Abbildungen der Seite

Chiltenham, Walter de, Vicar of Trinity Eston, John, ankersmyth, 1391,
Chapel, Hull, 1388, 127

Clyfford, John de, Thesaur, eccl. Ebor.,
1392, 166

Colier, Ricardus, marchant, 1348, 85
Colvyĺl, Johanna, relicta Dom. Will.,
1390, 135

Conestable, Matildis, rel. J. C. (Hal-
sham,) 1419, 396

Constabíll, Marm. le, miles (Flamb.),
1404, 337

Constable, Johannes, miles (Halsham),
1407, 350

Constable, Johannes (Holm), 1377, 99
Constable, Johannes, miles, (Frysmersk),
1378, 105

Constable, Marmaduke le, miles (Flam-
bro'), 1376, 97

Constable, Robertus (Flambro'), miles,
1400, 264

Conyers, Elizabeth, relicta dom. Johan-
nis, 1402, 294

Cooke, Robertus (Hexham), 1396, 214
Corry, Adam, 1391, 148
Couper, Johannes, carpentar & civis
Ebor. 1402, 289

Crathorne, Will. de, miles, 1346, 21
Craven, Rob., Rector of Hutton Bushell,
1386, 126

Crosse, Rob. de, 1395, 207

Croxton, Jon of, chaundeler, 1393,


[blocks in formation]



FAIREFAXE, Thomas (Walton), 1394,


Fanacourt, Lucia, uxor domini Barth.
de, 1346, 32

Farnedale, Will., 1397, 219
Farnylawe, Tho. de, Cancellarius Ebor.,
Fauconberge, Rogerus, miles, 1391, 147
1378, 101
Fauconbergh, Isabella, relicta Walt. F.
mil., 1401, 282

Fauconbergh, Will. de, capellanus, 1347,


Fayrfax, John, Rector of Prestecote,
Feriby, Will. de, Archidiac. Cliveland,
1393, 186

1378, 103

Feryby, Ric., Alderman of Hull, 1381,

Fitz-Henry, Thomas, miles, 1400, 258
Fitz-William; see Emelay

Fraunk, William, miles, 1346, 30
Frankys, John, 1391, 161
Furnyvall, Will. de, miles, 1383, 124


GALON, Rob., burgensis de Scardeburgh,
1391, 158

Gascoigne, dame Jhon, widow of the
Chief Justice, 1426, 410
Gascoigne, Ric., 1422, 403

Gascoigne, Will., Justiciarius Angliæ,
1419, 390

Gascoigne, Will., miles, 1421, 402
Gaunt Johannes de, Dux Lanc., 1398,

Germeyn, Rob., armiger, 1402, 300
Gowsell, Will., husbandman, 1428, 414
Graa, Tho., M.P. for the city of York,
1405, 339

Graystok, Johannes de, 1395, 205
Grymeston, Alicia, relicta dom. Rog. de,
1347, 37

[blocks in formation]

Hastynges, Radulphus de, miles, 1397,


Hatfield, Thomas, Bishop of Durham,
1381, 121

Haunsard, Rob., miles, 1390, 132
Hay, John del, 1391, 155
Hay, Peter del, 1345, 12

Hay, Henricus del, capellanus, 1402, 302|
Haytfelde, Will., 1402, 287
Heghfeld, Will., (domestic
1403, 325

servant ?)

Henriot, Alicia, 1347, 46
Hercy, Thomas, miles, 1424, 409
Hesilrigg, domina Johanna, 1400, 265
Hilton, Tho., clericus, 1428, 414
Hoghwyk, Will., armiger, 1414, 375
Holbek, Matildis, uxor Joh., civis &
merc. Ebor., 1404, 331

Holme, Ric., Canon Ebor., 1424, 405
Hopton, John, capellanus, 1394, 196
Hoton, Thomas de, Rector of Kirkby
Misperton, 1351, 63

Husee, Agnes, ux. dom. Hug., 1408,

[blocks in formation]

