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dent of this country. True it is, that the parliament of that country was declared independent of this. It had what was supposed to be, sovereign power; it has the power of dictating to the executive authority upon the questions of war and peace, in the same controlling manner as the parliament of this country has: but what security is there that they will both agree upon all questions hereafter, in which the general interest of the British empire is involved? It is a difficult thing to suppose a case in which they may clash, and become perhaps as hostile to one another as any two independent bodies politic in Europe? I have no dif. ficulty in saying that such a case might possibly happen, nor do I think that much was gained by the declaration of the independence of that parliament, or ever will be gained to the British empire, until there is some security that both legislatures will go on harmoniously together upon all questions in which the general interests of the British empire are involved. Neither do I much admire the philosophy of that person who thinks he has completed a beautiful new fabric when be has only completed the destruction of an old one; who calls that destruction "the most stupendous fabric of human wisdom that ever was exhibited to the world." When I find such a man, after the act was passed which declared the independence of the Irish parliament, assenting to the principle of a resolution of a committee, stating that the connexion between the two countries should be established by mutual consent on a solid and permanent basis, and when I find that such a resolution was carried to the throne, as I have said already, and when I reflect that nothing was afterwards done upon that resolution to carry it into effect, I have the authority of that person and his friends, that what was done in declaring the parliament of Ireland independent, was defective in a point which is indispensable for the happiness of the people of Ireland, and indeed of both countries. I think then I may say that the onus is upon those who oppose the measure now before us to show its bad tendency, rather than upon us to show its probable good effect, for their own conduct proclaims the absolute necessity of something being done; it is incumbent upon all those who took a part in the discussion of that subject, and who approved of the measure

the childish measure of the independence

of the parliament of Ireland-without any security that the parliament of that coun try and of this would never differ essentially upon any point in which the happiness of the British empire may be involved, to show it, and upon the hon. gentleman who moved this amendment, as much as any one, for he took an active share in the parliamentary proceedings to which I have just alluded.

How stands the case in point of experience? Is there a probability, or is there not, that the parliaments of the two countries may differ upon a point that may be essentially interesting to the British empire? I say you have a guide upon that subject, You may profit by experience-I mean by the case of the regency. The hon. gentleman says that there was no difference between the two parliaments as to the regent. Why, no, Sir, there was no difference as to the person who was to be regent; but there was an essential difference as to the principle on which that person was to be regent: the Irish parlia ment decided on one principle, the English parliament on another, and their having agreed on the person was accidental; and upon the distinct principles on which the two parliaments proceeded, they might as well have differed upon the person who was to be, as on the powers to be granted to, the regent. Now let any man tell me that this is not an instance of an essential difference upon a point that was essential to the welfare of the British empire: and let any man show me what security there is that an essential difference upon some other object may not hereafter occur between the two parliaments. That they have not hitherto differed in the great and momentous events which have been agitated before parliament, is a good fortune which has arisen from one general cause, that of all descriptions of persons having united against one common enemy, with the exception only of a few, whose counsels, happily for both countries, and for the civilized part of the world, have lost all their influence. But will any man tell me, that such difference as was manifested in the time of the regency will never occur again? Will any man tell me, when we come to treat for peace, for instance, or to consider any subject of alliance with any foreign power, or upon any question of trade or commerce, that then the local prejudices, I say prejudices for they have great influence, may not occasion a dif

erence between the legislatures upon points that may be essential to the welfare of the British empire? No matter what the cause of the difference may be, it is enough that there may be such a difference. A party in England may give to the throne one species of advice by its parliament; a party in Ireland may advise directly opposite, upon the most essential points that involve the safety of both-upon alliance with a foreign power, for instance; upon the army; upon the navy; upon any branch of the public service; upon trade; upon commerce; or, upon any point that might be essential to the empire at large. Let any man tell me, what would have been the consequence to both England and Ireland, had the dissensions in Ireland been the same in point of force against the executive government in parliament, since the commencement of the present war, as they were at the time the Irish propositions were rejected? Had these men who were at the head of opposition either in that country or in this, possessed the confidence of any considerable part of the public, will any man tell me, that any minister would have been able to save this country or Ireland from destruction? But happily for us, happily for every part of the civilized world, the iniquity of the common enemy united us all; else all the evils which I have already stated, together with the poison of Jacobinism, would have come upon us, and such a complication would have soon completed the ruin of our empire: but fortunately, I say, the counsels of those who favoured such principles were rejected with disdain by the good sense of mankind at large. But when that cement by which the two legislatures have been held together, shall cease to operate, what security is there for the continuance of cordial cooperation? None whatever: the probability of its continuance is more than doubtful; for I do say, for the reasons I have alleged already, that the present state of society in Ireland, as well as its representation, which partakes of the nature of that society, is radically defective.

