CCCIV. TESTAMENTUM JOHANNIS SANDFORD DE TIKHILL. [M. f. 563-b.] The will of John of Sandford of Tykhill is this, for to gyfe to the rude gylde of Tykhill his best girdell harnest, with a pare of lambre bedes, and a nothir girdell harnest with S., and a ryng of golde, with a diamaunt to sancte Chriftofre' Gilde; and to mayster Thomas his son ij gounes, one skarlet furred with croppes of gray, and a sangwyn furred with gray, all his shepe, ij ky and ane ox. Item to Rich. Cuke of Doncestre a russet goune furred with fox. Item to Robert his son a goune of blew worsted furred, and a ray goune furred, and a party goune of green and better grene, ij hors a blak and a white, iiij oxen, a pare of cart wheles new bonden, and a half his cropp of hay and corne, a harnest girdell, and a baslard that is harnest, his beest dagger and his armour. Item to Rich. his mann a grene goune. Item to Chester a goune of skarlet. Item to Thomas Barnell a ray goune. Item to John Rice a rede goune. Item to John, the sone of Saundford, a harnest horne & a pare bedes of gold. Item to Pycard a house with a land at the toune end of Tykhill. Item to the makyng of the stepell of Tykhill c., a cart with iiij hors. Item to the kyrkmasters a nobill. Item to Kateryn, the doghter of Robert his son, a caldron, a pot, and a littell posnet. Item he will that Robert his son have all his landes and tenements in Tikhill, with all the pertinences, and in Staynton, Malpas, Sutton, and Misen. (Entail.) Item he will that a prest syng for hym ij zer. Item he will that Katerin his wiffe and his son Thomas be his executours. [6 Sep. 1429.] 1 This is one of the numerous historical records contained in this volume which connect themselves with existing remains of the objects to which legacies are bequeathed. Bequests to the Cathedral of York have occurred in almost every page. Many of these are conveyed in general terms, and therefore it would be impossible to specify or localise their precise application. Of others, the result may still be traced, notwithstanding the late fire; but at all events, now that there is on the subject of church architecture a reviving spirit of adhering to good old examples in modern erections or reparations, instead of copying the absurdities of the Strawberry Hill or Wyat schools, such documents as the Will before us, which afford dates, and in consequence authorise conclusions, must of necessity be peculiarly valuable. We have here a legacy of one hundred shillings and a cart and four horses to the "making" of the steeple of Tickhill Church. Now the upper stages of the tower of Tickhill Church are precisely of this period-early perpendicular of elaborate workmanship in the durable stone of Roche Abbey-and, what might naturally have been expected from the extent of his legacy, there are carved in stóne, near the western door-way, the armorial bearings of this our benefactor,-ermine, two boars' heads in chief. The Testator lies buried in the south chancel, under a fine slab CCCV. TESTAMENTUM ISABELLA SALVAYN.' [M. f. 564.] in Dei nomine, Amen. Anno Domini Millesimo cccc vicesimo nono, Ego Isabella Salvayn, compos et sanæ memoriæ, vicesimo quinto die mensis Julii, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo omnipotenti, beatæ Mariæ, et omnibus Sanctis, et corpus meum ad sepeliendum in choro Conventuali Monialium de Swyne. Item lego optimam meam togam rubeam de skarlett cum monili aureo supra manicam posito, pro mortuario meo. Item in cerâ ardendâ circum corpus meum, die sepulturæ meæ, secundum disposicionom executorum meorum subsequencium. Item sacerdotibus et clericis, ad exequias et ad missam existentibus, cuilibet in disposicione executorum meorum. Item lego unum trentale S. Gregorii pro animâ meâ, quam cito poterit fieri, et cum magnâ festinanciâ. Item lego fabricæ ecclesiæ parochialis de Swyne, eciam et fraternitati S. Mariæ Virginis nuper fundatæ, tantum quantum disposuerint executores mei. Item lego Priorissæ et Conventui Abbathiæ de Swyne, ut exorent pro animâ meâ, xx". Item lego dominæ Johannæ,2 uxori avunculi mei et comatri meæ, unam albam zonam de serico. Item lego domina Alicia, avæ meæ, x marcas si aurum meum, quod est in manibus executorum patris mei, potuisset adquiri. Îtem lego monile aureum Elizabeth Melton cognatæ meæ, quæ est in custodia Agnetis of Roche Abbey stone; upon which, according to Mr Hunter, have been traced two figures seated, one of them crowned, and below them two other figures, male and female. There are two shields of arms of the family, and there runs round the margin of the stone, in Longobardic character, the inscription, "Hic jacet Johannes Sandford, armiger qui obiit xj die mensis Septembris, anno Domini Mil. cccc. XXIX, cujus animæ propitietur Deus." The church of Tickhill deserves the most minute attention of the architect. With the exception of the lower stage of the tower, which is early English, the whole of the fabric is of the perpendicular character, and we know of no more striking specimen of the style. The proportions are large, the design excellent, and the execution admirable. They who wish to see the full effect of an immense body of light thrown in from a magnificent west window, and from that rare feature in parochial church architecture, a clerestory window over the chancel arch, must go to Tickhill. 