Publications of the Surtees Society, Band 17Surtees Society, 1843 |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
ACCOMPTS Anno aº Eliz Archbishop Hutton ARCHBISHOP OF YORK assured beinge Bishop of Bangor Bishop of Durham brother BURGHLEY Canterbury CECYLL Church Counsell daughter Dean Hutton Deane of Yorke desyre Doctor Gibson doth Duresme Earl EBOR Elizabeth enim favour ffor geve give unto GRACE OF YORKE graunt gyve hæc hand hartely hartie commendacions hath hir Majestie's honorable howse humbly Imprimis Item John Lady LETTER locus Lord LORD BURGHLEY LORD'S GRACE Lordship loving frend lovinge maie Majestie manor Marske MATTHEW HUTTON mending mihi myles myne nott pair payd peece pray praye Priest Hutton quæ quam Queen quod receaved Reverend Father Robert Hutton SALUTEM IN CHRISTO sayd Seal selfe SESFORDE shalbe shewed signature SIR TIMOTHY HUTTON sonne Strype's sunt thereof therfore thys TOBIE MATTHEW tyme uppon Whitgift wilbe wold wyll Yorke his Grace