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books-and the correct result appears to me to be as follows:-Restrictive taxes had been laid so far back as the period of the Edwards, on the importation of woollen goods into this kingdom, whether from Ireland, or any other country beyond seas. But not to go back to any earlier period than the Restoration, by the act of 12 Car. 2, chap. 4, s. 1, 8s. 6d. per yard were imposed on all woollen cloths, and 1s. 3d. on woollen stuffs imported into England. These last mentioned duties have never been repealed. They have, indeed, been increased to 1. 17s. 5d. per yard on cloth, and 5s. 6d. on stuffs, by the operation of new and general subsidies, affecting them in common with all other articles of importation. But the duty of 8s. 6d. per yard alone amounted, and would of itself still amount, to an entire prohibition. Thus stood the law at the period when the supposed bargain took place. The House will see that England did not then want the concurrence of Ireland, nor had any occasion to purchase that concurrence by any concession on her part, in order to exclude Irish woollens from her own home market. But, it seems, the English legislature and government of that time thought it good policy to listen to the representations made by the English manufacturers, of the danger their staple trade was exposed to from the competition of the Irish in foreign countries. The Irish parliament, on the other hand, seem to have been satisfied, that it was upon the whole for the interest of their country, to obtain the favour and protection of England to her linen manufactures, which had been even then carried to a considerable height, by an amicable understanding, and the relinquishment of that hostile competition in the woollen business abroad, which had occasioned so much ill-humour on this side of the water. Accordingly, they passed a law, in the 10th of W. 3rd, imposing an ad valorem duty of 4s. in the pound on all broad cloth, and 2s. on serges, baize, &c. exported from Ireland to any part of the world. This amounted, in effect, to a prohibition; but no act was passed in England on the occasion, to check or prohibit the exportation of English linens. Will it be said, Ireland had reason to expect such a law to pass? Where is the evidence of this? The English House of Lords,, in an address to the throne, had, indeed, pressed the king to declare, "that if the woollen trade were relin


quished in Ireland, and the subjects there should turn their industry and skill to the settling and improving the linen manufacture, for which generally the lands of that kingdom were very proper, they should receive all favour, countenance, and protection, from his royal influence, for the encouragement and promoting of the said linen manufacture to all the advantage and profit that kingdom could be capable of (9th June 1698)." The English Commons, in like manner, had implored the king to "make it his royal care to discourage the woollen, and encourage the linen manufactures in Ireland, to which they said they should always be ready to give their utmost assistance (30th June 1698)." And, the king, in answer, had said, "I will do all that in me lies to discourage the woollen manufacture in Ireland, and encourage the linen manufacture there (2nd July 1698)."

It was after this that the Irish act I have just mentioned passed. The English laws at that time, as to Irish linen, stood thus by the 7th and 8th W. 3, c. 39, Irish linen was made importable into England duty free; but a new subsidy of 5 per cent on all goods imported, having been granted in the year after to continue till the 1st Feb. 1699, without any exception as to Irish linen, that article became liable to this new duty: and from the state of the war in 1698, it was probable that this subsidy would be renewed, as it accordingly was from time to time, and continued for the life of queen Anne; it may therefore be conjectured that the great wish of Ireland, as to her linen trade, then was, a restoration to the exemption granted by the first-mentioned act, so as again to open a free market for her linens in England. This was not obtained during the remainder of William's reign; but by 1st Anne, stat. 2, c. 8, the importation of Irish linen into this country, duty free, was restored, and that has continued to be the law ever since. Is it not therefore probable that Ireland was satisfied with this freedom of importing her linen goods, exempt from duty, into Great Britain? At least the case certainly stands so on the face of the acts of parliament. The Irish act which was only temporary, expired in 1702, and was not renewed; but a very strong, and certainly harsh act, and not temporary, was passed in England (10th and 11th Will. 3, c. 10,), totally prohibiting the exportation of Irish woollens to any fo

reign country. The power of the English parliament to make such a law was at that time strenuously insisted upon in this country, and, if not acknowledged, at least acquiesced under in Ireland; so that this last-mentioned statute did in effect prevent the export to all foreign parts of Irish woollen cloths. While this continued to be the case, it might have been unjust, and a breach of faith in England or Great Britain to impose any duty which might have cramped or injured the exportation of Irish linens, either to this or to foreign countries; but that has been so far from being done, even to this day, that, on the contrary, besides the continuation of the free import, various British acts have given the same bounties to Irish as to British linens exported from hence; and by the imposition of a heavy tax on foreign linens brought into Great Britain, she gives in that respect also an equal premium to the Irish as to her own manufacture.