I am aware, Sir, that I have spoken at a greater length on this subject than might have been expected in its present stage. I have thought a great deal upon this subject, and what I have said has been nothing but the result of my own observations. I am bound to convey to this House every information which it may be

in my power to give; but however acceptable to the one or to the other side of the House, however acceptable or otherwise to those whom I respect on the other side the water, my sentiments upon this subject may be, my duty compels me to speak them freely. I see the case so plainly, and I feel it so strongly, that there is no circumstance of apparent or probable difficulty, no apprehension of popularity, no fear of toil or labour, that shall prevent me from using every exertion which remains in my power to accomplish the work that is now before us, and on which I am persuaded depend the internal tranquillity of Ireland, the interest of the British empire at large, and, I hope, I may add, the happiness of a great part of the habitable world.

The Amendment was negatived without a division, and the motion for the Address was then put and carried.*

Jan. 31. The order of the day being read for taking into farther consideration his Majesty's Message of the 22nd instant,

Mr. Pitt rose, and spoke as follows:Sir; When I proposed to this House, the last time this subject was before them, to fix this day for the further_consideration of his majesty's message, I certainly indulged the hope that the result of a similar communication to the parliament of Ireland, would have opened a more favourable prospect than at present exists, of the speedy accomplishment of a measure which I then stated, and which I still consider to be of the greatest importance to the power, the stability, and the general welfare of the empire; to the immediate interests of both kingdoms, and more particularly to the peace, the tranquillity, and the safety of Ireland: in this hope, I am sorry to say, I have for the present been disappointed, by the proceedings of the Irish House of Commons, of which we have been informed since this subject was last under consideration.

I feel and know that the parliament of Ireland possesses the power, the entire competence, on the behalf of that country, alike to accept or reject a proposition of this nature-a power which I am by no means inclined to dispute. I see that at the present moment one House of parlia ment in Ireland has expressed a repug

intelligence was received by the British goA few days after this debate took place, vernment, that the proposal for a Union, which had been laid before the Irish parliament, had been rejected.

nance even to the consideration of this measure. Feeling, Sir, as I have already stated, that it is important, not only as it tends to the general prosperity of the empire of Great Britain, but (what, under every situation, must always be to me an object of the greatest moment); feeling that it was designed and calculated to increase the prosperity and ensure the safety of Ireland, I must have seen with the deepest regret, that, at the very first moment, and before the nature of the measure could be known, it was so received.

tion, should be of that opinion, I should propose that its determination should remain recorded as that by which the parliament of Great Britain is ready to abide, leaving to the legislature of Ireland to reject or to adopt it hereafter, upon a full consideration of the subject.

There is no man who will deny, that, in a great question of this nature, involving in it objects which, in the first instance, are more likely to be decided upon by passion than by judgment;-in a question in which an honest, but, I must be allowed to say, a mistaken sense of national pridė But whatever may have been my feel- is so likely to operate, much misconstrucings upon this subject, knowing that it is tion and misconception must inevitably the undoubted right of the legislature of happen. It therefore becomes the more Ireland to reject or to adopt such mea- necessary that the intentions of the gosures as may appear to them injurious or vernment which proposes the measure, beneficial, far be it from me to speak of and the principles of the measure itself, its determination in any other terms but should be distinctly understood. But, those of respect. Let it not, therefore, be Sir, in stating that intention and those imagined that I am inclined to press any principles, I look to something more than sentiment, however calculated it may ap- a mere vindication of government for havpear to me to benefit every member of the ing proposed the measure. I do enterempire, in any manner which may lead to tain a confidence, even under the appahostile discussion between two kingdoms, rent discouragement of the opinion exwhose mutual happiness and safety depend pressed by the Irish House of Commons, upon their being strictly and cordially that this measure is founded upon such united. But while I admit and respect clear, such demonstrable grounds of utithe rights of the parliament of Ireland, I lity, is so calculated to add to the strength feel that, as a member of the parliament of and power of the empire (in which the Great Britain, I also have a right to exer- safety of Ireland is included, and from cise, and a duty to perform. That duty which it never can be separated), and is is, to express, as distinctly as I can, the attended with so many advantages to Iregeneral nature and outline of the plan land in particular, that all that can be newhich, in my conscience, I think would cessary for its ultimate adoption is, that tend in the strongest manner to ensure it should be stated distinctly, tempethe safety and the happiness of both king-rately, and fully and, that it should be doms.

