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planters. The House had been much taken by surprise in this business. He way able to show, by a letter he had in his hand, the solicitations and undue influence that had been used to make a bad impression on the minds of gentlemen. It was well known that there were places called rotten boroughs, where one personage or family sent, by their sole patronage, members to that House; it was also known, that there were other corporations, where only about twelve persons had all the political interest. It had been the custom to send a circular letter to the patrons of boroughs, to try to prejudice their minds, against the slave trade; and to corporations, where a few electors returned members, to gain over the majority, to instruct their members to vote for its abolition. To counties and places where election was more general and in the hands of many, this circular was sent to leading characters, to influence the multitude, and induce them to

ways admired the eloquence of the hon. gentleman, and though he gave him every credit for his intentions, yet when he considered the critical situation of the WestIndia islands, he could not agree to his motion. The Liverpool traders he affirmed, had suffered more than any others by the war, as the African coast had been swept by the enemy's force. He thought it therefore rather severe, that their property should be marked for destruction, by the adoption of the present motion. There were two propositions in his mind insurmountable; the inexpediency of the measure, and of the time for carrying it into execution. In 1793, the House was decidedly in favour of gradual abolition; and while this country was in peace, they all along entertained this idea; but if we compared the present with the past, it nust be confessed, that no time could be more unfit for coming to a resolution of abolition than the present. The hon. gentleman had looked at the West-India is lands, and had concluded that the circum-petition against the trade. Here sir Wilstances existing there justified such a measure. The general said, he was of a very different opinion. The progress of the French manners there would show, that it was necessary to oppose them, to save our possessions in that country. We ought rather to endeavour to increase the population, since it added to our defence, than depress it by stopping the importation of negroes. The discussion of the question might have such effect on the slaves, as to turn them against their masters, and induce them to pursue the practices inculcated by Jacobin principles, and the doctrine of the rights of man. With regard to the commerce itself, there was less cruelty in it than gentlemen imagined. It engaged the attention of the petty princes, and prevented mutual wars and massacres. He was convinced of the impolicy of the measure, and would therefore move, "That the other order of the day be now read."

Sir W. Young said, that the hon. mover had called upon every gentleman, who rose to oppose him, to come forward, in a fair and manly way, with arguments. This he proposed to do. In 1792, he went to the West Indies, to investigate the conduct of the planters to the slaves. He found the treatment of the planters highly benevolent and proper.

He came home with this impression on his mind, and had brought with him a body of evidence to establish the benevolence of the

liam Young read the letter signed T. Clarkson, which was dated the 14th of February, 1796, after Mr. Wilberforce had given notice of the motion then before the House. Such were the steps taken by the committees for the abolition of the slave trade, to make the members of that House act inconsistently with their duty and conscience. What he offered to the consideration of the House, was not simply his own opinion, or what he collected from personal experience. He was confirmed in it by the authority of an intelligent writer, Mr. Bryan Edwards, the historian of the West Indies, who declared to him, that he considered the disturbances in St. Domingo as originating in the committees here, whose proceedings had the appearance of taking the part of the slaves against their masters. Nothing, he was persuaded, could tend more to render the negroes on the plantations discontented, than an assurance that their labours were not to be alleviated by the arrival of additional assistance. He gave Mr. Wilberforce every credit for his humanity and integrity, but, in the present instance, he conceived he was led away by modern theorists and canting hypocrites in religion. In the worst days of the Jesuits, it never was adopted as a moral obligation to pursue good ends by bad means Such, however, was the theory set afloat in these times, to the injury of property

and morality. He appealed to the House, whether this was a proper period for carrying such a measure. It was, he was convinced, the very reverse. The attachment of the slaves to their masters was well known. Before the hon. gentleman had made his motion, he ought to have read a history lately published, of the state of the trade on the coast of Africa. In that book he would read, that the natives escaped the cruelty of their petty princes, by being sold to the West India planter: and that the king of Dahomey, who sold his prisoners to the Europeans, if he could not dispose of them, had declared his resolution to put them to death. In neither the West India islands, nor on the coast of Africa, would the situation of the slave be bettered by the measure; on the conrrary, the planter would be ruined in his property, and this country much injured in its com.


Mr. Burton thought the conduct of the committees had been perfectly constitutional. He hoped constituents would always continue to instruct their representatives. For his own part, he had uniformly been in favour of the abolition. Possessing liberty and the rights of man, he wished to see others enjoy the same blessings, and on that principle supported the motion.

