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order to dispose of their overflowing produce to advantage.

The favourable situation of this people, during a long war in which they have almost always enjoyed the advantage of neutrality, has been the means of turning their attention, their industry, and capitals, far too exclusively to external and maritime commerce. The Americans are enterprising; their voyages are cheaply performed; they have introduced into navigation long courses, and various expeditious manoeuvres, which shorten voyages, reduce their expenses, and correspond with those improvements in the arts which diminish the costs of production; in short, the Americans have drawn to themselves all the maritime commerce which the English have not been able to engross; they have, for many years, been the intermediate agents between all the Continental powers of Europe and the rest of the world. Their success has even exceeded that of the English wherever those nations have been competitors, as in China. What has been the result? An excessive abundance of those commodities which are obtained by commercial and maritime industry; and when the general peace at length opened the highway of the ocean to all nations, the French and Dutch ships crowded with a kind of madness into the midst of a career thus newly opened to them; and in their ignorance of the actual state of countries beyond seatheir agriculture, arts, population, and resources for buying and consuming these ships, escaped from a tedious detention, carried in abundance the produce of the Continent of Europe to all ports, presuming that the other nations of the globe would be eager to possess those commodities after their long separation from Europe.

But in order to purchase this extraordinary supply, it would have been requisite for these countries to create immediately extraordinary quantities of produce of their own; for the difficulty at New York, at Baltimore, the Havanna, Rio-Janeiro, or Buenos-Ayres, is not to consume, but to purchase European manufactures. But the Europeans required payment in cottons, tobaccos, sugars, and rice; and this demand even enhanced the prices: and as, notwithstanding the dearness of these merchandizes, and of money, which is also merchandize, it was necessary to take them or return without payment, these very articles, thus rendered, scarce in their

original country, became more abundant in Europe, and at length so completely overstocked the European mar kets, that a fair price could not be ob tained for them, although the consump tion of Europe has greatly increased since the peace: hence the disadvantageous returns which we have witnessed. But suppose for an instant that the agricultural and manufactured produce of both North and South America had suddenly become very considerable at the time of the peace, in that case the people of those countries, being more numerous, and producing more, would easily have purchased all the European cargoes, and furnished a variety of returns at a cheap rate.

This effect will, I doubt not, take place with respect to the United States, when they are enabled to add to the objects of exchange furnished by their maritime commerce, a greater quantity of their agricultural produce, and perhaps some articles of manufacture also, Their cultivation is extending, their manufactures multiply, and their population, in the natural order of things, increases with astonishing rapidity. In a few years the combination of their varied industry will form a mass of produce amongst which will be found more articles calculated to furnish profitable returns, or at least profits of which the Americans will employ a part in the purchase of European merchandize.

Merchandize produced by Europeans at a less expense than it can be made for in America will be carried to the United States; and goods which the soil and industry of America produce cheaper than they can be had elsewhere, will be carried home in exchange. The nature of demands will determine the nature of productions; each nation will prefer engaging in that kind of production in which it succeeds best, and the result will be exchanges mutually and permanently advantageous. But these commercial ameliorations can only be brought about by time. The talents and experience requisite for the practice of the arts are not acquired in a few months; years are necessary for their attainment. The Americans will not discover in what manufactures they can succeed until after several attempts. When

* The manufactures which a new nation may execute to the greatest advantage, are, in general, those which consist in preparing raw materials of their own growth, or imported at a small expense. It is not pro

they are successful, those particular manufactures will no longer be carried to them; but the profits derived from this production will procure them the means of buying other European produce.

With respect to agricultural speculations, however rapid may be their extension, they can only afford markets for European produce by means of their own productions, by very slow degrees. As fast as culture and civilization extend beyond the Allegany mountains into Kentucky and the territories of Indiana and the Illinois, the first gains are employed in the subsistence of the colonists as they arrive from the states more anciently peopled, and in building their habitations. The profits they make beyond these, serve to extend their clearing and plantations; the next are employed in manufacturing their own produce for local consumption: and savings of a fourth order only can be applied to the manufacture and fabrication of the produce of the soil for distant consumption. It is not until this latter state of things takes place that new states begin to afford markets for Europeans; this cannot be in their earliest infancy: their population must have had time to increase, and their agricultural produce must have become sufficiently abundant to oblige them to exchange it at a distance for other value. Afterwards, and by the natural progress of things, instead of exporting raw produce, they export produce which has received some preparation, and which consequently, compris ing a greater value in a less bulk, is adapted to bear the expense of carriage. Such produce will one day come to Europe from New Orleans, a city destined to become one of the greatest entrepôts in the world.

