The Publications of the Surtees Society, Band 2Surtees Society, 1835 Report of Society appended to many volumes. |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-5 von 87
Seite 107
... bodye maks my last and incoverable will and testament in man & forme following first I geue my sowle to gode almightye or lady sanct marye & and all ye holly co'pany of heaving & my body to be buried in ye quere of ye pich church of ...
... bodye maks my last and incoverable will and testament in man & forme following first I geue my sowle to gode almightye or lady sanct marye & and all ye holly co'pany of heaving & my body to be buried in ye quere of ye pich church of ...
Seite 111
... bodye to be buryed in the qwhere of hawghton Item I bequithe to the hyghe altare for forgetten tethys iij . iiijd Also I bequithe to Sir Robert Co- tisforthe to praye for me vj . viij . Also I bequithe to the church works xxd . Also I ...
... bodye to be buryed in the qwhere of hawghton Item I bequithe to the hyghe altare for forgetten tethys iij . iiijd Also I bequithe to Sir Robert Co- tisforthe to praye for me vj . viij . Also I bequithe to the church works xxd . Also I ...
Seite 112
... bodye seinge the perell of deaith apperinge vnto me maiks my testament in this maner ffyrst I com'end my soll to god almightie and to the blessyde v'gine mare and to all the saincts of heven and my body to be buried within the colledge ...
... bodye seinge the perell of deaith apperinge vnto me maiks my testament in this maner ffyrst I com'end my soll to god almightie and to the blessyde v'gine mare and to all the saincts of heven and my body to be buried within the colledge ...
Seite 118
... bodye to be buryed in the church of gateshed . Item I will haue soull messe and dirage doyn and celebrate the daye of my buriall in the said churche wth all the prests and clerks therto belonginge . Item I will that george my son have ...
... bodye to be buryed in the church of gateshed . Item I will haue soull messe and dirage doyn and celebrate the daye of my buriall in the said churche wth all the prests and clerks therto belonginge . Item I will that george my son have ...
Seite 122
... bodye lawfullye begoten then to return to my son Alexand ' ( his sons Oliver Henry & George next in entail in succession & failing them and their issue ) then to returne to suche isschewe as it shall pleese God yt myn bedfellowe & I ...
... bodye lawfullye begoten then to return to my son Alexand ' ( his sons Oliver Henry & George next in entail in succession & failing them and their issue ) then to returne to suche isschewe as it shall pleese God yt myn bedfellowe & I ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Amen Anno Anno Domini argenti Beatæ Mariæ bequithe bequithe vnto blanketts bodye brother buried chist churche Claxton clothe cuilibet d'ni daye debts Domini doughter Dunelm Durham Ecclesiæ ejusdem eu'y executors father fether bedd ffirst fyve George geue geve giue gowne gyue gyve vnto haue hundrethe iiij iiijª iiijd iijs iiijd It'm I gyve Item lego Johanni John lawson Lord maike marcas meâ meæ meis meorum meum moneye mynd Newcastell p'ishe paire pannes payd payre pece potts quod Richard Rob't Robert Sancti sayd sone sonne soull spones sylver testament TESTAMENTUM ther Thomæ Thomas thre tyme unam unum viij viijª viijd vj¹ vj³ vjs viijd vnto volo vpon whome Will'm Willielmo wthin wyfe wyffe wyll xiiij xiij³ xiijs xijd xp'ofor xviij xx³ xxvj xxxiijs yeardes yerds yere yowes yron