But does the condition on the part of Ireland still continue? Is her part of the supposed compact still in force? and did she, when Great Britain renounced the claim to bind her by her statutes, renew, by any law of her own, the prohibition of the exportation of her woollens? Quite the contrary. Before the boasted æra of her independency, in 1779 and 1780, she had wisely, boldly, and successfully addressed to the British government and parliament her complaint, that this restriction was injurious to the industry and prosperity of her people; and by the British act of 20th Geo. 3rd, c. 6, the statute of Wm. 3rd was repealed, and a free exportation of her woollens allowed from Ireland to all foreign places. It is the natural, obvious, and just observation of a writer on this subject, that " This law, of course, put an end to the compact between England and Ireland, respecting the woollen and linen manufactures." This country has, indeed, still continued her encouragement to the Irish linen trade, the free entry into Great Britain, and the bounties on exportation from thence; but she has done so without any tie, contract, or other obligation, but what the general principles of good policy may impose. One is therefore a good deal surprised to read, in Mr. Foster's Address to the Freeholders of the County of Lowth, the following words :-" If the linen manufacture rests at all on any compact, that compact was made with the

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Irish parliament; the extinction of which takes away a security we have found adequate, and leaves it without the protection of its natural guardians.”* According to the same address we are to believe, it seems, that as the compact in 1698 was and is the security for the linen trade of Ireland with Great Britain, so the more solemn and important compact of 1782, not only supplied a new guarantee to that security, by confirming to the former the birthright of a sole and independent parliament, but also, by the same means, roused a new spirit of exertion in the traders and manufacturers in general of that kingdom, while a legislative union would at once destroy the independence of the parliament, because it would be no longer solely Irish, extinguish the spirit which had been awakened, and remove every safeguard of permanence to whatever advantages it might hold out as a temptation to those weak and deluded persons who might ignorantly form any opinion in its favour.

Much has been said and written on the subject of that transaction of 1782. It appears to me chiefly of importance now, in as far as it may afford evidence of what the opinions were which eminent statesmen on both sides of the water then entertained, many of whom must be still anxious to have those opinions rightly understood. But, if their present sentiments correspond with what they formerly thought, this uniformity will be a strong argument in favour of those sentiments, and in that point of view, it becomes certainly a matter of public concern also, to ascertain what they were. Whatever they were, however, they are not binding upon them; much less upon us, or upon either the Irish or British parliament. Nay, no act of either parliament at that time would be binding on those of the present day; and, therefore, had each legislature separately declared that they meant the arrangement, then made, to be such a final adjustment of all relations between the two countries, as that no nearer connexion, no legislative union in a word, should ever be formed between them, that declaration would not be obligatory now, nor stand in the way of the two present legislatures concluding such a union. But I think I can prove, that nothing which appears on the records, or usual reports of the pro

* Continuation of Anderson's History of Commerce, v. 4, p. 287.

it came to the resolution, and voted the address. I say they clearly were. What is the argument triumphantly pressed to show the contrary? Why, that the resolution and address were voted before the bill for repealing the Declaratory act of George 1st, and renouncing the claim to bind Ireland, was presented. [Mr. Foster's Speech, p. 19.] Surely, Sir, this is a strange fallacy.

ceedings in parliament, or on the face of the thing, shows that either party meant, on that occasion, to shut out in future all question of union, but quite otherwise; that the progressive improvement in the trade, manufactures, and general prosperity of Ireland since, has not been owing to that transaction; that this prosperity is not secured by it; that it depends, in a very principal degree, on the policy and wisdom of Great Britain; and that the only certain safeguard of its permanence would be found in that very measure, which it is pretended would have the contrary effect.

There were four grievances then stated on the part of Ireland: one and the principal of which was the claim of the British parliament to a legislative power over that kingdom. The messages from the throne to both parliaments (9th and 16th April, 1782) mentioned" the king's concern to find that discontents and jealousies were prevailing on matters of great weight and importance; and recommended that the same should be taken into consideration, in order to such a final adjustment as might give mutual satisfaction to both kingdoms." The addresses of the Irish House specified the four grievances," as the principal causes of the present discontent and jealousy" of that country. The only one of the four which a British act could redress, was the claim of legislation. On the 17th May, a resolution was come to in this House, that the act asserting that claim should be repealed, and immediately afterwards another, declaring it to be "indispensable to the interests of both king doms, that the connexion between them should be established by mutual consent on a solid and permanent basis." This last resolution, and the address by which it was communicated to his majesty, have given rise to a great deal of ingenious cavil and chicane. The right hon. gentleman who moved the present resolutions, in mentioning that address of 1782, had expressed what he had endeavoured to prove to be its true import and meaning, viz." that his majesty would take farther measures to strengthen the connexion between the two countries;" on which it has been remarked, with a hypercritical nicety, that the word "farther," is not in the address. Neither, I believe, is the word "strengthen." But the point is, whether the meaning was not, that measures ulterior to those then proposed were in the contemplation of the House when [VOL. XXXIV.]

