xx bolls of wheat vij'. of wandes. xxij stone of woll iij'. Rye x bolls & a bushell iiij'. Bere xxvj bolls iiij'. Otes xx bolls iij'. HOUSEHOLDE STUFFE AT LITELL SWYNBORNE [&c.] Sir John Forster Knight Lord Warden dooth owe as appereth by an obligac'on l'. Also by waye of couen't lxx'. Katherine Forster wydowe late wief to Roulande Forster for her sayd husband xij. Francis Armorer xxxv3. Francis Armorer xxxv3. Mr Thom's Forster of Edderston xxxij. Thom's Woodrington for money lent to his father xij. For a mare viij'. Due vnto the sayd Roger Woodrington for his annuitie graunted by the Quenes Matie x'. Funeral expences xx'. Legacys lxxvj Servaunts wages & there lyveries x'. CCLXXXV. SIR JOHN DALLAVALL, OF SEATON DALLAVALL, KNIGHT. The xxxjt daye of december ano RR Elizabeth decimo quarto In the Name of God Amen In the yeare and daye abouesaid I John dallavall of seaton dallavall in the countie of northumberland knight and p'fytt of memorie althoughe seike in bodie maiketh this my laste will ande testamente in man' and fourme following ffirst I bequithe my sowle to god creatour trusting to be saved by the meritts of christs deathe ande passion my bodie to be buried in the chappell of our ladie at seaton dallavell with mortuaries fun'alles and other requisits meate for my vocac'on ffirst I will ande bequithe to henrie dallavell my second sonne my demeane of blackallerton together withe two ferme holds nowe in the tenuer of me the said sir John Dallavell to have and enioye the same during his liffe naturall the remand' thereof to my sonne Robert dallavall and his heirs lawfullie begotten And for defaute of suche issue to the right hairs of me the said s John dallavall the said henrie doing the accustomed s'vice to my said sonne Robert dallavell and his heirs during all the tearme of his lyffe naturall It'm I will and bequithe to thomas dallavell one other of my young' sonnes one anuall rente or yearelie annutie of tenne pounds to be taken out of my landes of and bethe stone the same rente to be yearelie paid to my said sonne Thomas by the hands of Robert dallavell my sonne and heire apparnnte other my heire as shall succede me And in defaute of payment that yt shalbe lawful to the said thomas dallavall same rente the said land in branton and bethettston and the same yearlie rente onlie to my sonne to enter Jnduer to my sald sonne thomas dallavall during And whereas I the said sir John dallavall hadd deliu'ed to my hands the portions of fyve childrin of my brother Edward dallavall portions of euery of them aleaven pounds in the hole fytie & fyve pounds I therefor will that the said portions be my brothers childer that is to saye to Josua Rauphe clement peter and barbara dallavell to euery of them a leaven pounds my saide sonne Robert dallavall James Ogle Robert rames thomas cramlington and John ogle shall thinke meat & conveinent give bequithe & ratifie to Josua dallavall one of my brother Edward dallavall sonnes one annualle rente of fyve marcks before gyven for his s'vice doing to my sonne Robert dallavall during the liffe naturall of the said John dallavall to be taken out of my lands or his and for defaute of yerelie payment thereof the saide Josua to enter and distreane in the said lands of hartlie It'm I will that thomas possesse and enyoye during all the terme of his liffe naturall the fermehold called West hedwyne paing therefore to the said sir heirs the some of xx3 at the vsuall tearmes for the same accustomed wth s'vice vsuall & accustomed It'm where's John dalavall father of me the said s' John dallavall by his will & patent gyve & assigne to thomas walton for his liffe naturall & for his s'vice ande his heirs the occupa c'on of one fermehold in hartlie in the tenuer of the said thomas walton res'ving onlie to hym & his heirs the nowe I will & bequithe to the said thomas walton the said viijs also for & during the liffe naturall of the said thomas walton & for his It'm I will and bequithe to Anthonye dallavall one fermehold in hartlie in th'occupat'on of one gawyn skipsie during the liffe naturall Anthonye dallavall and for his s'vice doing to me and myne heires wthout rente paing. It'm I will and and bequithe to John hill during his