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will & ordeine my last will by this present my last will indented of all the forsaid lands (&c) that myn seid feoffes & myn executors after myn decesse to take all the issewes & profets of all my foresaid landes (&c) to the marriage of my thre doughters informe following. I will that Margaret Hagerston myn eldest doughter shall after my decesse if she be unmaried in my life have fourtie pounds of the issewes & profets of the forsaid landes (&c) to hir marriage if she be rewlid by the advyse of my said feoffes in hir marriage. (A similar provision for Elianor & Esebell his second and third daughters.) Also I will that iche oon of my said thre daughters shal have a sufficient fynding of the issewis and profets of the forsaid lands (&c) to they be maried if thei be rewled by my said feoffes. Also I wil, ordayne & admyt Elazabeth Hagerston my wife & John Collyngwod my full executors after my decesse to dispon al my goods as they thynk most behofful for the well of my soul & my Children. In witnes (&c) the x daye of Decembr.' 8 Hen. 8. (1516)

LXXVI. JOHN trollop, of THORNLEY, SQuyer.'

From a Copy of the Probate in the Thornley Chest, made by Mr. Surtees.] In Dei Nomine Amen-the xth day of Aprill the yere of o Lord God a thousand fyve hundreth and xxij — I Ihon Trollop of Thorneley Squyer beyng of hole mynde loued be Almighty God maketh this my p'sent Testament or last will in maner and forme folowing. Furst I bequeth my soule to Almyghty God to or blessed Lady Saynt Mary and to all the hole Company of heven my body to be buried in the Churche of Kellowe in my Porch of or Ladye there betwixt my Wife there and the Alter ende with my Mortuarie due & accustomed Also I bequeth to the high Alter there for my tethes forgotton ij ...... Also I bequeth xx3. to bye a Vestment to the High Alter there Also I bequeth to the said Churche of Kellow two torches pric' viij. Also to the Church of Esyngton two torches pric' viij.Also to the Church of Petyngton xxvj3 viiijd to bye a Chalice with. Also I bequeth to of Lady of Petye of Segefeld vj. viijd. Also I bequeth to Sr. Thos. Cornay iij'. to synge for me for two yeres if the same Sr. Thos. so long lefe And if he die afore the said two yeres so ended then I wylle that myne

1 John Trollop, of Thornley, Esq., married first Jane, daughter of Robert Tempest, of Holmside, Esq., and secondly, Alice Morland, of Pittington. By the former he left eight children.


Executors cause another Preest to synge oute the same two yeres s'vyce for my soule Also I bequeth to the freers of Hertelpole x. to synge a trentall for my Soule. Also to the Obs'vances of Newe Castell x3. Also to the Mount Grace xs. Also to the other Thre houses of the freers of N. Castell vjs. viij. ev'ry oon of theym. Also to the Guylde of our Ladye of Kellowe xx. and my harpe. Also to ev'y oon of my s'vntes both men & wymen xijd.-to John Cowndon & Richard Fisheborne either of them a colt stagge. Also I bequeth to John Trollop of Newe Castell xx3. Also to Jane Robynson of Durham ijs. Also I will that myne Executor make an obbet of xx. at my twelfmonth day. Also I bequeth to my doght Elizabeth xx. to bye household stuffe with Also to my doghter An Spence x. Also I bequeth to my Bedesman Roger Rede of Eden Chapell vj. viij. Also I will that the same Roger be bedesman at Eden Chapell his lyf tyme & lie to have the gate of two kye & a horse in Somer & sufficient hay for thaym in Wynter with the garthynges & Orchard perteyning thereto as I have marked closed into it And he to for me and myne Awncestres and Successors & all the heires of Eden with all Cristen Soulls Also I will that my sons Lawrence Trollop & Roger Trollop have a yerely rent of iij'. vjs. viija. during their two lifes equally to be devyded amongest theym. And if it fortune eyther of theym to dye as God defende then I will that my son Frawnces have his parte soo dyeing dureing his lyfe and soo the longest lyver of theym thre to have the same yerely rent dureing his lyfe. Also I bequethe to my Wife all suche goodes within the house as she brought from Petyngton for her parte of insighte. Also I will that giff so bee that her nappery or beddying be decaied that then I will they be amended with as good. Also I bequeathe to my said Wyfe a cadron that I bought of John Blaxton with a fether Bed that she and I lieth upon & the bolster therewith with a cou'ing of a bed that I bought of John Blaxton with trees and bestes thereupon of tapstrewarke with all the garne and lyne that she hathe under hande with a spruse coffer with all thynges belonging to hir body with a cupborde in my chamber with all suche other stuffe as she bought with her money. Also I bequeth to my son John Trollop two silver saltes with a bordecloth and two towels a dozen napkyns of diaper warke with a stepelede and an oche of gold & a signet of gold & the seale of myne harmes with the evidence chest the brewehouse as it standeth that is to say a brewelede with a mashefatt and a tapstone with a boltong arke and the bras pottes called Thornley Pottes and herry Pot and all these to be ayre loomes to the place. Also I bequeth