LABURN, Johanna, relicta Johannis,
1394, 196

Landeforth, John de, Vicar of Gede-
lyng, 1393, 190

Lassels, Anna, rel. Rad. L., 1424, 409
Lassels, Johanna, 1418, 384
Lassels, Will., 1416, 384

Latimer, William, Lord, 1380, 113
Laton, Joh. de, (carpenter ?) 1404, 331
Ledes, John de, Rector of Metheley,
1379, 106

Levyng, John, bocher, 1407, 351
Lincoln, Bishop of; see Beek
Lokton, Agnes de, 1391, 165


MALO LACU, Petrus de, sextus, 1381, 116
Malton, Thomas de, capellanus, 1400, 267
Manning, Will., lazer, 1428, 414.


Mare, Tho. de la, Canon. Ebor. 1358, 68
Marschall, see Benetson

Marshall, John, Archidiac. Clyveland,
1386, 125.

Mason, Simon le, cementarius, 1322, 2
Maulay, Petrus de, octavus, 1414, 379
Mauley, see Malo Lacu and Maulay
Melton, Will., de, miles, 1398, 246
Merington, Thos. de, 1391, 163
Meux, John de, miles, 1377, 100
Moreton, Rogerus de, civis et mercerus
Ebor., 1390, 133

Morton, Robertus de (de Bautre), 1396,


Morton, Rob. de, armiger, 1424, 408
Mowbray, Will., jun., 1390, 144
Moubray, Will. (Colton), 1391, 158
Mounceux, Johanna, rel. J. M., 1420,

Mountburghcher, Georgius, 1409, 356
Mustardmaker, Alicia, 1397, 222
Muston, Will., civis et piscenarius
Ebor., 1418, 390


NEUPORT, Will. de, rector of Bishop
Wearmouth, 1366, 80

Neuton, Joh. de, Thes. eccl. Ebor.,
1414, 364

Nevyll, Tho. de, junior, rector of Bran-
tingham, 1360, 72

Nevyll, Tho. de, Archidiac. Dunelm.,
Newmarche, Radulphus, miles, 1403, 203
1362, 74
Newton, Walterus de, vicar of Kirkby-
moreshead, 1391, 152

Normanvile, John, sen., 1408, 352
Northfolk, Will. de, 1401, 281

[blocks in formation]

Percehay, Will., Dominus de Ryton,
1344, 6.

Percy, Edmund, civis, Ebor., 1346, 33
Percy, Henry, Lord, 1349, 57
Percy, John (Kildall), 1382, 123
Perotts, John, 1369, 86
Persay, Isabella (Ebor.), 1400, 270
Persey, Rob., miles, 1426, 412
Pigot, Joh., armiger, 1428, 416
Pigot, Ranulph, miles, 1404, 331
Pikering, Thomas, 1348, 52

Playce, Robert de, rector eccl. Bromp-
ton, 1345, 9

Plays, Margareta, uxor W. P. militis,
1400, 258

Pole, Joh. de la, Prebend. Ebor., 1414,

Pole, Katerina, relicta dom. Will. de la,
1381, 119

Pole, Richard de la, Miles et Civis
Lond., 1345, 7

Pole, Will. de la. sen. miles, 1365, 76
Pontefract, Avicia ux. Will. de, draper,
1404, 338

Preston, Johannes de, buclermaker,
1400, 269-

Pykeryng, John de, rector of St. Mary's,
Castle-gate, York, 1394, 194


Selby, Agnes de, uxor Johannis de
Swafeld, 1359, 70

Semer, Joh., 1429, 416

Shirburn, Wm., rector of Bolton Percy,
1349, 56

Skargill, Johanna, 1421, 402
Skelton, Constancia Domina de, 1402, 292
Skirlaw, Walter, Bishop of Durham,
1403, 306

Smeton, Matilda uxor Johannis de, tan-
nator, 1402, 288

Snayth, Henry, rector of Hadenham,
1380, 111

Stapilton, Brian de, miles, 1394, 198
Stapilton, Milo de, chivaler, 1372, 88
Staunton, Simon de, rector of Staunton,
1346, 28

