Abbildungen der Seite

those who have so gallantly opened the career of glory to their countrymen. And it cannot be entertained as any material objec tion to resorting to voluntary zeal for the augmentation of force which is now in ques tion, that to zeal of the same description we are indebted for the preservation of the internal peace of this kingdom. That voluntary zeal has saved Ireland to this kingdom and to herself: and I doubt not that the same zeal, if permitted to exert itself, will restore Holland to her alliance with this empire, in restoring her to her rank among the nations of the world. Impressed with these sentiments, I beg leave to second the Address.

patam, and the destruction of a treacherous foe. The victory there was exclu sively our own, and might in its effects be considered as having placed the British interests in that country in a state of permanent security. Great praise was due to the governor-general in council, and to the commanders in chief, for their vigilance and cordial co-operation during that short but severe contest. He then described in strong colours the unwearied efforts of sir Sidney Smith, in resisting and ultimately defeating Bonaparte's superior force in Egypt, yet our successes did not stop there: we could not but applaud the first operations and progress of the grand armament in Holland; to the naval talents of a Mitchell we were inAd-debted for collecting a numerous fleet in a dangerous sea during two successive and severe storms. To his judicious arrangements we owed the surrender of that fleet which, under the usurped dominion of France, was destined to co-ope rate in the invasion of these islands

The Address was agreed to nem. diss.

The King's Answer to the Lords dress. To the Address of the Lords, his Majesty returned this Answer :


"My Lords;-I receive with great pleasure this very dutiful and loyal Address. The sentiments which you express are conformable to the whole tenor of your conduct; and if the rapid improve-ought we to forget how essentially our brave ment of our situation and prospects should lead, as I trust it will, to ultimate success in this just cause, I shall ever acknow ledge, with pride and satisfaction, how much, under the favour of Providence, this issue must be ascribed to the energy and wisdom manifested by my two Houses of Parliament throughout every period of this arduous contest."

army had contributed to this last success: they had obtained for us the dominion, by the possession of Helder: for them was reserved the glory of taking those forts and batteries which had hitherto been considered as impregnable.-If such had been the important advantages already obtained, could we hesitate a moment to improve them? The naval force of that enemy was no longer at their command; with its Debate in the Commons on the Address usurpers we had now only to contend on of Thanks.] His Majesty's Speech having shore. Surely, then, our military force been read, in that quarter ought to be strengthened Mr. Shaw Lefevre rose to move an Ad-by all possible means; fortunately for us, dress to his Majesty; and after express- those means were at hand. The mode of ing his inability to do justice to the accomplishing an object so essential was great achievements which had taken place adopted at the close of the last session. since the opening of the campaign, he But the act then passed, our vast militia observed he had at least the satisfaction of force, however necessary at a former peknowing, that exploits so glorious required riod of the war, was becoming daily less no eloquence to enhance their value. He and less so, and the country was burthenthen described the gallant efforts of the ed with an army of defence, while its rearchduke, the successes of marshal Su-gular forces could scarce be recruited on warrow, and the essential services of cap- any terms. The act alluded to was adtain Trowbridge in the territory of Naples; mirably framed for giving relief in both and to all these collectively we might these difficulties-by reducing that defenascribe the deliverance of Italy from the sive force, and at the same time converting degrading yoke of France But, important it into an army ready for offensive service as this deliverances to the general within any part of Europe. If such had interests of Europe, it had been equalled, been the benefits arising from this act, if not surpassed, in another quarter of why not avail ourselves of them to a farthe globe, by a series of conquests won by ther exent? The formidable defensive our own arms the entire defeat of Tip-array of the country increased within a poo Sultaun's army, the capture of Seringa- short period to such an honqurable extent,

rendered it unnecessary to keep up a
greater body of militia than its original
number. Why, then, not convert all
above that number into troops of the
line (with their own free consent, and for
a limited service), and thus at once create
a well disciplined, disposable army, ready
for all European service, and zealous to
share the glory of their gallant comrades?
He concluded with congratulating the
House on the prosperous state of our
public credit, our revenue, and our com-
merce. Surely the enjoyment of these
blessings was of itself an encouragement
to persevere in the same line of conduct
which had obtained them for us. Much,
on all these accounts, we owed to the
firmness and vigour of parliament-much
to the wisdom and energy of his majesty's
councils-much to the solid good sense
of the nation at large; but the main pil-
lars of our prosperity and salvation had
been, and ever must be, attachment to
our country, loyalty to our king, and de-
votion to our God! May that God still
go forth with our fleets and armies, and
continue to bless us with victory and suc-
cess. The hon. gentleman then moved
an address, which was an echo of the
speech from the throne.