to my said son & heyre my best gowne except my corsprisand with a dublet of black velvet. Also I will that my Wyfe have hir thirde parte of all my goodes my detts to be paied of the hole my goodes equally to be devyded in thre oon parte for my Wyfe such as p'teyneth to hir by the lawe oon other parte to be devyded amongest my childer not promoted the thirde parte thereof belonging to my sellfe to goo for performance of this my last Will and Testament and the residue thereof to be equally devyded emongst my said Children and the expence of myne Executors to be paied of my partie. Also though by the Auctorite of the Lawe I may bequeth diverse thynges to be doon of my landes and profettis thereof yet for the entier favour which I bere to my son John Trollop I will not by comawndent so charge hym Nevertheles I require hym for my blessing to give his Susters not married fourty markes for theire advancementis her for he not to be charged before God. And for the p'formaunce of this my present Testament or last Will I make my said son John Trollop Executor soe that he may performe the same my last Will according to this Will my Thies Witnesses Master Thomas Tempest Squyer Sr. John Elleson Vicar of Kellow John Hull and Thomas Whymes with other. The day and yere above written.

[Proved before Ch. Werdale LLB. Commissary Gen'. to the Bp. of Durham, by John Trollop Executor 20 May, 1522.]


[From the Transcript Book, Cur. Dunelm.]

In dei no'ie Amen. Anno D'ni м.CCCCCXXVJ. iiij daye of mrch I sir thomas foster, of edd'stone knight & marshall of ye kyngs towne of berwick upon twedde of p'fite & hole mynd thoughe I be seik in my bodye maks my last and incoverable will and testament in man & forme following first I geue my sowle to gode almightye or lady sanct marye & and all ye holly co'pany of heaving & my body to be buried in ye quere of ye pich church of bambrough be sides ye bodies of my father & mother

1 Sir Thomas Forster, of Adderstone, Co. Northumb., married Dorothy, daughter of Robert Lord Ogle, and among numerous other children left behind him Thomas Forster, of Adderstone, who married Florence, sister of Thomas Lord Wharton and Sir John Forster, Knt., Warden of the Marches, from whom descended the Forsters of Bamborough Castle. Thomas Forster, of Adderstone, the Grandfather of the Testator, by a daughter of Fetherstonhalgh, of Stanhope, left behind him twenty-two sons, of whose descendants Northumberland, but especially Bamboroughshire, was at one time almost literally overspread.


my mortuaries dewe to ye said church and ye church of berwick if it plece God to visit me in ye towne of berwick also I gyve & bequith vnto my ij sonnes Ranold foster & Rowland foster all my lands & ten'nts fee Rents wth th'appurtans yt I hawe wth in ye town & felds of berwick vpon twed to have & to hold all ye said lands and ten'ts with yer appurtenants vnto my foresaid sonnes Rannold foster & Rowland foster and yer assignes for terme of their ij lives yontlye & ye lang' of them & aftr y' disses to remayne to my Right heires for eur witnesses hereof St Cuthb❜t ogle parson of stanope thomas Gwer and lionell graye esquires & James Robinson wth many others.*


[Extract by Mr, Surtees from the will proved at York.]

