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Additional Military Force.


lions, you had more than forty-six thousand regular troops in service; and now, when your population is more than threefold, and your pecuniary resources greatly increased, it is proposed to raise thirty-five thousand only, and yet an alarm is made about supporting them, &c.; and he asks "If we are at the maximum of our capacity; and whether an occasion does not exist to call out a force as great as our capacity would enable us ?" &c...

'States." The latter part is the provision allu- petty effort, of the most stupid kind, to censure, ded to, which was stricken out in the House of by anticipation, what the writer supposed the Representatives. It is clear, said Mr. C., that by Message, which he had not seen, would contain. this provision, no authority was intended to be Mr. C. said he would not deign to remark on the given the President to issue letters of marque contents of that production, nor sully the discusand reprisal, except in the event of one of the sions of the Senate, by again bringing before two great belligerents revoking its unlawful them matter, in his opinion, so indecorous, as well edicts, and the same being declared by procla- as frivolous and irrelevant. He noticed it only mation, &c., upon which he was authorized to to express his surprise that the honorable memissue letters of marque and reprisal against the ber, contrary, as he believed, to his usual pracother, who should thereafter continue in force tice, should so far descend from the respect due its unlawful edicts, &c. If both refused to re- himself and the National Legislature, as to invoke their edicts, there was no authority to be troduce on this floor a scurrilous paragraph from given to issue letters of marque and reprisal a petty newspaper, published in a neighboring against either; and in that event, the provision dependent colony of a foreign Power, the object would have been a dead letter, or indeed worse, of which was to reflect on the proceedings, as its menacing appearance might have a ten-though not then known, of his own Government. dency to irritate, though it was in no respect cal- The honorable gentleman has told you that in culated to make any serious impression. It ap-76, when your population was but about two milpeared to him at the time a very extraordinary measure, and the most impolitic and dangerous that could have been proposed, and he would venture to assert, you might in vain search for its likeness in the annals of nations; it was, in fact, putting it in the power of one belligerent to declare war for you, or determine when you should declare it against the other; and at the same time, enabling the other-who would know, if she did not accede to the terms proposed, war would be the consequence-to take advantage of Mr. C. said, according to the information he the situation in which you would place yourself, had obtained on the subject, the forty-six thouand, in case she determined not to revoke her sand men in service in 1776, were not all regular edicts, make the first attack upon you, when you troops, but including all descriptions of troops would first learn such was her determination then employed under public authority. He could from the mouths of her cannon, by the seizure not, however, perceive how the number employed of your ships, and the bombardment of your in 1776 should regulate the number now to be towns. It would also be holding out a threat to raised. The object then was, to shake off the the belligerents, which would be more likely to shackles of slavery that enchained the people of enlist their pride on the side of persevering in this country, and were about being rivetted on their measures, than to induce them to change them with additional severity. It was a great them, and this is, said Mr. C., the very wise and effort to resist the oppression of a powerful naimportant measure said to be intended as a sub- tion, having at the time, and claiming the right stitute for the embargo! "To maintain the honor to hold the actual government of the country; and promote the interest of the nation, and the and possessing a disposable force, which it was rejecting of which occasioned the British Gov-known she intended to employ for the subjugaernment to disavow the arrangement with Mr. Erskine!" Mr. C. said he could hardly persuade himself that the honorable gentleman was serious in this statement. It was the first time he had ever heard any importance attached to that measure. It was in itself too crude and inconsistent with national policy to claim or receive public notice at home or abroad; its existence was probably never known in Great Britain, and, its rejection could certainly have had no agency in the disavowal of the arrangement with Mr. Erskine. The premature repeal of the embargo, combined with the great events then unfolding themselves in Europe, no doubt, produced the disavowal of that arrangement.

Among the many extraordinary materials pressed into this discussion, was a paragraph from a news paper published in Quebec, read by the gentleman, it is presumed as a part of his speech. This was not a comment on the President's Message, (as it was stated by the gentleman to be,) but a

tion of the people of this country, much greater than their population or means could be supposed equal to resist. The question, then, with the American people, was not what force would be necessary to bring into service, but what force the exertion of their utmost energies could oppose to their powerful enemy. Such is not the question at this time; no one denies the ability of the nation to bring into actual service, and also provide for their support, if the occasion required it, not only thirty-five thousand, but one hundred thousand men, Seven millions of people, with the pecuniary resources of this country properly managed, could not be really oppressed by the einployment and support of one hundred thousand men for such term as it is reasonable to suppose the war would continue.

