The Mariner's Mirror, Band 14

Leonard George Carr Laughton, Roger Charles Anderson, William Gordon Perrin
Society for Nautical Research., 1928

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Seite 1 - I never satisfy myself until I can make a mechanical model of a thing. If I can make a mechanical model I can understand it.
Seite 332 - ... after her broadside discovered, as she may stay and trim her sails ; then is the second ship to give her side, and the third and fourth, which done they shall all...
Seite 367 - The same inquiry was frequently made afterward by others ; and this idea agrees with the general tenor of their conduct toward him, which showed that they considered him as a being of a superior nature.
Seite 290 - Terre'aboo's first arrival among us). Messengers were immediately dispatched, and the two boys soon came, and conducted us to their father's house. After waiting some time on the outside, Captain Cook doubted the old gentleman being there, and sent me in that I might inform him. I found our old acquaintance just awoke from sleep ; when, upon my acquainting him that Captain Cook was at the door, he very readily went with me to him.
Seite 355 - were afraid to come near our cows and horses, nor did they form the least conception of their nature. But the sheep and goats did not surpass the limits of their ideas ; for they gave us to understand that they knew them to be birds.
Seite 291 - Upon the whole, I firmly believe matters would not have been carried to the extremities they were, had not Captain Cook attempted to chastise a man in the midst of this multitude, firmly believing, as his last resource in case of necessity, that the fire of his marines would undoubtedly disperse them. This idea was certainly founded upon great experience among various nations...
Seite 357 - The wind blew fresh, and by squalls, with rain ; and we were not without apprehensions of danger. I kept the deck till midnight, when I left it to the master, with such directions as, I thought, would keep the ships clear of the shoals and rocks that lay round us. But, after making a trip to the north, and standing back again to the south, our ship, by a small shift of the wind, fetched farther to the windward than was expected. By this means she was very near running full upon a low sandy isle,...
Seite 365 - His temper might perhaps have been justly blamed as subject to hastiness and passion had not these been disarmed by a disposition the most benevolent and humane.
Seite 353 - Europe. Performed Under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Discovery.
Seite 286 - Ever since our arrival here, upon this our second visit, we have observed in the natives a stronger propensity to theft than we had reason to complain of during our former stay ; every day produced more numerous and more audacious depredations. To-day they behaved so ill on board the Discovery, that I was obliged to order them all out of the ship, which I find was likewise the case on board the Resolution.

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