CCLXX. GERRERD SALVEYN, OF CROXDAILL, ESQUYER.' In the name of God Amen I Gerrerd Salveyn th❜elder of Croxdaill in the countye of Dureh'm esquyer beinge in good and p'fyte memory knowing this worlde to be transytorye and vncerten makyth this my last will and testament this Eleventh day of february 1570 And in the thirtene yere of the Reigne of oure Sou❜eigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of England ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faythe &c. in man and forme folowing ffyrst I gyve and bequeathe my Sowle vnto Almighty god my maker and Redemer And my body to be buryed within my p'yshe churche of St. Oswoldes in Dureh'm aforsayd yf I shall fortune to dye wthin the same p'yshe or nere thereunto so that my bodye may be convenyentlye caryed thether It'm I will that suche funerall expencis be had mayd and doon the day and tyme of my buryall as shalbe thought mete and co'venyent by my Sones in lawe Rob't Rookbye and George Gray my sup'vysores or so many of them as shalbe p'nte at my buryall And I will that there shalbe Sexe poundes thirtene shillings foure pence in money or other vytalls whiche Sexe poundes thirtene shillings foure pence to be distrybutyd and gyven in Almesse to the poure peple the day of my buryall It'm I gyve and bequeathe to the p'son's in the gayle of Dureh'm Sixe shillings Eight pence to be bestowed in vytells as shortlye aftr my deathe as co'venyentlye may be doone It'm I gyve and bequeathe to the poure folkes being housholders in Sonderlande and hett Sexe shillings Eight pence to be taken of the said S'm of vj'. xiij3. iiijd. before gyven to the poure and to be bestowed Emongest theme by the discretyons of my sayd Sup'vysors It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my nece Anne Claxton Sexe shillings Eight pence to pray for me yf she lyst to take yt It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my Syster Issabell byrkehead one angell to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to Every one of the children of the said Issabell Birkheads Sexe shillings eight pence It'm I gyve and hequeathe to my Su'nt Thomas Watson Sexe shillings eight pence for A token to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to Elynor P'kynson nowe wyff of Fraunc's P'kynson Tenne poundes to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my sone in lawe 1 The Salvins, of Croxdale, have for many centuries ranked among the chief gentry of the Palatinate. The deceased appears to have occupied considerable portions of his estate, but so did almost every great landed proprietor of the period. With the exception of the fee simple of his estates, the wealth of a person of this rank consisted chiefly in his stock and crops. georg gray my dark gray gelding going in brancepethe p❜ke And I gyve and bequeathe unto Margere gray wyff of the said georg gray and to hir children twentye poundes Equally to be devyded Emongst them I'm I gyve and bequeathe to my nece Anne helay dought to my Syster margaret helay fortye shillings It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my brother John Salveyn of london two old Ryalls of golde for A token And to his Wiff one old Ryall to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my Cosyns petter maddyson and lyonell maddyson Ayther of them fyve shillings for A token I'm I gyve and bequeathe to my Nephew will'm wren Sone of Jeffray wren tenne shillings for A token It'm I will gyve and bequeathe to my Su'nt Rob't meburne th'occupatyon of th'eight p'te or one halff quarter of the highe felde and the fogg felde ffor the terme of his lyff naturall & the said Rob't meburne yelding and paying therefore yerelye to my heyres and assynes the S'm of fortye shillings at the dayes and termes therefore dewe and accustomyd It'm I will gyve and bequeathe vnto my Su'nt Thomas Watson th'occupatyon of all the messuage ten'te and fermehold wth th'appurten'nce in Croxdaill which he doothe nowe occupye for the terme of his lyff naturall yelding and paying therefore yerelye vnto my heires and assignes fovre poundes of lawfull Englyshe money at the dayes and termes Accustomyd Provydyd also and I will that yf yt shall fortune the said Thomas Watson to dye that then and Immediatly aft' the deathe of the said Thomas Watson the said Rob't Meburne shall entre and have th'occupatyon of the said ferme of the said Thomas Watson the sayd Robt Meburne yelding paying the Accustomyd Rent for the same yf the said Robt Meburne shall fortune to lyke the fermehold of the said Thomas better then his Eight p'te of the highe