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Burrough, Waxentale, Tranship, Hamlet, Village, Monastry, Church Cathedral or Collegiat, or to any Guild, Fraternity, or Body Corporate, Fellowship, or Company, or other whatsoever, having capacity to take any Bond, especially and generally, jointly or severally, touching or concerning the same Prest or Loan, or every of them, or the repayment of any Sum or Sums of Mony for the same, be from henceforth void and of none effect. Cui quidem billæ probe et ad plenum intellecta per dictum Dominum Regem ex assensu et Authoritate Parliamenti prædicti taliter est responsum. Le Roy remercie Les Seigneurs et ses communes de leur bonne cueurs en faifant cest graunt, et icelle se Majeste accepte et tout le contenu, et cest escriture a graunt et aprove avecques tous les articles en ceste escripture specifies.


A Letter from Gardiner and Fox, about their Proceedings at Cambridge. An Original.

(Cott. Libr. Vitel. B. 13.)

Feb. 1530, from Cambridg by Stephen Gardiner.


PLEASETH it your Highness to be advertised, That arriving here at Cambridg upon Saturday last past at noon, that same night, and Sunday in the Morning, we devised with the Vice-chancellour, and such other as favoureth your Grace's Cause, how and in what sort to compass and attain your Grace's Purpose and Intent; wherein we assure your Grace, we found much towardness, good will, and diligence, in the Vice-Chancellour and Dr. Edmunds, being as studious to serve your Grace as we could wish or desire: Nevertheless there was not so much care, labour, study, and diligence employed on our Party, by them, our self, and other, for attaining your Grace's Purpose, but there was as much done by others for the lett and empeachment of the same; and as we assembled they assembled, as we made Friends they made Friends, to lett that nothing should pass as in the Universities Name; wherein the first day they were Superiors, for they had put in the ears of them, by whose Voices such things do pass, multas fabulas, too tedious to write unto your Grace. Upon Sunday at afternoon were assembled, after the manner of the University, all the Doctors, Batchellors of Divinity, and Masters

of Art, being in number almost two hundred: In that Congregation we delivered your Grace's Letters, which were read openly by the Vice-Chancellor. And for answer to be made unto them, first the Vice-Chancellor calling apart the Doctors, asked their Advice and Opinion; whereunto they answered severally, as their Affections led them, et res erat in multa confusione. Tandem they were content Answer should be made to the Questions by indifferent Men: But then they came to Exceptions against the Abbot of St. Benets, who seemed to come for that purpose; and likewise against Dr. Reppes, and Dr. Crome; and also generally against all such as had allowed Dr. Cranmer's Book, inasmuch as they had already declared their Opinion. We said thereunto, That by that reason they might except against all; for it was lightly, that in a Question so notable as this is, every Man Learned hath said to his Friend as he thinketh in it for the time; but we ought not judg of any Man that he setteth more to defend that which he hath once said, than Truth afterward known. Finally; The Vice-Chancellor, because the day was much spent in those altercations, commanding every Man to resort to his Seat apart, as the manner is in those Assemblies, willed every Man's mind to be known secretly, whether they would be content with such an Order as he had conceived for answer to be made by the University to your Grace's Letters; whereunto that night they would in no wise agree. And forasmuch as it was then dark night, the Vice-Chancellor continued the Congregation till the next day at one of the Clock; at which time the Vice-Chancellor proponed a Grace after the form herein inclosed; and it was first denied: When it was asked again, it was even on both Parties, to be denied or granted; and at the last, by labour of Friends to cause some to depart the House which were against it, it was obtained in such form as the Schedule herein enclosed purporteth; wherein be two Points which we would have left out; but considering by putting in of them we allured many, and that indeed they shall not hurt the determination for your Grace's part, we were finally content therewith. The one Point is that where it was first, that quicquid major pars of them that be named decreverit, should be taken for the determination of the University. Now it referred ad duas partes, wherein we suppose shall be no difficulty. The other Point is, That your Grace's Question shall be openly disputed, which we think to be very honourable; and it is agreed amongst us, That in that disputation shall answer, the Abbot of St. Benets, Dr. Reppes, and I Mr. Fox, to all such as will VOL. I, PART II.


