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bequithe to my brother George ffenne all that my house and tenement in the towne aforesaid in the Syed late in the tennure of henrye watson Glover there deceased To hym and to his heires of his bodie lawfullie Begotton fo' ever Also I yeue and bequethe to my said brother George the somme of xx1 of Englishe money Also I yeue and bequethe to my said brothers doughter Janne ffenne one silver sawlte wth a couer doble gilte beinge my lesser salte and syxe silver spones of ye maydenheddes Also I yeue aud bequethe to my said brother his daughter Elizabethe ffennye one playne pece of silver conteninge xiiij vnc' Also I geve and Bequethe to my said brother his dowghter Mawde ffenne fyve poundes of Englishe moneye towarde her mariage Also I yeue and bequethe to my Brother Robert ffenne the somne of twentie poundes of Englishe money wch said twentie pounds I will to be deleuered in to the gubernac'on and custodie of my said Brother George ffenne and he to delewer yearelie to the said Robert ffenne the soume of fortie shillings vnto such tyme as the said soume of twentie poundes be fullie paid Also I yeue & bequethe to my brother John ffenne the soume of xx of Englishe money Also I yeue and Bequethe to my brother x'pofor ffenne all that my tenement and howse lienge in the foresaid towne in the Syde now enhabited by one henrye lightefote to hym and to the heirs of his bodie lawfullie begotten fo' ever. Also I yeue & Bequethe to my said Brother xp'ofor ffenne thre letell gardens lieinge in the said town in a place Called the paynter hughe to him and to theires of his Bodie Lawfullie Begotten for ever. Also I yeue vnto my said brother xp'ofer ffenne the soume of xx' of EngAlso I yeue and bequethe to my welbeloved wyfe Johan ffenne my neowe howse lyeinge in the Syde within the foresaid towne and now by me the said James enhabited to her the said Joh'n ffenne duringe hir lyfe naturall and after hir decease I yeue and bequethe my said newe howse & Tenement wth th appurtenances to my brother xp'ofor ffenee And to heires male of his bodye lawfullie Begotten for euer. Also I geue and Bequeathe to my said wyfe a garden lyenge in the paynter hughe and now in th'occupation of me the said James vnto her my said wyfe duringe her lyfe naturall and after her deceuse to remane and be to my said Brother xp'ofor ffenne and to the heires male of his Bodie lawfullie begotton for ever Also I yeue and Bequethe to my said brother xp'ofor his sonne James ffenne one goblat of Silver waynge xvj vnes Alse I yeue and Bequethe to my said Wyfye John fenne and to my said Brother xp'ofor ffenne Joyntlye to gether all the p'ficte and comoditie of my full yeares & yet to come of a ferm holde in pencharde in

lishe mone

the countie of Durham withe the corn there vppon now sowen Also I yeue and Bequethe to my said Brother xp'ofor ffenne one annuall owterente of two yssuenge and goenge forth of a tenemente in pandon now enhabited withe robt Brokars m, and marinar to him and to theirs of his body lawfullie begotten for ever Also I yeue and bequethe to the childeren of my sist Jane fenne beinge three in nombre the sume of xl3. a pece Also I will that my said brother xp'ofor ffenne the gubernac'on and custodie of the said xls a pece amowntinge to the sume of vj1. duringe the minorities of the thre childeren. Also I yeue and Bequethe to my unckeles sonne James ffenne the some of and eighte pence of Englishe money. Item I yeue & Bequethe to my said wyfe her Brother ye some of xls. of Englishe money Also I yeue and Bequethe to Elizabethe ffenne dowghter of my said Brother xp'ofor ffenne the some of v1 of Englishe money and one Silver I yeue and bequethe to everie of my god children ijs vjd a pece. Item I yeue unto my prentice Robart Eden twentie shillings of Englishe money Also I yeve & bequethe Sarvant Elyno' Anderson The residue of all my goods

Xxx. of Englishe money. debts & Legacies beinge emediatlie after my deacese paid I

[blocks in formation]

wyfe whome I do orden

order and of this my

Seall the daie and yeare abovesaid Thames ffenne Witnesses herof xpofo' ffenne Robart Eden Elinor a'dreson and Thomas tristram the writer thereof and Robart wode curate Cuthbart sticknell m'channt & Anthony leche.*


CHIPCHASE [circ. 1560.]'

