At a General Meeting of the SURTEES SOCIETY, held in Durham Castle on Tuesday, June 7th, 1904, the DEAN OF DURHAM in the chair, It was resolved, That CANON FOWLER prepare a fourth volume of the Memorials of Ripon from a manuscript belonging to the Ingilby family. PREFACE. My attention was first directed to what we now call the Ingilby Manuscript by a letter from Mrs. Tempest, dated Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorkshire, 11 April, 1904. This lady rightly surmised that I did not know of the MS. when I edited the "Memorials of Ripon" for the Surtees Society. It had, no doubt, belonged to the Library at Ripley Castle at one time, but had somehow come into the possession of a lady whose executors sold it to William Ingilby, Esq., of 22, Bolton Street, Mayfair, brother of Sir Henry D. Ingilby, the present owner of Ripley. Mr. Ingilby most kindly placed the MS. in my hands for as long as was necessary, that I might copy it for the Surtees Society, the Council of which Society at once agreed that it should be edited by me as a fourth volume of "Memorials of Ripon." The MS. is about twelve inches by nine in size, and is of a somewhat complex nature, consisting as it does of parts of Act Books of the Chapter of Ripon, together with a considerable fragment of a Ripon cartulary of the fourteenth century. The contents of these two distinct portions are particularized in the table that follows this preface, and it will be seen that they are highly valuable records, saved, most fortunately, from the general wreck in the sixteenth century. It would seem as if some one, seeing them thrown about as worthless, had caused them to be put together in a single volume in order to preserve at least a few specimens of the great mass of manuscript material then dispersed and destroyed for ever. It is not unlikely that the person who did this good work of preservation was one of the Ingilby family or one interested in their history, for the name occurs in the Chapter Acts not infrequently, as a reference to our Index will show. The volume is bound in a cover made of an original lease of the East and West Parks at Brancepeth, granted by Thomas Lord Howard to Charles Hedworth, 27th June, 34 Eliz. (1592). a The Chapter Acts here printed for the first time include a great many institutions of canons, vicars, and others, which add several new names to those in the Fasti Riponienses in our second volume. Among these are no less than fourteen names of canons not previously known, viz.: John de Clifford, upon whose death in or before 1393 William de Cawood was admitted to the prebend of Thorp; Franciscus presbyter Cardinalis tituli iiijor coronatorum, admitted to the prebend of Monkton about 1411; John de Columba, who had held prebend before c. 1233; Peter de Fikelden, who held a prebend that had been held by Will. de Orliens, C. 1228-1234; T. de G., concanonicus, 1306-1352; Adam de Melsenby, witness 1228 and c. 1235; Milo, witness in twelfth century; Rob. Passelew, 1216-1240; Adam de Pinkon', or Pinkneyg, or Pinkeni, c. 1270, (misread Pynhou in Darnbrough MS.); Will. Romanus, witness 1233, 1234; Will. fil. Stephani, witness C. 1233; Turstinus, witness 1114-1140; Alan de Wassant, c. 1242; Ric. de Yarom, witness c. 1230 and c. 1234. Besides these new names, we gather several new dates and particulars belonging to canons already known, and many hitherto unknown appointments of vicars and other officers of the church. Documents already printed in these Memorials are not reprinted here, but any notable variations are given, including some corrections of names before printed from the Darnbrough MS., where they were incorrectly copied. In these Chapter Acts are also several important constitutions for the regulation of the staff of the Minster, for some parochial chapelries, and for chantries, protestations of residence made by canons, foundations of chantries, visitations, etc. In 1401 a statute was enacted for the obsequies of King Athelstan and other kings, archbishops of York, and canons of Ripon, the town crier was to go round, and the sanctuary men were to attend at the services. In 1505 the Chapter write to King Henry VII offering participation in all their religious offices, and promising special prayers for his welfare both in this life and in the life to come. In 1517 was executed an indenture for the making of a George and Dragon according to one at Crystall (Kirkstall) Abbey, registered in Chapter in 1518. In the Chapter Acts are included also copies of several wills proved before the Chapter. These are for the most part of the usual kind, but those of William de Dalton, Canon, 1371, and of William Cawood, another canon, 1419-20, are very long and most interesting. There is a short extract from the latter will in "Test. Ebor.," I, 395. The portion of a cartulary referred to above extends from p. 36 to p. 98 in the present volume, and all the charters entered possess considerable local interest; the dates ascertained range from 1114 to 1322. Local research might do much to identify the less-known places mentioned, and the succession of the tenures, but the present editor has no opportunity for an investigation of that description, and can only put the matter into an accessible form, ready for such as shall hereafter study or write upon that portion of Yorkshire county history which belongs to Ripon. The Surtees Society is deeply indebted to Mrs. Tempest for the information that she gave in the first instance, and to Mr. William Ingilby for placing at their disposal so valuable and interesting a manuscript, the J. T. F. |