While I feel, therefore, that as long as the House of Commons of Ireland view the subject in the light they do at present, there is no chance of its adoption, I do not think that I ought on that account to abstain from submitting it to the consideration of this parliament; on the contrary, I think it only the more necessary to explain distinctly the principles of the measure, and to state the grounds upon which it appears to me to be entitled to the approbation of the legislature.

If parliament when it is in possession of the basis upon which this plan is founded, and of its general outline, should be of opinion with me, that it is founded upon fair, just, and equitable principles, calculated to produce mutual advantages to the two kingdoms-if parliament, I say, upon full explanation, and after mature delibera

left to the unprejudiced, the dispassionate, the sober judgment of the parliament of Ireland. I wish that those whose interests are involved in this measure, should have time for its consideration-I wish that time should be given to the landed, to the mercantile, and manufacturing interest, that they should look at it in all its bearings, and that they should coolly examine and sift the popular arguments by which it has been opposed, and that then they should give their deliberate and final judgment.

I am the more encouraged in this hope of the ultimate success of this measure, when I see, notwithstanding all the prejudices which it has excited, that barely more than one half of the members that attended the House of Commons were adverse to it; and that in the other House of parliament in Ireland, containing, as it

it to his majesty's wisdom to communicate them to the parliament of Ireland, whenever circumstances should appear favourable to such a measure. I shall therefore, Sir, proceed as shortly as I can to state to the House the nature of the resolutions, and of the address which I shall propose to accompany them, if it should be the pleasure of the House to adopt them.

does, so large a portion of the property of that kingdom, it was approved of by a large majority. When I have reason to believe, that the sentiments of a large part of the people of that country are favourable to it, and that much of the manufacturing and of the commercial interest of Ireland, are already sensible how much it is calculated to promote their advantage, I think when it is more deliberately examined, and when it is seen in what temper it is here proposed and discussed, that it will still terminate in that which can alone be a fortunate result.

It would be vain indeed to hope that a proposition upon which prejudices are so likely to operate, and which is so liable to misconception, should be unanimously approved. But the approbation I hope for is, that of the parliament of Ireland, and of the intelligent part of the public of that country. It is with a view to this object that I think it my duty to bring this measure forward at present; not for the sake of urging its immediate adoption, but that it may be known and recorded; that the intention of the British parliament may be known, in the hope that it will produce similar sentiments among our countrymen in Ireland, With this view, it is my intention not to go at present into any detailed statement of the plan, be cause, should it ultimately be adopted, the minuter parts must necessarily become the objects of much distinct discussion; but to give such a general statement of the nature of the measure, as will enable the House to form a correct judgment upon it.

I shall therefore, Sir, before I sit down, open to the House a string of resolutions, comprising the general heads of this plan. It will be necessary for me, for the purpose of discussing those resolutions with regularity and convenience, to move that the House should resolve itself into a committee. And I have already stated, that it is not my intention then to press the committee to come to an immediate decision upon the resolutions; but if, upon full and deliberate examination, the resolutions which I shall have the bonour to propose and which contain as much as is necessary for an outline of the plan, shall be approved, my opinion is, that nothing can contribute more to obviate any doubts and dissatisfaction which may exist, then that parliament should adopt those resolutions, and that it should then humbly lay them at the foot of the throne, leaving [VOL. XXXIV.]

Having now, Sir, explained to the House the mode I mean to pursue, and my reasons for persisting, under the present circumstances, in submitting this measure to the consideration of parliament, I will endeavour to state the general grounds on which it rests, the general arguments by which it is recommended, and to give a short view of the outline of the plan.

As to the general principle upon which the whole of this measure is founded, I am happy to observe, from what passed upon a former occasion, that there is not a probability of any difference of opinion. The general principle, to which both sides of the House perfectly acceded, is, that a perpetual connexion between Great Britain and Ireland is essential to the interests of both. The only hon. gentleman who, when this subject was before the House on a former day, opposed the consideration of the plan altogether, stated, in terms as strong as I could wish, the necessity of preserving the strictest connexion be tween the two countries. I most cordially agree with him in that opinion; but I then stated, that I do not barely wish for the maintenance of that connexion, as tending to add to the general strength of the empire, but I wish for the maintenance of it with a peculiar regard to the local interests of Ireland, with a regard to every thing that can give to Ireland its due weight and importance, as a great mem. ber of the empire. I wish for it with a view of giving to that country the means of improving all its great natural resources, and of giving it a full participation of all those blessings which this country so eminently enjoys.