This point has not yet been attained; is it then wonderful that the productions of the United States have not yet afforded markets sufficient for the commercial efforts which followed the peace? Is it extraordinary that the commercial produce brought by the Americans themselves into their ports, at the conclusion of an excessive developement of their nautical industry, should yet remain there in abundance?

bable that the United States will ever supply Europe with cloth; but they will perhaps furnish her with manufactured tobaccos, refined sugars; perhaps they may even establish cotton-manufactories on better terms than the English.

You see, Sir, that there is nothing in this fact but what is quite conformable to the doctrine of your antagonists.

Returning to the irksome condition in which all kinds of industry at present exist in Europe, I might add to the discouragement resulting from the excessive multiplication of the charges of production, the disorders occasioned by those charges in the production, distri bution, and consumption of the values produced; disorders which frequently bring into the market quantities superior to the demand, and at the same time drive out of it many which might have been sold, and the prices of which would have been employed in the purchase of the former. Certain producers endeavour to recover by the quantity of what they produce a part of the value consumed by the revenue. Some productive services have contrived to be exempted from the avidity of the fiscal department, as it often happens with the productive services of capitals, which frequently continue to obtain the same interest, while lands, buildings, and industry are overcharged. Sometimes workman who finds it difficult to maintain his family, endeavours by excessive toil to make up for the low price of manual labour. Are not these causes which derange the natural order of production, and which occasion in some departments a production exceeding what would have taken place, if the wants of the consumers alone had been considered? All the objects of consumption are not necessary to us in the same degree. Before we reduce our consumption of corn to one half, we reduce our consumption of meat to a fourth, and our consumption of sugar to nothing. There are capitals so engaged in certain undertakings, particularly in manufactures, that the proprietors often consent to lose the interest, and sacrifice the profits of their industry, and continue to labour merely to support the establishment until more favourable times, and to preserve the connexions: sometimes they are apprehensive of losing good workmen, whom the suspension of employment would compel to disperse; the humanity of the proprietors is sufficient, in some instances, to carry on a manufacture which is no longer in demand. Hence arise disorders in the progress of production and consumption, still more grievous than those which originate in the abuses of the revenue or the vicissitudes of the seasons. Hence we see inconsiderate


productions, hence recourse ruinous means-hence crse is had to tablishments are overthrown.


At the same time I must remark, that although the evil is great, it probably seems greater than it is. The commodities which overstock all the markets in the world, may strike the eye by their magnitude in a mass, terrify the commercial world by their depreciation in value, and yet constitute only a very small part of the merchandizes of every sort made and consumed. There is no warehouse but would speedily be emptied, if every species of production of which its contents are made up were to cease simultaneously in every part of the world. Besides, it has been observed, that the slightest excess of supply beyond the demand is sufficient to produce a considerable alteration in price. It is remarked in the Spectator (No 200) 'that when the harvest exceeds by a tenth what is ordinarily consumed, the corn falls to half its price. Dalrymple * makes an an analogous observation. We must not then be surprised if a slight excess should be frequently represented as an excessive superabundance.

This superabundance, as I have already remarked, is also occasioned in part by the ignorance of producers or traders on the nature and extent of the demand in the places to which goods are consigned. Of late years there have been many hazardous speculations, because there have been many new relations between nations. Data were every where wanting to serve as the foundation of good calculations; but does it follow because many affairs have been ill-managed, that others might not be well conducted, if well understood. I will venture to predict that as new relations shall grow old, and reciprocal wants be more justly appreciated, the markets will cease to be glutted, and permanent relations of mutual profit

will be established.

But at the same time it is expedient to diminish gradually, and as far as the circumstances of every state will allow, the general and permanent inconveniencies which spring from too expensive a


productive system. It is necessary that should be firmly convinced that the more others gain, the more easily we shall sell our produce; that there is only one way to gain, namely, to produce, either by one's own labour, or by that of the capital or lands one may possess; that unproductive consumers are only men substituted for productive consumers; that the more producers, the more consumers there are; that, by the same rule, every nation is interested in the prosperity of others, and that all are interested in having the easiest communications with each other, for every difficulty is equivalent to an increase of expense.


