Abbildungen der Seite

Es-say, s. a trial; endeavour
Es-cort, s. a convoy

Ex-tract, s. the substance
Fer-ment, s. intestine motion
Fre-quent, a. often occurring
Gal-lant, a. courageous
Im-port, s. meaning
Im-press, s. a mark, stamp
In-cense, s. perfume
In-crease, s. augmentation
In-stinct, s. natural impulse
In-sult, s. a wilful affront
Mi-nute, s. a space of time
Ob-ject, s. a thing felt or seen
Per-fect, a. complete
Per-fume, s. fragrance.
Per-mit, s. a permission
Pic-quet, s. a military guard
Pre-lude, s. an introduction

Pre-sage, s. a presentiment
Pre-sent, s. a gift
Pro-duce, s. profit, gain.
Pro-ject, s. a design
Re-bel, s. an insurgent

Re-cord, s. a register
Re-fuse, s. something worthless
Re-vel, s. a noisy feast
So-lace, s. comfort, alleviation.

Sub-ject, s. one under rulė

Tor-ment, s. pain, anguish

Trans-fer, s. a conveyance

Trans-port, s. ecstacy

[blocks in formation]

Ex-tract, v. to draw out
Fer-ment, v. to effervesce
Fre-quent, v. to visit often
Gal-lant, a. polite, sprightly
Im-port, v. to bring into
Im-press, v. to print
In-cense, v. to inflame
In-crease, v. to grow large
In-stinct, a. animated
In-sult, v. to offend
Mi-nute, a. small, diminutive
Ob-ject, v. to oppose
Per-fect, v. to complete
Per-fume, v. to scent
Per-mit, v. to allow
Pic-quet, s. a game at cards
Pre-lude, v. to make an intro-

Pre-sage, v. to forbode
Pre-sent, v. to give

Pro-duce, v. to bring forth
Pro-ject, v. to jut out

Re-bel, v. to war against law
ful authority
Re-cord, v. to register
Re-fuse, v. to reject
Re-vel, v. to draw back.
So-lace, v. to comfort, to con-
Sub-ject, v. to subdue
Tor-ment, v. to torture
Trans-fer, v. to move, to make


Trans-port, v. to enrapture

Un-dress, s. a negligent dress Un-dress, strip off

Sears, Printer, 3 & 4, Ivy Lane, London.


Ab-di-cate, a. v. to resign or
relinquish an office
Ab-la-tive. a. taking from
Ab-ro-gate,a.v. to abolish[from
Ab-sti-nence, s. a refraining
Ac-cu-rate, a. exact, correct
Ac-tu-al, a. real, certain
Ac-tu-ate, a. v. to move
Ad-e-quate, a. equal to
Ad-ju-tant, s. a military officer
Ad-ju-tant, s. a bird, (see note)
Af-fa-ble, a. easy of manners
Ag-gran-dize, a. v. to enlarge
Ag-gra-vate, a. v. to provoke
Ag-o-ny, s. violent pain
Al-man-ack,s.a yearly calendar
Am-a-teur, s. a lover of any
particular pursuit
Am-bi-ent, a. encircling
Am-nes-ty, s. an act of oblivion
Am-pli-fy, a. v. to enlarge
Am-pu-tate, a. v. to cut off
An-ar-chy, an-ar-ky, s. confu-


An-ec-dote, s. a short story
An-gu-lar, a. having corners
Anx-i-ous, ank-shus, pain-
ful suspense, solicitous
Aph-or-ism, s. a maxim
Ap-er-ture, s. an opening
Ap-po-site, a. fit, suitable
Ar-bi-trate, a. v. to decide
Ar-chi-tect, s. ar-ki-tect, a pro-
fessor of the building art,
a builder
Ar-gu-ment, s. a reason
Ar-ma-ment, s. a naval force
Ar-mis-tice, s. a short truce
Ar-ro-gant, a. presumptuous
Ar-ti-fice, s. a fraudful trick
As-pe-rate, a. v. to make

As-pi-rate, a. pronounced with full breath

At-ti-tude, s. posture, action
Au-di-ble, a. easily heard
Au-thor-ise, a. v. to empower
Av-a-rice, s. cupidity, greedi-
Av-e-nue, s. an entrance [ness
Av-er-age, s. a medium
Ax-i-om, s. a manifest truth


