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“The Shortest Route to the Orient”



Plan now your trip to the mystic
lands of the Orient. Nowhere else
will you find the charm, the keen
interest of new sights and new

Note these roundtrip fares:

$600 Yokohama and Return Sail from Seattle for Yokohama, returning via Honolulu to San Francisco. Or return direct from Yokohama to Seattle.

$692 Shanghai and Return Sail from Seattle for Yokohama, Kobe and Shanghai, returning from Japan to San Francisco via Honolulu. Or return direct from Yokohama to Seattle.

$750 Manila and Return
Sail from Seattle for Yokohama, Kobe,
Shanghai, Hong Kong and Manila, re-
turning through the same ports and via
Honolulu to San Francisco. Or return
from Japan to Seattle.

Enjoy the rare comfort of great President
Liners-broad and steady. Outside rooms.
Spacious decks.

Luxurious and beautifully appointed pub-
lic rooms. The dining service is unex-

A sailing, over the "11-day route" to the
Orient every two weeks from Seattle.
Tickets are interchangeable with the Dol-
lar Steamship Line, either the trans-Pacific
or Round the World service.

Complete information from any steamship
or railroad ticket agent or

American Mail Line

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Admiral Oriental Line

32 Broadway, New York 112 West Adams St., Chicago 177 State Street, Boston 101 Bourse Bidg., Philadelphia

Dime Bank Building, Detroit

D. J. Hanscom, G. P. A., 1519 Railroad Ave. South, Seattle

Steamer your hotel for the entire cruise.
Wide choice of accommodations, in-
cluding suites with private baths. Special
motor sight-seeing tours

included in rate. Stop-
overs permitted. Sailings
from New York every

Write for illustrated literature


Cruise Department

25 Broadway, New York
or any Authorized


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Showrooms and sales offices: New York, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond,
Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, St. Louis, St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Omaha, Denver, Kansas City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Toronte, London, Paris, Milan, Brussels, Berlin.

Makers of IDEAL Boilers, AMERICAN Radiators, ARCO Hot Water Supply
Heaters, VENTO (Ventilating) Heaters, Heat-Controlling Accessories, etc.

Social Success is at Your Door!

Converse wittily,

Listen intelligently,

Laugh judiciously.

When the conversation turns, as it so often does in the
seats of the mighty, to the French Debt, the German
theatre, the book of the moment in London, or the play
of the hour in Paris, your opening is at hand.

Take the floor quietly - unobtrusively, in fact. With
swift assurance and in crisp well-turned phrases, lightly
spiced with shrewd humor, tell your admiring audience
what the French press really thinks of Stresemann,
which books Caillaux has been reading in the last six
months, why Wells and Belloc call each other, 'Liar!' or
words to that effect.

Now with delicate adroitness shift the scene to Pekin.
Describe the latest activities of the Soviet Ambassador.
Distinguish, if you can, one Chinese General from an-
other. Show how the ambitions of Japan, Russia, and
Britain are likely to clash.

"But," you may object, "where am I to find so much to

The answer is to be found in the form of the new semi-
monthly Living Age which will be sent you on the first
and fifteenth of the next six months for the tiny sum of
two dollars.

The Living Age Company, 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass.
Gentlemen: Enclosed please find two dollars for a six months' subscrip-
tion to the Living Age.



City and State.

Α.Μ. 1-27

More like a mansion than an hotel


HE Carlton Hotel a new manner he keeping of hotels is to be d. The studios of America, the ers of Europe were ransacked for lamental designs, for decoras, fitments and supplies. The t scientifically perfected mechanequipments were selected. Sci: and the arts, working together, imagined and then gave body this hotel that is built and run he standards of a great mansion. Es ownership and basic manageat are shared with the Wardman k Hotel, also a unique establishat, offering as it does all the facils of a resort though on the outts of the city. The Carlton Hoin the center of the residential crict, further extends the Ward

service in Washington. There are only 257 rooms, a few ilable singly. Accommodations ncipally are in family, diplomatic I royal suites. It is recommended t you make reservations in adace. Your comfort in Washingthen will be assured, and on ival you will be taken directly your rooms, where a clerk will ister you individually.


It's Garden Planning Time Again

and this year, to make your dreams come true, you can have the HOUSE BEAUTIFUL GARDENING MANUAL


the loveliest yet of garden books, and the most complete ever published
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NLY the one who has had a hand in the making of a garden realizes how many questions there are to every square inch of earth.

The House Beautiful Gardening

The Atlantic Monthly Company
8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass.
GENTLEMEN: I enclose $4.00, for which please
send me The House Beautiful Gardening Manual.



Manual is the one book which, just for the sake of never failing you with a needed answer, assumes that you have everything still to learn. Here are all the how's and the why's and the wherefore's of garden making, with illustrations lovely beyond telling.

If it is your heart's desire to have about you the beauty of growing things, make this book your first investment of the new garden year.

$4.00 a Copy


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