- Mr. Courtenay said, that the hon. baronet had alluded to the methodists as the authors and abettors of the motion, who, acting upon the absurd notions of the rights of man, introduced doctrines injurious to society. It so happened, however, that the present motion was founded in practical humanity. The object of it was to release a wretched herd of men from slavery, to raise them to society, to enlarge their minds, increase their enjoyments, and extend their use. Unfortunately, there was a malicious narrow-minded desire to counteract this; and this insidious spirit of gain and persecution, had been found to reside in men of high birth and station, and even in some of the clergy, who, in direct disobedience to the precepts of their mission, had laboured to traduce and pervert the scriptures to their sophistry, and had hurled forth their anathemas against those who dared to controvert them. These fanatics had presumed to say, that because Cain murdered his brother Abel, some five or six thousand years ago, the negroes, were doomed to eternal bondage,

and were stamped with the seal of the Eternal's vengeance. Another argument was, that the negroes were better used to the climate than Europeans, and therefore, ought to be imported. Unfortunate indeed, was it for these miserable beings, that because they were born under the tropics, they must be torn from their dearest friends and relations, and drudge through a life of slavery! The religion, the logic, and the morality of the supporters of this diabolical traffic, were equally consistent and praiseworthy. It was impossible that this inhuman traffic could go on without the total loss of our West India islands. It had been said, that the condition of the slaves had been meliorated. But was not that one of the blessed consequences of the regulations proposed by the hon. mover? He hoped the House had heard such futile arguments too often, to be any longer deceived by them, and that they would not be perpetually sounding the words morality, christianity, and revealed religion, without giving an example of the doctrines they inculcate.

Mr. Jenkinson said, that in the pre. sent state of our national concerns, he could not but deprecate a motion of this nature. He was apprehensive that its tendency would be to lead the negroes into an idea that the House was about to take up, what they supposed to be their cause, in opposition to their masters. The effect of such an opinion, when entertained by them, would be to destroy all subordination, and to endanger the present state of the West India islands. In his opinion, the danger of agitating such a topic, was infinitely greater at the present, than it would have been in former times; in proportion as the French principles of equality prevailed, in the same ratio was the danger increased of an insurrection among our West India negroes. A country might be in that uncivilized state (as, perhaps, was the case in some parts of Poland and Russia), that but little comparative risk attached to the discussion of such a subject; but in the West India islands, the people of colour in particular, from their increased sources of intelligence, had it much in their power to influence the untutored minds of the African negroes. He therefore considered the danger of insurrection from the slaves newly imported, to be far less than that which would arise, were an act of the

British legislature to be considered by them as holding cut an idea of support against their masters. When to this he added the present convulsed state of the islands, arising from the war, he could not but anxiously wish the question to be at least postponed till the restoration of peace. He thought that when the blessings of peace came, some measure might be adopted for the relief of the negroes, with perfect safety; till then, he wished the subject to be buried in oblivion. Had the hon. mover attempted less, perhaps he might have accomplished more; but in his opinion, no good consequences could arise from the present motion, in comparison with the evils it would probably produce.

Mr. Pitt said, that on a subject which had been so often and so elaborately debated, it was not to be expected that any arguments could be adduced which had great novelty to recommend them. When, however, he considered the vast importance of the object, he could not for a moment admit that any possible circumstance, any question of expediency or of local difficulties should impede the discussion. For his own part, he wished to enforce it, because he still adhered to the opinion which the House had already given upon the subject; and he should consider himself as doing injus. tice to those principles which governed his conduct, were he to wave them upon any inferior consideration. It was impossible for those who felt as he did to admit any argument of expediency or plea of existing circumstances to influence their determination upon the question of the immediate abolition, an idea which, to the utmost of his power, he was resolved to enforce. But while they would do injustice to their principles to compromise this grand object, it was fair to allow their fullest force to the objections of those who dissent from the present motion in the utmost extent of its principle. His hon. friend who spoke last, had declared himself adverse to a hasty abolition of the slave trade. He was asto nished at such a declaration. After a strenuous and decided opposition on the part of some, and after the conviction of many of the original enemies of the measure was effected by the powerful evidence that had been adduced, the House four years ago came to the resolution that at the present time it should cease. The House, upon the idea that it was improper to