A-ban-don, a. v. to give up
Ab-hor-rence, s. great hatred
Ab-lu-tion, s. cleansing
A--bol-ish, a. v. to destroy
A-bor-tive, a. untimely [up
Ab-sorb-ent,s. that which sucks
Ab-ster-gent, a. cleansing
A-bund-ant, a. plentiful
Ac-com-plice, s. an associate
Ac-cou-tre, ak-koo-tur, a. v. to

dress, to furnish, to attire
A-ce-tous, a. sour, like acids
A-chieve-ment, s. an exploit
| Ad-ja-cent, a. lying close to
Ad-mis-sion, s. entrance
Ad-mon-ish, a. v. to reprove
A-droit-ly, ad. dexterously
Af-fi-ance, v. to betroth
Af-flic-tion, s. a state of sorrow
Ag-gres-sor, s. one who first
assaults another
Al-li-ance, s. connexion
Al-lot-ment, s. a share
Al-ter-nate, a. by turns
Ap-pa-rent, a. clear, visible
Ap-pend-ix, s. addition made
Ar-ca-num, s. a mystery
As-cen-sion, s. a rising
As-per-sion, s. calumny
As-ton-ish, a. v. to amaze
As-sua-sive, a. mitigating
As-sum-ing, a. arrogant
A-sy-lum, s. a refuge


Ath-let-ic, a. strong, vigorous
At-tain-der, s. a taint
At-tri-bute, v. to ascribe to
Au-then-tic, a. genuine



Ab-sen-tee, s. one absent from
his station.
Ac-qui-esce, v. to yield, to
Ad-ver-tise, v. to make known
Am-bus-cade, s. a place where
men hide to surprise others
An-i-mose, a. full of spirit
Ap-per-tain, n. v. to belong to
Ap-pre-hend, a. v. to seize, ar-

rest; to conceive in the mind As-cer-tain, v to make certain


Bad-i-nage, s. light or playful discourse [pillars Bal-us-trade, s. a row of small Bar-na-cle, s. a shell-fish Bar-bar-ous, a.cruel, ignorant,


Bar-ris-ter, s. a legal pleader
Bar-ri-er, s. a defence, a bar
Ben-e-fice, s. a church living
Ben-e-fit, s. kindness, profit
Bev-er-age, s. a drink
Bi-na-ry, a. composed of two
Big-ot-ry, s. blind zeal
Bland-ish-ment, s. soft speech,

conciliating treatment Bois-ter-ous, a. loud, stormy

ADJUTANT.-This is the name given to a large bird of the crane kind, well known in India, and which it seems to have derived from its appearing at a distance like a person in a military undress. This

bird is full five feet high; and when the wings are extended, it measures nearly fifteen feet from one extremity to the other. The beak is thick and strong; it opens back into the head, and is sufficiently large to enclose a full-grown goose. The head and neck are bare, except where deformed by wens, and by thin patches of curly hair. From the bottom of the neck a large pouch hangs over the breast, thinly covered with short feathers, and terminated by a hairy tuft. The shoulders project considerably from the union of the neck with the trunk, and are edged with soft white feathers: the wings and back are blue.

The Adjutant has been termed the scavenger of India, and not improperly, as it removes large quantities of refuse and


filth, which, in that hot climate, would soon become an intolerable nuisance. So ravenous are these birds, and so voracious is their appe

Brack-ish-ness,s.slight saltness | Cap-ti-vate, a. v. to charm.

Bra-ve-ry, s. courage
Brev-i-ty, s. shortness

Car-di-nal, a. principal

Car-i-ous, a. rotten, decayed

Bril-li-ant, a. sparkling

Car-ri-on, s. putrid flesh

Cas-ti-gate, v. a. to beat, to


chastise, to punish

Bal-co-ny, s. a small gallery Cas-u-al, d. uncertain

outside of a house
Bal-sam-ic, a. healing
Be-reave-ment, s. a great loss
Be-wil-der, a. v. to mislead
Bom-bast-ic, a. high sounding
Bra-va-do, s. a boast


Bag-a-telle, bag-at-el, s. a trifle
Bas-ti-nade, a. v. to beat
Bom-ba-sin, s. a silky stuff
Bri-ga-dier, s. a military officer


Cal-um-ny, s. slander [a place
Can-di-date, s. one who sues for
Can-ni-bal, s. one who eats
human flesh
Can-ti-cle, s. a pious song
Ca-pa-ble, a. qualified, able

