Also I George Conyers "the ij twynes" & to the longer liver land in Egglescliffe, with an annuity of iij'. vj. viij.-To Thomas his youngest son for life lands in Fysheborne with xx marks.-He then entails his lands upon his sons Raufe, John, Matthew, Cuthbert, Robert, George, & Thomas, in succession. He next bequeaths £100 in moneye playte or moneye worthe, to each of his daughters Francis & Elizabeth to her mariage,] if she will taike it and followe hir mother and her frends for hir honestie and profitt and no other wayes. Also I geve & bequithe the daye of my buriall to be delt for my soull to powre howsholds w'in the pishe v'. at the discressione of my executo'. will & bequithe to my p'ishe churche of Sedgefeld xx of money for the relief and worke of the said Churche to be paid them at the descressene of my executors. Also I bequithe to my gostlie faither there vs. to have me in reme'braunce. Also I bequithe to the p'esoners of Duresme gavyll to be distributed in allmes x. Also I bequithe to bridges and heighe wayes fortie shillings. Also I bequithe to all my servants that haithe bein wt me by the spaice of vij yeres there wags that is behind and also one holl yeres waiges to provyd themselves in. Also I bequithe to all my servands there wages behind that haithe bein w me by the space of fyve yeres and vj3. viijd. a peice of them to provide themselves wthall. Also I bequithe to my s'vants that haithe bein withe me by the spayse of iij yeres there wagges behinde vnpaid and half a crowne a peace of them. Also I doo bequithe to my waif Maire Conyeres one of my basens of silv' wt the ever p'cell gilte, one salte of silve1 dublye gylt w' the coue', one silver cuppe duble gilte wt the cou'. Also I bequithe to Rauffe Conyeres my eldest sonne' one other Baysen the ewer of selver p'cell gilte, item one salt with the cov of selver duble gilte, item one standinge cupe or a boull gylt wth the cour Also I bequithe to my cossin An Gower for so muche as I have founde muche gentlenes in my brother Raufe Conyers whose soull God p'don as well towards my sonne John' Conyers for the gyfte of his lands as in that he maid me the executor of all his goods one pounsyd peice and xls in money, of my own god will wth out any cause of consyence, if she will be lovinge & a greable to my wife and children, and I geve to eu'y one of hir children vs. All the rest of my goods not bequithed, debts legaces & fune'all expensis paid, I geve and bequithe to my wiffe Marie Conye's Raufe Conye's Mathew Conyers Cuthb't Conye's John Conye's Rob't Conye's George Engaged in the rebellion of the Earls of Westmorland and Northumberland in 1569, and died attainted in 1603. Conyers Thomas Conyers whom I make my full executors to order & dispose all the said goods for there owen profetts & the weil of my soull and most speciallie my said wiffe to be the cheife evecutor if she keipe hir vnmarryd emongest hir children and hollie to keipe the howse to gethere if it can be as I have done hetherto & if anye of the said executo" be disobedyentt willfull or fraward not willing this my last will and testamentte to be fullfilled p'formed and done, then he or they so stoborne and fraward to be there excludid of anye medlinge of this my last will and testament, prainge my nevie Sr George Conyers and my brother in lawe Thomas Laiton and my cossin Thomas Myln to be sup'visors of this my last will and to see that my said executors taike such order emongst them as maye staund wth lawe and consyence and p'fiet charitie vsed emongest them. And my Nevie Sr George to have for his paynes fo'tie shillings. my brother Thomas Laitone to have for his paynes thirtie thre shillinges fower pence and my cossin Thomas Myln' for his payne thritie iij. iiij. In witness &c. Witnessis Edmund Stapletone curat &c. [Pr. 1558.] CXXXIV. JOHN HARTBURNE OF STILLINGTON. In the name of god Amen ye xiijth day of Aprill in yo yeare of our lord god 1560 I John hartborne of stillington wthin the p'ish of Readmarshall thankes be to god holl of minde & memorye althoughe seke in bodye make my last will & testament in maner & forme followinge. ffirste of all I giue & bequithe my soule to almighty god etc. and my body