felde and fogg close and gyve over the same Eight p❜t to my heyres It'm I gyve and bequeathe to Every my menne Su'nts that I shall fortune to haue in the tyme of my deathe thre shillings four pence to pray for me Except Xp'ofor ffayreallers which I will and bequeath fyve shillings vnto to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my Su❜nt Dorothe hodgshone vj3. viij. to pray for me. And I gyve and bequeathe to Margere hodshone Sexe shillings Eight pence to pray for me And to every other woman Su'nt in my howse xx. to pray for me It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my Cosyn Anne P'kynson widowe layt wyff of one Edwarde P'kynson esquyer decessyd my whyte gelding going in the highe felde at Croxdayle for A token. It'm I gyve and bequeathe to my said Sone in lawe Rob't Rookbye the best horse that he shall chose Emongst all the rest of my horses not bequythed I'm I of my house at gyve and bequeathe to my Doughters Meryall Rookebye and Margere gray Ayther of theme one garnyshe of london vessell one dosson of potyndysshes and one dosson of plate trenchers. And I bequeathe to my said dought' Meryall Rookebye two old Ryalls for A token It'm I gyve and bequeathe to every one of my doughtt Meryall Rookebye children fyve marks fo1 Å token. It'm I gyve and bequeathe to Xp'ofor fenne for his paynes the fylle foole of the darke gray maire or fortye shillings in money It'm I gyve and bequeathe unto Robt Skepper my fylle ffoole going at haruerton wth Mr John Hedwo'the. The Resydewe of all my goodes and cattalls my detts and legacys deductyd and payd I gyve and bequeathe vnto my two yonger Sones Antony Salveyn and thomas Salveyn whome I make Joyntlye my full and soole executor of this my last will and testament I make my said two sones in lawe Rob't Rookbye and georg gray my sup'vysors to se this my last will and testament p'formyd according as my trust ys in theme these witnesses Robert Rokebye Jerrerd Salven th'yonger-George GraySigne Xp'ofori ff ffenne-xp'ofor fayreallers And Robt Skepper wth other mo. [Pr. 1572.] And THE INVENTORY of all the goods & cattalls wch layt were Jerrerd Salveyn layt of Croxdayll Esquier decessyd at the tyme of hys Deathe, praysyd by four indyferent p'sons vidt Hewghe Dawson Henry Richardson Thomas Watson & Anthony Gelson Yom' the sixten day of Februarij in the thirtenthe yere of the Reigne of or Sov'eigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of God Quene of England ffraunce & Ireland Defender of the Faythe &c. CROXDAYLL. IN THE HALL. Imprimis one Cupbord, one table, two boffet stoles, p'sid to xxvijs One Chare praysed to vja S'm xxvijs vjd IN THE CHA'BR ABOVE THE HALL. It'm ij fether bedds ij mattresses ij boylstrs. & iiij codds ij paire of blankets iij Cov❜letts one cov'ing one test of Rede & grene sayes & fyve courtings to the same prasyd to v1. vj3. viijd. Four Cov'letts prasyd to xx One over se cov'ing & one countr clothe praysd to xls One Dosen quishings of fucion ables xx Nine carpet quishings & vij thrumd quishings vjs viijd iiij carpet clothes xx Two Mattresses one boylst one paire of blankets one happing & one cov❜let xxiijs Two payre of blanketts & viij codds xxxij vj boffet stoles vj ij Chares ij' iiij iij Chysts & one Count' xls The hingyngs of sayes & borders in the gret chamber xxx Foure gonnes viij' One clothe cotte & one cloke xls vij Sherts viij napkings & ij Kirches xvijs One velvet cotte one grogerye cote one Russet satten jurking one worsett cotte, ij fucion Dubletts, one whit canvyse Dublet, one Rede peticote, one signet, ij paire of hose, one payre of fres slopes, one clothe wt sleves faced wt blake couye, ij blake cotes, one fres cotte, xls Fyve chamb' potts of pouther v3___ IN THE CHAPPELL CHAMB". It'm iij mattresses ij father bedds iij boylsters iij cods ij paire of blankets iij cov❜lets ij happings & one old cov'ing iiij ij bed testers wt dornix xijd One cupbord prasyd to ijs S'm iiij iiijs IN THE LYTTLE CHAMBR. It'm ij mattresses, ij fether beds, ij boylsters ij cods ij paire of blankets ij cov❜lets & one cov'ring one test' houng wt blewe & yalowe sayes & iij courtings to the same & ye bedstocks vj'. One mattrese ij cods vj happings ij paire of blankets and one cou❜elet xxvj. The payntid clothes in the same cha'b' xijs One chare xijd. iij brushes iij. S'm viij'. ij. IN THE CHA'B" IN THE OV' THE MYLKE HOUSE. One mattresse one boylst' one paire of blankets one haping & one cov'let one paire of bedstocks one test of dornix one presser & one stole of ese prased to xx". S'm xx3. IN THE CHAMB' OV' THE KITCHEN j