Abbildungen der Seite

waynscoot Tables xxvj3 viijd—a counter xiijs iiijd-a Coborde xiijs-thre waynscoot formes iiijs-fower buffett stowles iiij. one wainscoot Chayer ijs vjda payer of virgenalls xiijs iiijd. one olde chayer vjd-two grene carpetts and one dresser x3ix olde qwyshens Tapestarye worke x3-vj green qwishons ijstwo hangings Tapestarye worke xl-one basinge wth a Ewer vjs viijd-ij lattinge basings iijs iiijd-ij pottell potts, ij quarte potts and Three pynt potts of puther x-a Case for glasses vjd. Sum ix1 xs. IN THE COUNTYNG HOUSE-Seuen scoore and fyfteine ownes of duble gylt plait at vs the ounc xxxix'fortie and sex ouncs of p'cell gylt plait at iiijs vjd the ounc x' vijs-Sum xlix' vijs IN THE BUTTERYE-xj puther dublers. xxij3—iiij puther dyshes iiijs-ix sawsers iij-one pottell pott one quart poot one pynt poot one gill pott one buntinge poot and one puther flackett iiijs-xiijt candelsticks viij-one olde almerye ij3 vja—ij olde bord clothes and half a dosen napthkens ijs vjd Sum xlviijs vja. IN THE PARLER one Ireon chymney with a porr and a payer of Tonges x'--one olde Cownter ijs vjdone almerye v-two danske chysts vjs-one olde chyste xijd one waynscoot longshettle iijs iiijd-one waynscoot chayer x-one olde chayer vjd_v puther dublers and one latting dubler x-ij pottell potts, v quart potts, two buntinge potts with ij lattinge lavers vs-sex olde qwishons ijs-ij say hingengs xiijs iiij-ij trinell beddes for seru'nts wth iiij coverletts iij blanketts ij payer harden shetts and ij mattresses x-one skonse vja— Sum iij' xjs. THE NAPTHPERY-sex payer of lynnen shetts Xxx-xj codwayers xij-one diap' table and a dresser cloth x -iiij lynnen table clothes and ij dresser clothes xijs-iiij olde dyap Towells x3-ij hand Towells xijd-vj dyap' napthkens viijs

Sum iij' vj. IN THE LYTLE CHAMBER aboue the buttry— one old ffether bed ij coverletts ij coddes one payer of harden shetts viij'-one olde beddstead wth iij olde happings one coverlett and two coddes iijs-Sum xj3. IN THE KYCHINGE - one Ireon chymney with one payer of racks and ij spetts xxviijs iiijd --ij copper yetlings xv-one lytle cawdrone vjs viijd-iiij lytle pannes vjs viija—xij brasse potts wth one lytle posnett iij-one fryinge panne xijd-one lattinge basinge viijd-xxxiiij' of olde vessell xvijs-iij woode dublers ij fiyshe panyers ij bucketts one laddell and a fyshe skumer xx3-one brack stoule vjd Sum vj1 xvijs vjd. IN THE CHAMBER aboue the KYTCHEN-one lytle olde fyrr table withe a olde carpett xvjd-one olde waynscoot chyst v-a chyst with ij stand of harnes xxvjs viij-one olde flanders chyst xijd-one fether bedd ij fusten coddes one payer of blanketts ij coverletts and one olde oversea bedd xx3-ij lytle fether beddes ij payer of blanketts v coverletts and iiij