The minister of the day, when he moved the two resolutions, is stated to have introduced them by a speech, mentioning the four grievances of Ireland, the claim of legislation, Poyning's act, the Mutiny bill, and the appellate jurisdiction. The first, he said, was to be redressed here, the others by acts to which the lord lieutenant was to be instructed to give the royal assent in Ireland; and after having explained this clearly and forcibly, he proceeded to express himself to the following effect:-"That Ireland could have no reason to complain; the terms acceded to by England were proposed by herself; the manner of redress had been prescribed by herself, and all her wishes would now be gratified in the way which she herself liked best; but as it was possible, that if nothing more was to be done, than what he had stated to be his intention, Ireland might, perhaps, think of fresh grievances, and rise yearly in her demands, it was fit and proper that something should be now done towards establishing, on a firm and solid basis, the future connexion of the two kingdoms. But that was not to be proposed by him here in parliament; it would be the duty of the Crown to look to that; the business might be first begun by his majesty's servants in Ireland; and if afterwards it should be necessary to enter into a treaty, commissioners might be sent from the British parliament, or from the Crown, to enter upon it, and bring the negotiation to a happy issue, by giving mutual satisfaction to both countries, and establishing a treaty which should be sanctioned by the most solemn forms of the constitutions of both."* After reading this, can it be seriously argued that no ulterior, no farther measures, were then in his contemplation and in that of the ministry, whose organ he was, and of which he formed so eminent a part?

This difficulty seems, indeed, to have been a little felt, and therefore another method is attempted of reconciling to

* Sec Mr. Fox's Speech, Vol. xxiii. p. 26. [3 K]


what really then passed, the idea that all nual mutiny act in Ireland ever since? political or constitutional arrangements Has Poyning's law; has the appellate juwere meant by the parties to this business risdiction of this country been restored? of 1782 to be finally closed, so as that Secondly, a hope, somewhat too sanguine this country could never, with good faith, perhaps, that no question on constitutional agitate in future, or propose to Ireland for points would any longer exist between the her consideration and voluntary adoption two nations. This hope the Irish house or rejection, any thing of that sort. The of commons expressed in the form of an fact," we are told, seems to be, that the assertion, which it would seem his maresolution, in respect to future measures, jesty was no farther advised to adopt than had commerce only in view." [Mr. Fos- by declaring the pleasure it gave him to ter's speech, p. 21.] But, Sir, what does find they entertained that belief. the same minister say on that point? He does it follow from thence, that either is stated to have declared in this House, parliament meant to preclude themselves in 1785, "That, no idea of a commercial from treating together on any measures regulation had been entertained by the which the king might recommend, or they administration of 1782, in proposing the think beneficial to both countries? By resolution in question." "'* After the duke the phrase "constitutional questions which of Portland communicated the two reso might interrupt their harmony:" was lutions of 1782 to the Irish House of Com- clearly meant disputes and claims on the mons, [27th May], and informed them one part or the other: not proposals from also of the king's disposition to give his the one to the other, or from the soveassent to bills to be passed there for re- reign to both, which either might approve dressing the other grievances, they assure or reject as they saw fit. Such is the his majesty, in a new address, "That, gra- present proposal, which I therefore think tified in those particulars no constitutional they never meant to bind themselves not question between the two nations will any to entertain; which they could not exlonger exist, which can interrupt their clude us, their successors in both kingharmony." In the answer to this, the doms, from entertaining; which in my king told them "that this declaration was conscience I believe many of the wisest very pleasing to him." At the close of and best men in both then hoped might, the session, the Commons say to the lord some time or other, be brought forward lieutenant, "We shall have seen this great with success; which the second resolution national arrangement (the sole and exclu- I have mentioned, as come to by this sive right of legislation in that parliament) House, and received with satisfaction in established on a basis which secures the Ireland, seems in some degree to sugtranquillity of Ireland, and unites the af- gest; and which, when I recollect the refections as well as interests of both king-ports I have read and heard of the minisdoms." Lastly, his grace, in his speech ter's speech who moved those resolutions, on the prorogation, says, "Convince the I can never cease thinking his mind was people in your several districts, as you full of on the occasion, till I shall learn yourselves are convinced, that every cause that he himself has declared the contrary. of past jealousies and discontents is finally Is it to be taken for granted, that the imremoved; that both countries have pledged provement beyond example which the their good faith to each other; and that trade, manufactures, and wealth of the their best security will be, an inviolable people of Ireland are said to have expeadherence to that compact: convince them rienced during the last sixteen or seventhat the two kingdoms are now one, in- teen years, must be ascribed to the renundissolubly connected in unity of constitu- ciation by this country of the claim to letion and unity of interests." gislate for them? It seems very difficult to see how a mere negative act of that sort could possibly have such an effect. Had the British legislature, by its usurped authority over that country, for many years previous to that time, interfered with the internal or external commerce of Ireland? Had the Irish parliament been restrained from regulating and encouraging that commerce (the export woollen trade excepted) in the way they