Colonel Elford rose to second the Address. He said, that in considering the propriety of a farther reduction of the mili tia forces, with a view to increase the power of prosecuting our late successes, it was impossible not to advert to the advantages which have already accrued from the voluntary services of that body. When his majesty was empowered to accept of the offer made by many militia corps to serve in Ireland, much was said of the attack that was made on the constitutional force of the country, and many predictions and assertions were made, that the ruin of that body would be the inevitable consequence of the measure. He believed the warmest well-wishers of that measure had never been absurd enough to assert that no inconveniences would attend the adoption of it; but where was to be found any great political operation, in which all the benefits were on one side, and all the evils on the other? The advantages which had arisen from sending regiments of the British militia to Ireland were beyond all calculation. Of the general prosperity of the country, it was unnecessary for him to speak in addition to what had already been said. He trusted that our successes would warrant us in looking, not very re

motely, to that great object of his majesty's paternal care and solicitude, a safe and honourable peace. The means of effectually obtaining this great object would be, by a vigorous prosecution of the war, and by convincing the enemy, that we were determined to carry it on, as long as their obstinacy and folly should render it necessary.


The Address was agreed to.

The King's Answer to the Commons Address.] To the Address of the Commons, his Majesty returned this Answer:

"Gentlemen; I return you my particular thanks for this dutiful address. I receive with the highest satisfaction your congratulations on the happy improvement of our affairs, which I shall ever principally ascribe, under the blessing of Providence, to the wisdom, perseverance, and spirit of my parliament, guiding and animating the efforts of a brave and loyal people, in support of their dearest interests.

Copies of the Treaties with Russia.] Sept. 26. The following Treaties were laid before both Houses, by his Majesty's command:

PROVISIONAL TREATY between his Majesty the King of Great Britain and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias. Done at Saint Petersburgh, the 29th-18th December 1798.

In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity. His majesty the king of Great Britain and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, in consequence of the alliance and friendship subsisting between them, being desirous to enter into a concert of mea sures, such as may contribute in the most ef ficacious manner to oppose the successes of the French arms, and the extension of the principles of anarchy, and to bring about a solid peace, together with the re-establishment of the balance of Europe, have judged it worthy their most serious consideration and earnest solicitude to endeavour, if possible, to reduce France within its former limits, as they subsisted before the revolution.

They have in consequence agreed to con clude a provisional treaty, and for this purpose they have named as their plenipotentiaries, namely, his majesty the king of Great Britain, sir Charles Whitworth, knight of the Bath, his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at the imperial court of Russia; and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, the chancellor prince Bezborodko, a privy councillor, director general of the posts, senator, and knight of the orders of Saint

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Andrew, of Saint Alexander Newsky, of Saint Anne, and grand cross of those of Saint John of Jerusalem, and of Saint Vladimir, of the first class; the Sieur Kotschoubey, vice chancellor, privy councillor and chamberlain, knight of the order of Saint Alexander Newsky, and grand cross of that of Saint Vladimir, of the second class; the Sieur Rostopsin, a privy councillor, member of the college for foreign affairs, knight of the order of Saint Alexander Newsky, and of that of Saint Anne, of the first class; who, after having reciprocally communicated their full powers, have concluded and agreed upon the following articles:

Art. 1. The two contracting powers, in the intention of inducing the king of Prussia to take an active part in the war against the common enemy, propose to employ all their endeavours to obtain that end. Immediately on his Prussian majesty's consenting to this measure, his imperial majesty of all the Russias is ready to afford him a succour of land forces, and he destines for that purpose, 45,000 men, infantry and cavalry, with the necessary artillery, upon the following conditions.

