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weapon; and I mean not to leave you till I have killed you outright."

The man stared at Harry Daring with a fierce and malicious expression; for though not knowing a word of what was said, he might gather from the undaunted looks of the boy that he meant him no good; and then, in a deep gruff voice, muttered the word "here" which was calling him a heretic -a most hateful and contemptuous appellation in Catholic.

the eyes of any

"You are a very absolute villain and coward, Master Jack Spaniard; or when one comes unto you with a civil challenge, you would answer me in honest English. I shall feel a marvellous comfort in ridding of the earth of so thorough a scurvy rogue."

To this the other answered only by calling of him diablo, meaning devil, and grinding his teeth at him.

"By Gog and Magog!" exclaimed Harry Daring, raising of his voice and regarding the pilot with famous angry looks, "if you answer me not in honest English, I will give you a clout of your knave's pate." And thereupon he shook his fist. Then the brow of the Spaniard grew blacker than ever, and putting of his hand into his vest, he shewed a dagger, making a significant nod, and muttering in Spanish that he had a mind to stab him; but no sooner did Harry Daring catch sight

of the blade than, as quick as lightning, he bent down his head, and making of it a sort of battering ram, gave the man unexpectedly so vigorous a poke in the stomach that it seemed to have sent the breath out of his body, and after staggering back a few paces, he fell so heavily upon a coil of rope that the dagger was knocked out of his hand. In the next instant Harry was upon him, and then commenced a most furious tusselling betwixt the two. The Spaniard cursing, grinding of his teeth, and clutching of him as well as he could, and the boy, who seemed as strong as a young lion, abusing him for a villain, and ever and anon hitting of him such hearty cuffs as was evident he liked not at all.

This could scarce go on without attracting attention. Indeed, no sooner was Harry Daring seen to rush upon the pilot, than all within notice of it came crowding to the spot, some hanging by the rigging, others clambering to wherever they might get a place to stand on, and all cheering and encouraging of Harry as much as they could. Some of the officers were hastening to interfere, but it came to a stop much sooner than was expected, for the Spaniard having regained his legs rushed like a furious mad beast upon his youthful adversary, who, stooping as he came, sent his head between the other's legs, and putting forth all his force, gave him a jerk that pitched him on his head behind him, where he lay stunned for some


At this moment the voice of Sir Walter Raleigh was heard giving orders to put the ship about; the men returned to their duties; the necessary alterations were made in the sails; an experienced mariner was placed at the helm; and in the space of half an hour or less the good ship the Lion's Whelp was seen retracing of her way to the place she had lately left.


Sir, be appeased; he is come to humble
Himself in spirit, and to ask your patience,
If too much zeal hath carried him aside
From the due path.

Nay, then, I am betrayed,

I feel the plot cast for my overthrow.



In at the window, or else o'er the hatch;
Who dares not stir by day must walk by night;
And have is have however men do catch,
Near or far off; well won is still well shot.


It was with exceeding astonishment that Padre Bartolomé observed the ship receding from the shore. He began to feel a little uneasy at his own situation, and paced the cabin floor with hasty strides, and with wild malignant glances. Nevertheless, upon the hearing of a footstep close at hand, he hurriedly sunk down on his knees, and began praying with wonderful earnestness.

"I have tarried not a moment longer than I could help, Padre," courteously exclaimed Sir Walter Raleigh, as he entered at the door.

"I have not missed thee, my son," replied the ecclesiastic, after he had risen from the ground.

"But a strange accident hath fallen out that had like to have kept me longer, had I not done what I have," continued Sir Walter. "But sit you,


good Padre, sit, I pray you."

"I hope nothing ill hath happened,” observed the priest, as he seated himself opposite the other.

"O' my faith! it might have been of great detriment to us all," answered Raleigh; "for upon my getting upon deck the whole ship was in a perfact confusion and uproar. I know not the exact rts of it, for every one I have spoke to seemeth to have a different account of the matter. But it appears that your pilot and one of my people had somehow or other got to giving of each other ill language, and Tobias drawing his dagger upon the other, they presently fell to blows, in which the former being cast headlong very heavily upon the ground, received such a fall that for the time being it knocked all sense out of him. In consequence of this mishap I have been obliged to turn the ship about, and make for the place whence we came, for I could no longer allow of the safety of the ship and crew being entrusted to one who seemeth of so hasty a temper: and indeed I am exceeding anxious to get him back with a whole skin, for he hath made all my people so incensed against him that I expect if he be not removed away straight

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