enforce a precipitate abolition had allowed this internal to prepare gra dually for a conclusion. The destined period had elapsed, and during the course of it, the traffic had been carried on to a greater extent than at any former time. The question, therefore, which was then before the House, was, whether it would agree to do that at last, which it had pledged itself to the world, to perform four years before? The only argument which he felt of weight suffi cient to combat, was one, which was rivetted by the force of prejudice. It was said the prejudices which had been formed by habit and custom in favour of the trade were not to be removed; hence the argument of those, who, though they were driven, from the force of con viction, to abjure the traffic of slavery, yet were brought to acquiesce in its continuance, from the idea that more practical mischief would be done from its abolition, than any advantages which could accrue from such a measure. would insist on it, that it was dangerous to allow pretexts of one sort or another, to prolong a system which in itself, was admitted by those to whom he referred, to be indefensible. Pretexts would thus never be wanting, to prolong, from time to time, a system which merited immediate condemnation. Thus, at one time excuses were drawn from its being a time of peace, and at the present, from its being a time of war. So far from feeling such objections, he, for one, concurred with those who thought that the danger to which our West India islands stood exposed, was an additional reason for wishing that the abolition of this trade should be delayed no longer. The topics of opposition urged by his hon. friend, with him led to different conclusions. He would not minutely argue what state of the human mind was the readiest to be infected with the poison of dangerous principles. He thought, however, that it was either when it was wholly uninformed, or when it was debased by oppression; either when it was so rude, so blank and uninstructed, as to be equally incapable of the impressions of virtue, and the suggestions of mischief; or, when it was groaning under the pressure of slavery and injustice. Granting the whole force of the hon. gentleman's argument, that the newly-imported negroes were most secure against the influence of Jacobinical Principles, still it must be admitted, that

they were open to the attempts of others to enlist them as auxiliaries in riots and insurrections. If, then, there were any danger from the uninformed minds of the newly-imported negroes being operated upon by the perverted minds of the negroes of another description, it was evident that the one and the other of these dangers were united, so long as the system of slavery was continued. But it had been argued, that the danger arising from the negroes who have been long in the islands, would be much increased, were the future importation from Africa to be stopped. But this was an opinion founded upon the argument, that the House, by adopting the decision proposed this evening, would be considered by the negroes as taking a part with them against their masters, and holding out to them encouragement to insurrection. But what was this but to confound the two distinct ideas of abolishing the slave trade on the African coast, with the emancipation of the negroes at present in the West Indies? The one point had no connexion whatver with the other. This much he could say at any rate, that the abolition of the traffic must long precede the period when the negroes were to be made free. A great change must previously be effected in their situation and upon their minds. Degraded and wretched as they now were, to declare them free would be only to confer an empty name; it could not be stow the substance. He had heard of the humanity of the planters, and what was the conclusion which this observation authorized? Could it be doubted that the planter possessed more the confidence and the attachmen: of the slaves born upon his estate, than of those who, torn from every tender relation, became the reluctant victims of slavery? By putting a stop to a trade which interfered with those principles by which the planter and the slave were placed in the most agree able relations, which confounded those propensities, and disappointed the operation of those advantages which would result from them, a very important object would be gained. But so long as the importation of new Africans was permitted, new seeds of discord would be sown, and confidence, security, and the interest of the planters would be proportionably lessened. The hon. gentleman had argued that the negroes would consider the present motion as taking their cause against their masters; but this was so far from

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being the fact, that it would be giving to the master fresh means of attaching the negroes to his service. It was said, that the negroes were desirous of new importations of slaves, that these might enjoy the happiness which their situation bestowed. On the other hand, the negroes were described as delighted with the prospect of emancipation, and dissatisfied with the hardships to which they were exposed. Both these accounts could not be true; and, in fact, neither of them had any foundation. Upon the whole, he was so far from feeling any force in the arguments which had been adduced, in opposition to the motion, that every consideration derived from the critical state of the country, and of the islands, furnished so many additional reasons, in his opinion for adopting the measure proposed.

Sir Richard Hill said, that as to the time of bringing forward the motion, there could be no time improper to do what was right, and to abolish what was wrong. He only lamented that a traffic so contrary to the laws of nature, and of God, should so long have disgraced this country. He hoped, it was now going to be put a stop to, and should give his most hearty assent to the motion.