I will that my sonne John Chypches the eld' shall taike The gyddynge of my faither if he leve after me wt all Couna'ntts That is to saye To find hym fyre and a chamber wt all wessyng wryginge (rigging, cloathing) & one to help hym one wt his clothes and of as he had Before tyme.*

1 An extract only; a plan hereafter followed in numerous instances.


In the naime of God Amen. The ixth daye of Auguste in the yeare of our Lord God a thousand fyve hundrethe thre score and one, I Jenett Beamont of Knitsley wthin the p'ishe off Medomsley single woma' hole of mynd & good & p'fitt of remembrance, praise & thanks be gyven vnto Allmigtie God do maike & ordeyn this my last will & testament in man' hereafter folow

ing. Fyrste I bequithe, & most frelie, my soul to God Almightie, my maker & redemer, & my body to be buryed wthin the churche yarde of Lanchester. Item I gyve & bequithe to Dame Beamonde my stepe mother my best gowne, a grein kirtle, my wedding smokke & my wedding hose. Item I gyue to Thomas Rippons wyffe, my half sister my best kirtle. Item I gyve to George Fuster wyff my halffe sister my next best kirtle, and I gyve to Dame horsley of Scoken my hole sister a grein gowne & a read hatt. Item I gyue to M'garet Blenkinshope my sister doughter my sangwain kirtle & my coffer. Item I gyve to Elizabethe Hall, Thomas Hall daughter of West Butisfeld one raill & one gymber lambe. Also I gyve to my two halfe brethren Wm Beamonde & John e'y of them one pair of hose clothe & to ye said Wm yong wenche one yeard of clothe to be hir a coote, & I forgyve Richerd Beamond iij3. iiija. by the consent of Robert Layburne wch he owethe to the said Robert & me, so that ye said Richerd gyve xx". y'of to his brother George Beamonde. The resydewe of all my goods & cattalls moveable & vnmoveable I gyve & bequithe to ye said Robert Laborne of Knitsley whom I maike my full executor [&c.] and he to bringe me honestlie furthe. Wytnesses hereof St John Crossbie p'st, [&c].*


In the name of God Amen. the xx daye of m'che, the yeare of or Lord God 1561. I Bartholomewe Lylbourne of Shyldon of the p'ishe off St Andrewes hole of mynd and p'fett of remembrance, laude & praise be to Almightie God maiks my testament & last will in man' and forme folowing. Fyrste I gyve

1 This is a very interesting will. The testator was great grandfather to the famous Parliamentary General, John Lilburne, and had, in his younger days, been present at the celebrated interview between King Henry VIII. and the King of France, arrayed doubtless in the coat of plate mentioned in his will. His body armour seems to have been numerous and valuable.

and bequithe my soule to Allmightye God my maker and redemer; and my bodye to be buried in St Cuthbert porche of St Androwes wth such dewties as the churche is endewed wth, as yt pleasethe Allmightie God for to provide. Item I Item I gyve and bequithe to my two sonnes Nicholas Lilburne and George Lilburne equallie to be devided betwene them all my eight oxen wth all husbandrie geare them belonginge as yokes, som'es, a long wayne, and a paire of bun'e wheills. Item I gyve & bequithe to Nycholas Lilburne a stuffed Jacke, a payre of splents, a steill cappe, a pistola of gold & a sylver spoine. Item I gyve & bequith to George Lilburne two angells of gold, a sylv' spoine, a silver belt coloure greine, allwaies provided yt ye said George shall nev' gyve ne sell them to none other but to his own kyndred. And the said George & Agnes his sister to haive a meyre & hir follower, to be brought vp & fedd & the encrease y'of at ther fathers house. Item I gyve & bequithe to my doughter Agnes Lilburne the half of my insight & bedding wthin the house. Item I gyve and bequithe to my doughter margerie. a belt [? gelt] whie in recompence of a cowe of hirs yt I had, and th'other halffe of ye insight and bedding wthin the howse. Item I gyve & bequithe to John Lilburne my sonne all my lande freholdes [&c.] my best horse, all my harnes, a cott of plaite, a paire of splentts, a steill cappe, two coupes, a paire of wheills, a sylver spoine, a counter, a bedd of clothes, two stotts, and as the said John will haive my blissing, to be naturall to the rest of his brether & sisters, whills God send them some pairte of leving. And to require the right hon'able Earle Henrie th'erle of Westm❜lande for my courte Rowles wch his L. had of me. The resydewe [&c.] I gyve to Nicholas, George, Agnes, & M'gerie Lilburne, &c.

