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rychard altone rafe boyne robert rychardson roger hir sarvand and other moy.

THE INVENTORY mayd the xxiij day of January in ye yeare of or lord god мCCCCCLXV of all the goods moveable & vnmoveable of marget burdon of elton In the county of durham laytly discesed prased by fore honet men rychard mory xp'ofor giffoison and John giffreson rychard alten of alton.

Inp'mis iiij oxen vj'.-a cowe and as tirke xl-one blake stotte xxx-ij stirkes xxxj-one horse and a mere xxxx3xviij shepe iij'—one rede kowe and a calfe xxiij-one swyne iijs. iiijd-Iron garther & ij plowes xiij. iiija silver bell vj3. viijaa window clothe & one seke & iij shapps, & a spining whelle iijs—a laid saddell xijd-a frock & a worsett kertell & iij yerds of red x3-iij happings iiijiij mattresses x3-viij acres of wheat corne of ye ground iiij'-viij acres of ware land vne sowen xx3-xij tharue of wheat In staggarth and xij tharue of haver & pees iij'. vj3. xiija—a gret stacke of hay xiiij3.—viij hennes and a coke ijs-ij waynes & one oxe harrow & a pare of horse harrowes xx-xviij pece of puder xxxiij' iiija-vij brasse potts & iij cawdrons & ij aumr'res & a call & a gret counter & a long bourd & ij chayers & a pare of tongs & a rakin crok & all other bourds & furmes & shalsers xx3-vj coverlets & ij blankets xvjs- a gret ark & ij chists vij-iiij & a trow stone iijs-The dets we M'garet bordon doith owe. To Ric Maud ij-to thom's xiijs iiijd—for ye lords viij' for rep'acon iij. iiijd-one s'vant wage iiijs-ye day of buriall ixs.*


In the name of god Amen The firste daye of februarij in the yere of or Lorde god 1565 I Edward Athey makes my last will and Testoment as hereafter foloweth ffirst I bequethe my soule to Almyghtie God my onelye Saviour and redemer and my bodie to be buried wheras yt shall please my frinds I bequethe to xp'ofor atthe at dublet of grogayne It'm I bequethe to Robert atthe of Longehoughton one old Angell It'm to his brother cuthb't atthe x. It'm to Thomas atthe x'. It'm to John atthe x3. It'm to my sisster Agnes Tayler one old Riall. It'm I bequethe to Thomas taylor of Berwecke an old angell It'm to Richarde Taylor one old angell It'm to George taylor an old angell It'm to Henrye taylor xs. It'm I bequethe to cuthbert sonne of John atthe xs It'm to his brother Thomas atthe x. It'm to Alles Robinsone iijs. iiijd-It'm to dame

me me.

wheatley iijs. iiij. It'm to dame Baker one old angell It'm I forgeve Richarde atthe of chester xiij3. iiijd. the wch he ought It'm I remytt to henrye bucke all the debts That he oweth It'm I bequeth Edward Bucke my god sone two wedders. It'm to Rob't taylor viccor of lesbury my best goune Item I geue and bequieth to elizebeth arnet my sister doghter vjs viijd Item to fillis foster my sister doughter one old angle Item to Margeret rochester vj. viij. The residew of all my goods movable and vnmoveable not bequithed & my debets and funerall expences payde and discherged I geue and bequithe to Agnes taler wedow and robert taler vicker of lesbury whome I make my fulle executors of this my last will and testiment thes being witnesses of the same John browne clarke will❜m watson vicker of bedlynton and robert taler wth other moy.

AN INVENTORY of all the goods moveable and vnmoveable of edwerd athie clarke prased by iiij onest indeferent men videlicet Thomas bygens Jasper horsley will'm gray and John Atthy the vj day of fabuary ao dom'i 1565

Inpmis vj yeards of lynne clothe v3.-iij yerds of courser lynen ijs-vj yeards of lyning vjs. iijd-ij yerds of harden xija— v old sharts viijs-a hand towell & a napkin viija—v pare of shetts & one shet xvs. -v pillowe coverings iijs-ij surplysses x3.

