tuen my son Jhone and thomas Also I giv more to my sone thomas one whete rege yt is sawen in Northumberland Witnesses the Curat Jhone brone prest bartram hurd and Jhone Copland wth others. An Inventori of Jhone Coplants goods ye elder dwelling in witton gilbert tone deseesed apprased the xxvjth day of fabruari in the yere of our lord god 1564 by thes iiij honest men viz bartram horde Jhone gelson Robert gelson Richard Wrangam. Imprim's his best Jacket ijs viija_his best hose xijd-his best dublatt xijd-a nother Jackett xvjd-a secondari dublatt viijd... a nother payre of hose viij-another Jackett iiijd-one old dublatt iiijij shetes ijs.—one yron rakincrok iiijd. his swerd and dagger xijij brass potts iij3. iiij.—iiij peac of puther xvjd-one potager & a candelstek iiijd-one Jron spete iiij one old broken handrey vja—one pare of showes viijd_ij of hony xvjd-so mutch hay vnspended as as valud to ijs-an acre of ware corne prased to iij3. iiija.—ij kyne eather of them xvj3—a whi xiij3. iiij.-x weather shepe everi of them ijs iiija— x yowes & g'mers everi of them ij-ix hogg shepe every of them xvjd. S'm vj1 vs. ija. THE DETTS OWING TO THE DEAD Imprim's Robert hall owith xijd-Robert Watson xija. S'm ijs. the totall s'm wth the Detts comes to vj vij ijd. THE DETTS YT Y DEAD OWE Imprimis for the reparations of the houses longing to the same is prased to the s'm of xx3. xx3. It' ther is owing by the dead tho rob't dobson of shiplaw viij.—to my sone thomas coplant v3-S'm xiijs. Imprim's for the'xpenses in his sicknes time wth arvel costes xx3. vjd. It' for writing the Inventori & will & expenses att the prising of the goods comes to xviij. S'm xxij. S'm tot' deduct' liiijs. So remainth clere iij1 xiij3. ijd.* S'm CLXXI. JOHN COKESON, CORDENER, IN GATESHED. John Cokeson cordener in Gateshed. Inventory 19 Oct. 1564. Inter alia iiij dossen schoes ijs. viijd. (ita)-broken ledder xxxij. The shope geare x3. His clothes, a gowne a cloke a Jacket two dublets two payr of hose xxx3. owes for makinge a girken xx".* * Mr bartram CLXXII. ROBERT WILD, OF EVENWOOD. Fabruari xiiij 1564- to Jhone my eldest sonne a blucote and a dublett of cassaye -vnto Robert my sone a bleve cote, P weh was my lord of northfolks' leverye-vnto Lancelot my sone a broune cote-vnto Alleson my doghter one whi calf and to have the grasse of it vnto it be a cow." CLXXIII. LIONELL EMERSON, OF HUNTER BANKS. Inventory. 25 May 1564. Thre Jackets one lether dublet ij payre of hose, ij sherts, one hat, one capp, one cloke, one sword wth a buckler, one dagar, a payre of butes wth spores a payre of shoes, one sadle, one bridle, one bowe & halfe a shafe of shafts xxx. For ij layre stawls in yo churche vj3. viija.* CLXXIV. ROBERT MIDFORTHE. Inventory dated viij Nov. 1564. Inter alia Two last of flax att eghten pound a last-Ri xxxvij. iiijd. the chalder - His best goune xls. One damask Jacket garded wth veluet xxvj. viijd. One dagg wth flask and tutchbockes vs. One bow a shef of arrowes and a shoting glov v.-Debts-to the lord sofraxij'.-to frans perdecane-to another franshman caulled dean of dep vj'.—To Sir bartra' hardwicke and haith for the same on gilt peace with a cuver iij'. vjs. viijd.—to Jane Anderson for a yer and a half wages xviijs. To Janes is servand for half an 2 a yer wags x3. 