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[M. f. 505.]


In Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Robertus Persey miles sepeliendum in Abathiâ S. Mariæ de Aldmalton Residuum Elizabethæ uxori meæ, Johanni Persey & Georgio Persey filiis meis. [Prob. xvii Feb.]


[M. f. 503.]

In Dei nomine, Amen. Primo die Jan. MCCCCXXVI, Ego Marmaducus de Thweng de Corneburgh ecclesiâ meâ parochiali de Schyryfhoton

sepeliendum in Fabricæ ejusdem

Abecclesiæ, pro sepulturâ meâ in eadem habendâ, vja. viija. bati de Byland, pro celebracione missæ meæ, die sepulturæ meæ, vj3. viija., cuilibet monacho ejusdem domus secum venienti ad eandem missam xija. Pro tecturâ plumbeâ campanilis ecclesiæ meæ parochialis de Corneburgh xvs. Et ad fabricam vestibuli dictæ ecclesiæ xiijs. iiij. Et Georgio filio Et Johanni filio meo j peciam argenteam coopertam et xx3, meoj aliam peciam argenteam singul' et xx. Willielmo Darell bono consilio & auxilio suis xx3. Residuum executoribus, pro Georgio & Johanni filiis meis. Supervisor Edmundus Darell. [Prob. i Jan. anno supr.]


[M. f. 537.]

In Dei nomine, Amen. xxvj die Augusti, Anno Domini MCCCCXXVII, Ego Ricardus Tempest miles, compos mentis, putans me fore in periculo mortis, condo testamentum meum in

1 The genealogical details in this Will do not agree with the pedigree of Thweng, of Cornburgh, as entered in 1585. The estate afterwards passed by co-heirs to the Wawtons and Werthorps. The former family is represented by H. Maire Witham, of Lartington, Esq, a member of this Society.

2 Dr. Whitaker has well said of the Tempests, of Bracewell, that they were the oldest and most distinguished of the Craven families. Their history, in connection with Bracewell, ascends to the period of our earliest Norman kings; and here they flourished till the beginning of the seventeenth century, sending out vigorous scions, one of which took deep root at Broughton, and another at The house of Bracewell is in ruins. Holmside in the county of Durham. room is pointed out as the king's parlour, in which in all probability the unfor


hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo, et B. M. Virgini, et omnibus Sanctis ejus, et corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesiâ parochiali de Braswell, et meum optimum averium pro meo principali. Item, pro vigiliis et oblacionibus, quod justem fuerit. Item lego lumini S. Maria de Braswell vj. viijd. Item lumini S. Michaelis de eadem vjs. viijd. Item lego lumini S. Nicholai S. Leonardi & S. Thomæ x3. Item lego lumini S. Margaretæ & S. Katerinæ vj3. viijd. Item lego Abbati et Conventui de Sallay xs. Item lego Abbati et Conventui de Cristall v marcas. Item lego iij Ordinibus de Ebor. iij marcas. Item lego Fratribus Minoribus de Preston vj3. viija. Item lego Fratribus de Lancastre vj. viijd. Item lego Rogero Tempest filio meo et pueris suis xx'. Item lego Elizabeth Everyngham xx marcas. Item lego Margaretæ sorori meæ, & Miloni Standen filio ejusdem Margaretæ, xx marcas. Item lego in die sepulturæ meæ pro expensis xx'. - Rogerum Tempest filium meum executorem. [Prob. ult. Sep. мсCCCXXVIII.]


[M. f. 528.]

In Dei nomine, Amen. iv Nov. MCCCCXXVII, coram Thoniâ Taburner, et Aliciâ uxore ejus, Margaretâ Attegate & totâ familiâ meâ, ibidem presentibus, Ego Willielmus Attezate de Kesewyk sepeliendum in cimiterio ecclesiæ omnium Sanctornm de Harwod optimum meam animal pro mortuario Lego ad facturam pontis de Harwod xx".-Lego ad distribuendum inter proximos et amicos, die sepulturæ meæ, unum boviculum, & tres oves.