A longe wayne, a

INVENTORY. Eight oxen xv. vjs. viija. paire of yron bound wheills, fyve yowks, fower som'es, a ploughe coulter soche two shaikles two lynn pynns two axell nailes liij3. iiijd. vj kye wth calves or having calves ix'. vj. viij. A stott xxxvj. viijd. Fower stirks & two calves xlviij. xxix whethers & ewes iiij'. xvj. viij. xiiij hoggs xxvij. iiij. A meyre wth hir folower xxxiij. iiij. xx threives of wheit unthresshed xlvj. A chald of otes & a halffe xxxijs. In wheit & rie besides x threve xxxiij. 4. In wheit sawen vpon the ground to ye valewe of xv acres v'. Halff a chalder of malt x3. viij. A sewe & iij piggs iijs iiijd. A gann' a baithe [ita] and two yonge geise ijs. IN THE CHAMBER. Two fethear beds with all things thervnto belonging xl. Two other beds withe ther geare xiij'. iiijd. A counter vj. viijd. Two hammeries x. Fyve brasse potts xx. iij kettles, ij panns, a copper pann, a basinge a


chawfin dyshe xviij peice of puder vessell xxvj. viija. Thre sylver spoines x*. A womans belt xx. A nother belt x3. Fower chistes vs. iiijd. In harnes xv3. A horse liij. iiijd. Two stotts xx3. Two coupes & wheills vs. Two ewes iiij. viijd. vj henns & a cocke xiiij. Two caupons vjd. A cawdron, a tubb, a wortetroughe x. In bords & formes tonges & rechincroks vs.*


In dei nomine amen The ffourth off Januarye in the vere of or Lorde god a thowsand fyve hundreth lxj I John Crawfurthe clerk p'bendarye of the cath' churche of durh'm beinge craised in bodye yett in good memorye thanks be to god makes this my last will and testat in maner & forme following first I bequieth my soule in to th'ands of almightie god besiching hym for ye love of his sonne or lorde Jesus christs sake to haue m'eye vpon me by whos merits I truste only to be sauved And I will my dead bodye to be buried in sancte michaell churche off wytton gylbert yf so be yt I dye their And yf it please god to send me health to come home to Durh'm then my mynde is yf god take hym to his m'eye then to be buried wthin the cath' churche before boultons aulter2 there besydes the cloke It'm I bequieth to my Lorde Suffragain one old riall Itm to m' Doctor benett one sylver spone wth the maidenhead Itm to mr doctor Todd one sylver spone of the same fashion Itm to m1 stephen m'leye one sylver spone of the same sort Itm to m' george cliff one sylver spone of the same sort Itm to my holyday one olde angell Itm to mr pilkinton one sylver spone wth the maydenhead Itm to m' rob't dalton one sylver spone of the same sort Itm to m' stephe'son3 one sylver spoone wth the maidenhead Itm I bequieth to eu'y one of the pety cannons acrowne of v3 except S thomas pentland to whome I bequieth one old angell and to sir John Broune curat of wytton gylbert one other olde angell Itm I bequieth to the epistoler & gospeller either of them a crowne Itm I bequiethed to m' Brimley

1 Second Prebendary of the first stall-presented by the Crown in 1543— Vicar of Midford in 1546-Spiritual Chancellor under Bishop Tunstall.

2 An altar dedicated to the Virgin, and the Impropriator, if the term may be so used, of the Tithes of the Chapelry of Bolton, in Northumberland.

3 One of the Prebendaries, many of whom have been already mentioned in the Will.

The Organist, who is buried in the Galilee of the Cathedral, under a quaint rhyming Epitaph.


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