3 CLXXV. ROLAND PRATT, PARSON OF WESSHYNGTON. INVENTORY 18 Dec. 1565. HYS RAYMENT AND RYDING GERE. Two saddills ij bryddells ij swerds, j dagger, ij pare boots, j pare spores, iij pare showes, iiij syde gownes, iij short gownes, j clok, j olde ffusshen doublett, ij pare hoose, iij pare boote hoose, iij sherts, ij jerkyns, j olde chamlett sleveles jackytt ij hatts, j preist cappe, ij vnder capps, v1. DEBTS, 1 Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, the English General at the Battle of Flodden in 1513, and afterwards Duke of Norfolk. The Testator had perhaps been in his service, and so had acquired the Livery Coat which he bequeaths to his son. 2 Bishop Sparke, whose name has already so often occurred. He seems to have been a great money lender. 3 Presented to the Rectory of Washington, 6 Jul. 1558—and apparently Rector of Rounton in Northallertonshire, where he received his tithes "beforehand." The wedding suit of his daughter cost, as appears, £3 11s. 10d. INTER ALIA To Mr Thomas Craythorne esquier wch the sayd Sir Rolland had receyved beforehand for the rent of the p'sonage of West Runegton and not expyred at his, death for j hole yere and on half after the rate of xj' in the yere xvjl x3. To the executors of Henry Smythe late of london Imbroderer xx'. -to John Vasye for a gowne xj3. iiijd.—Xp'ofer Smythe a q'ters wags x. To Arthur Johnson of Richemond m'chaunt for the wedding rayment of Katheryn the said Sr Kolland doughter iij1 xjs. x. For a fatt oxe xxxiijs. iiijd. Fun'all expencs xliiij. vijd.* CLXXVI. SIR RALPH HEDWORTH, OF HAWERTON, KNIGHT.' INVENTORY 12 feb. 1565. [Rooms and furniture all specified] Inter alia A payr of virgenalls xls. A strawe bed (in the vtter parlor). THE APPARELL. One tawennye velvet gowne furred wth black satten ij'. vj3. viijd. A black satten gowne furred with martens iij'. A shorte taweny veluet gowne XL. A cremessen satten dublet xxvj. viij. A swerd & a dagger xiij3. iiij. A purse & money x. Total ijc. xlix'. xviijs. xa. THE FUNERALL EXPENCES To Thomas Hall of Durisme for blackes xiij ijs. x. For cappes ribbons & schotchones xxxvj. ija. Charges made at ye churche v'. 2 CLXXVII. RICHARD HEDWORTHE, OF WHICKHAM. In the name of God Amen. The xxiij of August An'o Dn'i 1565. Be it knowen to all men that I Richarde Hedworthe of Whickham being of hole remembraunce makes this my last will and testament in man' and forme following. First I bequith my soule to Almyghty God & all the companye of the saynts in Heven, and my body to be buried in Whickham Churche nyghe vnto myne owen stall. First I giv to my sone Jhone Hedworthe the house yt I dwell in and all the houshold gere as it stands wth all the cattell yt is about the house. I giv to Adrian Hedworth my youngest sone twenty marke. It'm I giv to my sone Anthony Hedworthe xx nobles. It'm I giv to my sone Rob't Hedworth oth' twentie nobles. It'm I giv to my doughter Elsabethe Simpson five marke. It'm I giv to my sone Thomas Hedworth v markes. It'm I giv to my 1 See his pedigree SURTEES, II., 184. Of the family of Hedworth, of Harraton. V. SURTEES, II., 197. It'm poore p'ishioners xl3. and also I giv to the poore mans boxe iij. iiijd. It'm I giv to Richard Herrison and Robert Herrison my doughters children to eyther of them xx3. It'm I give to every one of my servants being in my house, to every one of theme iijs. iiijd. It'u I giv to Robert p'rentisse my hind att Buspletts vjs. viijd. It'm I giv to Richard Hedworthe sone to Rauf Hedworthe two rialls. It'm to my cosing John Hedworthe of Saltwelside other two rialls. It'm I giv to M' gerye Hedworthe and Francis Hedworthe my sone Rauf doughters, to eyther of them one ryall. It'm I giv to my brother Cuthbert Hedworthe and his wif and his iiij children to every one of them x'. It'm I giv to my sone Robert Hedworthe thre