and for his s'vice doing one other fermehold in hartlie in the tenuer also of the said gawen skipsie wthout any rente paing Item bequithe to John hunter one score of gymbers. It'm I gyve & bequithe to my two doughters anne dallavall and katheryn dallavaÎl of them one hundreth marks of lawfull englishe money towards their p'ferment whiche said some of two hundrethe marks shalbe taken lands & goods and in considerac'on that my said sonne and haire Robert dallavall maye be the more able to maynteane a resp'full trade in his housse keping I therefore will that my said sone Robert have & enyoye all my lands & goods in respect that he shall discharge my debts fun'alls legases and my two doughters portions being aith' of them one hundreth marks and also I maike my said sone dellaval my sale executor to order all things orderlie according to my truste in hym reposed In Witnes whereof I have setto my hand & seale the yeare & daye abovesaid before theis Wittness's James ogle Robert Rames, Mathew ogle, thomas cramlington, henrie wickliffe John ogle Josua dal lavall. THE INVENTARIE of all the goods movable and unmovable beloninge to sir John dalavell of seton delavell knight deceased prased by ollever of borodon Jarreat lawson of cramlington gentlemen John hall and mathew ladlaye of hallyvell yoman the vj of may in the fortynte yeare of the reigne of or soveringe ladye queene elizabethe by the graice of god quene of englande ffrance and Jerlande defendor of the ffaithe etc. in the yere of or lorde god 1572 as here after folowethe Inprimis oxene xlij prased too lvj-xxxix kye prased to xxxix-vj stottes thre yeares olde prased to iiij'-viij stotts ijo years olde iiij'-viij quyes two yeres olde iiij'-yere olde xxij stirkes v'—whethers and dymnovnts xl, viij'-yowes x score xxxiij'-hoggs vij score xiiij'-toupes vij, xxj-one stonde hors vij- one stonde colte xls. —v naggs vj1 xiij-one stone meare xxx3-svyne xj, xliiijscorne in stacke xl'-corne of the grounde sowen at seton xvj'— corne of the grounde sowen at hartlaye vj1 viij3-co'ne of the grounde sowen at callerton v' xijs-howshode stuffe xl'-plowes and waynes wth ther fournetour viij'-Sum' totalis cccix1 viij. DEBBTS. To Annes dalavell a hunderethe marks To katheringe dalavell a hundrethe marks-To dorathe errington xl'-To Jane dalavell vj' xiijs iiijd-To Josua dallavell xj1-To Rauffe dallavell xj'-To clemett dallavell xj'-To peter dellavell xj-To barbara dallavell xj'—To Margarett dallavell xv1- To brian asquethe xj xiiijs To Anth' letches wyffe xj' vjs viij.To thomas liddall iij'-To s' henrye percye v-To John gray drapp' iij1 vj viij-To Richerde Reede vjs viijd-Servants waidges ix' viijs-And for my fathers funerall a hunderethe markes. Sum'a totalis cciijxx viij3. CCLXXXVI. THOMAS DAWSON, OF ELWICKE, CLARKE. In the name of god amen the xxiijth day of februarij ao d'ni 1572 I Thomas Dawson off Elwicke Clarke sycke in bodye but good and perfecte off remembrannce thankes be to god dothe ordayne and make this my last wyll and testamente in manner ande forme folowinge fyrst I wyll and bequyethe my sowle vnto allmyghtie god my maker and redemer humbly besechinge my Savyoure Jesu Chryste that I maye be one off his electe amongste the blessed Companye in heaven and my bodye to be buryed within the chancell of the p'ishe churche of Elwicke. fyrst I geve to the poore people in Elwick towne iij iiija Item I geve to the poore of Mydlam p'ishe vjsh viijd It'm I geve to wedowe notman viijd. Item I geve to wedowe Jeffraye viijd Item I geve to the poore at hartlepoole iijsh iiijd Item to the poore at dawton xxd It'm to two blinde men at hooton viijd. Item I geve to george dawson my brother two meires goinge at Newton hansell xiiij shepe hogges iij bee hyves a coverledd and a mattresse and three stone off wolle. Item I geve to Roger Johnson my syster Sonne a reade cowe & x yowes a paire off bedstockes withe the hanginges a father bedd with the bolster Item I geve to Ezabell Johnson a whye and vj yowes and two beehyves Item I geve to my syster Margarethe Johnson a hawked cowe & thre stone of woll a graye meare and a folle an oversea coueringe tenne yowes and tenne shepe goynge at brunton & three be hyves. It'm I geve to Thomas