But the question now ought to be, what number of troops, and of what description, is requisite to accomplish, in due time, and with sufficient certainty, the objects you have in view, and


Additional Military Force,


three millions, annually, remains now at the disposal of the Government, may be applied to the support of the war, in case of such event, and will therefore certainly diminish, by that amount, the revenue to be annually raised from the people; would they not therefore be sensible of this, and consider it a benefit? But it seems the increase of the public debt is not matter of much importance to the nation! If it is not, said Mr. C., what is important to the nation? Are the people to be told, that to augment the public debt, which they and their successors are solemnly pledged to reimburse, which is an encumbrance to its full extent on their estates and possessions of every kind, is in itself of so little consequence as not to be considered of much importance to the nation? Upon the same principle the gentleman might say, that to impose new taxes on the people, to iacrease their burdens from time to time, until they groaned under the pressure, would not be matter of such importance to the nation. Is the old maxim, formerly ascribed to the opposition,

once so much and so justly reprobated, now again brought forward and supported by professed Republicans? This has always been considered the rankest doctrine of high-toned leaders in Federal times, and cannot fail to awaken the public mind to investigate the views of those who advocate it.

On motion, by Mr. LEIB, it was agreed that the question for striking out be taken by yeas and nays; and, on motion by Mr. CAMPBELL, of Tennessee, the Senate adjourned.

would at the same time occasion the least public inconvenience, and produce the least pecuniary, pressure on the people. To determine this correctly, you must regulate the number and description of troops you call into service, by the amount and kind of force to be resisted or subdued, and not by the capacity of the nation. There is no ground to believe, from the gentleman's own statement, the force to be opposed is so great as to require the utmost exertions of the nation. We have not, therefore, said Mr. C., come to the maximum of our capacity; nor does an occasion exist that requires a force to be raised as great as our capacity would enable us. It would be the worst policy we could pursue, and prove most injurious to the nation, to call into actual service, at the commencement of a war, a force so greatly beyond what the occasion demanded, and thereby waste your strength and exhaust your resources before the crisis arrived that might require the exertion all your energies. It would seem, said Mr. C., as if gentlemen conceived they evinced their patriotism by the number of regular troops" that a public debt is a public blessing," and for which they voted; nothing could, however, be more fallacious, nor would the public be deceived by such a delusion. It was as easy to vote for 100,000 men as for 10,000; but the people must at last furnish both the soldiers and the means to support them, and the nation will be able to determine by the conduct and votes of gentlemen, on the ulterior measures that may come before you, whether the advocates for so large a regular force as that contained in the bill, or those who support the present motion, being disposed to provide such forces and of such descriptions only as in their opinion, as well as that of the Government, would be sufficient to meet the present emergency, and could be most usefully employed, are most in earnest on this subject, and will ultimately prove most firm and decided in supporting the rights and honor of their country. Among the strange doctrines lately advanced, one is introduced on this occasion by the honorable gentleman, that will not a little surprise the people of America, and that is, that the accumulation of public debt is of no great importance to the nation. The gentleman asked if any one felt any benefit from the payment of fifty millions of the public debt? And observed, to use his own words, "the increase of the public debt is no great bugbear," &c. The advantages arising from extinguishing the public debt, said Mr. C., cannot well be mistaken, and must be felt by every member of society capable of feeling the pressure of public taxes. By the extinguishment of fifty millions of your public debt, which has been effected by the operations of your Treasury Department, the nation is relieved from the payment of at least three millions of interest annually-a sum more than the proceeds of all the internal taxes-the repeal of which has been so much regretted by the honorable gentleman. Your finances are therefore rendered as productive by the extinction of that amount of debt, without those internal taxes, as they would be with them had such debt continued unpaid; and this sum of

THURSDAY, December 19.

The PRESIDENT communicated a resolution of the Legislature of the State of Vermont, confirming, on the part of the State, the resolution for an amendment to the Constitution respecting titles of nobility; which was read.

A message from the House of Representatives informed the Senate that the House recede from their disagreement to the amendments of the Senate to the bill, entitled "An act for the apportionment of Representatives among the seve ral States, according to the third enumeration."