childten xxx'. It'm I giv to my sone Thomas Hedworthe doughter Jane Hedworthe x'. Also I giv to my doughter Elsabethe Simpsons iiij children x3 a peace. Also ther is owen vnto one by Sir Rauf Hedworthe xi'. It'm Alexander Bell is owen me iiij marks It'm wedow Kirkusse is owen me xx. It'm Mayster George Lumley is owen me one teme of colles and one olde angell in gold. It'm Mr Roger Blaxton of Gibside is owen me xx3. It'm wedow Sotheran wif to Thomas Sotheran ix3. All the rest I giv vnto my sonnes Rauf, Anthony, Robert, Jhone, Thomas, & Adrian Hedworthe whom I make my executors Mr Jhone Hedworthe of Saltweside supervisor. CLXXVIII. ISABELL TETWORTH.' In the name of God Amen. 10 Dec. 1565. I Isabell Tetworthe of the east grainge in the p'ishe of St Gyles in the cyte of Durham wedow.I gyve towerds reparing of the sad parishe church iijs. iiij.-to my cosen Mr Anthony Mydelton one old angell in gold-to Cuthbert Mydelton my godson one frenche crown in gold-to my sonne Cuthbert Byllingh'm fortye pounds in consideration of his childes portion and other legaces which my late husband Edward Tedworth did give him.-To my daughter Byllingh'm the bay mere wch I bought of Rychard Conyers. * CLXXIX. RAPHE GALLELEY. 20 Nov. 1565. Vnto my doughter Eliz. Gallile one maiser, 1 Daughter apparently of John Claxton, of Old Park, and the wife, in the first instance, of Ralph Billingham, of Crook Hall. one paire of croks of sylver duble gylt, a crucifixe of gold, one tache of sylver gylt and a hart of sylver gilt and fyve sylver spoines. [&c.] To my wyffe Annes fower silver spoines, my best gowne [&c.] I gyve to the vpholding of ye pant the lease of the house that Thomas Newton dwells in duringe ye yeres. To my sone Will'm one Edward Noble that my father gave hym. To Will'm Watson halffe a duble duckett. To Robert Anderson, Edwarde Hudspethe and Xp'ofer Surtes ev'y one of the n a old angell, &c.* CLXXX. MYCHELL ROBINSON. my Mychell Robinson of ye woodhouses par. St Andros aukland xvj maye 1565 I will my sonne Rob't have all work geare and all my wood we I have bought lying where he knowes my sward my saddell & my brits seing yt he be co'tent wt yt and not to covieth or desyre nothing of ye rest of my goods frome the rest of his brethering & sisters my sone Will'm to have for his p'te iij gymmers hoggs a read cappe a meyld cote & a lynning shart wt x shillings in monyeto John my sone a black hacked why by legacs to my wyf ye best cruks & best bed & so muche goods as she brought or els to have ye thirds—— S'm total of Inventory ix'. ijs.* CLXXXI. EDWARD MICHELL, PREBENDARIE OF CARLYSLE.1 In the name of god amen the xxijth of october anno D'ni millisimo Quinge'tisimo sexagessimo quinto I Edward Michell clerke p'bendarie of the cathedrell church of the blessed trinytie of Carlysle Renownsinge all former testame'ts h'tofore settfurthe dothe orden maike and setfurthe this my last testame't wherin ys co'teyned my last will in maner and fforme followinge ffirst I geue my soull to almightie god my creature and red❜mer & my body to be buried wthin the chancell of that churche w'in wch p'ochinge it shall please god to call me to his marcye Item I will that eu'ie p'so' & vicar pr'sente at my burryall haue xxa & there deners & eu'ye other p'eist xijd & theyre den Item I geue to the pow'st howshollders wthin the cytie of carlysle iij1 vjs viija. & that some to be deliueried by my execut to the maiore of Carlisle that he & and the cownsell maye distribute 1 Rector also of Rothbury, in Northumberland, and Aspatria, in Cumberland. |