Art. 2. This body of troops shall be put in motion as soon as the high contracting parties shall be assured of the determination of his Prussian majesty being conformable to what has been before stated. With regard to the farther movements of this corps, and its combined operations with the Prussian troops, his majesty the emperor of all the Russias will arrange them with his majesty the king of Prussia, and communication shall also be made of them to his Britannic majesty, in order that by such a concert between the high allies, the military operations against the enemy may be made with the greater success, and that the object which is proposed may the more easily be attained.

Art. 3. In order to facilitate to his majesty the emperor of all the Russias the means to take such an active part in the present war against the French, his Britannic majesty engages to furnish the pecuniary succours hereinafter specified; his imperial majesty of all the Russias nevertheless reserving to himself the right to recall the aforesaid body of troops into his own territories, if by any unforeseen event the whole of this pecuniary succour `should not be furnished him.

Art. 4. The amount and the nature of these pecuniary succours have been fixed and regulated upon the following footing: 1. In order to enable his imperial majesty of all the Russias to expedite as soon as possible, and in the most convenient manner, the troops destined to be employed in favour of the good cause, his majesty the king of Great Britain engages, as soon as he shall receive advice that the Russian troops, in consequence of the determination of his majesty the king of Prussia, are to march, in order to co-operate with those of his said majesty, to pay, for the first [VOL. XXXIV.] [4 FI

and most urgent expenses, 225,000l. sterling, dividing the payments in such manner as that 75,000l. sterling should be paid as soon as those troops shall have passed the Russian frontiers; that the second payment, amounting to the same sum, should be made on the expiration of the first three months, and on the commencement of the fourth; and that the third payment, completing the sum total, should be made in like manner, after three months and on the beginning of the seventh. 2. His majesty the king of Great Britain engages also to furnish to his majesty the em peror of all the Russias, a subsidy of 75,000l. sterling per month, to be computed from the day on which the corps of troops above mentioned shall pass the Russian frontiers. This subsidy shall be paid at the commencement of each month, and being destined for the appointments and maintenance of the troops, it shall be continued during the space of twelvemonths, unless peace should be made sooner. 3. The two high contracting parties, besides, shall come to an understanding, before the expiration of the term of a year above specified, whether, in case the war should not be terminated, the subsidy above mentioned shall be continued.

Art. 5. The two high contracting parties engage not to make either peace or armistice, without including each other, and without concerting with each other. But if, through any unforeseen events, his Britannic majesty should be under the necessity of terminating the war, and thereby of discontinuing the payment of the subsidy before the expiration of the twelve months above stipulated, he engages, in that case, to pay three months advance of the subsidy agreed upon, of 75,000l. sterling, reckoning from the day on which the information shall be received by the general commanding the Russian troops.

Art. 6. In like manner, if any aggression on Russia should take place, by which his majesty the emperor should be obliged to recall his army into his own dominions, the abovementioned subsidy shall in such case only be paid up to the day on which the army shall re-enter the Russian frontiers.

Art. 7. His majesty the emperor of all the Russias shall come to an understanding with his ally, his majesty the king of Prussia, respecting all the other expenses which this corps of troops and its operations may require. His Britannic majesty shall take no farther share in those expenses than the sum of 37,500l. sterling per month, during all the time that the above-mentioned troops shall be employed, by virtue of this treaty, for the common cause. That sum shall be advanced by his majesty the emperor of all the Russias; but his Britannic majesty acknowledges it as a debt due by Great Britain to Russia, which he will discharge after the conclusion of a peace made by mutual agreement. The mode and dates of the payment shall be settled by mutual concert, according to the reciprocal convenience of the two allied powers.

Art. 8. The above-mentioned subsidies shall in this manner be considered as a sufficient succour for all the expenses, including those which may be necessary for the return of the Russian army.