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tunate King Henry VI. met with a kind and secure retreat during his concealment in Craven after the battle of Hexham. The boots, gloves, and spoons of this unhappy monarch were long preserved by the family of Pudsey, of Bolton, in the adjoining parish, from whom the king experienced the same hospitable loyalty, upon the same occasion. The extreme diminutiveness of size of the gloves and boots proves that the king must have been as imbecile and insignificant in person as he was deficient in spirit and resolution. But perhaps the one is not an unfrequent concomitant of the other.

This Will makes some important additions to the Tempest pedigree. The Testator married Isabel, widow of John le Gras. We now for the first time hear of the children of Roger his son, of Margaret Standon his sister, and her son Miles, and of Elizabeth Everyngham, doubtless a very near relation. Dr. Whitaker was the first to conjecture that the birds in the shield of the Tempests, generally considered to be martlets, are in reality so many storm-finches, in allusion to the name of the family. Les oiseaux du Tempête.


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[M. f. 539.b.]

In Dei nomine Die Dom. prox. a. f. S. Andr. Ap. MCCCCXXVIII, Ego Willielmus Mannyng, de parochiâ S. Mauricii Ebor. corpus ecclesiasticæ sepulturæ. Lego dim. libr. ceræ ad comburendum circa corpus meum. Et fabricæ Eccles. Ebor. vja. Conventui S. Trin. de Knaresburgh vjd. Residuum Agneti uxori meæ.


[M. f. 537-b.]

In Dei nomine, Amen. xxi Sep. мCCCCXXVIII, Ego Willielmus Gowsell de Heworth husbandman - sepeliendum in cimiterio eccles. par. omnium Sanctorum in Pesseholme in Ebor. Et lego Rectori ecclesiæ meæ optimum averium meum pro corpore meo talliatum. Et lego Johanni filio meo unam togam veridem cum capucio, unum par cultellorum argenti, unum gladium, cum j peltâ & j cellâ cum freno. Et lego unum equum ad opus S. Petri Ebor. Et lego Ricardo filio meo unam

rodam frumenti.

Residuum 2

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Sep. xxviii, мCCCCXXVIII, Ego Thomas Hilton clericus Sepeliendum in ecclesiâ Conventuali Fratrum Predicatorum

1 The above extract contains the sum and substance of the wishes of the Testator, a poor leper in the hospital at Monkbridge, in York-half-a-pound of wax to be burnt over his coffin, sixpence to the works going on in York Cathedral, sixpence to the Monks of Knaresbrough, and the residue to his wife.

2 This Will is also given at length, as far as the bequests are concerned. The Testator bequeaths a mortuary. To John, his son, he leaves his green gown and hood (hats there were none), his two knives of silver (probably silver hafted ones), his sword, shield, saddle, and bridle. He bequeaths his horse to the fabric of the cathedral. He gives a rood of wheat to another son, and the residue goes in the ordinary way.

3 The local name of Hilton, as the name of a sedes, is common in the northern counties, and in consequence the families who bear the appellation are numerous, all of them taking their cognomen from their own Town upon the Hill, and having no original connection of blood with each other. The two Hiltons, in the county of Durham, have, however, each a peculiar history. Hilton on the

Beverlaci, modicum infra ostium australe, juxta le haliwaterfatt volo quod die sepulturæ meæ xij pauperes viri vestiantur & [Prob. xxix Octob. anno supr.]

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xl pascantur


[M. f. 532-b.]

