vid DEBTS WCH the TESTATOR OWETH To John Woodmous x'-to George cōming xij'. x'.-to Xp'ofer Surtes vij1. xj3⁄4. va. ob.-to Will'm Whitfeld xj'. xv. vd-to Thomas Whitfeld xlvij. va. -- to Thomas Hopper xxij3. iiija.—to Richard Walton iij'. iiij3. xa.—to Rob't Wall liiijs. xjd.-to Edward taylyo' xvij3. John Wilkinson xvij.-to Edward hall wife xxij.—to John Chipches tann' vijs. vjd.—to M'gerie billingham his daughter as by a bill of his hand apperethe vj1. vjs. viijd—to Cuthb't billingham his brother x'-to Rob't heede v'. xiiij3. ix.—to Stephen Snaith his hynd there for his waiges hay & boule corne due to him iij'. xij3. iiij3.—for S'uaunts waiges xiiij'.-to Will'm Brasse due to him as by an indenture appearethe xxv.-to Richard and Will'ın Billingham his sonnes in satisfacc'on of there porc'ons and th' aministrators parts of yer lait fathers goods xxvj'. xiij. iiijd. DEBTS DEMANDED. Demaunded by Richard billingham as debt to him due vij'. xiiijs.-The sygnes & marks ELESABETH BYLLYNGHAM M B F Margeri Margarett & Ag billingham (In dorso.) I. Joh'is billingham nup' de Crooke hall def". CCCXII. MR LEONERDE TEMPERLEYE, gentellmane.' The Inuentarie of all sooche goodes and Cattells wch was Mr Leonerde Temperleyes gentellmane dwelling at Sackerstone hughe in the p'ishe of Wyttone gilberte deceasede p'ced by thes foure honeste men viz Raphe Eamerson Roberte Gellsone John Watsone and John Coplande of wyttone gilbert aforesaid the xijth of februarie A° d'ni 1577. IMP'MIS one long wayne, iiijor pitche forkes, ij mocke hoockes one olde sleade and twoo olde ropes xiijs iiijijo olde shorte waynes wth yll wheals xviijs iiijd-one plowe, one Cowto', j socke & ijo plewe bands vs-vij yrone yockes for oxen to drawe in v -ve soumes and ijo shakells ix3-three stones of yron iiijsve Irone wedges at js iiijd-ijo woombles and on olde ytche, j yrone harraw vjs-iiijor old axes, ij hacks & ye olde shakells and spades iiijs viijd-iij olde sythes, ve shorte plankes iiijs-ijo yrone markes for sheape vja-j olde longe wayne blade at iij3 iiijd—j olde 1 This person seems to have retired from a military life, with his spear-staves and banners and "ancyents," and other armour all enumerated, to farm the estate of "Sackerstone hughe," hodie Saggerston heugh, a name partly derived from its situation, and partly from the Sacrist of Durham, to whose office it was appropriated before the Dissolution. One would like to know what were the "small Englishe bookes" in which he occasionally amused himself, and which were valued at only 38. 4d. He once had a taste for music, as appears by his 'olde syttrone" and his "broken gyttrone." wch grinstone iiijiij olde laythers j'-ij, old saddells j' iiijd. Suma iij xviijs ijd. IN THE BARNE-tie thraves of rye at v v -lxj thraves of yle mowe borne otes at iij'-x akers of corne ys sowen vj-xvj lode of haye at vjs viijd lode v1 vj3 viija. Some xix1 vj3 viij. IN THE CORNE CHAMBER-viij bowles of Rye at vjs viij. ij1 xiijs iiijd-xij bowles of hauer malte at ij' one bowle of otes iiijs-iij toobes and one Kennell mete iiij ijd -ijo bordes, j. shovell, j syve & j hopper js iiijd-j bushell of ote malt iiijs-Suma vl vs xd. THE CATTELL-V® twynter stottes at xx prise viiij twinter whyes at iiij'-vijen elder whies at xxvj viijd, ix'. vjs viijd_viij stirkes xiij3 iiija, v' xiij3 iiijd-xviij farrowe Kyene and one bull at xxvj3 viija, xxviiijor Kyne newe kalued wth ther calves xxx, vj1-one old mayned oxe at j1 vjs viija— xen oxen at xlvjs viijd, xxiij1 vj3 viijd-xiiijen speende calves at vjs viija, iiij1 vj3 viijd-vijxx weathers at iiijs a pece, xxviij1. iiijxx and v ewes at iij3 a pc', xvij1-vij Toopes at iijs iiijd a p', j' iij' iiijiijxx xvij hogges at liij' iiij a skore, x' vs. iiijone stage or Colte at j' xvjs viijd-one Sowe and three pigges v-one goose, j gander ijo dooks and one drake ijs viijav hennes, ij Kokes & j Capone ijs viijd-one hyve wth bees iiij. Sum cxlij' xix' viijd. IN THE HALL-one olde table wth v olde foormes and twoo plankes at v3-one lytell table of Joyners woorke viij greate olde ioynte stooles and thre small j vj ijo old turned chaires ix-one cupborde wth thre lockes vone lytell cupborde wth ij locks js.