Art. 9. This treaty shall be considered as provisional; and its execution, as it has been stated above, shall not take place until his majesty the king of Prussia shall be determined to turn his forces against the common enemy; but in case he should not do so, the two high contracting parties reserve to themselves the right and the power to take, for the good of their affairs, and the success of the salutary end they have in view, other measures analogous to the times and circumstances, and to agree then upon those which in such a case they shall judge to be most necessary, adopting always as a basis (inasmuch as it shall be compatible) the stipulations of the present treaty. His imperial majesty of all the Russias, in order nevertheless to give a still more striking proof of his sincere dispositions, and of his desire to be as much as possible useful to his allies, promises to put, during the course of the negotiation with his Prussian majesty, and even previous to its termination, the above-mentioned corps of 45,000 men, upon such a footing, that they may immediately be employed wherever, according to a previous concert amongst the allies, the uti lity of the common cause shall require.

Art. 10. The present provisional treaty shall Be ratified by his Britannic majesty and his imperial majesty of all the Russias, and the ratifications shall be exchanged here in the space of two months, to be computed from the day of the signature, or sooner, if it can be done.

In witness whereof, we, the under-signed,
furnished with the full powers of his ma-
jesty the king of Great Britain and the
emperor of all the Russias, have in their
names signed the present treaty, and
have affixed the seals of our arms thereto.
Done at Saint Petersburgh, the 29-18th
December, 1798.



By the provisional treaty concluded between his majesty the king of Great Britain, and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, the 29th-18th December, 1798, it is stipulated that the body of 45,000 men furnished by his said imperial majesty for the support of the common cause, should be employed in co-operating with the troops of his Prussian majesty, if that sovereign should be induced to join his forces to those of their majesties; but the endeavours which their royal and imperial majesties have employed for this purpose having been unsuccessful, and that prince persisting in his adherence to his


system of neutrality, the two high contracting parties, in order to neglect nothing on their part which may contribute to the success of the good cause, have resolved that the said body of 45,000 men, originally destined to second the hostile demonstrations of Prussia against France, shall be equally employed against the common enemy in whatever other quarter their majesties may judge it to be most advantageous to their common operarations. For this purpose the plenipotentiaries of their said royal and imperial majesties have signed the present declaration, which is to be considered as forming a part of the provisional treaty abovementioned, concluded between the two courts the 29th-18th December, 1798.

Done at St. Petersburgh, this 29th-18th June, 1799.

(L. S.)


(L. S.)

LE COMte de KotschoÜBEY (L. S.) LE COMTE DE ROSTOPSIN. CONVENTION between his Majesty the king of Great Britain, and his Majesty the emperor of all the Russias, done at St. Petersburgh, the 22d-11th of June, 1799. In the name of the most holy and indivisible Trinity. His majesty the king of Great Britain, and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, in consequence of the friendship and the ties of intimate alliance which exist between them, and of their common and sincere co-operation in the present war against the French, having constantly in their view to use every means in their power most effectually to distress the enemy, have judged that the expulsion of the French from the Seven united provinces, and the deliverance of the latter from the yoke under which they have so long groaned, were objects worthy of their particular consideration; and wishing at the same time to give effect, as far as possible, to a design of that importance, their said majesties have resolved to conclude with each other a convention relative to this plan, and to the most proper means for carrying it into the most speedy execution. For this purpose they have named as their plenipotentiaries, to wit, his majesty the king of Great Britain, sir Charles Whitworth, his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the imperial court of Russia, knight of the order of the Bath; and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, the count of Kotschoubey,his vice-chancellor,actual privy councillor, actual chamberlain, knight of the order of saint Alexander Newsky, commander of that of Saint John of Jerusalem, and Great Cross of the order of Vladimir, of the second class; and the count of Rostopsin, his actual privy councillor, member of the college of foreign affairs, director general of the posts, knight of the order of Saint Alexander Newsky and of Saint Anne, of the first class, Great Chancellor and Great Cross of that of Saint John of Jerusalem; who, after having reci

procally communicated to each other their full powers, have agreed upon the following articles:

Art. 1. His majesty the king of Great Britain, thinking that the object above announced cannot be better attained than by the aid of a body of Russian troops, his imperial majesty, notwithstanding the efforts which he has already made, and the difficulties of his employing an additional body of forces, to act at a distance from his dominions, has nevertheless, in consequence of his constant solicitude in favour of the good cause, consented to furnish seventeen battalions of infantry, two companies of artillery, one company of pioneers, and one squadron of hussars, making in all 17,593 men, to be destined for the said expedition to Holland; but as that number of troops, according to the plan proposed by his Britannic majesty, is not sufficient, and as it has been judged that 30,000 men would be necessary for that purpose, his said majesty will, on his side, furnish 13,000 men of English troops, or, at least, 8,000 men, if that smaller number should be deemed sufficient; and amongst whom there shall be a proportion of cavalry sufficient for the services of such an army.