Such is the doctrine established sin my writings, and which, I acknowledge, does not appear to me to have been shaken. I took up my pen to defend it, not because it is mine (the self-love of an author would be contemptible where such great interests are concerned), but because it is eminently social, and points out to mankind the sources of true wealth and the danger of drying them up. The rest of this doctrine is no less useful, because it teaches that capital and land are only productive when they are become respected property; that the poor man is interested in defending the property of the rich; that he is consequently interested in the preservation of good order, because a revolution, which could only yield him a temporary plunder, would deprive him of a permanent income. When one studies political economy as it ought to be studied, and perceives that the most useful truths rest on the most certain principles, one naturally feels exceedingly anxious to place these principles within the reach of every understanding. Let us not augment their difficulties by useless abstraction; let us not recommence the folly of the economists of the 18th century by endless discussions on the net produce of lands; let us describe the manner in which facts occur, and expose the chain which connects them; then our writings will be of great practical utility, and the publie will be truly indebted to writers who are like you, Sir, possessed of such ample means of affording information

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THE NEW ADVENTURER. NOT? and consubo~ si di bonizno luni 50 ore 97 -89 ILISHIOS versif—encem, enonig

Ay, Sir, the world is in its dotage, and yet the cosmogony of c of the world has puzzled philosophers of all nations." Picar of Wakefields

MR. EDITOR;an „gist, oF VER 980 15IN writing to you the other day, to solicit a place among the contributors to your Magazine, the statement I made of my qualifications, and the review which I took of my life, threw me into sa sort of melancholy musing. The shifts I had made to live, the extent and ingenuity of my industry, the multiplicity of dangers through which I had passed, and the long series of insults, privations, and sufferings which I had experienced in my journey through this vale of tears, arose in dreary succession upon my imagination. "Some natural tears I dropped," but, being of no very desponding turn of disposition, they were soon wiped away; and association, leaving effects, fell, not unnaturally, upon the causes of these adventures, Pourquoi ceux-ci et non pas des autres?) and thence to that most puzzling of all pourquois, Pourquoi existons nous ?" The multiplicity of metaphysical doubts and difficulties which thus presented themselves, the long series of theories for their solution, from Pythagoras to Kant, (leaving things just where they found them) succeeded, if not in solving the problem, in leading me away from myself; while by impressing perhaps a strong conviction of the insignificance of man in the chain of existences, they helped to restore me to that happy state, in which those who have suffered much vicissitude, usually remain with respect to eventual possibilities.

With the results of this part of my speculations I shall not at present trouble, you. The final causes of an existence, such as that of man, whether it be considered as respecting this world solely, or in connection with our hopes in futurity, the difficulty of reconciling the notion of a world of probation with that of an omniscient Creator, would make, I think, a very pretty quarto, and with a dedication to a right reverend, and a taking title, might produce a magnificent sale. But this by the bye... From these reflections (I know not well how) imagination, taking a second start at right angles, passed from generals back again to particulars; while the dismal train of misadventures, which scarce a minute ago had dressed themselves in such gloomy colours, re-appeared, like Ephesian widows, in the gayest and most ridiculous attire. The

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Jadium 1 smit sme si A
contrast between the means and the
end was too violent, the disproportion
between the struggle for existence, and
the utility of mere being was too exces-
sive, not to inspire a contempt for the
whole business, a feeling which perhaps
often stands in the place of a more ra-
tional stoicism. I compared my own
personal mishaps with those mimic dis-
tresses which, for a season, I had pour-
trayed on the stage; and the most se-
vere calamities thus viewed from be-
hind, have not unfrequently as near an
alliance to the comic as to the tragic
muse. The chief difference between
fictitious sorrow and the griefs of real
life, is, that the two-pence halfpenny and
two inches of candle, which I have shared
after an evening's performance, were an
adequate cause for a night's exertion to
one who wanted bread; whereas the
advantage to be derived by the "
1 sum
of things" from the performance of a
certain number of chemico-animal
transmutations of matter, and the tran-
sitory existence of one other focus of
sensibility, the well-spring of desires
never accomplished, and of necessity
scarcely half satisfied, is infinitely pro-
blematical and confounding. The more
this idea combined with the details of
life, the more forcibly it occupied my
mind. When I asked myself what
benefit I had contributed to nature by
bawling through a long winter's even-
ing "Walk into the auction:" or by
biting my nails to the quick, to produce
such rhimes as—