The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to raise, for a limited time, an additional military force; and the motion made the 17th inst., to strike out the word "ten," section one, line three, was determined in the negative-yeas 12, nays 21, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Anderson, Bradley, Brent, Campbell of Ohio, Campbell of Tennessee, Condit, Crawford, Cutts, Franklin, Lambert, Smith of New York, and Worthington.

NAYS-Messrs. Bayard, Bibb, Dana, Gaillard, German, Giles, Gilman, Goodrich, Gregg, Horsey, Howell, Hunter, Leib, Lloyd, Pope, Reed, Robinson, Tait, Taylor, Turner, and Varnum.

On the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.',

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill appropriating a sum of money

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for procuring munitions of war; and, on the ques-
tion, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third
time? it was determined in the affirmative.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the
Whole, the bill for the establishment of a quar-
termaster's department; and, on the question,
Shall this bill be engrossed and read the third
time? it was determined in the affirmative.
The following Message was received from the
To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States:

I lay before Congress two letters received from Governor Harrison, of the Indiana Territory, reporting the particulars and the issue of the expedition under his command, of which notice was taken in my communication of November 5th..


postpone the further consideration thereof until Monday next.

Mr, GILMAN, from the committee, also reported the bill for the establishment of a quartermaster's department, correctly engrossed; and the bill was read the third time.

On motion, it was agreed to postpone the further consideration of this bill until Monday next.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill authorizing the President of the United States to raise certain companies of spies or rangers, for the protection of the frontier of the United States; and the bill was amended; and the President reported it to the House accordingly.

On the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill extending the time of certain patents granted to Robert Fulton; and, on motion,

While it is deeply lamented that so many valuable lives have been lost in the action which took place on the 7th ultimo, Congress will see, with satisfaction, the dauntless spirit and fortitude victoriously displayed by every description of the troops engaged, as well as the collected firmness which distinguished their command-by Mr. GERMAN, it was agreed to postpone the er, on an occasion requiring the utmost exertions of further consideration thereof until Monday next. valor and discipline. Mr. WORTHINGTON presented the petition of Submit R. Strong, widow of Major Elijah Strong, late of the Army of the United States, on behalf of herself and three infant children; stating that her husband, while in the service of the United States, died of a malignant fever, leaving her and his children in very indigent circumstances; and praying that the half-pay, or pension, that would have been allowed the representatives of the deceased, had he died by a wound or wounds, received in actual service, may be extended to her, for reasons stated at large in the petition; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

It may reasonably be expected that the good effects of this critical defeat and dispersion of a combination of savages, which appears to have been spreading to a greater extent, will be experienced not only in a cessation of the murders and depredations committed on our frontier, but in the prevention of any hostile incursions otherwise to have been apprehended.

The families of those brave and patriotic citizens who have fallen in this severe conflict, will, doubtless, engage the favorable attention of Congress.


WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 1811. The Message and letters referred to were read, and ordered to lie on the table.

FRIDAY, December 20.

Mr. W., also, presented the petition of Amos Spafford, stating that he hath improved a certain portion of the public land near the foot of the rapids, on the south side of the Miami, and praying that a law may be passed permitting him to Mr. GILMAN, from the committee, reported the locate a quarter section of land, covering his imbill to raise, for a limited time, an additional mil-provements, at the price of other public lands, itary force, correctly engrossed; and the bill was when exposed to sale; for reasons stated at large read the third time, and the blanks filled. On the in the petition. question, Shall this bill pass? it was determined in the affirmative-yeas 26, nays 4, as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Anderson, Bibb, Bradley, Campbell of Ohio, Campbell of Tennessee, Condit, Crawford, Cutts, Franklin, Gaillard, German, Gilman, Gregg, Horsey, Howell, Leib, Lloyd, Pope, Reed, Robinson, Smith of New York, Tait, Taylor, Turner, Varnum, and Worthington.

NAYS-Messrs. Dana, Goodrich, Hunter, and Lam


On motion, by Mr. CRAWFORD, it was agreed to amend the title of the bill, by striking out the words "for a limited time."

So it was Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be "An act to raise an additional military force."

Mr. GILMAN, from the committee, reported the bill appropriating a sum of money for procuring munitions of war, correctly engrossed; and the bill was read the third time.

On motion, by Mr. CRAWFORD, it was agreed to

Mr. W., also, presented the petition of Lewis Bond and others, residing on the Miami river, praying that they may be confirmed in their possessions of certain lands therein mentioned, for reasons stated at large in the petition; and the petitions were severally read.

