A Sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter COMINIUS and TITUS LARTIUS; between them, CORIOLANUS, crowned with an oaken Garland; with Captains, Soldiers, and a Herald. HER. Know, Rome, that all alone Marcius did fight Within Corioli' gates: where he hath won, [Flourish. ALL. Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus! COR. No more of this, it does offend my heart; Pray now, no more. Сом. COR. Look, sir, your mother, Ο! You have, I know, petition'd all the gods For my prosperity. VOL. [Kneels. Nay, my good soldier, up; My gentle Marcius, worthy Caius, and By deed-achieving honour newly nam'd, What is it? Coriolanus, must I call thee? But O, thy wife COR. My gracious silence, hail! 2- Coriolanus;) The old copy-Martius Caius Coriolanus. STEEVENS. The compositor, it is highly probable, caught the words Martius Caius from the preceding line, where also in the old copy the original names of Coriolanus are accidentally transposed. The correction in the former line was made by Mr. Rowe; in the latter by Mr. Steevens. MALONE. 3 My gracious silence, hail!] The epithet to silence shows it not to proceed from reserve or sullenness, but to be the effect of Would'st thou have laugh'd, had I come coffin'd home, That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah, my dear, Such eyes the widows in Corioli wear, And mothers that lack sons. MEN. Now the gods crown thee! COR. And live you yet?-O my sweet lady, par don. [TO VALERIA. VOL. I know not where to turn :-O welcome home; a virtuous mind possessing itself in peace. The expression is extremely sublime; and the sense of it conveys the finest praise that can be given to a good woman. WARBURTON. By my gracious silence, I believe, the poet meant, thou whose silent tears are more eloquent and grateful to me, than the clamorous applause of the rest! So, Crashaw : "Sententious show'rs! O! let them fall! Again, in Love's Cure, or the Martial Maid of Beaumont and Fletcher: "A lady's tears are silent orators, " Or should be so at least, to move beyond Again, in Daniel's Complaint of Rosamond, 1599: Again, in Every Man out of his Humour: "You shall see sweet silent rhetorick, and dumb eloquence speaking in her eye." STEEVENS. I believe, "My gracious silence," only means "My beauteous silence," or "my silent Grace." Gracious seems to have had the same meaning formerly that graceful has at this day. So, in The Merchant of Venice: " But being season'd with a gracious voice." Again, in King John: "There was not such a gracious creature born." Again, in Marston's Malcontent, 1604 :-" he is the most exquisite in forging of veines, spright'ning of eyes, dying of haire, sleeking of skinnes, blushing of cheekes, &c. that ever made an old lady gracious by torchlight." MALONE. And welcome, general; -And you are welcome all. MEN. A hundred thousand welcomes: I could weep, And I could laugh; I am light, and heavy: Wel come: A curse begin at very root of his heart, That Rome should dote on: yet, by the faith of men, We have some old crab-trees here at home, that will not Be grafted to your relish. Yet welcome, warriors: We call a nettle, but a nettle; and The faults of fools, but folly. Сом. Ever right. Cor. Menenius, ever, ever.4 COR. Your hand, and yours: [To his Wife and Mother. HER. Give way there, and go on. Ere in our own house I do shade my head, The good patricians must be visited; From whom I have receiv'd not only greetings, * Com. Ever right. Cor. Menenius, ever, ever.] Rather, I think : Com. Ever right Menenius. Cor. Ever, ever. Cominius means to say, that-Menenius is always the same ; -retains his old humour. So, in Julius Cæsar, Act V. sc. i. upon a speech from Cassius, Antony only says-Old Cassius still. THEOBALD. By these words, as they stand in the old copy, I believe, Coriolanus means to say-Menenius is still the same affectionate friend as formerly. So, in Julius Cæsar : " - for always I am Casar." MALONE. But with them change of honours. 5 To see inherited my very wishes, I have lived And the buildings of my fancy: only there Is one thing wanting, which I doubt not, but Our Rome will cast upon thee. COR. Know, good mother, I had rather be their servant in my way, Сом. BRU. All tongues speak of him, and the bleared * But with them change of honours.] So all the editions read. But Mr. Theobald has ventured (as he expresses it) to substitute charge. For change, he thinks, is a very poor expression, and communicates but a very poor idea. He had better have told the plain truth, and confessed that it communicated none at all to him. However, it has a very good one in itself; and signifies variety of honours; as change of rayment, among the writers of that time, signified variety of rayment. WARBURTON. Change of raiment is a phrase that occurs not unfrequently in the Old Testament. STEEVENS. 6 Into a rapture-] Rapture, a common term at that time used for a fit, simply. So, to be rap'd, signified, to be in a fit. WARBURTON. If the explanation of Bishop Warburton be allowed, a rapture means a fit; but it does not appear from the note where the word is used in that sense. The right word is in all probability rupture, to which children are liable from excessive fits of crying. This emendation was the property of a very ingenious scholar long before I had any claim to it. S. W. That a child will "cry itself into fits," is still a common phrase That the words fit and rapture, were once synonymous, may among nurses. While she chats him: the kitchen malkin pins be inferred from the following passage in The Hospital for London's Follies, 1602, where Gossip Luce says: "Your darling will weep itself into a Rapture, if you take not good heed." In Troilus and Cressida, raptures signifies ravings : 66 her brainsick raptures "Cannot distaste the goodness of a quarrel." STEEVENS. I have not met with the word rapture in the sense of a fit in any book of our author's age, nor found it in any Dictionary previous to Cole's Latin Dictionary, 1679. He renders the word by the Latin ecstasis, which he interprets a trance. However, the rule de non apparentibus et de non existentibus eadem est ratio-certainly does not hold, when applied to the use of words. Had we all the books of our author's age, and had we read them all, it then might be urged.-Drayton, speaking of Marlowe, says his raptures were "all air and fire." MALONE. 7 the kitchen malkin-] A maukin, or malkin, is a kind of mop made of clouts for the use of sweeping ovens: thence a frightful figure of clouts dressed up: thence a dirty wench. HANMER. Maukin in some parts of England signifies a figure of clouts set up to fright birds in gardens: a scare crow. P. The Malkin is properly the diminutive of Mal (Mary); as Wilkin, Tomkin, &c. În Scotland, pronounced Maukin, it signifies a hare. Grey malkin (corruptly grimalkin) is a cat. kitchen malkin is just the same as the kitchen Madge or Bess : the scullion. RITSON. Minsheu gives the same explanation of this term, as Sir T. Hanmer has done, calling it "an instrument to clean an oven,now made of old clowtes." The etymology which Dr. Johnson has given in his Dictionary - "MALKIN, from Mal or Mary, and kin, the diminutive termination," - is, I apprehend, erroneous. The kitchen-wench very naturally takes her name from this word, a scullion; another of her titles, is in like manner derived from escouillon, the French term for the utensil called a malkin. MALONE. After the morris-dance degenerated into a piece of coarse buffoonery, and Maid Marian was personated by a clown, this once elegant Queen of May obtained the name of Malkin. Το this Beaumont and Fletcher allude in Monsieur Thomas: "Put on the shape of order and humanity, "Or you must marry Malkyn, the May-Lady." 1 |