Cas-u-ist, s. a disputant
Cat-a-comb, s. a cavern for the
burial of the dead
Cat-e-chise, a. v. kat-e-kise, to

instruct by question
Cath-ol-ic, a. universal
Cav-al-ry, s. horse soldiers
Cav-i-ty, s. a hollow place
Cel-e-brate, a. v. to distinguish-
Cen-o-taph, s. a monument for
one buried elsewhere
Cen-tu-ry, s. a hundred years
Cer-e-bral, a. belonging to the
Cer-ti-fy, a. v. to assure [brain
Char-la-tan, s. shar-le-tan, an

ignorant pretender; a quack,
a cheat
Chas-tise-ment, s. punishment
Chol-er-ic, kol-er-ic, a. pas-
sionate, offensive, ireful

tite, that they will swallow large bones, and even tortoises; they will devour rats and hares; also snakes, lizards, frogs, and various kinds of vermin. These birds generally station themselves near the doors of the European cooking rooms, ready to seize the offal which may be thrown out; and furious battles often take place for the possession of the spoils which are occasionally presented to their watchful eyes. While they are thus fighting, the clapping of their wings is a signal to waiting kites and crows, numbers of which immediately surround them; and one of these attentive and active spectators will commonly avail himself of the disputes of the adjutants to carry off the prize for which they are contending.

The Adjutant is by no means a handsome bird, and it has many disgusting habits; but the natives view it with a kind of superstitious regard, and the Europeans consider it as a great benefactor to man, in removing those impurities which would soon prove offensive and dangerous: hence its presence is tolerated, and it generally escapes molestation. How truly is it said, that GOD has made nothing in vain!


Chas-ti-ty, s. purity
Chor-is-ter, s. a singer in choir
Chiv-al-rous, a. adventurous
Chron-i-cle, s. a record, history
Cir-cu-late, v. to move round
Cir-cum-spect,a.prudent, cau-
Cit-a-del, a. a fortress [tious
Civ-il-ize, a. v. to polish, to
Clam-or-ous, a. loud, importu-
Clar-i-fy, a. v. to make clear
Clas-si-fy, v. a. to arrange
Cog-ni-zance, s. knowledge
Col-lo-quy, s. a discourse, talk
Com-bat-ant, s. one who fights
Com-pe-tent, a. fit, qualified
Com-pli-cate, a. entangled
Com-pro-mise, v. to settle by
mutual concessions
Con-fer-ence, s. a discussion
Con-gru-ous, a. consistent
Con-ju-gal, a. belonging to
Con-ju-gate, a. v. to unite
Con-sci-ous, kon-she-us, v. a.
inwardly persuaded
Con-se-crate, v. to make sacred
Con-so-nant, a. agreeable
Con-sti-tute, a. v. to make, to
depute, to appoint
Con-tem-plate, v. to meditate
Con-tra-band, a. prohibited
Con-tro-vert, v. to dispute
Con-tume-ly, s. rudeness, scorn
Con-ver-sant, a. acquainted
Co-pi-ous, a. abundant, full
Cop-u-late, v. to mix, to unite
Cor-di-al, a. sincere; reviving
Cov-e-nant, s. an agreement
Coun-te-nance, a. v. to favour
Coun-ter-feit, s. an imposture
Cour-te-sy, s. civility, favour
Cred-it-or, s. one who trusts
Cred-u-lous, a. apt to believe

Crim-i-nal, a. a guilty person Crit-i-cal, a. judicious, exact Cru-ci-ble, s. a melting pot Crys-tal-line, a. clear, bright Cul-pa-ble, a. blameable [till Cul-ti-vate, a. v. to improve, to Cu-ri-ous, a. inquisitive; rare Cur-so-ry, a. hasty, careless Cur-va-ture, s. a bent line Cus-to-dy, s. imprisonment Cu-ti-cle, s. the outer skin Cyn-i-cal, a. churlish


Ca-rous-al, s. a festival
Ces-sa-tion, s. a stop, rest
Ci-ta-tion, s. a summons
Clan-des-tine, a. secret, sly
Co-e-qual, a. equal with
Co-er-cive, a. restraining
Co-e-val, a. of the same age
Co-he-rence, s. connexion
Col-lap-sed, a. fallen together
Col-la-tion, s. a repast
Col-lu-sive, a. fraudulent
Com-bus-tion, s. a burning
Com-mit-tee, s. a select few
Com-mo-tion, s. a tumult
Com-pas-sion, s. pity, feeling
Com-pen-sate, a. v. to reward
Com-pla-cent, a. civil, kind
Com-punc-tion, s. remorse
Con-ceit-ed, s. affected
Con-ces-sion, s. a granting
Con-cise-ly, ad. briefly, com-
Con-clu-sive, a. decisive
Con-cur-rence, s. assént
Con-cus-sion, s. a mutual shock
Con-den-sate, a. to thicken
Con-di-tion, s. a stipulation
Con-du-cive, a. promoting
Con-fine-ment, s. restraint
Con-fu-sion, s. disorder

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