Considering the subject in this point of view, and assuming it as a proposition not to be controverted, that it is the duty of those who wish to promote the interest and prosperity of both countries, to maintain the strongest connexion between them, let me ask, what is the situation of affairs that has called us to the discussion of this subject? This very connexion, the necessity of which has been admitted on all hands, has been attacked by foreign [S]

enemies, and by domestic traitors. The These circumstances, I am sure, will dissolution of this connexion is the great not be denied; and if upon other grounds object of the hostility of the common we had any doubt, these circumstances enemies of both countries; it is almost the alone ought to induce us, deliberately and only remaining hope with which they now dispassionately, to review the situation of continue the contest. Baffled and defeat- the two countries, and to endeavour to find ed as they have hitherto been, they still out a proper remedy for an evil, the existretain the hope, they are still meditating ence of which is but too apparent. It reattempts, to dissolve that connexion. In quires but a moment's reflexion, for any how many instances already the defeat of man who has marked the progress of their hostile designs has been turned to events, to decide upon the true state and the confirmation of our strength and se- character of this connexion. It is evicurity, I need not enumerate. God grant dently one which does not afford that sethat in this instance the same favour of curity which, even in times less dangerous Divine Providence, which has in so many and less critical than the present, would instances protected this empire, may again have been necessary, to enable the eminterpose in our favour, and that the at-pire to avail itself of its strength and its tempts of the enemy to separate the two resources. countries, may tend ultimately to knit them more closely together, to strengthen a connexion, the best pledge for the happiness of both, and so add to that power which forms the chief barrier to the civilized world, against the destructive principles, the dangerous projects, and the unexampled usurpation of France! This connexion has been attacked, not only by the avowed enemies of both countries, but by internal treason, acting in concert with the designs of the enemy-internal treason, which ingrafted Jacobinism on those diseases which necessarily grew out of the state and condition of Ireland.

When I last addressed the House on this subject, I stated that the settlement, which was made in 1782, so far from deserving the name of a final adjustment, was one that left the connexion between Great Britain and Ireland exposed to all the attacks of party, and all the effects of accident. That settlement consisted in the demolition of the system which before held the two countries together. Let me not be understood as expressing any regret at the termination of that system. I disapproved of it, because I thought it was one unworthy the liberality of Great Britain, and injurious to the interests of Ireland. But to call that a system in itself, to call that a glorious fabric of human wisdom, which is no more than the mere demolition of another system, is a perversion of terms, which, however prevalent of late, can only be the effect of gross misconception, or of great hypocrisy.

Thinking, then, as we all must think, that a close connexion with Ireland is essential to the interests of both countries, and seeing how much this connexion is attacked, let it not be insinuated that it is unnecessary, much less improper, at this arduous and important crisis, to see whether some new arrangements, some fun- We boast that we have done every thing, damental regulations, are not necessary, when we have merely destroyed all that to guard against the threatened danger. before existed, without substituting any The foreign and domestic enemies of these thing in its place. Such was the final adkingdoms have shown, that they think justment of 1782; and I can prove it to be this the vulnerable point in which we may so, not only from the plainest reasoning, be most successfully attacked: let us de- but I can prove it by the opinion exrive advantage, if we can, from the hosti- pressed by the British parliament at that lity of our enemies; let us profit by the very time. I can prove it by the opinion designs of those, who, if their conduct expressed by those very ministers by whom displays no true wisdom, at least possess it was proposed and conducted. I can in an eminent degree that species of wis- prove it by the opinion of that very godom, which is calculated for the promo-vernment who boast of having effected a tion of mischief. They know upon what footing that connexion rests at this moment between the two countries, and they feel the most ardent hope, that the two parliaments will be infatuated enough not to render their designs abortive, by fixing that connexion upon a more solid basis.

final adjustment. I refer for what I have said to proofs which they will find it very difficult to answer-I mean their own acts, which will plainly show that they were of opinion that a new system would be necessary.

But, Sir, I will go farther-I will also

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