coddes xxiij old chystes iiijs--one basing with a Ewer v3-one garnyshe and a halff of vessell iij xiijs iiij. Sum vij1 xvjs iiija. IN THE FOORE CHAMBER one Ireon chymnay x-one counter iijs iiijd-one coulborde v-one presser xx3-one beddstead with a fether bedd one payer of say hingers with fleers one bolster ij fusten coddes ij coverletts and one oversea Coche bedde iij1 vjs viijd-vj Tapestrye qwishons xijs-iij other qwishons iijs iiij-ij chayers ij-one basing one ewer one charger one pottell poot one quart pott and one pynt poot x3- -one Carpett of tapestarye xxx-ij lytle olde carpetts ijs: Sum viij' iiijs iiij. IN THE LYTLE CHAMBER OVER THE SHOPP-ij fether beddes ij bolsters iiij coddes one payer of shetts ij payer of blanketts iiij coverletts and ij fleers xxx-one waynscoot chyst Vs Sum xxxvs. HIS APPERRELL-one gowen lyned with fu'nes xl-one gowen lynede withe budge xiij iiija—a russett gowne vs-two clocks xx3-one payer of rounde hoose x3-- one damaske Jackett xx3-one Taffatie Jackett x3-one satten dublett x-one Taffatie dublett vs-one leather Jerken and one canvesse dublet iiij-two payer of breches iijs iiij. Sum vij1 viijs. IN THE BREWE HOUSE-One Guyle fatt one maske fatt and iij other dry hoggeshedds iijs-ij laven towbs and ij other towbs xvj-one hambroughe barrell and ij halff barreles iijs -one payer of cart wheils iijs iiijd Sum x viijd. PACKINGE LOFTE XV scoore skines xvij old chists ijs— one cowe xx3-one Kyll chymnay vs-x bowles of otts xxx3. Sum xvij xvij. IN THE SHOPPE fyve pounde of white Jncle xvs-iiij yerdes of yallowe sarsnatt and iij yeardes and iij q'ters of read sarsnett at iijs the yearde xxviij—a grosse and a halff of pynnes ix3-c grosse and a halff waborne laise vj3– ij payer of wool cardes xij-vj pax of crouck heades iijs-x yeardes of lynen clothe x-vjlb of auletts vs-one dosen allem iijs-in Tacketts and elson blades ij-one hundreth prunes xiijs-in sworde chapes iiijs-iiij shoppe chists xx3-ij balks and ij payer of skalies with other weights vjs viijd. The goodes at NEATHER HEWORTH viij oxen xv-viij kyen x1-one whie of iij yere olde x-ij two yere olds xiijs iiijd-ij yere olds x3—— ij meares and one stagge iiij'-xxiij hogges iij xxiijt weathers and dynmonts iiij1 xiijs iiijs—xliij Ewes vij1 iijs iiijd—iij swyne x'—ij geyse and one stegg ijs-a payer of longe wayne blades iijs iiija-one oxe harrowe and ij horse harrowes vjs—one olde sea iiijd-one long wayne, one cowpe waine, and one brode wayne for stones withe all belonginge them xxvjs viijd-one ploughe, iiij somes one cowter and ij yockes ix iiija—ij old Beadsteads vjd-one olde cawell vjd-ij lytle coper kettell xijdone mylke skeill iiij-vij mylk bowles vj-one womble ija—one

2 D3

old borde and ij formes xijd—one Ireon rackingcrowke xvja—ij showells and a spade viijd-one fetherbedd ij blancketts. ij couerletts and a bolster with a bedstead vjs viijd-one lytle Ireon chymnay ijs vjd---one olde counter one chyste one hogeshead and one barrell ijs-xj acres of wheat and rye v1 x3-iij bowles and a bushell of wheat xxvjs viijd-ij bowles and a bushell of rye x3. Sum liiij' xiiijs vja. It'm the lease of heworth mylne and all charges beinge borne during the said lease praysede to iiij' the good debts that is due to the said cuthberte ellysone at the hower of his death as appearreth by p'teculers is xxxvijs iijd. DEBTS Owen by the said cuthbert at the hour of his deathe to his man s'unt thomas due at candlemes last for his wagge xix vjd-to two made s'unts for ther halff yeres wagge xijs-to his smythe of gaitshed vjs-to Gerreard Robinson taylor xs-to Rychard clarksone m'chaunt xliiijs-to george clarksone m'chaunt lvjs-to m's Elizabeth ellyson wedowe xx3-to mr bedwell xliiijs iiijd-to mr Robert Anderson v'— the charge of his buryall wth other funerall expencs v1. Sum xx1 xjs xjd. Soma totalis clxxxvj1 xix3 ixa. Sum' de claryo clxvj' vijs xd.



In the name of god amen In the yeare of our lorde 1580 and in the firste day of februarie I John Ironside of houghtonn in the springe seke in body but thankes be to god of good remembrannce do make and institute this my laste will and testament in maner and fourme followinge: firste I commend my soule into the hanndes of almightie god my maker and redemer of whom I desier and truste to have pardon and remyssion for all my sinnes of his fre mercie and goodnes and not of my deserinnge but throughe the merites of Jesus Christe our sauiour My bodye I will to be buried within the churchyarde of Houghtonn and for my dispositionn of my goodes firste I bequeathe to Margaret Ironside my wife my best horse or mare Also I bequeathe to agnas wilsonn wedowe my daughter xxx". bequeathe to Elizabethe Ironside one brouked oxe to the poore of Houghtonn parishe ijs. All the residue of my goodes my debtes and legasis & my funerall expensis paiid I

Also I

And I geve

1 Grandfather of Gilbert Ironside, Bishop of Bristol, who was the father of another Gilbert Ironside, Bishop of Bristol, and afterwards of Hereford.-V. Ped. SURTEES I. 150.

geve to Robert Ironside and raufe Ironside my sonnes and to Elizabethe Ironside and margerie Ironside my doughters whom I make executoures of this my laste will and for the due performannce of the same I appointe to be overseers thereof Raufe Pendrithe and John Browne. Witnesses hereof-William Ayray Robert robinson-John Gilpin.

THE INUENTORY of all the goodes and catle of John Ironside latelye deseasid priced by the neightboures John casson william ayray John Chiltonn Robert rutor.