--to my

Dec. 28. 1528. Robert Bulmer gent. of Bulmer :——master Sir John Bulmer1 and William Bulmer his son a bay stag to my dau. Margaret wife of Rauf Gray a little mazar bowle and a broach which was my mothers.2


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1529. 6. feb. Ego Thomas Lyndley de Scutterskelf corpus ad sepeliendum in ecclesiâ de Rudby in choro coram sedem clerici parochialis quinque serei duarum librarum sint ardentes supra corpus meum tempore missali, quilibet cerius continens unam libram ceræ Capellanus meus celebret unam missam in septimanâ annuatim de quinque vulneribus xp'i pro animâ meâ in Ecclesiâ de Rudby in diebus dominicis altari pro decimis oblitis vj3. viija.. -Laurentio Kigheley filio

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The Wills and Inventories thus designated are transcribed from the Registers of the Consistory Court of Durham. The absence of an asterisk implies, except when otherwise specified, that the document is copied from the original Will or Inventory..

1 Sir John Bulmer, Knt., married first, Anne, daughter of Sir Ralph Bigod; and secondly, Margaret, illegitimate daughter of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, who was beheaded in 1521- and having joined in the Pilgrimage of Grace, was attainted of high treason, and forfeited his estates to the crown. William Bulmer, his (second) son, above-mentioned, was ancestor of the Bulmers of Levenige, Co. York.

2 The will of a junior branch of the great family of Bulmer, of Wilton, in Cleveland, who lived, probably, upon a farm let to him by his master (as he calls him), at a mere nominal rental.

3 Thomas Lyndley, of Scutterskelf, in Cleveland, married Margery, dau. of Sir Thomas Newport, Knt., and died in 1530, leaving behind him three daughters and co-heiresses.

meo unum equum, unam togam et unum dublet de cerico. Thomæ Laton de Thorneton unam togam, unam tunicam et equum Percivallo Mylner consanguineo meo quinque libras Johanni Kighley xl. Domui Montis gratiæ x3. pro uno trentali quatuor ordinibus Fratrum xx3. videlicet cuilibet ordini vs. Mariæ Laiton xl. Ecclesiæ de Cowdon ijs. — Ecclesiis de Semar et Caton iijs. iiija. quilibet servorum michi servientes in die sepulturæ meæ habeant unum agnum et unam ovem- Residuum-Marjorie Lyndley uxori meæ et Willielmo Pacock clerico.

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Inventarium Johannis Sayer de Worsall Armigeri in Doмo ejus et EXTRA; per Edwardum Oglethorpe, Joh. Hall, Tho. Makarighe, Thomam Wraa, xij Jan. м


CAMERA. Ten silu' spones xx". A silur salte xvj. A goblet of silu xx". A bande of a maser ijs. viijd. AULA. iij hyngynes iij3. LECTUALIA [&c. &c.] CATALLA. Thre yong horses iij'. vjs. viij. iij filles xxx. One baye mayer & a fole xxxiij. iiij. iij mares and their foles xxxiij. iiijd. ij olde mares xx3. iij bulls xxx. viij stots of iij yeares xij. each. xv calves iij'. — vj brasse potts x. xxx acr' wheite iiij. x. xx draught oxen xx'. xxx stirkes Ix'. xiijs. iiija. xlvj milke kye & calves xlvj'. ARELOMES P'TEYNING Y SONE & HEIR. 2 A chyne of golde. crosse of golde. A fflorie of golde & a signet of golde & a stepe leade wth ij brasse pots one of my gransires making, one other of my fadres maki'g. A brew lede & ij side bords in ye hall. In ye kitchen ij raches & gallowes & a long speeth. LEGATA. To Francis Saire beside his legacie iij kye & a black meare. To litell John Saire 3 Wm sone and hear ij mares & ij kye. To John Westrop j p'r of silv' croks. To Wm Benson vjs. viija. To Stoxley Kyrke x', To Egglescliff Kirke x3. To Aluerton Kirke xs. To Ric Eshdell a youg mar. To Francez saier a flore of golde enameld with blew & j stone in it. To Sr Will. Busby vj. viijd. To ye frears of Yarme v3. of Aluerton vs. frears obseruant of Newcastell v. of Hertipole v3. To Leonard Saier

1 John Sayer, of Worsall, Esq., married Margery dau. and heir of William Conyers, of Thormanby, Esq.

2 The son and heir was William Sayer, who married Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Gilling, Knt., and died within twelvemonths after his father.

3 Little John was the eldest son of William and speedily succeeded to the estate.

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