object any thing or reason against the conclusion to be sustained for your Grace's part. And because Mr. Doctor Cliff hath said, That he hath somewhat to say concerning the Canon-Law; I your Secretary shall be adjoined unto them for answer to be made therein. In the Schedule which we send unto your Grace herewith, containing the names of those who shall determine your Grace's Question, all marked with the Letter A. be already of your Grace's Opinion; by which we trust, and with other good means, to induce and obtain a great part of the rest, Thus we beseech Almighty God to preserve your most Noble and Royal Estate. From Cambridge the day of February. Your Highness's most humble

Subjects and Servants,


[blocks in formation]

HABEANT plenam facultatem et Auctoritatem, nomine totius Universitatis, respondendi Literis Regiæ Majestatis in hac Congregatione lectis, ac nomine totius Universitatis definiendi et determinandi quæstionem in dictis literis pro

positam ita quod quicquid duæ partes eorum præsentium inter se decreverint, respondendi dictis literis, et definierint ac determinaverint super quæstione proposita, in iisdem habeatur, et reputetur pro Responsione, Definitione et Determinatione totius Universitatis, et quod liceat Vicecancellario, Procuratoribus et Scrutatoribus, literis super dictarum duarum partium definitione et determinatione concipienda sigillum commune Universitatis apponere: sic quod disputetur Quæstio publice et antea legatur coram Univer sitate absq; ulterori gratia desuper petenda aut obtinenda.

Your Highness may perceive by the Notes, that we be already sure of as many as be requisite, wanting only three; and we have good hope four; of which four if we get two, and obtain of another to be absent, it is sufficient for our purpose.


A Letter from Crook out of Venice, concerning the Opinions of Divines about the Divorce. An Original.

(Cotton Libr. Vitell. B. 13.)

July 1, 1530.

PLEASE it your Highness to be advertised, That as this day I obtained the Common Seal of the Univertity of Padua, in substantial and good form; for all the Doctors were assembled upon Sunday, and the Case was amongst them solemnly and earnestly disputed all Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and this present Friday in the morning again; and thereupon they concluded with your Highness, and desired a Notary to set his Sign and Hand untó an Instrument, by Leonicus and Simonetus devised, in corroboration of your Cause, and thereby to testify that this Instrument was their Deed, Device, Act, and Conclusion; and for the more credence to be given to the said Instrument, they caused the Chancellor of the Potestate here to set his Hand and Seal for the approbation of the Authority of the Notary: A Copy of all the which things I send unto your Highness by this Bearer, in most humble wise beseeching the same to be advertised, that the General of the Black-Friers hath given a Commandment, That no Black-Frier dispute the Pope's Power: Notwithstanding Prior Thomas Omnibonus procureth daily new Subscriptions, and will do till the Brief of contrary Com mandment shall come unto his hands.

My fidelity bindeth me to advertise your Highness, that

all Lutherans be utterly against your Highness in this Cause, and have letted as much with their wretched Power, Malice, without Reason or Authority, as they could and might, as well here, as in Padua and Ferrara, where be no small Companies of them. I doubt not but all Christian Universities, if they be well handled, will earnestly conclude with your Highness. And to obtain their assent, as well through Italy, France, Almagne, Austrich, Hungary, and Scotland, I think it marvellous expedient, for the preferment of this your most honourable and high Cause; As from the Seigniory and Dominion of Venice towards Rome, and beyond Rome, I think there can be no more done than is done already. Albeit, gracious Lord, if that I had in time been sufficiently furnished with Mony, albeit I have beside this Seal procured unto your Highness an Hundred and ten Subscriptions, yet it had been nothing in comparison of that that I might easily and would have done; and at this hour I assure your Highness, that I have neither Provision nor Mony, and have borrowed an hundred Crowns, the which also are spent about the getting of this Seal; of the which my need, and divers impediments in your Highness's Cause here, I have advertised your Highness by many and sundry Letters, and with the same sent divers Books and Writings, part to Hierom Molins a Venetian, and factor to Mappheus Bernardus, by the hands of your Subject Edmund Herwell, part directed to Mr. Tuke, whereof I am nothing ascertained whether they be exhibited unto your Highness or not, to no little discomfort unto me; notwithstanding I have reserved a Copy of all things, Letters, and other, and herein enclosed a Bill specifying by whom and to whom I directed my said Letters, in most humble wise beseeching your most Royal Clemency, to ponder my true, sure, and good endeavours, and not to suffer me to be destitute of mony, to my undoing, and utter loss of your most high Causes here; for of my self I have nothing whereby to help my self. And thus the most Bilessed Trinity keep and preserve your Highness in his most Royal Estate. At Venice, the first day of July at night, Anno-30.


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