mattresses one fether bede ij boylsters one cod one paire of blankets one happing ij coverlets one cov'ing one test' of blewe & yalowe sayes & ij courtings to the same one truse bedd & one whele bed iiij. The payntyd clothes in the same cha’b2 viij3. One lyttle fauden table iij chares vijs. One lymbecke iiijs. One lytle ehist viija. S'm iiij'. xix3. iiij. IN THE INER STABLE LOFT. ij Mattresses ij boylsters one cod ij paire of blankets iiij happings & ij cov'lets xiijs. iiij. S'm xiij3. iiijd. IN THE FAR STABLE LOFT. iij payre of bedstocks iijs. S'm iij3. LAW HOWSE. One avmerye one lyttle bord & all the chisse bords about the house x8. It'm iiij tobes & one arke for grots iiijs. S'm xiiijs. IT'м woll lxv. One gray coult stage xl. ij leds prasid to xxxiijs. iiij. iij lode of bigg malt & iij lode of hav malte & one bus' xlijs. One chaudr of havr xxj3. One lodd of pesse vs. Yearne iij. iiijd. xj Secks vij. Sex stone of talow xijs. One presser x. iiij beffe flickes and ij backen flicks xvj. S'm lxxiiij'. ix. viij. IT'м xj paire of lyne shets iiij'. xjs. viij paire of harden shets xxvj. viij. xij code pillovers ij lyne towells xvj. ij diap' bord clothes & vij diap' napkings xviijs. Sex payre of lyne shets xxviij. iiij payre of straking shets xiijs. iiij. xiij payre of harden shets xxvj. viija. xx cod pillovers xiiijs. xxix yards of lyne clothe xiijs. iiij. xxvj yards of harden clothe xijs. iiij yards of fres & ij yards of caresy iiij. viijd. One lyttle chist viijd. One coffer iijs. iiija. xiiij yards of vnwaukid caresey & xvj yards of playne whit vnwaukid xxiij. iiijd. ij candle chists & the candles in thes two chests xxx. S'm xvj. vij. IN THE BUTTERY. It'm xij Drinking Glasses vj. viijd. One lyne bord clothe one straking bord clothe iiij long bord clothes & ij short bord clothes xj. xx napkings ij lyne towells one lyne cupbord clothe & vj harden towells x. xij cruses ij3. iiij Ďosen trenshers xija. S'm xxx'. viijd. FOGG CLOSE. It'm xxij Kye & a bull ij sucking calves in the fog close xxviij'. Thre stacks of hay iiij'. In shepe hoggs lj, v1. S'm xxxvij'. BRODE CLOSE. Foure draught oxen ix. xiij Kye & a twynt bull & iiij sucking calves xx'. In gret heads [ita] xiiij, xxxvij. In yowes vxx xvj. xiij3. iiija. S'm xlvij1. v. iiija. CRYMBLES. In oxen iiij, in stots ij, x'. In wethers xxxix, vij1 xiij3. iiija. ij twinter stots iiij twintTM whies & a bull calfe v'. One Bull xxiij. iiij. S'm xxiij'. xvj3. viija. KYRKFLATT. It'm xviij wethers & ij yowes xlvj. viij. S'm xlvjs. viijd. IT'M viij Swine xxiij. iiij. ixxx & ij cheses iij'. One gray gelding x'. One whit gelding nage v'. iij mares and iij foyles vj. ij meres & one nage vj. ij fyllyes & one coulte stagge iij'. x3. iij meires vij'. x3. One done gelding liijs. iiija. iij horses xls. S'm xxxviij'. xvj3. viija. IN THE FAR HOUSE BESIDE THE STABLE. iij** & ij stone of salt butt' v1. x. xxv newe wood boyles, ij mylke siles, xvij wood dublers one wood potlyd, xxx wood Dishes & iiij chesfats vij3. vij butt toubes,one fyshe toube, one salt toube, & one old candle case iiij. vja. S'm vj1. xviij. IN THE BOULTING HOUSE. It'm ij leaving tobes one boulting arke, one bred brake iijs. S'm iij3. IN THE BREWE House. One maske fatt & iij worte tobbes iijs. One malt arke & one other arke viij. xv lyng fyshes xiij. iiij. vijs. x ayle potts xxd. iij drink stands xija. tymb for buylding, bords sawen & vnsawen xl3. ell viij. fellowes for wheles v. lij mylke boules x3. xxiij chesefats iiij (blank in orig.) vs. ij woll spinning wheles ijs. ij chirnes ijs. iiijd. One butt' skepp ij hattyd kitts xxxix buttr Dishes xxd. IN THE KITCHING One Rakingcroke, one Iron por, one pele, one iro' coulrake ij3. viijd. One cawell, one standing bord, xija. ij payre of Rakencrokes one paire of tongs & ij iro' racks vs. x brassen potts xl3. brassen pan & viij other panes xiiij. iij caudrons xvij. One standing iron, ij broyle irons, one cokle pan, one frying pane,& one fleshe croke, one Droping pane, one Dressing knife & one brandrothe vij. One chaufer of brasse, one chaffing dish, one pestell & one morter & ij latten ladles vj. viijd. Sex spets iiijs. ix skeles v cannes vj Dishes one boule & one iron Doble' & ij water tobes iiij iiij. S'm iiij'. xvijs viij. SHEPE SKINES. xvij bere barrels TYMB'. Wood One old caw IN THE MILKE HOUSE It'm One It'm xxix slaught skines xix. xlij more skines vj3. S'm xxv'. IN THE P'LOR. Itm iij Mattresses iij father bedds iij boylsters iij cods iij paire of blankets ij happings iij Cov'letts ij cov'ings one test, of blewe & yalow sayes & v courtings to the same, one |