"If you would shine in court or city, #
Among the wealthy or the witty,
No point of grace or polish lacking,


Go brush your shoes with patent blacking ;'

when I saw myself tossing on the dreary northern seas through many a tedious hour, on board the whaler, to light the gamester to his ruin, the thief to his prey, or to cheat the honest man of those hours which nature had destined for repose; when I recollected my painful labours in correcting the press for some tissue of fraud and false reasoning, destined to work an imperceptible change in some momentary combination of a disordered society-ridicule and humiliation contended for mastery. But how is it, I continued, with the rest of mankind? are not the great mass of the species involved in the same necessities? are they not, as well as myself, com

pelled propter vitam vivendi perdere the

classes of society, oh the matter is ten times worse. Do we not see the beauteous harmony and combination of organs, the wondrous adaptation of the instruments of sense to the proper ties of surrounding nature, the incessant flowing of the fountains of life, the lightning-like rapidity of volition, the untraceable complexity of nutrition, the unfathomable profundity of mind, all conspiring to produce a machine to grind or to take snuff? to make black and red marks on pieces of paste-board, or to distribute and collect them on a green table? to arrange words in metre, or to elicit vibrations from an extended cat-gut? or to walk straight forward, "left leg foremost," to turn "eyes right" eyes left," and in the levelling of a musket, to destroy from the face of the earth some thousands of living combinations, as useful and as important personages to nature and to society, as the destroyer?

and "

These considerations very much overcame, I confess it, the awful respect with which I had recently addressed you; for even you, Sir, are but a machine, unravelling this month what you wove the last. For you know one φύλλων γενέη, τοιήδε καὶ Μαγαζίνων, onejour. nal drives off another, and the race which exists blots out the memory of that which is passed; so that at the end of a long life your whole importance will be locked up in your last production, that is, unless you bind your numbers. Do not, however, let this consideration mortify your vanity; for there are a vast many personages very much our superiors in public estimation, the sum of whose utility will be pretty closely bounded to the quantity of materials they shall have afforded to the reproductive force of nature; or as Swift would say, whose merits are commensurate with their excretions: unless indeed to be the immediate cause of many horses breaking their wind, many ladies breaking their hearts, and many tailors breaking their clothiers, be accounted

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of service in the scheme of nature. Nay, you my secret, are ambassadors of much credit, the merit of whose diplomacy I would circum scribe within the diamond snuff-boxes they import, on their returning home; and there are other machines of "high consideration" I could name, mounted exclusively to say ay and no; and this they do so out of all time and season, that their utility even within this limited sphere is more than questionable. Indeed I am almost ashamed of my ques rulousness in thus lamenting the efforts I have made to keep afloat in society, and preserve life and soul together, when I think of the unwearied patience with which I have seen a man of rank and fortune walk away whole days be tween the Opera-house and the hosier's shop at the corner of St. James's-street, seeing the same faces, the same carriages, the same eternal_caricatures at the print-shop and on the pavement, merely to wear out two pieces of boots leather, and restore their elements to their primitive freedom. I am very sure that there is less exertion in a hard day's labour at an handicraft trade, and much less risk of life and limb, than are required to kill a fox or to bag a few brace of partridges; while the efforts of volition which put an unwieldy Apicius into motion on his daily sacrifice of exercise in search of appetite, are more than on a par with those which neces sity induces in us poor devils in our search for a dinner. Still, however, the great question remains unanswered, why, in the endless chain of causations, the aforesaid noble should be compelled! to pass his life in wearing out boots, or the aforesaid sportsman in decomposing gun-powder and destroying existences more innocent and useful than his own? or why I should be necessitated to waste my time, and your reader's, with this account of a waking dream? I must, therefore, content myself with the hope of a sufficing reason on the creditor side of your books, which will always be an adequate cause for the best exertions of, Sir, Yours, &c. &c.


PHILOSOPHERS in all ages have disputed whether a state of nature or of civilization is more favourable to the production of f virtue. By some it has been asserted, that the simplicity and ignorance of savage life afford the only opportunity for its practice; while others


have as strenuously insisted that nothing but the cultivation of the arts of polished society can give birth to any of the qualities which raise man above, the level of the brute creation. As usual in such disputes upon general principles, both parties have been car

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