In Dei nomine, summæ et individuæ Trinitatis, Patris, & Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, ac beatissimæ Mariæ Genetricis unigeniti filii Dei, et omnium Sanctorum, Ego Thomas Beauchamp de Kyngeston super Hull capellanus, sanus et incolumis mente ac corpore spiritualiumque virtutum robore, gaudens gratiâ spirituali, amaræ tamen mortis memoriæ formidans, circumductus mortis morsu me ab hac luce memorans & cognoscens diem

et ignorans, cupiens me reddere providum atque cautum aliorum periculis, hac instanti pestilenciari clade inopinate et subito circumseptus, in die Jovis prox. post fest. Reliquiarum, A.D. MCCCCXXVIII facio, &c., sepeliendum in choro capellæ S. Trin. villæ predictæ extra sedile sive scabellum in quo solebam residere

Wear, where stands the tenantless mansion of the old family of Hilton, one of whom was once summoned to Parliament, and entailed in consequence upon his successors the title of Baron as long as the direct line remained, is in the early charters concerning it Helton, the town not on the hill, but in the hole, a deri. vation which its situation fully bears out, and yet from Helton sprung Hiltons in abundance. From the other Hilton, near Staindrop, which stands high, commanding a most extensive view over some of the finest parts of Durham and Yorkshire, and with respect to situation that, in reality, which its name implies, we are not aware that one single family who ever rose to importance derived their name, and yet,singularly enough, here, in the beginning of the seventeenth century, settled a scion of the house of Hilton-Beacon, in Westmorland, the progenitor of a numerous family, which for a long time held a middle rank among the gentry of the county, and from which there are at the present day nume. rous descendants, some of whom have been bold enough to lay claim to the estate of Hilton Castle, which, in their opinion, is in want of an owner, with no better title than the name they bear.

1 This man makes his Will during the prevalence of the plague in Hull, and expresses his religious feelings in a preface which contains one or two clauses of an unusual nature. His name is a high one, but it would perhaps be no easy task to connect his name with the noble family of Beauchamp.


[M. f. 544.]

In Dei nomine, Amen. xv Jan. MCCCCXXVIII. Ego Johannes Pigot, compos memoriæ et grandi vexatus infirmitate, comIn primis lego posui testamentum meum in hunc modum. mediantibus B. Petro et Sancto Wilfrido, ac omnibus Sanctis, animam meam, in conductu beatissimæ Matris Jesu Christi & in custodiâ sanctorum Michaelis, et Angeli custodis michi misericorditer deputati, presentari disposicioni, pietati, ac immensæ bonitati Conditoris et Redemptoris mei, et corpus meum sepulturæ in ecclesiâ parochiali illius loci ubi me contigerit viam certitudinis ingredere, more ibidem solito absque pompâ, nisi ab illo loco, quo ab hac luce migravero, infra unam diem ad aliquam ecclesiasticam sepulturam in honore S. Wilfridi dedicatam deferri possem, quam tunc humiliter postulo, si meis amicis et executoribus fore videbitur faciendum; ibidem, sub spe misericordiæ & gracia, diem resurrectionis expectare per devotas preces superveniencium, quas humiliter peto, intuitu caritatis, cum sanctum et salubre est pro defunctis exorare. Pro sustentacione guerræ contra hereticos in partibus Boemiæ x marcas

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Lego Johanni filio meo omnes libros meos de Lege terræ. Ricardo filio meo xl marcas. Et Rogero filio meo xl marcas. Et Margaretæ filiæ meæ c marcas pro maritagio suo. Lego Et Johannæ Matildi filiæ meæ bastard x'. pro maritagio suo. Wartre filiæ meæ xls. Item lego duabus filiabus Galfridi Pigot fratris mei xx marcas Lego Ranulpho Pigot nepoti meo unam peciam argenteam cum coopertorio, quam volo semper remanere heredibus ipsius Ranulphi apud Coltherom imperpeEt Margaretæ uxori ejusdem Ranulphi unum monile auri enamellatum. Et Galfrido filio predicti Ranulphi unam peciam argenteam Elizabeth uxor mea. Christoferus & Alexander Mountfort de Hakford filii ejusdem Elizabethæ, de primo marito suo



[M. f. 550.]

viij Ap. MCCCCXXIX. Ego Johannes Semer filius et heres Willielmi Semer de Scardeburgh Lego Willielmo filio meo unum tenementum vocatum Herynghowse, in Helgateland

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