Abbildungen der Seite


Hos-pi-tal, s. a house for the
sick and poor, an asylum
Hus-band-ry, 8. tillage
Hy-brid-ous, a. of mixed spe-
Hyp-o-crite, s. a dissembler


Har-mon-ic, a. musical
Ho-ri-zon, s. the circle which
bounds our view [women
Hys-ter-ics, s. fits peculiar to


Id-i-om, s. a particular mode
of speech [ing faculties
Id-i-ot, s. one without reason-
I-dol-ize, a. v. to doat on
Ig-no-rant, a. void of know-
Im-mi-nent, a. impending
Im-mo-late, a. v. to sacrifice
Im-pli-cate, a. v. to involve
Im-po-tent, a. unable, feeble
Im-pre-cate, v. to curse
In-ci-dent, s. an event
In-cho-ate, a. v. to commence
In-di-cate, a. v. to point out
In-di-gent, a. poor, needy
In-dus-try, s. diligence
In-fan-try, s. foot soldiers
In-fer-ence, s. a conclusion
In-fin-ite, a. unbounded [bias
In-flu-ence, s. to act upon, to
In-ju-ry, s. wrong, damage
In-no-vate, v. to introduce no-

velties, or changes
In-so-lent, a. overbearing
In-sti-gate, v, to excite to ill
In-te-gral, a. whole, unbroken
In-tel-lect,s. the understanding
In-ter-dict, s. a prohibition
In-ter-val, s. space between
In-ter-view, s. a joint meeting
In-tri-cate a, perplexed

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In-vo-cate, a. v. to call upon
I-so-late, v. a. to separate
Jea-lou-sy, s. suspicion
Jeo-par-dy, s. danger, peril
Jus-ti-fy, a. v. to vindicate
Ju-ven-ile, a. youthful


I-de-al, a. mental, imaginary
Ig-no-ble, a. of mean birth
Il-li-cit, a. unlawful
Im-a-gine, v. to conceive
Im-be-cile, a. feeble [death
Im-mor-tal, a. exempt from
Im-pli-cit, a. without reserve
Im-pos-tor, s. a pretender
Im-prove-ment, s. a progress
from good to better
In-cen-tive, s. a motive
In-ces-sant, a. unceasing
In-ci-sion, s. a cutting
In-cle-ment, a. severe
In-clu-sive, a. comprehending
In-cul-cate, a. v. to teach
to enforce, to admonish
In-fec-tion, s taint, poison
In-he-rent, a. innate, inborn
In-hib-it, a. v. to forbid
In-hu-man, a. cruel, savage
In-qui-ry, s. an examination
In-sip-id, a. tasteless, dull
In-sol-vent, a. unable to pay
In-stant-er, ad. without delay
In-sur-gent, s. a rebel
In-ter-ment. s. a burial
In-ter-pret, a. v. to explain
In-tes-tate, a. not having made
In-tes-tine, a, internal [a will
In-tre-pid, a. courageous
In-trin-sic, a. internal, real
In-tru-der, s. an encroacher
In-vec-tive, s. satire, abuse
In-vei-gle, a. v. to allure, to
entice, to entrap
In-un-date, v. to overflow

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Im-por-tune, a. v. to teaze, to La-con-ic, s. concise, short

harrass by intreaties
In-com-mode, a. v. to annoy
In-di-rect, a. unfair; oblique
In-ter-cede, v. to mediate
In-ter-cept,a.v. to stop, to seize
In-ter-dict, a. v. to prohibit
In-ter-sect, a. v. to cross
In-ter-sperse, a. v. to scatter
In-ter-vene, v. to come between


Lat-e-ral, a. placed, or growing
out on the side
Lat-i-tude, s. breadth, extent
Laud-a-ble, a. praiseworthy
Lax-a-tive, a. loosening
Leg-a-cy, s. a bequest
Leg-i-ble, a. easy to be read
Leg-is-late, n. v. to make laws
Le-ni-ent, a. softening
Len-i-tive, a. palliative
Lev-i-ty, s. unsteadiness
Li-a-ble, a. subject to, exposed
Li-bel-lous, a. slanderous
Lib-e-ral, a. bountiful, free
Lig-a-ture, s. a bandage
Lin-e-al, a. descending in a
right line
Li-que-fy, v. to dissolve
Li-qui-date, lessen debts
Lit-a-ny, s. a general prayer
Lit-e-ral, a. exact in letters
Lit-i-gate, v. to contest in law
Lit-ur-gy, s. a public form of