a stand bedd ijs vjd—ij mattresses vj-ij fether beddes & ij bosters xx-ij pare of blanketts iiijs-iiij coverletts & a happen ix3-a counterponnte x3-a truckell bedde xija—iiij pillowes iiijs —a quission xija—a iron chimney a pore & a pare of tongs iiijs -ij chares & a stole xviijd-a lytle table xijda lytle drawing table vs. -a close presse xiij iiija lytle cvpbord ijs-ij lytle chests ijs vjd-iij cadlesticks xx-a possenet a chafingdishe a pott & a lytle pane ijs vja-ij platters ij dishes & a saucer ijs. viijd -his best gowne xx-iiij old gownes xx3-ij clokes viij—a dublett of growgrane x'-a w'sett doublett xvjd-ij old doubletts ijs-ij Jacketts vj3 viijd- his boockes vs- iij pare of hosen iijs-ij silv spounes vj. viija—in gold & silvr xvj1 vs-viij shepe xij3—Sum'a xxviij' ijs-DEBTTS Owing to the said testator Inp'mis s' georg winter doith owe iij' viiijs—John taylor of gillygate xl-georg barbore wyfe x3-wedowe stobbart xiijs. iiija— Sum'a vj1 xjs iiijd-Sum'a tot' xxxiiij xijs. iiij. DEBTTS we ye testator did owe. To s'. edward bayts x-layde furthe for legacis as appearreth by the testament & last will ix'. xviij3—for funerall expencs iij' xiij. iiij. S'm debitor' legator' et pro expenc' funerall xiiij xvjd. Sic remanet Sm'a clara xx' xij3.


In the name of god Amen in the vijth yeare of the reign of or Sov'aigne ladye Elizabethe by the graice of god quene of England ffrance and Jerlande defender of the faithe &cc the xth daye of Aprill Ano D'ni 1565 Wytnesseth that I Robert Tempest of thornell gentlema' hole in mynd & of p'fitt memorie thanks be to god makethe this my last will & testament in forme & manoure as folowethe. ffyrste I bequest my soule to the hands of Allmightye god the maker thereof and to Jesus Christ, by whose deathe and passion I truste faithfullie to be saved &c. Item I will that my wyffe shall haiue my fermhold during hir naturall Lyffe and after to my sonne Robert yf my brother in lawe M John Swynburne esquire thinke it co'venyent and meat or ells it to be at his order and discrec'on; And also my Wyffe and children to be at his govern'nce and Rowell and to be the sup'visoure of this my last will & testa't as my trust is in hym and for a poure token I gyue to hym my foole now a yeare old. Item I gyue to my dowghter dorathe Newtone one cowe. The Resydewe of all my goods moveable and vnmoveable my debts legacs and fun'alls dischairged & paid I gyue to my wyffe Alison tempest & nicholas Tempest whom I maike my sole executors of this my last will & testament willing them to be naturall & good to the rest of my children as I haiue put yem in trust thes being Wysnesse James pikkerin peter grynwell Antony hedle and others in Riton pishe.

The INVENTARIE the xxjth of June praisers of ye good James pickerin peter grynwell Robert Richsoon Anthony hedle.

It'm ten oxen & two stotts xxj-xiij kye and a bull xvij1— ten quinters & fyve stirks vij'. x-a gelden two meyres, and two staggs x-two shorte waines & a long waine-ffower som'es, vj yoks, a ploughe, a couter, & a soke xxxiij-x acre of waire corne land l-x acre of oatland xxxiij.—A sowe & fyve shotts xv3-the houshold geare vj1 xiij3. DEBTS OWING TO HYM. Item Roger lomley for a stott xx3-George Robinson beare brewer of newcastell two spanishe Jerkins of the ffynest. THE DEBTS THAT HE OUGHT It'm: to M, Claxton iiij'—to s'. thomas browne vicar of bywell androwe iij1 vjs viija—to Richerd hodshon of biermore xiijs iiijdto wm browne of wairdley xxxvj. viij.—to Rob'rt shewell cloy' of newcastle xl3-to peter

1 Of Thornley, in the parish of Ryton. See his Pedigree, SURTEES, II., 275.

2 John Swinburne, of Chopwell, Esqr., who joined the Earls of Westmo:eland and Northumberland in their rebellion, and was attainted in 1571.

grinwell iij. iiijd,-An accompte, & reckning betwene the p'son & hym no" as com'ethe to whethear owethe other.