1 The Testatrix was the daughter of Sir Roger Salvin, of Herswell, Knight, who was made a Knight of the Bath at the Feast of Saint George, at Caen, in Normandy, 6. Henry V. He was also one of the knights of the body to that monarch, and a legatee in his Will. Her mother was daughter of Sir Robert Hilton, Knight, Lord of Swyne, in Holderness. Her uncle, Gerard Salvayn, (a younger brother of her father,) married Agnes Whalton, Lady of Croxdale, and from this marriage are descended the Salvins of Croxdale. 2 The wife of Sir John Salvayn, of North Duffield, who is himself mentioned afterwards. Cook. Item lego Alicia sorori meæ j par de precibus. Item lego domino Johanni Salvayn, avunculo meo, unum annulum aureum pendentem per predictas preces. Item lego unum annulum aureum Rogero fratri meo, qui est in custodiâ Elizabeth Melton cognatæ meæ. Item lego matri meæ unam parvam cistam de evor ligatam cum argento, in rememoracione suæ benedictionis. Item unam zonam blodiam de serico Agneti Stawnton. Item lego Roberto Mowntnay j parvum lectum pendentem. Item do et lego xiij. iiij. solvendos pro Alicia Thorp apud Munkton, pro mensâ suâ. Item Domina Margaretæ existenti Ancres Ebor. ad ecclesiam B. Margaretæ in Walmegate vj. viijd. Item do et lego unam cathenam aureum Ecclesiæ de Chesewick, ad faciendum pixidem pro corpore Christi. Item Marjorie Flet togam nigram cum pelle in le coler et manucis. Item lego Agneti Cuke j par linthiaminum, & j par de blanketts, apud Munkton, et j par linthiaminum apud Swyne, & j kirtell rubeum. Item lego Isabella Wryght j kyrtell de blodio. Item famulis Domini Roberti Hilton, avunculi mei, secundum dispositionem et ordinationem executorum meorum. Item domino Roberto Hilton, avunculo meo,2 tantum lego de bonis meis pro mensâ meâ, quantum voluerit recipere. Item omne aurum, quod est in manibus executorum patris mei michi assignatum, si potent adquiri, do et lego dominæ Johannæ Hilton domina de Swyne, Roberto Mowntnay, et Petro Rowland capellano ac residuum ut disponant pro animâ meâ -et aliis operibus misericordiæ - [Dat. apud Swyne.] CCCVI. TESTAMENTUM JOHANNIS SCOTTE CIVIS ET BOWER EBOR. [M. f. 554-b.] Codicillus I write to the covent j mark, to a pety spens le pytans. Priori ejusdem Conventus vj. viijd. Item iiij trentalia missarum apud Fratres predictos in Ebor. to be don hastyly efter be the fayth of their body. Item lego eisdem Fratribus, pro equo et sellâ, xx. Item j par of buts spurys & my best dublet of blewe worsted, j wyer hatt harnest with sylver, j schaffe 1 Roger Salvyn, of Herswell, Esq., married Margaret, daughter of John Bolton, Alderman of York. 2 The Hiltons, of Swyne, were descended from William de Hilton, a younger son of Robert de Hilton, Lord of Hilton Castle, in the county of Durham, and to whom his father gave the manor of Swyne upon his marriage with Maud, daughter of Roger Lascelles in 1288. 3 This lady was the daughter of ... Constable, and died in 1432. of pakok fedird arows: also I wyte tham a dagger harnest with sylver, best save ane, and a twa hand swerde Unto Roger my man a bowe, and a dosan arows, & a schort swerde. Item to the thekyng of the stepill of my parish kyrke xxvj3. viija. & a belt of ledyr harnest with sylver to William Flechman of Kyrkly a grene hake lyned with checory to the son of John Amstyrlay a russet cloke, lynd wt care aboute ye schuldyrs, & a brasur harnest wyth sylver Item I will have delyvered to a gude trewman that weendes to the courte of Rome in pilgramege, iiij marcas, that is to say, ij marcz to hym selfe for his labour that he sall do & gar do for me, & the tothir ij marcz sall he garr be songen for me in messes at grete Rome, yt is to say apud le veuernakyll in ecclesiâ Sancti Petri apud Romam, & eciam unam missam ad altare vocatum scala cæli, & j missam apud Fabianum & Sebastianum, qware most nede is — and also he sall garr xiij messes be songen for me in the seyrkyll of Rome in divers places. [Prob., 1429.] INDEX. A. ALDBURGH, Margeria, relicta Dom. Will. de, 1391, 149 Arthyngtoun, Rob. de, 1391, 153 Aton, Gilbert de, miles, 1350, 62 Awstyn, John, carpentarius, 1407, 347 Brugge, Walterus de, Canon. Ebor., Brunby, Joh, de, miles, 1403, 303 Bukton, Petrus de, miles, 1413, 360 Burton, John, Rector of St. Helen's, Bygod, John, miles, 1388, 128 C. CALVERLAY, Walterus, miles, 1404, 333 Capon, Robertus, miles, 1346, 29 Catclough, Isabella, uxor Johannis, bar- Cawod, Will., Canon. Ebor., 1419, 395 |