The Publications of the Surtees Society, Band 2Surtees Society, 1835 Report of Society appended to many volumes. |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-5 von 44
Seite 107
... geue my sowle to gode almightye or lady sanct marye & and all ye holly co'pany of heaving & my body to be buried in ye quere of ye pich church of bambrough be sides ye bodies of my father & mother 1 Sir Thomas Forster , of Adderstone ...
... geue my sowle to gode almightye or lady sanct marye & and all ye holly co'pany of heaving & my body to be buried in ye quere of ye pich church of bambrough be sides ye bodies of my father & mother 1 Sir Thomas Forster , of Adderstone ...
Seite 136
... geue to the poure peple whom I make my executores and yf it forton yt my goods wyll not extend to thys my lasst wyll that I haue mad then I wyll that Sr Robert wod and S leonard hall my sup`vy- sors of thys my last wyll shall demynyshe ...
... geue to the poure peple whom I make my executores and yf it forton yt my goods wyll not extend to thys my lasst wyll that I haue mad then I wyll that Sr Robert wod and S leonard hall my sup`vy- sors of thys my last wyll shall demynyshe ...
Seite 148
... geue attoritie & will yt they shall fro tyme to tyme thinke mette displace & sequester from mellinge wt execution of this my last ... [ Pr . 1556. * ] of I and to the heires of his bodye lawfullye begotten. CXV . CUTHBART ELLYSON ...
... geue attoritie & will yt they shall fro tyme to tyme thinke mette displace & sequester from mellinge wt execution of this my last ... [ Pr . 1556. * ] of I and to the heires of his bodye lawfullye begotten. CXV . CUTHBART ELLYSON ...
Seite 161
... geue to the said Raufe dalton my amblinge grisseld geldinge & a gold ringe wth a reade seale of an Imaige , I gyve to St Michaell Myers a gowne clothe wch from london my best Clocke , and my best capp , I geue to St Edmonde staple- ton ...
... geue to the said Raufe dalton my amblinge grisseld geldinge & a gold ringe wth a reade seale of an Imaige , I gyve to St Michaell Myers a gowne clothe wch from london my best Clocke , and my best capp , I geue to St Edmonde staple- ton ...
Seite 171
... geue and bequithe vnto Middleton churche thre bells of an hundrethe weght which I desyere my lord of Lyn- coln , and doctor Watson of the colledge of duresme at my costs and charges to hange in fframe the said bells at the churche and ...
... geue and bequithe vnto Middleton churche thre bells of an hundrethe weght which I desyere my lord of Lyn- coln , and doctor Watson of the colledge of duresme at my costs and charges to hange in fframe the said bells at the churche and ...
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Amen Anno Anno Domini argenti Beatæ Mariæ bequithe bequithe vnto blanketts bodye brother buried chist churche Claxton clothe cuilibet d'ni daye debts Domini doughter Dunelm Durham Ecclesiæ ejusdem eu'y executors father fether bedd ffirst fyve George geue geve giue gowne gyue gyve vnto haue hundrethe iiij iiijª iiijd iijs iiijd It'm I gyve Item lego Johanni John lawson Lord maike marcas meâ meæ meis meorum meum moneye mynd Newcastell p'ishe paire pannes payd payre pece potts quod Richard Rob't Robert Sancti sayd sone sonne soull spones sylver testament TESTAMENTUM ther Thomæ Thomas thre tyme unam unum viij viijª viijd vj¹ vj³ vjs viijd vnto volo vpon whome Will'm Willielmo wthin wyfe wyffe wyll xiiij xiij³ xiijs xijd xp'ofor xviij xx³ xxvj xxxiijs yeardes yerds yere yowes yron