied the padre with the same kindliness of manner as at first. "And his excellent lordship, will, I doubt not at all, be in a marvellous delight to make thy acquaintance, for he hath ever been well inclined to receive with a proper honour all creditable navigators that stop

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