Inprimis ix oxen and two stottes xvij'-one bronked oxe xx -thre kie and two stirkes iij' vjs viijd -thre mares and a stagge iiij xiij iiijd-one Grisseld horse xl-xv ewes iij'-vij hogges and two toupes xviijs-two swine hogges a sewe and two piges xxiijs-waine and wainger ploughe and ploug geare iiij1 ijsxxxij acres of wheat otes and bige xxj' vj viijs-the brasse vessell xxxij-the pouder vessell and fower candlestickes x3an Iron chimley withe the furnitoure v3—all maner wood geare within the house xx3-the beddinge withe the furnitour in the chaumber wth thre chistes xx-befe and bacon viij3—in clothe xlvjs viijd-wheat otes and pesse in the stacgarthe vj. Summa totalis Bonoru' lxxj1 xiiij3 iiijd. DEBTES that he was owinge to Robert Ironside xjs-to Thomas Ironside xxvjs—to barbary Robinsonn xiijs iiijd-to Thomas matelonn xlvj3 viijd—to maister personn xxvjs viijd-to Agnes wilsonn ix3-for a stotte xv3-to John shoulemire vijs-to Thomas mathewe iiijs viija—to Raufe pendrith xiijs iiijd_to a mortuarye x3- for funeralls xvj3 — for reparationns xx". Summa' totalis debitoru' xij' xix' iiij.



AMPULFURTH, W., 1489, T. 100.
Anderson, Henry, 1558, T. I. 164.
Anderson, Richard, 1566, T. 260.
Anderson, Will., 1567, T. 269.
Anderson, Bertram, 1570, I. 335.
Anesley, Will., 1573, I. 392.
Apelbye, Lancelot, 1568, T. 290.
Arkyndal, Tho., 1499, T. 103.
Armorar, Francis, 1574, T. 404.
Athey, Edward, 1565, T. I. 240.
Atkinson, Richard, 1565, T. I. 246.
Auckland, Implementa Colleg. de,
1498, 101.


BADESON, Ed., 1503, T. 104.
Bainbrige, Fra., 1575, T. 406.
Bancks, John, 1542, T. 118.
Bawfurthe, John, 1569, T. 307.
Baxter, Nycolas, 1568, T. 298.
Bayles, Ralph, 1566, T. I. 259.
Bayles, John, 1568, I. 293.
Baytes, George, 1547, T. 127.
Beamont, Jenett, 1561, T. 192.
Bean, Edmond, 1564, T. 221.
Beaumont, Lod, Ep. Dunelm., 1333,
I. 23.

Beck, Anthonius, Ep. Dunelm., 1310,
I. 12.

Bee, Will., 1551, T. I. 134.
Bell, Will., 1558, T. 171.
Benett, Robt., 1558, T. 172.
Betson, Rob., 1570, I. 332.
Billingham, John, 1577, I. 417.
Birdale, Tho., 1446, I. 96.
Blaixton, George, 1571, T. I. 357.
Blaxston, Ralph, 1549, T. I. 130.
Blaxton, Will., 1561, T. 196.

Blaxton, Nicholas, 1562, T. I. 205.
Blaxton, John, 1566, T. I. 251.
Blaxton, Roger, 1569, T. 308.
Blaxtone, Elizabeth, 1572, T. 368.
Blunt, Will., 1558, T. 168.

Blythman, Robt., 1548, T. 130.
Bouman, Ralph, 1566, I. 264.
Bowes, Matilda, 1420, T. 63.
Bowes, Robert, Knt., I. 145.
Bowmaker, John, 1566, T. I. 264.
Brantingham, Margerye, 1573, T. I.


Brigham, Unfray, 1570, T. 328.
Bromley, Rad., 1415, T. 58.
Browne, Will., 1567, T. 272.
Bruse, Jane, 1568, T. 300.
Bulmer, Rob., 1528, T. 108.
Bulmer, Will., Knt., 1531, T. 110.
Bulmer, John, 1543, T. 121.
Burdon, Margaret, 1565, T. I. 238.
Burnope, Nicholes, 1569, T. 304.
Bury, Ric., Ep., Dunelm., 1345, I. 25.
Bynley, John, 1564, T. I. 217.


CARNABYE, Ranold, 1571, T. 367.
Carr, John, 1551, T. I. 138.
Carre, Will., 1572, T. 382.

T. 191.

circ., 1560, extract of

Claxston, Tho., 1579, T. 424.
Claxton, Lanslet, 1546, T. 124.
Claxton, Ralph, 15.6, I. 151.
Claxton, Will., 1566, T. I. 252.
Claxton, Rauf, 1567, T. 275.
Claxton, Eliz., 1569, T. 310.
Cokeson, John, 1564, I. 225.
Cokshide, Lucia de, 1366, T. 32.
Collingwood, Barbarye, 1568, T. 290.
Collingwood, Rauff, 1570, T. 322.
Collygwod, Robt. 1556, T. 147.
Conyers, Rob., 1431, T. 80.
Conyers, Cuthbert, 1559, T. 184.
Conyers, Robt., 1563, I. 209.
Conyers, Robt., 1566, T. 261.
Conyers, George, 1567, I. 266.
Conyers, James, 1577, T. 416.
Conyers, Edw., 1580, T. I. 428.
Conyers, Rauphe, 1580, I. 430.
Cooke, Christ, 1580, I. 430

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