Ordered, That they be severally referred to the committee appointed the 14th of November, to inquire if any, and, if any, what, further provis ions or alterations are necessary for the distribution of the public lands of the United States, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise.

MONDAY, December 23.

Mr. CONDIT presented the petition of Abram Ogden, of Elizabethtown, in the State of New Jersey, stating that he hath constructed a boat, to be propelled by steam, at a considerable expense, and praying that the bill pending in the Senate on this subject may not pass, for reasons stated at

[blocks in formation]

large in the petition; which was read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate.

The PRESIDENT communicated the report of the Secretary for the Department of State on the petition of Thomas Brown, referred to his consideration the 2d instant; which was read.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill extending the time of certain patents granted to Robert Fulton; and, on motion, by Mr. CRAWFORD, it was agreed that the further consideration thereof be postponed until to-mor


TUESDAY, December 24.

Mr. GERMAN presented the memorial of Gouverneur Morris, and others, commissioners, appointed by an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, for the consideration of all matters relating to the opening a canal navigation between the great Lakes and Hudson's river, praying the co-operation and aid of Congress in the contemplated work, for reasons stated at large in the memorial; which was read, and referred to the committee to whom was referred, on the 6th inst., the memorial of the President and Managers of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania, with the addition of two members, to consider and report theroon by bill or otherwise; and Messrs. CRAWFORD and GERMAN were added to the com


The following Message was received from the
To the Senate and House of

Représentatives of the United States:

I communicate to Congress copies of an act of the Legislature of New York, relating to a canal from the great Lakes to Hudson's river. In making the communication, I consult the respect due to that State, in whose behalf the commissioners appointed by the act have placed it in my hands for the purpose.


to raise certain companies of rangers for the protection of the frontier of the United States, correctly engrossed; and the bill was read the third time, and the blanks were filled. On motion by Mr. WORTHINGTON, it was agreed, by unanimous consent, to amend the bill, by inserting, in section one, line eight, of the printed bill, after the word "necessary," the following words:" not exceeding six;" and,

Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be "An act authorizing the President of the United States to raise certain companies of rangers for the protection of the frontier of the United States."

Mr. GILMAN, from the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled "An act for the relief of John Burnham," reported it without amendment.

The Senate resumed the third reading of the bill for the establishment of a quartermaster's department; and the blanks were filled; and, on motion by Mr. BRENT, it was agreed that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until Thursday next.

Mr. CAMPBELL, of Tennessee, presented the resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, disapproving of, and dissenting from, the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, proposed by the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts, June 19, 1809, respecting embargoes and commercial restrictions; also, from the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, proposed by the Legislature of the State of Virginia, on the 13th January, 1808, respecting the removal from office of the Senators in Congress of the United States, by a vote of the respective State Legislatures: also, from the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as proposed by the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, April 3d, 1809, "that an impartial tribunal may be established, to determine disputes between the General and State governments;" and approvThe utility of canal navigation is universally admit-ing of, and agreeing to, the amendment to the ted. It is not less certain, that scarcely any country Constitution of the United States, proposed by offers more extensive opportunities for that branch of improvements than the United States; and none, per- Congress, respecting titles of nobility. And the haps, inducements equally persuasive to make the most resolutions were read.. of them. The particular undertaking contemplated by the State of New York, which marks an honorable spirit of enterprise and comprises objects of national as well as more limited importance, will recall the attention of Congress to the signal advantages to be derived to the United States from a general system of internal communication and conveyance; and suggest to their consideration whatever steps may be proper, on their part, towards its introduction and accomplishment. As some of those advantages have an intimate con- The PRESIDENT also communicated the memonexion with arrangements and exertions for the gen-rial of the Legislature of the Indiana Territory, eral security, it is at a period calling for these that the praying grants of land, respectively, to the legal merits of such a system will be seen in the strongest representatives of such officers and soldiers as fell lights.


WASHINGTON, December 23, 1811. The Message and documents therein referred to were read; and referred to the committee last mentioned, to consider and report thereon.

Mr. GILMAN, from the committee, reported the bill authorizing the President of the United States

FRIDAY, December 27.

The PRESIDENT communicated the memorial of certain citizens and inhabitants of the Territory of Michigan, stating their very exposed situation in the vicinity of the Indians, and requesting the interposition of Government for their protection; and the memorial was read.

in the late action under Governor Harrison's command, some of whom had heretofore made locations of land, partial payments, and improvements thereon; also, to each of the surviving officers and soldiers of said corps such donation in land as Congress may deem expedient; and the memorial was read.