to be buried wthin ye sayd churche yard of Readmarshall nighe vnto my father wth laudabile ceremones as are p'mitted by ye lawe. It'm I giue to my espiciall good mr mr chaytor for a token vjs viijd & to my singular frend m2 Richard m'shall p'son of stainton x3. It'm sr Nicholas hartborne vj. viijd. It'm I giue to s Robert Richardson myne old ffrend to pray for me vjs. viijd. It'm I giue to my brother s Robert hartborne ij old rialles in gold, & to my sister Alleson smith an old angell & likwise I giue & betquithe to euery one of my other three sisters viz Agnes Janet & Margarete an old angell a peace It'm I giue to my nepho sr Will'm bat'bye in mony vj'. & to my nepho Edward hieson a crozado in gold & to his brother thomas a george noble. It'm I giue to John bawterbye my nepho & allison his sister to either of them v'. & to eu'ye one of my three sisters children vj3. viijd. a peace. It'm I giue to myne old faythfull s'uante John hertborne xl3. & to my seruant Richard turner ijs. & to will'm hartborne vj3. viija. It'm to my seruant Thomas hicson x'. & to ether of my other seruants will'm Pattinson & Rob'te stellin xijd a pece & to my mayd seruante xijd. It'm I giue to eurye one of my godsons & goddaughters xij. a peac. It'm I give to my unkle will'm hertborne vs & to his children amonge them x3. & to Will❜m hartborne of elstob vs. wherof he oweth me ijs. viijd. It'm I giue Mawd Lawson for hir great paynes taken wth me vj3. viij.: the residue of my goods not geuen nor bequited I frely giue to my brother Robert hartborne & Allason smith my sister whome Jointly togither I make my full executors they to disponde my sayd goods to ther p'fet & my soules health. It'n I make suprouisers of this my last will my brother Edward hixson Raufe bawterbye & thomas Wright they thre to se the same p'formid accordinglye & for ther paynes sustened in that behalfe I give to euery one of them vjs. viijd. Records of this will Sr Richard M'shall Edward hicson Robt. hartborne Robte Jackson Anthony Nicholson Roger Megson Robert Richarson p'son Readm'shal. THE INVENTORY of all the goods & cattell moveable & vnmoveable appartening to John hartborne of stillington deceased praysed by thes honest men viz Rob't hertborne Richard gibson John lamley & thomas rddisdayl. xx oxen & ij stots xxx'. vj3. viijd.—ix kye vj yonge nowte ij stirks xiij'. xiij. iiijd.-vj worke horses and meares xviij', thre stages of thre yeares & two stages of two yeares & ij foles vij' xij old sheape & two lambes xxiijs. iiijd.—ij sewes and hogges & v pigges xxvjs viijd—a cok thre hennes & v chekens iijs. iiijd waines plueghs & suche geare xiij'-corne in barne & garners viij-corne in the felds baith winter & wayre about xl duble Acres xl'.-in the haul, Kitchin, brewhouse, back house & kilne wth other houses of offices with the app'tenanc' viij'.-bedding and suche like in cha'bers viij Som exlix'. xiijs. iiijd.* CXXXV. RICHARD SOMERSETT OF OXNelfeyld. In dei nomine Amen the xxiijth day of Julye in the yeare of or lord god 1560 I Richard Somersett of oxnelfeyld beinge of hole and p'fite minde thankes be to god make this my last will and testamente in man' & forme followinge ffirst I com'end my soull to Allmightye god my maker & redemer and to the ffellowship of the blessed company of heaven and my body to xp'iane mans buriall It'm giue to the poore people of ye p'she of Darlington vjs viijd to be given vnto them att the discretion of mine executors It'm I bequith to my sister v1 It'm bequith to John Pulson xx It' I bequith to Roger Pulson vj viijd It' I giue to my brother foreman v1 & my buffe ledder coote It' I bequith to george herrison my satten dublett It'm I bequith to xpo'for harison xx Item I bequith vnto my wiffe margarett somersett two of my best Kyen It'm I will that she and my children be mine executors of this my last will and testamente and the sup'visors therof my foresayd brother foreman and my welbeloued frends George harison and x'pofor harison wch thre I will shall have the orderinge of my brother Robert Som'setts lease for the behoue of my wiffe and my children and the childring of my sayd brother and that my sayd thre sup'visors shall pay furth of the ferme of the sayd lease to my wiffe and my children so sone as may be twentye marks wch I have layd furth about the sayd ferme of my goodes witnes herof s John Clapham, vicare of Darlington xp'ofer harison & Robert Hall.