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Lo-gi-cal, a. correct in argu-
Lu-cra-tive, a. profitable [ment
Lu-min-ous, a. shining
Lu-na-cy, s. madness
Lus-ci-ous, lush-us, s. sweet
Lux-u-ry, s. delicious enjoy-

Le-ga-tion, s. an embassy
Le-thar-gic, a. sleepy, heavy
Lieu-te-nant, s. lef-ten-ant, a
deputy in command
Lo-ca-tion, s. a situation
Lo-qua-cious, a. talkative
Ly-ce-um, s. an academy


Ma-ce-rate, v. to make lean; to steep almost to solution Mach-i-nate, v. mak-e-nate, to

contrive, to make schemes Ma-gis-trate, s. one vested with authority

Mag-ni-tude, s greatness
Main-ten-ance, s. support
Mal-a-dy, s. disease, sickness
Mal-con-tent, a. discontented
Man-a-cle, a. v. to fetter
Man-i-fold, a. numerous
Man-u-al, a. performed by the
Man-u-script, 8. a writing
Ma-ri-time, a. relating to the
Mar-vel-lous, a. wonderful [sea
Mas-sa-cre, s. mas-sa-ker, mur-
der, indiscriminate slaughter
Mas-ter-ly, a. skilful, bold
Me-di-ate, v. to interpose
Med-i-cate, v. to heal or cure
Mem-or-y, s. recollection
Men-di-cant, s. a beggar
Mer-can-tile, a. commercial
Mer-ci-ful, a. tender, kind
Mes-sen-ger, s. one who carries
a message, a forerunner
Me-te-or, s. a luminous body
Mi-cro-cosm, s. the little world
Mil-i-tate, v. to oppose [ret
Min-a-ret ̧s. a high slender tur-


Min-is-try, s. agency, service, | No-ti-fy, a. v. to make known

attendance [human power Mir-a-cle, s. an action above Mis-an-thrope, s. a hater of Mis-e-ry, s. distress [mankind Mit-i-gate, a. v. to alleviate Mod-i-c cum,s. a small pittance Mod-i-fy, v. to regulate Moi-e-ty, s. an equal part Mol-li-ent, a. softening Mon-ar-chy, s. a kingly government [or instructs Mon-i-tor, s. one who warns Mor-tal-ly, ad. irrecoverably, deadly Mor-ti-fy, v. to vex, to humble Moun-te-bank, s. a vain pretender, a buffoon [shapes Mul-ti-form, a. having various Mul-ti-ply, v. to increase in number

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[blocks in formation]

Mu-ta-ble, a. inconstant
Mu-tin-ous, a. refractory
Mu-tu-al, a. reciprocal
Myr-i-ad, s. ten thousand
Myr-mid-on, s. a hired ruffian
Mys-ti-fy, a. v. to make obscure

Ma-jes-tic, a. august, stately
Ma-lig-nant, a. malicious.
Ma-nou-vre, s. ma-nu-ver, a
skilful movement


Nar-ra-tive, s. a relation
Nav-i-gate, v. to sail

Neg-li-gent, a. careless

Ni-ce-ty, s. accuracy, delicacy Nom-i-nal, a. in name only Nom-i-nate, a. v. to appoint

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Nu-me-rate, a. v. to count Nun-ne-ry, s. a house for nuns Nu-tri-tive, d. nourishing


Op-por-tune, a. convenient
Or-a-tor, s. an accomplished
public speaker Ta law
Or-di-nance, s. an injunction,
O-ri-ent, s. the east
Or-i-fice, s. an opening
Or-i-gin, s. the beginning
Or-i-son, s. a prayer
O-ver-ture, s. a proposal


O-ver-bear, a. v. to repress
O-ver-come, a. v. to subdue
O-ver-reach, a. v. to deceive
O-ver-whelm, a. v. to crush


Pa-ci-fy, a. v. to appease
Pal-li-ate, a. v. to mitigate
Pal-pa-ble, a. that which may
be easily felt

Par-a-ble, s. a similitude
Par-a-dox, s. a seeming con-

Par-a-gon, s. an example Par-a-graph, s. a distinct part of a discourse

Par-a-pet, s. a wall breast high Par-a-phrase, s. a familiar interpretation

Par-a-site, s. a flatterer
Par-i-ty, s. likeness, equality
Pa-rox-ysm, s. a fit, an extacy

Pa-vil-ion, s. a tent (see note)

Pa-tri-arch, s. the head of a


Pau-ci-ty, s. smallness of

number [breast Pec-to-ral, a, belonging to the

Pec-u-late, v. to defraud
Ped-es-tal, s. the basis of a
Pel-li-cle, s. a thin skin [pillar
Pen-al-ty, s. fine; punishment
Pen-du-lous, a. hanging
Pen-e-trate, a. v. to pierce
Pen-ta-gon, s. a figure of five

