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And for Rome's good.-I'll tell thee what ;-Yet



Nay, but thou shalt stay too :-I would my son
Were in Arabia, and thy tribe before him,

His good sword in his hand.



What then?

What then?

He'd make an end of thy posterity.

VOL. Bastards, and all.

Good man, the wounds that he does bear for Rome!

MEN. Come, come, peace.

SIC. I would he had continu'd to his country, As he began; and not unknit himself

The noble knot he made."


I would he had.

VOL. I would he had? "Twas you incens'd the


Cats, that can judge as fitly of his worth,
As I can of those mysteries which heaven
Will not have earth to know.


Pray, let us go.

VOL. Now, pray, sir, get you gone:

You have done a brave deed. Ere you go, hear


As far as doth the Capitol exceed

The meanest house in Rome; so far, my son,
This lady's husband here, this, do you see,)
Whom you have banish'd, does exceed
BRU. Well, well, we'll leave you.

-unknit himself

you all.

The noble knot he made.] So, in King Henry IV. P. I:


will you again unknit

"This churlish knot" &c. STEEVENS.


Why stay we to be baited

With one that wants her wits?


Take my prayers with you.

I would the gods had nothing else to do,

[Exeunt Tribunes. But to confirm my curses! Could I meet them But once a day, it would unclog my

Of what lies heavy to't.



You have told them home,"

You'll sup

And, by my troth, you have cause.

with me?

VOL. Anger's my meat; I sup upon myself, And so shall starve with feeding.Come, let's go: Leave this faint puling, and lament as I do,


anger, Juno-like. Come, come, come.

MEN. Fye, fye, fye!



A Highway between Rome and Antium.

Enter a Roman and a Volce, meeting.

ROM. I know you well, sir, and you know me; your name, I think, is Adrian.

VOL. It is so, sir: truly, I have forgot you.

ROM. I am a Roman; and my services are, as you are, against them: Know you me yet?

9 You have told them home,] So again, in this play: "I cannot speak him home." MALONE.

1 And so shall starve with feeding.] This idea is repeated in Antony and Cleopatra, Act II. sc. ii. and in Pericles:

"Who starves the ears she feeds," &c. STEEVENS.

VOL. Nicanor? No.

ROM. The same, sir.

VOL. You had more beard, when I last saw you; but your favour is well appeared by your tongue.2 What's the news in Rome? I have a note from the Volcian state, to find you out there: You have well saved me a day's journey.

ROM. There hath been in Rome strange insur rection: the people against the senators, patricians, and nobles.


but your favour is well appeared by your tongue.] This is strange nonsense. We should read:

is well appealed.

i. e. brought into remembrance. WARBURTON.

I would read:

is well affeared.

That is, strengthened, attested, a word used by our author. "His title is affear'd." Macbeth.

To repeal may be to bring to remembrance, but appeal has another meaning. JOHNSON.

I would read:

Your favour is well approved by your tongue. i. e. your tongue confirms the evidence of your face. So, in Hamlet, sc. i:

"That if again this apparition come,

"He may approve our eyes, and speak to it,"


If there be any corruption in the old copy, perhaps it rather is in a preceding word. Our author might have written-your favour has well appeared by your tongue: but the old text may, in Shakspeare's licentious dialect, be right. Your favour is fully manifested, or rendered apparent, by your tongue.

In support of the old copy it may be observed, that becomed was formerly used as a participle. So, in North's translation of Plutarch, Life of Sylla, p. 622, edit. 1575: " which perhaps would not have becomed Pericles or Aristides." We have, I think, the same participle in Timon of Athens.

So Chaucer uses dispaired:

"Alas, quod Pandarus, what may this be
"That thou dispaired art," &c. MALONE.

VOL. Hath been! Is it ended then? Our state thinks not so; they are in a most warlike preparation, and hope to come upon them in the heat of their division.

ROM. The main blaze of it is past, but a small thing would make it flame again. For the nobles receive so to heart the banishment of that worthy Coriolanus, that they are in a ripe aptness, to take all power from the people, and to pluck from them their tribunes for ever. This lies glowing, I can tell you, and is almost mature for the violent breaking out.

VOL. Coriolanus banished?

ROM. Banished, sir.

VOL. You will be welcome with this intelligence, Nicanor.

ROM. The day serves well for them now. I have heard it said, The fittest time to corrupt a man's wife, is when she's fallen out with her husband. Your noble Tullus Aufidius will appear well in these wars, his great opposer, Coriolanus, being now in no request of his country.

VOL. He cannot choose. I am most fortunate, thus accidentally to encounter you: You have ended my business, and I will merrily accompany you home.

ROM. I shall, between this and supper, tell you most strange things from Rome; all tending to the good of their adversaries. Have you an army ready, say you?

VOL. A most royal one: the centurions, and their charges, distinctly billeted, already in the en


tertainment, and to be on foot at an hour's warning.

ROM. I am joyful to hear of their readiness, and am the man, I think, that shall set them in present action. So, sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your company.

VOL. You take my part from me, sir; I have the most cause to be glad of yours.

ROM. Well, let us go together.




Antium. Before Aufidius's House.

Enter CORIOLANUS, in mean Apparel, disguised and muffled.

COR. A goodly city is this Antium: City, 'Tis I that made thy widows; many an heir Of these fair edifices 'fore my wars

Have I heard groan, and drop: then know me not; Lest that thy wives with spits, and boys with stones,

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Enter a Citizen.

battle slay me.-Save you, sir.

CIT. And you.

already in the entertainment,] That is, though not actually encamped, yet already in pay. To entertain an army

is to take them into pay. JOHNSON.

See Vol. V. p. 42, n. 6. MALONE. VOL. XVI.


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