Mr. Dent denied that the slaves were treated with harshness. He was astonished to hear it asserted, that new importations would injure the islands by strengthening the spirit of insurrection that prevailed; for it was the speeches delivered in that House which promoted the disposition to revolt. Whilst humanity was so much talked of, he wished justice might not be overlooked. He argued against the motion upon the ground of political interest: the West Indies produced a great revenue to this country; but by the measure proposed, the House was going to deprive the planters of the means of paying that revenue. He believed that the merchants of Liverpool and elsewhere had but one wish, that the House would adopt strong measures to prevent any of the Africans from being ill-treated. The regulations already made, tended to make the middle passage thoroughly comfortable. As to giv ing the negroes their freedom, without the means of procuring a livelihood, that would only be giving them up to a spirit of plunder.

Mr. W. Smith said, that it was his anxious wish, as we valued our character

as a nation, to abolish so infamous a traf-| fic. He considered the arguments of the hon. gentleman who spoke last, as a trite repetition of the arguments refuted over and over again. He had asserted, that the merchants of Liverpool, &c. had no other wish than to prevent the slaves from being ill used; whereas, he could not avoid remarking, that they had not proposed a single regulation, to render the middle passage more comfortable; so far from it, they opposed every step taken, totis viribus, and strove to the utmost. per fus aut nefas, to hinder the measures then pursued. When the friends of the abolition had disclosed the secrets of the prison-houses no less than eight years ago, surely no epithets could be less properly applied than rash, hasty, and sudden. The hon. baronet had said, upon the authority of Mr. Bryan Edwards, that the committees in London had been the authors of the mischiefs in St. Domingo. For his own part, he thought that these committees had been of great service in informing the minds of the people, and in raising their abhorrence of the inhuman traffic. As to the affairs of St. Domingo, he would defy Mr. Edwards to prove that the evils which prevailed in that island were in any way connected with the committee. He wished to say nothing to the prejudice of the planters; at the same time, he could not help fearing, that before this subject was brought forward, the situation of those under their power was not so happy as it was at present. Whatever might be the natural dispositions of the planters, arbitrary power corrupted the mind, and the possession of unlimited authority easily led to its abuse. The House could not allow the claims of persons prejudiced from habit and biassed by interest, to decide upon a great question of general policy.

Mr. Serjeant Adair said, that as he never yet had delivered his sentiments on this subject, he could not content himself with silent support of the motion for the abolition. The question depended upon principles so few and so simple, that details were not only superfluous, but insulting to the House. Before he mentioned these, however, he felt himself called upon to return his thanks to the hon. moved, for his zealous exertions in a cause which involved the dearest interests of mankind. He was much surprised on this, as well as on former occasions, to see so much of the time of the House

consumed in debating upon, policy and expediency of what, on all hands, was. deemed to be a matter of right. In matters of doubtful right, or even in cases of gratuitous benevolence, it was certainly proper to discuss the policy of the measure to be adopted. But in cases where the right was indubitable, and justice loudly calls for a decision on its side, then all the suggestions of policy should be for ever set apart. In highway robberies, the necessities of the robber were not to be sustained as an apology, for the crime: neither in the slave trade was the interest of the merchant to be sustained as an argument for persevering in the traffic. He begged the House would attend to the question upon which they were now deliberating; it was no less than this, whether it was politic and expedient to deliver a whole nation and their posterity into slavery, with whom we are not at war? He appealed to the general feeling of the House, if any motives of expediency, however powerful; if any argument of interest, however conclusive, ought to influence their decision upon such a point. Though it were proved, by the most irrefragable arguments, to be for the interest of the West India planters, that the trade should be continued, he would not give up the question of justice. He had the satisfaction of learning, however, that persons could be found voluntarily to perform the task assigned to the negroes infinitely more to the advantage of the planters But even though this were not the case, a British House of Commons could never hesitate a moment in preferring the claims of justice to policy. They had heard a great deal about the comforts of the middle passage. But to talk of the comforts of a voyage, by which thousands of the human race, together with their posterity, were to be consigned to perpetual slavery, was a language with which he was not acquainted. He was happy in believing that the abolition of this nefarious trade would not operate to the injury of the West India planters. He did not, however, give this vote upon any such ground, but because he was so tied down by principle, that he had no right to vote otherwise. The learned serjeant concluded with observing, that to all who believed in a superintending Providence, the existence of the slave trade was of itself sufficient to account for all the calamities which had lately befallen Europe,

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