Pen-u-ry, s. extreme want
Per-e-grine, a. foreign
Per-fi-dy, s. treachery [a tool
Per-fo-rate, a. v. to bore with
Per-il- ous, a. hazardous
Per-ju-ry, s. false swearing
Per-ma-nent, a. lasting
Per-me-ate, v. to pass through
Per-se-cute, a. v. to harrass
Per-ti-nent, a. fit, apposite
Pet-ri-fy, v. to become stone
Pet-u-lant, a. saucy, perverse
Pit-e-ous, a. sorrowful
Plac-a-ble, a. easily appeased
Ple-o-nasm, s. in rhetoric a
redundancy of words
Poig-nan-cy, s. acuteness

Po-li-ty, s. civil government Po-ly-gon, s. a figure of many angles

Pon-der-ous, a. weighty [ried
Port-a-ble, a. that may be car-
Pos-i-tive, a. sure, certain
Post-hu-mous, a. published
after a person's death
Pre-am-ble, s. an introduction
Pre-ce-dent, s. example
Pre-ci-pice, s. a steep place
Pre-mi-um, s. a reward
Pre-sci-ence, pre-she-ense, s.

Pri-ma-ry, a. first in order
Prim-i-tive, a. ancient, original
Prin-ci-ple, s. first cause, mo-
tive; a fundamental truth
Priv-i-lege, s. peculiar advan-
tage, an immunity
Priv-i-ty, s. private knowledge
Prob-a-ble, a. likely
Prod-i-gy, s. any thing not
natural or common, that
excites astonishment

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of strangers. There is a great sameness in the general appearance, though the details admit of much variety. The shape of their roofs, whatever be the description of building, is nearly alike; resembling, probably, the roofs of the tents in which their forefathers dwelt in their primitive pastoral state. In all their edifices there is an apparent want of solidity; which appearance is increased by their frequent

Pro-gen-y, s. offspring
Prom-i-nent, 8. jutting out
Promp-ti-tude, a. readiness
Pro-phe-sy, v. to foretell
Pros-e-lyte, s. convert
Prov-en-der, s. food for cattle
Pu-er-ile, a. childish [powder
Pul-ver-ize, a. v. to reduce to
Pu-ri-fy, a. v. to make pure


Pa-cif-ic, a. peaceable
Pa-ter-nal, a. fatherly
Pel-lu-cid, a. clear, bright
Per-spec-tive, a. relating to
the science of vision
Pe-ru-sal, s. a reading over
Pre-ce-dent, a. going before
Pre-cur-sor, s. a forerunner
Pri-me-val, a. original
Pro-duc-tive, a. fertile

Pro-gres-sive, a. going for-
ward, advancing

Pro-hib-it, a. v. to forbid
Pro-lif-ic, a. fruitful

Pro-mul-gate, a. v. to publish
Pur-su-ant, a. done in conse-
Pur-vey-or, s. one who provides


Pal-i-sade, s. a paling
Per-se-vere, v. to persist
Pre-ma-ture, a. ripe too soon;
too hasty


Quad-ran-gle, s. a figure of
four angles
Quad-ru-ped, s. a four-footed
Qual-i-fy, a. v. to make fit
Quer-u-lous, a. complaining
Quin-tu-ple, a. five-fold
Quo-ti-ent, s. the number ob-
tained by division


Ra-di-ant, a. bright, shining Rad-i-cal, a. primitive; fundamental, essential

use of wooden columns, in most cases thin in proportion to their height. The origin of stone pillars in European architecture was, no doubt, the use of trunks of large trees tapering towards the top: the use of the bamboo seems to have been the origin of Chinese pillars; and their slender form and equal thickness give them a close resemblance to the bamboo stalk. These peculiarities may be clearly observed in the annexed engraving, which represents a Chinese garden Pavilion.

The circumstances which render Chinese architecture defective for ordinary purposes, give it peculiar advantages where lightness and elegance are required. To add to the picturesque effect of these garden Pavilions, they are built frequently in the midst of a sheet of water, and approached by bridges. They are handsome structures, and form cool and refreshing retreats in the evenings of summer.But though the general character of Chinese architecture is lightness, they occasionally build detached towers or castles, to command important points, of great solidity. They have also large forts, the lower portions of which would endure a heavy cannonading; and the Great Wall of China, more than a thousand miles in length, is very remarkable for its solidity and strength.

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