Awareness ..Jean Nette 124 203 186 Chambered Nautilus, The..Oliver Wendell Holmes 30 179 De Sunflower Ain't de Daisy Anonymous ..Ella Wheeler Wilcox.. 126 Ralph Waldo Emerson 207 ..S. E. Kiser. 193 53 102 Edward Rowland Sill.. 112 Fighting Failure, The... The Four Things.. Game, The.. Glad Song, The.... Good Deeds. Good Intentions. Grumpy Guy, The... Sam Walter Foss.... .... . Grantland Rice William Shakespeare 216 .St. Clair Adams ...... 43 William Shakespeare.. 109 J. G. Holland 200 .... 134 169 93 ΙΟΟ .... Hymn to Happiness, A....James W. Foley...... 222 If You Can't Go Over or Under, Go Round....... I'm Glad.... Inner Light, The. Invictus Joseph Morris .Anonymous John Milton .William Ernest Henley Is It Raining, Little Flower? Anonymous It Couldn't Be Done....... Edgar A. Guest. 4 13 150 29 83 5 199 6 It May Be. ..S. E. Kiser..... 99 Keep On Keepin' On. ..... Anonymous ... 125 Keep Sweet... Know Thyself.. .... .Angela Morgan 36 .Strickland W. Gillilan.. 220 Kingdom of Man, The.....John Kendrick Bangs.. 132 Laugh a Little Bit.........Edmund Vance Cooke. 135 Lesson from History, A....Joseph Morris Life, not Death. Lion Path, The... Lions and Ants.. Little Prayer, A. .Griffith Alexander 21 127 202 .Edward Rowland Sill.. 99 79 ..Ernest H. Crosby..... 80 171 Life Without Passion, The. William Shakespeare.. 213 Little Thankful Song, A... Frank L. Stanton Lose the Day Loitering....Johann Wolfgang von 181 24 Goethe .. Man, Bird, and God.. ..Robert Browning ..... 153 |