Mr. GERMAN presented the memorial of Isaiah

[blocks in formation]

Townsend, and others, stating that, in the year
1811, the memorialists, at great expense, built two
boats, under conviction that they had a right
thereto by the existing laws of the United States,
for the purpose of plying between New York and
Albany, and which they have done successfully;
and praying a bill on the subject of steamboats,
now before the Senate, may not pass, for reasons
stated at large in the memorial; which was
read, and ordered to be printed for the use of the

The following Message was received from the
To the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States:


are desirous of establishing a daily packet, to be propelled by steam, to ply betweeen Philadelphia, Brandywine, and Christiana creek: that they have it in their power to obtain an engineer, who is an alien, to conduct and superintend the work, upon being admitted to receive a share of the net profits; that a boat of the size and form contemplated would be. subject to the same rules and regulations as if employed in the foreign or coasting trade, which exclude an alien, who is the constructor or projector, from a share of the boat or profits, and that they will be deprived of the aid of this artist without the interposition of Congress; and praying relief; and the petition was read, and referred to a select committee, to consider and report thereon, by bill or otherwise; and Messrs. BAYARD, CONDIT, and HOWELL, were

I lay before Congress copies of resolutions entered into by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, which have been transmitted to me, with that view, by the Gov-appointed the committee. ernor of that State, in pursuance of one of the said resolutions.

[blocks in formation]

WASHINGTON, December 27, 1811.

The Message and resolutions therein referred to were read, and ordered to lie on the table. Mr. LEIB presented the memorial of Oliver Evans, stating that the memorialist verily be lieves himself to be the original proposer of steamboats and steam-wagons in the United States, (Doctor Franklin only excepted ;) and that he conceives his patent, dated February 14, 1804, secured to him the right to use his engine for boats, mills, and land carriages, and praying to be left in full possession of those rights, for reasons stated at large in the memorial; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion, by Mr. LLOYD, it was agreed that the further consideration of the bill for the estab lishment of a quartermaster's department be postponed until Tuesday next...

MONDAY, December 30.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill extending the time of certain patents granted to Robert Fulton; and the bill was amended, and the President reported it to the House accordingly.

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On the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, from the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled "An act to authorize the laying out and opening a public road from the line established by the treaty of Greenville to the North Bend, in the State of Ohio," reported it without amendment.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill, entitled "An act for the relief of John Burnham ;" and, on the question, Shall this bill be read a third time? it was determined in the negative.

Mr. BRADLEY Submitted the following motion for consideration:

Resolved, That the members of this House will wear crape on the left arm for one month, in testimony of the national respect and sorrow for the unfortunate

The PRESIDENT communicated the resolution

Mr. HOWELL presented the petition of Nathan- persons who perished in the city of Richmond, in Viriel Smith, naval officer for the district of Provi-ginia, on the night of the 26th of the present month. dence, praying additional compensation for his services, for reasons stated at large therein; and the petition was read, and referred to a select committee, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise; and Messrs. HOWELL, GREGG, and BRADLEY, were appointed the committee.

A message from the House of Representatives informed the Senate that the House have passed a bill, entitled "An act to continue in force, for a further time, the first section of the act, entitled 'An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary Powers;" also a bill, entitled "An act directing the terms on which the lands sold at public sale, and that revert for failure in payment, shall again be sold;" in which bills, they desire the concur

rence of the Senate.

The bills last mentioned were read, and passed to the second reading.

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Mr. BAYARD presented the petition of the President and Trustees of the Philadelphia and Wilmington Steamboat Company, stating that they

of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory, approving the course pursued by the General Government towards the belligerent Powers of Europe, and pledging themselves to "support the Administraoffending nations." The resolution was read, tion thereof in its efforts to obtain justice from and is as follows:

Resolved by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory, in Gendifficulties under which the United States have for eral Assembly convened, That the embarrassments and many years labored have been caused by the injustice of foreign nations and of domestic faction. That the late and present Administrations of the General Government have, in our opinion, pursued a wise, impartial, and just course towards the belligerent Powers of Europe, and such as ought to conciliate and unite the affections of every American citizen. That the correspondence just published between the American Secretary of State and Mr. Foster, the British Envoy, af

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