* CXXXVI. WILLIAM WATSON, OF NORTON. testate and In the name of god amen the xxijth daye of June in the yere of I Will'm Watson of norton seke in my bodye and holl of mynde and p'fte remembran last will in man' and forme folowinge ffirst I bequithe my soull to Almigh maker and redem' my bodye to be buryed w'in the p'ishe churche of norton. Item I yeve vnto the of norton xija Item to the churche of gryndon xija. Item I yeue to my son Raff watson one yron bounde wayn and vj oxen of the best at thorp. Item I yeue vnto thomas wright my wyfes son v' xiijs iiijd in money one yron bound wayn wt a cowpe wayn a ploughe and gere belonging it and iiij oxen to be delyvered him at the discretion of my sup'uisors ou' and besydes vj' whiche I owe hym for his childes porc'on. Also I yeue to the said thomas wright a cownter an ambre a brewinge leade a maske ffat a tub stone a horn garneshed wt siluer a horn band set wt silver stothis and a cup called a nutt wt a cou' garneshed wt silu' and gilt. Item I yeue vnto Roger wright my wyfes son xx angelles ou' and besydes xiij vjs viijd whiche I owe hym for his childes porc'on It' I yeue to my son Raff watson xlviij' in old moneye Item I yeue vnto my doughter alyson watson viij xiijs iiija in old money. Item I yeue vnto elysabethe watson my doughter viij' xiijs iiijd in old moneye and demye of siluer and gilt Item I yeue vnto my doughter Kathern Watson viij' xiijs iiija in old moneye and a pair of silu' crookes gilt Item I yeue vnto margarete wigayn my doughter iij' Ite' I yeue vnto my m' m Swynbor' one old ryall and Ite' I geue his wife an angell to be good vnto my children. vnto m, palmes one old ryall and to his wyfe an angell to be good to my children. Item whereas my brother Edward watson did owe me x' as appearithe by his will I will that it be geue' equally amongst my said brothers children. Item I yeue vnto my brother John hedel'm an angell. Ite' I yeue vnto my godson wm gataird an angell Item I yeue to Symon Robson an angell. Ite' I yeve to my godson henrye wright ijs iiija Item to my godson wm harp'leye iijs iiij. Ite' to will'm Sotheron my sun'te one ffrenche crowne. Item to george thompso' my sun'te iij iiijd if he remayn vnto m'tynmas. Item I yeue vnto mr chayto' one ffrench crowne to be good to my children. The resydue of my goodes my debts and ffun'alles discharged I yeue vnto Raff watso', roger wright, alyso' watso', elsabeth watso' and Kathern watso' whome I make my full executors of this my last will and testate requiringe my trustie ffrendes Anthony hoton John robson and Roland gateard to be sup'uisors of this my will to see all my goodes and catalles bestowed as they thincke good for the vpbringing and welthe of my children as they will annswere the the co'trarye in tyme to come. Ite' I yeue vnto the said Anthonye hooton and John robso' either of them an old ryall and to roland gatard an angell In witness hereof I have subscribed this my will wt myne hand in the p'sence of Rob'te Claxto' curate of norto' Nycholas harpley and Thomas wright and I yeue to eu'y of them one ffrenche crowne for a token by me wm watso'. CXXXVII. JAMES FENNYE, OF NEWCASTLE, GROCER AND In dei nomine Amen the Last daye of October in the yere of or Lord god a thowsande fyve hu [cire 1560] I James ffennye of the towne of newcastle upon tyne Grocer and Potticcarie of good & Thanks be to almightie god yet su'thinge Crased in bodie and myndinge that after be no Contension nor Contravorsie for and about the dystribution of my goods where fore I have maide thes my last will and testamente in maner and fo'me followinge That is to say ffirst I Bequethe my soule to Almightie god my bodye to be buried wthin the churche of Saincte Nycholas Toune aforesaid wthin the porche of sancte Cuthbert there beinge wth my funerall and obsequies according th' ancient and Lawdable custome of the said Towne Also I yeue and Bequithe to the prysoners and poore people of this towne fortie shs to praye for me Also I yeue and |