The Publications of the Surtees Society, Band 2Surtees Society, 1835 Report of Society appended to many volumes. |
Im Buch
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Seite 112
... ther fo ' to take x of my landes in Sonderland to do it withe all Also I bequeth to my ladie hedworthe two rialls of gold and sir thomas tempesse Kn'ght maist ' Robr't beuys esquyre John lampton esquire Rob'rt myllot nicholas tempese ...
... ther fo ' to take x of my landes in Sonderland to do it withe all Also I bequeth to my ladie hedworthe two rialls of gold and sir thomas tempesse Kn'ght maist ' Robr't beuys esquyre John lampton esquire Rob'rt myllot nicholas tempese ...
Seite 113
... ther costs to be borne be my executors The Resedewe of all my goods afor not be quethede my detts payd I bequithe and gyve to heleyne my wyffe and sir Raufe hed- worth my sonn whom I ordein and maiks my executors they to despose and do ...
... ther costs to be borne be my executors The Resedewe of all my goods afor not be quethede my detts payd I bequithe and gyve to heleyne my wyffe and sir Raufe hed- worth my sonn whom I ordein and maiks my executors they to despose and do ...
Seite 115
... ther money pament savyng the half off thronton teth to Wyll'm Cramlynton for x yer paying yerly the ferm & it pless my son George . It ' to my forth brennyng to be taykyg off my holl guds moveable & vnmovyable wt a ryall gold yt I have ...
... ther money pament savyng the half off thronton teth to Wyll'm Cramlynton for x yer paying yerly the ferm & it pless my son George . It ' to my forth brennyng to be taykyg off my holl guds moveable & vnmovyable wt a ryall gold yt I have ...
Seite 117
... ther of the queir It'm I gyve vnto Sir Jhoane huchinson my sistors soone my best govne And another govne that was Sir Will'm govlands my best tippett the best bonet a rachytt a hanghar a mesbooke a man'uell a dovsen aum ' beids with a ...
... ther of the queir It'm I gyve vnto Sir Jhoane huchinson my sistors soone my best govne And another govne that was Sir Will'm govlands my best tippett the best bonet a rachytt a hanghar a mesbooke a man'uell a dovsen aum ' beids with a ...
Seite 120
... ther Oswyne Ogle all and singuler the lands tenements that belongeth to the towne of twysele and the stone howse with all manner of commodities profitts therto belonginge during his life natiue And after the discease of the said Oswyne ...
... ther Oswyne Ogle all and singuler the lands tenements that belongeth to the towne of twysele and the stone howse with all manner of commodities profitts therto belonginge during his life natiue And after the discease of the said Oswyne ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Amen Anno Anno Domini argenti Beatæ Mariæ bequithe bequithe vnto blanketts bodye brother buried chist churche Claxton clothe cuilibet d'ni daye debts Domini doughter Dunelm Durham Ecclesiæ ejusdem eu'y executors father fether bedd ffirst fyve George geue geve giue gowne gyue gyve vnto haue hundrethe iiij iiijª iiijd iijs iiijd It'm I gyve Item lego Johanni John lawson Lord maike marcas meâ meæ meis meorum meum moneye mynd Newcastell p'ishe paire pannes payd payre pece potts quod Richard Rob't Robert Sancti sayd sone sonne soull spones sylver testament TESTAMENTUM ther Thomæ Thomas thre tyme unam unum viij viijª viijd vj¹ vj³ vjs viijd vnto volo vpon whome Will'm Willielmo wthin wyfe wyffe wyll xiiij xiij³ xiijs xijd xp'ofor xviij xx³ xxvj xxxiijs yeardes yerds yere yowes yron