-soe mooche m'tynmes breaffe (beef) as comithe to vs-ix small glasses for beare viijij pewter and thre latten candellsticks at ijs viija-vij lytell disshes of woode iiijd-one speare staffe for a horsse man js--one chayne of yrone, one shewle and j payre of tonges ja viijd-viij hanks of harden garen ijs viijj old carpett of cheker frees vja j woode koke nett ijs-j creadell of yrone wth porres vj viijd Some ijl vjs vd. IN THE BUTTRIE-XXtie stones of salte butter at ij3 viija, ij1 xiijs iiijd-xxtie small chesies at viijd, xiij3 iiija—xxvj milke bowles at iij iiijd-ixen lytell barrells for drynke iiij'— one chirne for mylke vjd-ijo olde drinkine cannes & one pott iiijj tunell & ijo butter dishes & j milke sile iijd_viij spoones of horne & iije dooson treene dishes and dublers and trenchers jijd-j dressinge borde ijo foormes and tressells j-vj stone of olde leade wayghts vjs viijd-ixen coopell of cole fysshe x-as mooche butter as ys praysed j'. Sum' v xiij xjd. IN THE KITCHINGE AND LARDER HOUSE. iij small Kytts, iiij milken skeales, and one wassinge toobe j' viijd-one bowkinge toobe, and iiijor olde chease fatts viijd—a fryinge panne viijd-one chine of yrone & a great treavett x--j lytell paire of cobyrones & ij° potte hooks j' viij.ijo lytell drippinge pannes & j lytell girde yrone W-th j-one brede grate one spitt j' iijd-one lytell morter of brasse a pestell of yrone ij-one choppinge knife, j laddell ija. one brasse pott viijd-ijo brasse Kettells v-ve lytell skelletts of brasse & ijo yrone potts iiijs viijd-ij presses for cheise ijsj olde troughe to boolte in wth a couer viijd-iiijor olde tobes & one gyle fatte ijs viijd-j lytell leade to brewe in x3—ve ryddells ande seaves to wynnowe corne xa-iiij Sakes for corne & j wynnowclothe v-j pecke mett vjd. Šum ij1 ix3. iija. In IN YE CHAPELL CHAMBER. HIS APPARELL-One olde goune of Carrall lyned with bayes facyde wth furre x jd-j olde spanishe black cappe wth 3 yardes of veluet j'-j olde spanishe cappe of blacke freseado vjs viijd-ijo olde lyuerey cots of blewe clothe x-j pettie cote clothe of stam'ell coller clothe xiijs iiijd -one olde dooblett of blacke bombasie cutt ij3—one olde Jerkine of buckerame wth olde gardes of rott veluett j'.-ij° olde waste cotes ijs-j paire of olde mookado breches & 3 paire of olde stockes iiijs iiijd-ijo morninge hoodes & olde garides of veluett ijs--one lynning bagge iiijd-olde bone lace and sylke poynts with oth' tryfells j-j olde banner wth the armes of englande j-j olde ancyent of sarsenett white & blacke j'--j olde blacke cappe of veluett ijs-iiijor olde brusshes wth other tryfells js iiijj olde syttrone & j broken gyttrone j-j paire of gayshekoones broken iijs iiijj tronke chiste iijs vjdvj quisshones ij3. Sum' v1. vs. xd. LYNNEN. iiijor old shirtes farre woorne vjs viijdj quilte of lyninge clothe v-iije olde table clothes & iije napkines ijs--iije olde shorte table clothes & viije napkines of harden ijs-vj lyttell hande towells of harden ijs—ij° coorse olde pyllowe beres viijd-iiijor paire of old broken sheats vjs viij.xviijen yeardes of newe ron'de lyninge xijs-j olde Smoke wroughte wth sylke ij3—ijo handekirchers & one p'e of clothe ijs -iij payre of lyninge boote hose & ve paire of socks iij-j troonke Chiste ijs. Sum ij' vs. HIS BEDDINGE—one old plaine bedsteade with a testo' of olde sylke iijs iiij-j quilte & a cou❜lett of darnexe viije blanketts at xxd, v-one olde roogge ij3— j lytell fether bedde, j bolster & one pillow j'. IN YE NEXT CHAMBER-One bedde steade wthoute a teaster js-j lytell olde fether bedde wth a bolster and canves and stoxes vijs -j quilte ijo olde kyuerletts, j blankett, & one strawe bedde ix viijd-one olde borde wth tressells & olde happin harden ijs iijj payre of olde breehes j shewle & a baskett vija. IN THE OUTE CHAMBER. ij, plaine bedde steades more ijs—ij。 olde tables and tressells xv stone bottells at x-3 olde chests and a raike to hange cheses on iiijs iiijd-3 old tobbes with floxes and feathers js iiijd-Sum' iij1 iiijs vjd. IN THE LYTELL CHAMBER-j plaine croslett wth heade peace for a horse mane x' -one croslett wth sleaues of maile and a murrione xj blacke skoole j iiijj olde sworde wth ij old blads v3. ija—j halbarde at ijs vjdj calever with a leather case x3-ij dagges with cases & j flaske & tootche box x3-j lytell crosse bowe wth a bender and iiijor arrowes vs 3e bowes & 3 quivers wth xxtie arrowes vijs vjd -3 olde bagges 3 shootinge gloues js iiijd-j paire of playenge tables & men ij-cartan small englishe books iijs iiijd-j stone of woole vjs viijd-4 of soope j-olde boots and shewes as ys woorthe iijs