Abbildungen der Seite

1 &

bilitum qu pclamacio apte fieret in partibz occidentalib3 & alibi p totum regnu nrm pdcm q nulla psona faciens huiusmodi pannos duodenas in partib3 occidentalib3 pdcis aut alibi infra dcm regnu nrm eosdem pannos duodenas non takket aut simul plicet priusqam pdcus vlnator scrutiniu supvism sua debite fecit de huiusmodi pannis duodenis q ipī longitudinem latitudinem suas p statutum pdcu vltimo ordinatas teneant sub pena forisfture eodem. Nos p manucapcõem lohis Stoker Almarici matany Willi Northampton cium pannarion Ciuitatis London cōmisim RobtoShirborn lohi Derby civib3 civitatis London firmam subsidij vlnagij panno venaliu in civitate pdcaac insuburbiis eiusdem una cummedietate forisfture eodem pannon venaliū a festo Sci Michis px futu vsqz ad finem decem anno extunc p sequen plenarie completon Reddendo inde nob p annu triginta quinq3 libras sex solidos octo denarios put Wittus Cressy Robtus Forset Iohes Ruddok firmarij ibidem nob reddent @ quatuor libras tresdecim solidos quatuor denarios vlt de incremento ad festa Pasche Sci Michis p equales porcões. Ita semp q de alta medietate forisfture pace nob respondeant ad scam nrm.

Prouiso semp qa si aliquis alius dare plus voluit de incremento p annữ p firma pică sine fraude vel malo ingenio q extunc dci Robtus

proclamation should be made in the western and other parts of our aforesaid kingdom that no person making such sort of cloth whether singly or in dozens, in the western parts aforesaid or elsewhere within our said kingdom, should tuck [takket, sew together?] or fold such kinds of cloths before that the said aulnager had duly made his due search and survey of the same cloths and had seen that their length and breadth was according to the aforesaid Statute upon pain of forfeiture of the same. We, John Stokker, Almaric Matany, William Northampton, citizens and drapers of the City of London standing sureties, have granted to Robert Shirborne and John Derby, citizens of the City of London, the farm of the subsidy and aulnage of cloth offered for sale in the City aforesaid and the suburbs, together with one half of the cloth forfeited, from the feast of St. Michael next ensuing for the term of full ten years from that date; They on their part paying to us yearly thirty and five pounds six shillings and eight pence, in like manner as William Cressy, Robert Forset, and John Ruddock, farmers of the same, now pay us, and four pounds thirteen shillings and four pence besides, at the feasts of Easter and of St. Michael by equal portions, So always that for the other half of the aforesaid forfeiture they shall be responsible to our Exchequer. Provided always that if any other will give more a year for the farm aforesaid without fraud or evil design, that from thenceforth the said Robert and John shall pay so

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Ioħes tantu peadem solue teneant si custodiam ħere volueint supdcam. Et insup assignauims ipōs Robtum Shirborn loħem Derby tam ad omēs singulos pannos pecias panni venales in civitate suburbiis pdcis anteqam vendidoi exponant aut exta dict civitatem & suburbia ducantur pse sufficientes deputatos suos ulnand sigillo ad hoc ordinato consignand qam ad denarios de huiusmodi vlnagio puenientes ac subsidiū pdcm in eisdem Civitate Suburbiis de omībz'singulis pannispeciis panni sic vlnatis sigillo vinatoris sigillat ad opus nrm de venditore levand colligend → pcipiend et ad omes domos shopas alia loca in civitate & suburbiis pdcis vbi huiusmodi panni panni inveniri potunt perscrutand ad omes huiusmodi pannospecias panni vendicōi expositos sigillis pdcīs minime sigillatos in manu nrm tanqam forisfcos capiend medietatem forisfre eodem panno pecian panni penes ipōs Robtum Shirborn lohem Derby retinend


nob de alta medietate eiusdem forisfure vt pmittit respondende ad omia singula in Statutis pdcis contenta iuxta formam eodem faciend exequend In cuius rei testimoniu has tras nras fieri fecim patentes. T. me ipō apud Westm xvj die Februa? anno ? nr decimo septimo.

John Gladwyn attornatus dictm firma?. p Billam The3. Bate.

Irrotulatur in memdis Scaccü vidt inter Recorda de termino Soi Michis anno decimo octavo Reg's Hi sexti Rotulo secundo ex parte Rememoratoris Regis.

much as shall be offered, if they wish to continue in the holding thereof. And moreover we do appoint the said Robert Shirborne and John Derby by themselves or their sufficient deputies to measure all and singular cloths and pieces of cloth offered for sale in the said City and suburbs before the same is offered for sale or taken out of the said City and suburbs, to seal with the seal appointed for the purpose, and to levy, collect, and receive from the vendor the money arising from such aulnage and the aforesaid subsidy in the said City and suburbs on all and single cloths and pieces of cloth thus aulnaged and sealed with the seal of the aulnager, and to search all houses, shops, and other places within the City and suburbs aforesaid where cloths and pieces of cloth may be found, and to seize as forfeited to us all such cloths and pieces of cloth exposed to sale not being sealed by the aforesaid seal, and that the said Robert Shirborne and John Derby shall retain the half of the cloths so

forfeited and answer to us for the other half as stated above, and to do all and singular in the same Statutes contained. In testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters Patent to be made. Witness myself at Westminster the 16th day of February in the seventeenth year of our reign.


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(For a coloured representation, including the initial A, see frontispiece to Vol. I of the édition de luxe.)



Drapers' Hall; Book of Evidences A, fo. 159 a; Ch. XXI.

A TOUTZ nobles qui cestes pñtes verront ou ocrount humble recomendacōn premise pour moy Guilliam Brugges autrement dit Jarretier Roy Darmes dez Englois le primier diceluy noñn [nom] et humble Suiture Darmes a tout la gentiless.

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Il a pleu a nře so@ain st le treshault trepuissant et tresexcellent prince le tresxpien Roy Henry le Sysine diceluy nom Roy Denglete & de ffraunce & st dyreland de sa benigne grace et habundaunce p sez tres patentes ottroier grauntier et accordier a sez humbles et foiaulx lieges lez gentz du mestier dez Drapiers fraunchisez en sa tresnoble tresfamouse & renomee Citee de loundres fraunchise & libertee dauoir corporacion entre eux du dit mestier et en faire vne meister et quatre gardeins pour regiminer gounier et auoir survien sur la dit mestier et dan en an renouelier chaungier et eslier entre eux meister et gardeins pour tout dys entretenir

To all nobles who shall see or hear these presents, I, William Brugges, otherwise Garter King of Arms of the English, the first of the said title and humble servant of arms to all gentles, offer my humble respects. It hath pleased our sovereign Lord the most high puissant and excellent Prince the most Christian King Henry the VIth of that name King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, of his benign grace and generosity, by his letters patent to concede, grant and accord to his humble and faithful lieges, the men of the Mystery of Drapers freemen in his very noble, famous, and renowned City of London the right and liberty to form a corporation among themselves of this said Mystery, and to appoint a Master and four Wardens to rule, govern, and have survey over the said Mystery, and to change and elect them year by year, in order to maintain for ever the governance of the said corporation.

1 The office Garter King of Arms was created by Henry V in 1417. Bruges was the first Garter; cf. The Book of Dignities, p. 327.

Sir Wm.

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