Now, I must confess I cannot see any thing in all this but the expression of, first, an opinion that the past causes of discontent and jealousy were then finally removed; and what has happened to prove that they were not? Has the parliament of Great Britain renewed her claim to bind Ireland? Has there not been an an

* See Mr. Fox's Speech, vol. 25. p. 966.

might think most likely to promote its increase? Or did the abolition of the appeal to the British House of Lords produce a new influx of British capital into Ireland? The great points gained by Ireland from this country as to commerce have, I believe, hitherto been considered to have been the fruit of those several acts of the British parliament in 1779 and 1780 (19 Geo. 3, c. 35 and 37, and 20 Geo. 3, c. 6, 10 and 18) of which one has been already observed upon, and which first opened to her a general freedom of trade, not only with the rest of the world, but with our American and West India colonies, the best mart for her commodities as well as ours. And if the advantages then obtained have been farther improved by the permission to trade with those colonies in every respect on the same footing as Great Britain does, which was granted in 1793 (33 Geo. 3, c. 63); was the British act of that year, giving such permission, a consequence of what has been called the emancipation of Ireland?

But, Sir, I think some here must know, and many may recollect to have heard, that Ireland was growing fast in industry, enterprise, manufactures, trade and agriculture, long before either the acknowledgment of her independence, or the grant of what was called a free trade. Indeed, I believe it will be found, whatever may have been the cause, that all the three kingdoms, and his majesty's dominions in general, have flourished with an accelerated degree of rapidity in all the branches of national exertion, productive of trade and wealth, for a period of about fifty years to be dated from the time of the general pacification of Europe by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. With regard to Ireland, besides general memory, I might appeal to the weighty testimony recorded by Mr. Arthur Young, of the late lord chief baron Foster, in whose family an enlightened attention to political economy and the sources of national prosperity seems to be hereditary. In Mr. Young's account of a visit he paid to that learned person during his tour through Ireland in 1776, he says he gave him a variety of information relative to the state of that country uncommonly valuable, and among other things mentions his having told him, "that Ireland was more improved in the last twenty years than in a century before; that the great spirit began in 1749 and 1750; that thirty

years before the export of linen and yarn was only about 500,000l.: but that it was then from 1,200,000l. to 1,500,000/;" * that is, it had been nearly trebled in that time. By the same proportion and progress, if only the same causes which then existed, and had produced the great spirit mentioned by lord chief baron Foster, had continued to operate, this export would, in six or seven years hence, amount to four millions and a half. Now, Sir, with all the supposed assistance it has derived from the transaction of 1782, when a fair account is taken, it will not be found to have gone on increasing in that ratio. The annual rated value of Irish exports of every sort to all parts of the world, of which provisions made probably more than one third, is stated from the official accounts of that country, on an average of the three years ending on the 25th of March 1798, to have been in Irish money only 4,642,779/. I own, therefore, I think it much more reasonable that we should ascribe the growing improvement of Ireland in the chief article of her manufacture to the spirit which began in 1750, and appears to have continued in full force during the interval between that time and the date of Mr. Young's tour, than either to a new spirit said to have been roused by the arrangement of 1782, an arrangement which had no direct connexion with such objects, or even to the British act of 1780, which had.

The next question is, Whether the arrangement of 1782, though it may not have caused, does not secure the permanent continuance of a flourishing commerce to Ireland? After what has been said, this question seems to answer itself; yet we find that transaction alleged to be the foundation of such security, and which it is supposed a union would entirely take away. Did the acts of the 22 Geo. 3, c. 53, and 23 Geo. 3, c. 28, while they renounced all powers in this parliament to make laws to bind Ireland, impose any indissoluble restraint on Great Britain, as to the repeal of whatever British statutes might then exist, or might in future be enacted, of a nature beneficial to that country? We have seen in part the encouragement the Irish linen trade derives from mere British laws; and it might here be a proper time to take a more general and connected view of all the commercial advantages Ireland enjoys, both in that

* Young's Tour in Ireland, vol. i, p. 153,

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