Art. 2. This corps of troops, of 17,593 men, together with the necessary artillery, shall assemble at Revel, in order that they may be from thence conveyed to their destination, either in English or other vessels freighted by his Britannic majesty.

Art. 3. In order to enable his majesty the emperor of all the Russias to afford to the common cause this additional and efficacious succour, his majesty the king of Great Britain engages to furnish the undermentioned subsidies, upon the condition that his imperial majesty of all the Russias shall have a right to recall into his dominions the above-mentioned corps of troops, if, through any unforeseen events, such subsidies should not be regularly furnished to him.

ment, completing the sum total of 88,000l. sterling, shall take place three months afterwards, and at the commencement of the fourth: 2. His majesty the king of Great Britain engages, in like manner, to furnish to his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, a subsidy of 44,000l. sterling per month, to be computed from the day on which the above-mentioned corps of troops shall be ready. This subsidy shall be paid at the commencement of each month, and destined for the appointments and the entertainment of the troops; it shall be continued until they shall return into Russian ports, in English or other vessels, freighted by his Britannic majesty.

Art. 5. If this corps of Russian troops should meet with difficulties in procuring, during the expedition to which it is destined, or in case of its wintering as shall be hereafter mentioned, in England, or during the voyages it shall have to make, its necessary subsistence, by means of the mea sures which the Russian commanders or commissaries may take for that purpose, his Britannic majesty, upon the requisition of the minister of his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, residing at his court, shall furnish whatever may be necessary to the Russian troops; and an exact account shall be kept of all the provisions and other articles so delivered, in order that their value may be afterwards deducted from the subsidy; such provisions and other articles being valued at the price paid for them by his majesty, for his own troops.

Art. 6. As the transport of the horses necessary for the officers, the artillery, and the baggage, would require a great many vessels, and as that arrangement would lead to many other inconveniencies, and more particularly to that of a delay prejudicial to the abovementioned expedition, his Britannic majesty, engages to furnish, at his own expense, the necessary number of horses, according to the statement which shall be delivered, and to have them conveyed to the place where the Russian troops are to act; his said majesty will, in like manner, maintain them at his own expense, during the whole time that those troops shall be employed, aud until they shall be re-embarked, in order to return to the ports of Russia; his Britannic majesty will then dispose of them in such manner as he shall judge proper.

Art. 4. The amount and the nature of those pecuniary succours have been settled and regulated in the following manner: 1. In order to enable his imperial majesty to assemble and expedite this corps, as soon and as well equipped as possible, his majesty the king of Great Britain engages, as soon as he shall receive advice that the above-mentioned troops have reached the place of their rendezvous, that is to say, at Revel, and that it shall be declared that they are ready to em- Art. 7. In case that the Russian troops, bark (whether the transports be arrived or after having terminated in Holland the pronot) to pay for the first and most urgent ex-jected expedition, or in consequence of its penses, the sum of 88,000l. sterling, dividing being deferred, through any unforeseen cirthe payments into two parts; (to wit) that cumstances, should not be able to return into 44,000l. be paid immediately after it shall the ports of his imperial majesty, during the have been declared, either by the commander favourable season, his majesty the king of in chief of that corps to the English com- Great Britain engages to receive them into missary, or by the minister of his imperial his dominions, to provide them there with majesty to the minister of his Britannic ma- good quarters, and all other advantages, until jesty resident at Saint Petersburgh, that the the troops shall be able to return on the opensaid corps is ready; and that the second pay-ing of the navigation, or shall be employed

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