Stayngate, Emma de, relicta Johannis
de S. civis Ebor., 1369, 87

QUENBY,John de, parchmener, 1394, 197 Stayngreve, John, vicar of Hessle, 1391,


REDNESS, Tho. miles, 1407, 348
Reyneresson, Ric., 1390, 141
Rodum, John de, 1390, 137

Roos, Beatrix Domina de, 1414, 375
Roos, Maria Domina de, 1394, 201
Roos, Rob. de, miles, 1392, 178
Roos, Thomas, 1399, 251

Roos, Wm., Lord, of Hamlake, 1412, 357
Roucliff, Rob. de, miles, 1381, 118
Rous, Christiana, 1342, 5
Rumlay, Will., mercer, 1391, 158
Ryell, John de, cissor, 1393, 194
Rylleston, John, 1418, 389

Ryllyngton, Rob. de (ship-owner), 1391,



SALVAYN, Isabella, 1429, 418

Sampson, Tho., Canon. Ebor., 1348, 54
Sancto Quintino, Agnes rel. dom. Joh.
de, 1404, 332

Sancto Quintino, Herbertus de, miles,
1347, 40

Sancto Quintino, Johannes de, miles,
1397, 215

Sandford, John of, 1426, 417

Sauvage, Robertus, civis & mercator
Ebor., 1391, 157

Schirburn, Nich. de, capellanus, 1392,172
Scot, Johannes, miles, 1406, 346
Scotte, John, civis et bower, 1429, 419
Scrop, Joh. le, miles, 1405, 338

Scrop, Ric. le, Dominus de Bolton, 1400,

Scrop, Rog. le, Dominus de Bolton,
1403, 328

Scrop, Steph. le, Archidiac. Richm.,
1418, 385



Stowe, John de, 1390, 137
Surrey, see Warenne
Sutton, Hen., spicer, 1405, 341
Swafeld, see Selby

Swylyngton, Robertus de, miles, 1379,107
Syther, John, potter,* 1398, 250
Sywardby, Tho. de, miles, 1355, 67


TEMPEST, Ric. miles, 1427, 412
Thorneton, Thomas de, scherman, 1400,

Thorp, Johannes de, Canon. Ebor.,
1346, 31

Thorp, Johannes de, jun., armiger,
1399, 253

Thorp, Margaret, uxor domini W. de,
1347, 36

Thorp, Will. de, vicar of Marske, 1400,

Thorpe juxta Newerk, Elizabetha uxor
Hugonis, 1401, 281

Thorsby, John de, Archb. of York,
1373, 88

Thweng, Marm. de, 1426, 412
Titlot, Rob., 1390, 139
Tunstede, Hugh de, rector of Catton,
1346, 17

Twheng, Elena uxor Marmaduci, 1391,


UGHTRED, Thomas, miles, 1398, 241
Usflete, Gerard de, miles, 1405, 340
Usflete, Gerard, miles, 1420, 397
Usher, Rob., 1392, 176


VAVASOUR, Henricus, miles, 1413,361

*He appears to have been a maker, not of earthenware, but of iron pots and kettles.

Vavasour, Domina Margareta, 1414,, Wodecok, Thom., janitor Monast. B. M.

[blocks in formation]

Ebor., 1404, 335

Wodehous, John de, quondam Rector
eccl., 1345, 14

Wodehous, Rob de, Archidiac. Rich-
mond, 1345, 13

Wortelay, Eliz. de, relicta dom. Nich.,
1882, 123

Worteleye, Nich. de, miles, 1347, 38
Wyclyff, Rob. de, rector of Hutton
Rudby, 1423, 403

Wyleby, Isabella de, 1415, 381
Wylton, John de, capellanus, 1390, 142

YAROM, Thomas de, medicus, 1342, 4
York, Archbishops of, see Zouche, Thors-
by, and Bowet


ZOUCHE, Wm. la, Archbishop of York,
1349, 55


p. 127, in title, for DR, read DE.
p. 362, 1. 5, for сIIII. read xIIII.






words not found in Murray's New English dic thrice on p. 18.

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