dawson my brother two yowes. Item I geve to will'm dawson my brother ijo yowes. It'm I geve to Thomas Johnson two bee hyves It'm İ geve to will'm Johnsonne two beehives. It'm geve to Sir Robert blaxton a bee hyve. Item I geve to Sir henrye beyes clark my best longe gowne and a peace off worssett. Also I charg my executors to paye all mye debtes. The resydewe of all my goodes moveable and vnmoveable my debtes payde and legaces discharged I geve to George dawson my brother Margarethe Johnson my syster Roger Johnson her sonne whome I ordaine & maik Jointly executors of this my present will and last testament. Recorders Robert Corner will'm crawe and Robert blaxton clarke. Item I geve to Mr thomas Midleton one olde aungell whom I ordayne & maik sup'visor of this my will desyring him to be good maister to my poore freandes as my trust is in him. I THE INUENTORYE of all the goods moveable & not moveable apperteinynge & belonginge to Thomas Dawson clarke of Elwicke the daye of his deathe beying the xixth of Maij praysed by fower Indifferente menne Will'm Cragges Robert Corner Will'm shereton and Will'm Crawe. Inp'mis two meres going at Newtonhansell xiiij shepe hoges iij bee hyves a coverled & a mattresse & thre stone of wolle iiij' ix3- -a read cow & x° yowes a paire of bedstocks wth the hangings a fether bed with the bolster l—a whie & sixe yowes & ijo bee hives xxxvijs iiija—a hawked cowe, iij stone of wolle, a graie meare, & a foole, an oversea coveringe tenne ewes and tenne shepe goinge at brunton & iij bee hives iiij' ijs-iiij ewes & v bee hives xxiijs viijdall his APPARELL, thre long gowns xl-a cloke, ij jacketts & thre payre of hosen ij shertes x-three chistes, a chaire, a forme & two kaykes of waxe vs. Summ xvj' xvij3. Theis be THE DEBTES yt are owen vnto ye said testator as followethe. ffyrste Raffe Simpson of lent monye xlxiijs iiija— Robert hodshon of lent monye xl-George Cliff clark of lent mony vj1 xiijs viijd-George Dawson v' vj3 viijd-Will'm Atkinson of barwicke of lent monye xxxviijs-Richard Stott of lent monye iij3— Richard greane xx3-John francland of amerston in lent monye xxxviijs viijd-Richard markendell of hartilpool x3 iiija—Cuthberte nolmanne in lente monye x3- Will'm p'kison for my wages xx3-and for Richard bee xx3-Christofor Ratcliffe vj3 viija_ Will'm shereton for a fother of coales - John fynley iiijdlaborne off Corneforth in lent monye xx3- Robert blaxton clerke xxvjs viijd-Anthony preston xx3-The p'ishe clarke of seidgfeild xls Will'm shereton in lent monye xx-Will'm brimley xiijsherewood of Esington xxxv-wm turbett in lent monye xijd. mr hanfeild of stotfold xxvjs viija. Sum xxxv1 iij3. The Sum of all the goodes is cleare lij1. Signed and sealled the xxiij of maij anno d'ni 1573 in the p'nce of Thomas Knighton st Robt blaxton John roddam georg cuthbert georg Jordaine thors moo -signu' georgij + Roger Jhoson. CCLXXXVII. 1572 THOMAS SPARK BUSHOPP OF BARWICKE (ex dorso). over and besyde the stock the said hospitall the Inventorye therof full furnished veyuved and praised by Thomas Lambard Symon hubback Will'm Layborne & alaine ponchon. Julij 1572. MY LORDS AP'ELL Two worsett ! Thomas Sparke, a Monk of Durham—of Durham College, Oxford—B. D. 1 March, 1528-9.-Prior of Holy Island-Suffragan Bishop of Berwick upon Tweed, under Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, in 1537, by the act 26 Henry VIII. consecrated by Lee, Archbishop of York, in the same year-Master of Gretham Hospital, in 1541-First Prebendary of the third stall in Durham Cathedral, in May, 1542-Rector of Wolsingham in 1547. His will, which is printed at length in RAINE'S NORTH DURHAM, p. 128, and which is of a very interesting nature, makes provision for his burial in Durham Cathedral, in front of the altar at which he had officiated when a Monk; but Chambre, the Durham Historian, states that his steward and executor sold the marble slab, which the Bishop had, in his life-time, prepared for the purpose of covering his remains, to one of the Prebendaries, and buried his master at Gretham. For other particulars relative to Bishop Sparke, whose name has so often occurred in the preceding pages, the reader is referred to the History of NORTH DURHAM. |