iiij-in olde lomber iij. Sum' iiij' ij. ijd. IN THE SU'NTS CHAMBERS-iij bedde steades plane iijs ja-iije cou❜letts at xxd a p's v3-iije blanketts at iijs iiijiije bolsters vjd-ij paire & j shette of olde harden clothe v-one drye fatte & ijo olde wollen wheales at ijs viijd. Sum' xixs vjd. THE Lease of SeGERSTONE HVHGE p'ced by Thom's harrisone Will'm bakr george cuthb't & nicholas Turpine to cc m'ks. Sum' cxxxiij1 vjs. viijd. Sum' totalis cccxxxj' iijs. vijd. SPENTE IN YE HOUSE SINCE HIS DEATHE. Itie threaves of rye ijs a threave v1--lx threaves of yll mowebornte otes iij'--xvjen loode of haye at vj3 viija a lode v1 vj3 viija——viij boles of rye at vjs viijd lez boule ij1 xiijs 4a—xij boles of haver malte ijj boule of ots iiijs-ix coopell of fishe x--xxtie stones of butter ijs viijd lez stone ij' xiijs--xxtie cheses at viijd a piece xiijs iiijd. Sum' expensar. predict. deducend. xxj' xvij viijd. Sum' clara cccix' vs xjd. Item disbursed for the chardgs of the admi'strac'on & engrossinge ye Inventare and the codicell and for the obligac'one and copie therof xx3. CCCXIII. RYCHARD RAWLYNGE, VICAR OF STRANTON. In Dei nomine amen The xj daye of fabruari in the yeare of or lord god 1577 I Rychard Rawlynge layte Vicar of Stranton beinge hole of mynd and of perfacte Rememberance thanks be to god doythe maike this my last will and testamente in maner and forme as foloweithe vz fyrst I gyve my sole to Almyghtye god my maker and redemor and nothinge dobtinge but that of his infinite mersye he will Receyve The Same and my bodye to be buryed in the queare of stranto' I doo Gyve to margaret my wyfe Samuel Nicholas Sara and Margaret my Children all the goods moveable and inmoveable ihat I haue yf that my wyfe will stand to that but yf she will not I doo gyve her the terd parte of all my goods my debtes paid my legases furth filled I doo gyve to Thomas Raye of greton my doughter Margaret with her portion I gyve to willia' Grynwall my brother Samuell my sonne with his portion I gyve to John Rawlyng my brother Nycholas my sonne with his portion I gyve to Nycholas my sonne one rigged stote and to margaret my dowghter one read whye and to Samuel and Sara eather of them one youe and one lambe I gyve to Gylbart dicson one lambe and to my brother willia' Rawlynge my second goone. debtes whiche I doo owe. I owe to my brother Willia' Grynwell x' vs vjd I owe to my brother George Rawlynge xx and to my brother John and him viij. I owe to my mothure xlvjs viija I owe to Robart Smytheson iiij3. debtes whiche is owne to me mr nicholas fulthupe for his fathers two years le't fynes and two calves and his fathers mortuarye Thomas colson for one bole of byge and one bole of wheate and my mother doyth owe me vij' but I had one horse which my father gave me but I put That to her disscretion rayfe reade owes me xiiijd and John brantinga' owes me ixa more. debtes that I doo owe I owe to Rychard Walton for 6 yeards of brod cloythe and I owe to m' bryche xl and he oweth vnto me for Rydinge aboute his busenes The rest of my gods my debtes paid my leagases furthefilled I doo gyve to Samuel Nicholas Sara and Margaret my children whome I maike executors of this my last will and testament Witness hereof Robert Toyes curat of hartlepoole Thomas Raye, John Casson, John Rawlynge, Roger dicson with others. CCCXIV. THOMAS CLAXSTON, OF WYNDLSTON, GENTLMAN.' In ye name of god Ame' I Thomas Claxston of wyndlston win the p'she of St. Andrew Awcklande gentlman being sicke in body But yet neverthelesse of sound & p'fect memory (laude & praise be to Almightie God therfore) upon ye xjth day of October 1579. do make this my last will and testament in man'er followinge. ffirst & pryncipallie I com'end and bequeathe my soul to ye mercifull hands of Almightie god trustinge to be saved only by the meritts of Christs death and passion: And my Body I do com'end vnto the Earthe to be buryed wth in my said p'ishe church. Ite' I do geve & bequeathe vnto willmn Claxton my nephewe (ffor and In consideration yt take vnto him my brother will'mn Claxton his vncle and fynde him meate and clothes during his naturalle liffe) ij oxen one cowe one meare wch he haith now in his occupation & custody And also one lode of seede wheate and one quarter of seede Otes one paer of soles wth overings and all I Of the family of Claxton, of Old Parke, and a farmer at Windleston, under the family of Eden. |