In the name of god Amen. The xxvijth daye of June in A' D'ni 1565. I Cuthberte Richardson of therle house' yom' in the p'ishinge of witton gilbert in the County of duresme being seke in bodye yet good in memorie maiks my last will and testament in man' & forme folowing. ffyrste I bequithe my soule into the handes of Allmightye god & my bodye to the earthe in St Michaell the Arch ungell churche with my dewties to god & holie churche, beseeching or blessed ladie the virgin marie wth all the holie company of heaven to helpe me wth ye holie prayers & cc. I bequithe my fyne of this ye Earle house & my fyne in butsfeld in Lanchester p'ishe to my wyff & children. Item I bequithe to Ailes hedley my aunt wyffe to John hedley my best paire of shoes & a paire of hoise. The rest of all my goods moveable and unmovable my debts paid & fun'all expenss discharged I bequithe to my wyffe & children whom I maike my full executors of this my last will & supvisor Mr bannys cu' alijs Wytnesse Robert Dobson of Snyp'lawe henrie applebie one of the fermers of the'rle house, Jerrett bulloke John Copland of witton gilbert.

AN INVENTARIE of all ye goods moveable and unmoveable p'ised by Rob'rt Dobson, Rob'rt Shelgt, John Copland & richerd Wrangh'm.

Imp'mis two iron rakkincrokes brasse vessell as potts panns cawdrons kettles pud' vessell almerie canwell chaires formes & bands p'isd to xxjs viijd-beddinge withe his app'e liijs—one meyre vij yowes iij hoggs xiiij viijd-hay in ye barne xiiijs iiijd-one Roud of herd corne xvd-one old longe waine ijs viija. S'm iij xiij xjd.

THE DEBTS OWING TO THE DEAD Imp'mis John Andro of shotley briggs oweth me in lent money out of my purse at sundrye tymes thes somes following viz. xvs iiijd, & for a fatt oxe he had of me xl-for leading of his foill to his land iiij daies about mihelmes, for a futher of colls to the said John Andrews house from has hdain pitts-Anthony Andro of Ebchester owethe me fyve ma'ks for fatt wethers that he is behind of payme't fore. John Androo dwelling in barwick on the hill in pont Eland p'she in Northu'berland owethe

1 So called, from having belonged to Umfreville, Earl of Angus.

me fyve nobles of the wch some one Will'm Raye & John Mawtland of Lynssied mill is suretye for xx. Of the same v nobles. Robert bacens of beik hill wthin the p'ishing of medomsley a tann' ought me at his dying daye xviijs and a oxe hyde wth one hyde y, he had to barke for me, webgoods after his deathe, his son'e Rob'rt bacens dyd & doethe occupie & yet will not paye me his father detts-Raffe Vasye of lu'lye castell oweth me for all my foill or muke that I left at my fermhold at crook when I dept'd from it because I seu no wint' corne ther, the substance by estimac'on come to or will come to, when it is lead two hundrethe futhers & eu'y fuy' according to ye custome of ye countrie ijd. Edward Shaftoo m'chunte owethe me a barrell of tarr by condic'on to gyue me fre over and besyde the price of the wool that he had of me. Robert pertisse wyffe owethe for her husbands debt behind of a meyre that he had of me v3. iiij. S'm viij' xviiij. viij. S'm Tolis om' bonor' ac debitor' vj'. xij3. vija. DEBTS THAT HE DYD OWE Imp'mis to wm. pkinson xxvj3. viija. -to my neighbor Robr' dobson of snip'lawe xvijs-to Richard wrangh'm of witton gilbert two busshells of Rye-to xp'ofer hotegar a qr of haver-for teithe money xvd-for repac'on of houses vj xiijs. 8a.—the fun'all expenss vjs. viij. S'm Deduct❜ ix' xjs. Rem' cler iij' ix. viija.


In the name of god Amen. The xxvijth daye of Julij in the yere of our lord god 1565 I thomas wrangh'm clerke & p'ishe preast of St. Andrewe Aukeland being seike in bodye & p'fitt of remembrance laude & praise be geven to god co'sydering the frailenes of this fraile & transytorie world maks my will and last testament in man' & forme folowinge ffyrste I gyue and bequithe my soule to Allmightye god my maker & Redemer who haithe shed his p'cious bloud for the redempc'on of me & all mankinde my bodye to be buried at the going in of the churche dore of Sainte Androwes churche whin the portche, if it shall please god so to provide wth suche dewties as is now accustomed. Secondlie I gyue and bequithe to John wrangh'm and thom's wrangh'm my brother John childer my bed stocks wch I lye in wth a fether bedd ij blanketts a mattress a bolster a pillobore a paire of lynning sheitts and a coverlett. Item I gyue to Elizabethe wrangh'm my best syde gowne. Item I gyve to John wrangh'm my typpett. Item I gyue to my brother vmphares childer all suche goods of myne as is on ther fermehold at bolam equallie to be occupied & devided emonges them.

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